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[Guide] - Helldivers 2: The Boopers Guide

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Heyallo, Wed 13 Mar, 2024 2:51 AM
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     –  Last edited by Heyallo; Sat 16 Mar, 2024 2:08 AM.
    SFHOLO 240
    Starfleet Holodeck Presents
    Helldivers 2: The Boopers Guide

    holo spacer

    So I've been asked to write down things in relation to Helldivers 2, and this is not going to be a "Meta" guide or such, this game is designed as such that everything is viable and use what you want for fun!

    Below however are my own personal notes about things as a guide to help my fellow Helldivers drop feet first into hell either against Terminids or Automatons. For now it really just covers Loadout, but I'll eventually expand it to include more information like enemy types and weak points and such. (I just dislike writing huge walls of text hehe)


    • Primary: Now, a lot of people, especially those who like chasing the meta will tell you that the SG-225 Breaker (Page 4 Helldivers Mobilize Warbond) is the go to weapon in general, and they're half right, it's a great weapon to wield, however like the devs, I prefer to use what I find fun, which is situational, but here are a couple of weapons I like using and why:
      1. AR-23 Liberator: Despite being one of the first weapons you have access to, this thing can carry you through most of the game if you want. I love using it as it does decent damage and has a good fire rate. (Default Weapon)
      2. AR-23P Liberator Penetraitor: This weapon is a Medium Armor Penetration weapon that comes in either Burst or Single Fire mode. great for the smaller of the armored bugs, but you're still going to want anti-armor weapons for the bigger ones (Page 6 Helldivers Mobilize Warbond)
      3. SG-8 Punisher: This is the first shotgun you can unlock, it's got some light armor penetration but great damage and is good for small and fast enemies (Page 1 Helldivers Mobilize Warbond)
      4. SG-8S Slugger: Slug Variant of the Punisher, Has some knockback and better for bigger targets (Page 8 Helldivers Mobilize Warbond)
      5. SG-225IE Breaker Incendiary: basically a set fire to all the things version of the Breaker, great for bugs! (Page 2 Steeled Veterans Premium Warbond)
    • Secondary: The 'P-19 Redeemer' is my go to secondary, it is a one handed sidearm that you can blind fire at your enemy as you run away from them or switch to as a last ditch effort to save yourself should you suddenly run out of ammo with your primary or stratagem weapon.

      The 'P-19 Redeemer' is found on page 2 of the Helldivers Mobilize Warbond
    • Grenade: I recommend the G-23 Stun Grenade (Page 2 Cutting Edge Premium Warbond), always nice to have a stun in a pinch, though if you don't have anything to destroy Bug Nests, any explosive grenade other than impact works here.
    • Armor: I recommend Light armor, with the Scout Passive. any marker you place on the map will give you a radar scan every 2 seconds from the marker and it reduces your detection chance by 30%.

      The light armor 'SC-34 Infiltrator' can be found on page 1 of the Helldivers Mobilize Warbond and is the first light armor you can unlock.
    • Recommended Stratagems:
      Depending on what difficulty you're playing on, these are my general recommendations for stratagems when playing against this particular enemy.
      1. SH-32 Shield Generator Pack: Wearing light armor, this gives you a bit more survivability, with the added bonus that it recharges after a short delay should you deplete it.
        The Alternative to this is the AX/LAS-5 "Guard Dog" Rover. They say a good defense is a great offense, well this sentry pet will definitely do that for you, but be careful, it doesn't differentiate between friend or foe, so often enough you're gonna hurt yourself or others, or you know, end their existence temporarily until you call them down again.
      2. FLAM-40 Flamethrower: kinda self explanatory, burn baby burn... disco inferno! bugs are squishy, set them on fire!
        Alternatives to this, at higher difficulties are of course the EAT-17 Expandable Anti-Tank, GR-8 Recoilless Rifle which are good for anti-armor, bug holes and some secondary objective destruction like spore towers and the RS-422 Railgun for anti-armor.
      3. Eagle 500kg Bomb: I'll be honest, I like seeing big explosions, but this also does the job, however for bombardment/ air support it's more what you fancy. though I will say that the Eagle Airstrike is a good alternative and can close bug holes. At higher difficulties for armored enemies (or bile titans), I generally will take the Orbital Laser and/or the Orbital Railcannon Strike. The Railcannon strike will target the biggest enemy near its deployment and drop one hell of an anti-armor/anti-life owwies and the Laser will just burn out everything it can target/hit until it runs out.
      4. A/G-16 Gatling Sentry: This is a great sentry to use in a defense situation or if you're being overrun, with 360 degree coverage, this thing will spin about delivering democracy to everything it sees, including you! so if you drop one of these bad boys, get down (prone) and stay out of the way.
        My preferred alternatives to these are of course the A/M-12 Mortar and A/M-23 EMS Mortar Sentries, mainly because I like splosions and the EMS variant drops static fields which stun enemies.


