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[Announcement] - STO Survey Results for March 2024

Started By:
Morris, Sat 23 Mar, 2024 2:54 PM
  1. Gold Contributor

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 25 Sep, 2021 9:24 PM

      0.24% have received this achievement

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 26 Jun, 2021 9:01 PM

      0.18% have received this achievement

    • Gold Contributor
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Subscribe to a monthly Gold Subscription

      Unlocked Fri 10 Apr, 2020 8:02 AM

      0.35% have received this achievement

    • Pillar of the Community
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Be a registered user for 10 years

      Unlocked Sat 23 Apr, 2022 9:05 PM

      36.01% have received this achievement

    • Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 24 Dec, 2022 9:52 PM

      0.22% have received this achievement

    • Shields up, Red Alert!
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Be the STO Division Executive Officer

      Unlocked 4 Weeks Ago

      0.10% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Apr 23 2012
    Virginia, U.S.A.
    • Users who disliked
    • None
    • Users who liked
    • Jestersmith
    • Bridger
    • Mack
    • Remsus
    • Novalance
    • Stormy
    • Miles
    Reply With QuoteQuote
    STO 240



    Strongly Approve: 22%
    Approve: 19%
    Neutral: 59%
    Disapprove: 0%
    Strongly Disapprove: 0%

    I'll admit I don't always know the current chain of command. There's been a lot of changes lately.

    Novalance You can view the chain of command here

    Jestersmith What would you like to know everything is posted openly See Nova's link for breakdown.

    Morris What my colleagues said. Change is good!

    Bill Agree with above Smile

    Morris is an amazing addition to the STO Command team, along with others.

    Novalance Yes he is

    Jestersmith So Say We All

    Morris Thank you for the kind sentiments. I'll do my best!

    Bill He absolutely is!

    Random comment of strong approval

    Novalance Shut up me! (but thank you)

    Jestersmith Troll

    Morris Strong thank you!

    Bill I love those!

    I was lucky enough to find some time over the Christmas break to join in on some of the sessions and found the group there nothing but welcoming and supportive. Giving out quite a few of their own items to help get me closer to current level of most people. Unfortunately after the break ended I ended up with less time so I have struggled to attend since but for the few I was able to attend I found a welcoming group who is happy to help anyone of any ability. Great work all round.

    Novalance It is a good group.

    Jestersmith We do try

    Morris Glad you enjoyed your time with us! You're always welcome to rejoin us, when your time permits.

    Bill We are fortunate to have lots of good people in this community

    I don't get involved in STO but I can see it's being run well Smile
    Not involved in STO Division, but from what I looked I can click "Approve".

    Novalance Thanks!

    Jestersmith This is the way

    Morris Thank you.

    Bill Appreciated

    Can do with more events during the week...

    Novalance There are plenty of events weekly however if you feel there's not enough, feel free to volunteer!

    Jestersmith We have a 7 day week and run STO events on 4 of them what more would you like, look under volunteer if you want something more.

    Morris Special Ops runs weekly events, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Jammers195 also runs themed events on varying weekdays. As the others have said, anyone can host an event. Give it a shot! See what kind of a response that you get. I, for one, would be willing to attend, assuming I'm able.

    Bill You are now in charge of creating more event.

    Now this, I have only a rudamentary knowledge, and being new... I did see a tiny bit when I was welcomed in... I just need to dig in more... but so far, I likey! :-)

    Novalance Welcome to UFP!

    Jestersmith One of us

    Morris Bridger holds Build Discussion/ Special Ops Sunday events every Sunday! That's a great time to gain understanding and experience, with assistance from an experienced group of fellow fleet mates. Check it out HERE.

    Bill This is a great place to learn and have fun doing it.

    Seems like activities are up over the past few months!

    Novalance Yep they are!

    Jestersmith You are welcome and its all thanks to the amazing people who dedicate time to ho

    Morris Yes! Thanks to our dedicated Special Ops Team!

    Bill Glad you noticed.


    Novalance whats new Pussycat!

    Jestersmith Whoa, Whoa

    Morris Thank you!

    Bill Dogs only lol

    Would love to get more involved since I've had a lot of help coming a long way.

    Novalance Go for it

    Jestersmith We are always looking for new victims

    Morris I'm doing my part, are you? Service Guarantees Citizenship! Keep an eye out for available volunteer positions, and join us in our weekly events...event information HERE.

    Bill Sounds like its time to join up.

    Can I take out a small loan of 100 million ec?

    Novalance We are a not a bank but there's many ways to make EC in this game.

