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FNS Community Survey Feedback - March 2024

Started By:
WoorLord, Thu 21 Mar, 2024 8:48 PM
  1. Leave of Absence

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    Join Date
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    Ipswich, UK
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    Reply With QuoteQuote
     –  Last edited by WoorLord; Thu 21 Mar, 2024 8:51 PM.
    FNS 240
    FAB spacer small

    Approval Rating: - 100%

    Strongly Approve - 21%
    Approve - 19%
    Neutral - 60%
    Disapprove - 0%
    Strongly Disapprove - 0%

    Random comment of strong approval
    WoorLord: Random comment of strong thanks Big Grin

    The articles are published often with high quality and well researched data. The writers over there seem to know what they’re doing and are doing it well.
    WoorLord: Thank you so much, it's a great team effort with some strong articles coming from Staff Writers, engaging content from Correspondents and excellent editorial support from Jess.

    Some excellent content being written, nice work! Smile
    WoorLord: Thank you, as a department we pride ourselves on producing the best quality write-ups and articles.

    While not commenting each time (changing to Liam Neeson's voice) I read them, and I like them.
    WoorLord: Thanks for taking the time to read them; I'm glad you are enjoying the content we are putting out. If you get the chance to comment, please do; feedback on every story helps the article's writer improve their skills and helps the rest of the department learn more about what our audience is looking for. You can comment in any voice you like too! Big Grin

    I've read a couple of those... (IRL, excuse, excuse) but other than that... Yeah, I like what I've read, they're nice! :-) Um, I need to stop coming in here without logging in first. :-/ Yeah, I like what I've seen; they're not that often.. but hey.. we're all busy IRL. I understand.
    WoorLord: Thank you for the comment. We try to publish something new every week, but you're absolutely right—sometimes real life gets in the way of that—and that's OK. We all have lives outside this community.

    WoorLord: Purrrr!

    Love them
    WoorLord: Thank you, that's great to hear.

    When is Elon buying FNS?
    WoorLord: I'm afraid Elon couldn't afford to buy us... besides our stories, community notes and customer base are all better and more reliable than "X"s Wink

    Everyone is doing a fantastic job.
    WoorLord: They really are. I am very fortunate to be leading a department with such fantastic, creative, and time-generous people.

    General thoughts

    I want to thank everyone who took the time to complete the feedback section of March's Roll Call. Feedback on articles is the best way to help us keep the good content coming. It helps us keep it relevant to you, our audience, and where constructive, helps motivate writers to continue donating their time to write more.

    If you have any suggestions for topics for FNS to cover, please do not hesitate to comment on this post (or any article) and let us know, or direct message me or any of the FNS staff, we'd be happy to hear from you.

    Finally, a big thank you to every member of FNS for expressing themselves creatively and helping make FNS such a key part of this great community.

    Rear Admiral, WoorLord: Commanding Officer of the Federation News Service.
    WoorLord Medals