    • Primary: I can mirror what I said at the start for this on the Terminids section, though I tend to favor the SG-225 Breaker, SG-8 Punisher or SG-8S Slugger here. all 3 can take down bots quickly, the SG-8S Slugger works better for me though because I tend to aim for the weak spots more on the armored enemies and having a slug means less spray and pray.
    • Secondary: The 'P-19 Redeemer' is my go to secondary, it is a one handed sidearm that you can blind fire at your enemy as you run away from them or switch to as a last ditch effort to save yourself should you suddenly run out of ammo with your primary or stratagem weapon.

      The 'P-19 Redeemer' is found on page 2 of the Helldivers Mobilize Warbond
    • Grenade: I recommend the G-23 Stun Grenade (Page 2 Cutting Edge Premium Warbond), always nice to have a stun in a pinch, though if you don't have anything to destroy automaton factories, any explosive grenade other than impact works here.
    • Armor: I recommend Heavy armor, purely for survivability, as for the passive, I would look for Fortified. it provide 50% explosive resistance. I usually run Servo Assisted because it gives +30% to throwing range and if you've played with me, like Megumin, I like EXPLOOOOOOSIONS! =P

      The 'FS-05 Marksman' Heavy armor can be found on page 2 of the Helldivers Mobilize Warbond and is the first heavy armor you can unlock.
    • Recommended Stratagems:
      Depending on what difficulty you're playing on, these are my general recommendations for stratagems when playing against this particular enemy.
      1. RS-422 Railgun or AC-8 Autocannon: Both are great for bots, they have armor penetration, however the RS-422 Railgun is better against all levels of armor compared to the Autocannons light armor penetration. I do recommend setting the Railgun to UNSAFE and firing when you have 90-95% charge or else it will explode in your face and kill you. Also, first person aim for best results.
      2. Orbital Railcannon Strike: Great for the heavily armored bots, can potentially one shot them depending on difficulty, good if you don't want to get close or cannot get a line of sight on the weakspot.
      3. Eagle 500kg Bomb: I'll be honest, I like seeing big explosions, but this also does the job, however for bombardment/ air support it's more what you fancy. though I will say that the Eagle Airstrike is a good alternative and can close bug holes. At higher difficulties for armored enemies (or bile titans), I generally will take the Orbital Laser and/or the Orbital Railcannon Strike. The Railcannon strike will target the biggest enemy near its deployment and drop one hell of an anti-armor/anti-life owwies and the Laser will just burn out everything it can target/hit until it runs out.
      4. A/C-8 Autocannon Sentry: This is a great sentry to use against bots, especially armored ones. Like all sentries, it comes with 360 degree coverage, this thing will spin about slower than a gatling sentry but still deliver democracy to everything it sees, including yourself so if you drop one of these, stay out of the way.
        My preferred alternatives to these are of course the A/M-12 Mortar, A/M-23 EMS Mortar Sentries and A/MLS-4X Rocket Sentry, mainly because I like splosions and the EMS variant drops static fields which stun enemies.

    Other Information

    There is a cap for Requisition Credits and Warbond Medals, it is 50k for Requisition Credits and 250 for Warbond Medals

    NOTE: This is a work in Progress, and as such, may change periodically.

    Last Updated: 15/03/2024

    holo spacer

    Star Marshal Heyallo
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    Looks good to me! Thank you for the tips/tricks.
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    I would add. The Recoilless Rifle is excellent at taking out Chargers, Bug Holes, Spore towers etc. So I would also think about taking that in Termanid missions
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     –  Last edited by Heyallo; Sat 16 Mar, 2024 2:06 AM.
    I would add. The Recoilless Rifle is excellent at taking out Chargers, Bug Holes, Spore towers etc. So I would also think about taking that in Termanid missions
    See Point 2 under recommended stratagems, this has been added =)
    Heyallo Medals
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    Great guide!