    Jestersmith I wish i was that rich these days

    Morris No, but thank you for asking. As Novalance mentioned, there are any number of ways to earn EC in STO.


    Everyone is doing a fantastic job.

    Novalance Glad you noticed!

    Jestersmith We try our best

    Morris Thank you.

    Bill Ty!



    Strongly Approve: 17%
    Approve: 19%
    Neutral: 64%
    Disapprove: 0%
    Strongly Disapprove: 0%

    I haven't been able to participate yet, due to scheduling conflicts. But it is nice to see events being held what I would consider regularly.

    Novalance They are regular, attend whenever you can

    Jestersmith Attend anytime weekly attendance is not mandatory

    Morris Please join us, whenever you're able. You're always welcome!

    Bill Just join when you can

    Rastillion(STO), Jammers (STO) and Heyallo (Holo) are the true MVPs here with spearheading events not just by hosting but with their immediate presence.

    Novalance Yes they are very valued!

    Jestersmith So say we all

    Morris Hear, Hear!

    Bill Outstanding

    Random comment of strong approval

    Novalance Shut up me (again, but thank you!)

    Jestersmith You again

    Morris Appreciate it.

    Bill Ty!

    I don't have time to join events due to other commitments but everything looks awesome from here!

    Novalance Time is precious.

    Jestersmith We are always here

    Morris You're always welcome, should you find the time!

    Bill There is never enough time

    I don’t play many PC games so I don’t join many of them but they have plenty going on which I am happy to see.

    Novalance I don't play many either, Usually Just STO and most recently Helldivers!

    Jestersmith Live long and Prosper with Liberty

    Morris I rarely play anything, but STO. We're a friendly group! Should you ever care to join us, we'd love to have you!

    Bill Do what makes you happy.

    Lots of good events are happening Smile

    Novalance Yes they are

    Jestersmith Try our best

    Morris That's the goal!

    Bill Hazzah!

    Not very much involved, but it looks like people are having fun.

    Novalance I'd like to think so

    Jestersmith thats the aim of the game

    Morris I hope that everyone has fun. Not much point in a slog. Feel free to join us! Our events are always listed HERE.

    Bill Fun is life!

    I read abou them... and I've not been here long... How often should or did they used to be, or are now? I wouldn't know. I only know at some time someone will reach out and I'll have to show up... somewhere and let you all know I'm here. But, other than that, I don't know about events. I'm thinking maybe I should find a fleet first; but, I feel I should know more about this site first before I just jump in... Yeah, I don't know... what is the frequency, and quality... I guess that will have to wait until I go to one, whenever that will be.

    Novalance I'm giving her all she's got captain but this comments sentence structure is too fractured!

    star trek star trek tos

    Morris Event attendance is voluntary. All are welcome. As mentioned a number of times above, events are listed HERE.

    Bill I'm so confused

    Activity feels way up now that Discord is used more often.

    Novalance We have noticed a change since Discord has been adopted

    Jestersmith Makes comms so much easier

    Morris Discord definitely encourages more interaction from the community. A change for the better!

    Bill Discord is awesome


    Novalance Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, Little ball of fur.

    Jestersmith Smelly Cat Smelly Cat

    Morris Again, thank you!

    Bill Woof, woof

    They're pretty good, as I said still trying to get a hang of the system as I'm not too sure or a little scared to try yet.

    Novalance It's all good

    Jestersmith Try you will not be judged

    Morris No one is judged for their level of experience....or lack thereof. All are welcome! If you're feeling unsure, join us for Bridger's Sunday Build Discussion/ Special Ops Event, information found HERE. We'll analyze your build, help you make the best out of what you've got, recommend goals for equipment, traits, and personnel, and maybe make a couple of test runs, to suggest piloting strategies and evaluate your current build. There are no elitists among us. You won't be judged for your lack of accessories or experience. We were all where you are now. Some of us advanced very quickly....others took many years to excel. There are no expectations placed on you. Advance at your own pace, without judgement from any of us. I hope to see you around!

    Bill All are welcome

    Not quite as good as the big bang, now that was an event!

    Novalance Maths, Science, History!

    Jestersmith WHat caused the bang in the first place thats the real question

    Morris Hard to beat the beginning of everything. Just glad to be mentioned in the same sentence!

    Bill We can make things go bang too!

    Everyone is doing a fantastic job.

    Novalance A statement I agree with wholeheartedly

    Jestersmith 100%

    Morris We have an exceptional team!

    Morris Medals