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FEO Community Feedback - March 2024

Started By:
Kerry Malone, Sun 24 Mar, 2024 10:56 AM
  1. Head of Community Administration

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    FEO 240

    Strongly Approve: 21%
    Approve: 19%
    Neutral: 61%
    Disapprove: 0%
    Strongly Disapprove: 0%

    Random comment of strong approval
    Three of Seven: Random response of thanks!

    Kerry Malone: Random randomness of random

    Bridger: I randomly want to thank you for random approval.

    Though FEO seems to be a bit thin on the ground recently compared to its previous incarnations over the years, nothing has blown up and everything looks ok so there's no complaints here.
    Three of Seven: FEO works to what is needed at the time, otherwise you end up with too many cooks in the kitchen.

    Kerry Malone: I think we have a streamlined team who focus on key areas to get things done quickly. No sense filling it up for the sake of it!

    Bridger: I can only agree with what was said above.

    I want to start by saying I am a returning answerer from last time, on the FEO question I was answer point 3 (first long response) and I want to start by going over some of the things I said and your responses to it. Looking back I do feel this initial comment was far more antagonistic than it needed to be and was mainly done due to lack of expectations it would be seen, as the 3 roll calls before this had not had their responses published. I have tried my best to avoid this sort of tone this time round.
    1. The lack of decent response timings were mostly isolated incidents and I apologise for not marking that clearly. I have had no further issues from anyone in FEO on these points.
    2. I mentioned growth and a seeming lack of it. You fully rightly mention that growth is not within FEO’s main remit. You also mention the hard work of the CL4’s and CL5’s on increasing growth and bringing in new members which I have seen and salute. I realised after more research following your comments, was not growth but engagement retention (which is not fully FEO’s role) but I will talk more about this later.
    3. You are very right that the UFP was here before and will likely outlive STO by quite a bit. I look forward to seeing what new games and experiences are taken on to facilitate this (which of course isn’t your job as this will likely fall to SFO expansion, Holodeck or a revival of Tactical if desired).
    4. I mention that I see the small technical department and seeming lack of involvement worrying. So I am sure you will like to know that I am extremely relieved and happy that Jess has stepped up to be Deputy Head of Technical Services and seems to be always happy to help out and make sure the website stays in tip top shape.

    Now onto new points for this Quarter:
    1. The engagement retention issue I believe I am seeing that I mentioned above. I want to start by saying this is not FEO’s fault or anyone’s really, but it is a statistic I am worried about in regard to UFP’s future. I am only posting about it in the FEO box as you are the top of all the divisions and I believe help to facilitate new plans to help mitigate and reduce this, and to be honest I don’t see any other location to put this in that make sense.
    After your previous comments I realised that I did not find a lack of growth but rather a problem of retention. In late December I looked through the roster webpage and realised a large number of CL3 members seem to only log into the website for roll call and then not again. Unfortunately I don’t have the data from December as I improperly saved it but I did take new data on 01/02/2024 and if you would like the raw data and methodology please let me know and I will be happy to provide it. The highlight of the data is that from all (Non-Veteran) CL3 members 67.6% of them had not logged in since 16th Dec 2023 (Excluding LoA) and counting CL3 and upwards that only drops to 63.4%. Now as someone who has worked this out, I realise it’s probably not something anyone else has even considered calculating and therefore probably haven’t been fully aware of and therefore not seriously tried to look into causes and solutions. I want to reiterate that I am not trying to point fingers here just make everyone aware of something I noticed that I am not personally sure is the best for the UFP that this number is higher than 50%. I’m not trying say you have to come up with a solution either both alone or as a combined larger staff team but I feel it would be wrong not to inform you.
    2. Roll Call Survey responses have been published. That’s great and I’m really happy to start seeing these again. I hope they continue to be used by departments to make them as good as they possibly can be.
    3. (Lastly,) I am glad to see that changes are on their way such as the start to a UFPAC team (if delayed due to personal circumstances) and that those who have entered new roles within FEO have settled in to such roles well .

    I do hope that these Roll Call survey responses can become a sort of conversation between you and the response writers and that you can forgive me for wishing to raise somethings while having the shield of anonymity. This is not due to a lack of trust in any member of this forum but rather a method I use to keep the irrational fear of some sort of negative backlash from getting to me and if you really want to have a much longer and more detailed conversation about anything let me know and explain why and I will consider it or use the Anonymous feedback form to explain why not. I want to reiterate that it is not a lack of trust in UFP leadership, as I would trust you all to not hold these comments against me in any way, but my own irrational fears causing this. Oh, and sorry it’s so long but I truly do want UFP to be the best it can be and I feel this is a useful space to explain so of my concerns that may stop this. (I wish I had more good news but it flies under the radar and is harder to expand on I find. You’re all doing great)
    Three of Seven: A number of CL3s are only here for games we support, mostly STO, this has been the case for a long time. There are ideas we have to try and encourage people to use the website, but currently, use of the forum isn't too much of a concern. Roll Call signing this month is up as well, and is often on a similar up or down, there's been no major shift there.

    From my perspective, as long as people are still coming here to sign roll call, and still taking part in the community in some capacity, that's a positive. Growth is going to be hard from where we are currently, forums are a dying breed, yet we still keep going, so there must be something we are doing right, it's just a case of trying to find things to add to it. We are always open to feature ideas.

    Surveys, maybe I should put someone else in charge of ensuring those get published on time, maybe someone like Kerry! I am far too prone to mental health brain fog at the moment, so one day gets merged in with the rest, it's hard to explain, but I always aim to be as transparent as possible.

    The UFPAC team has been great, and it has been really weird to not be involved in the UFPAC, normally I am very hands on, but I made the decision to take me out of it so that it might run smoother. I look forward to the results of this one, it'll be as much a suprise for me, as it will for the community, I'm not even a host for this one!

    Thank you for the feedback, long or not, it all helps.

    Kerry Malone: Three answers some of the points mentioned, so I won't tread on explored ground. What I will say is that whilst member engagement has been and will continue to be a priority for all levels of volunteering at the UFP, it is also one of the hardest aspects of what we do. Trying to come up with interesting, exciting and original content that draws the members in and gets them actively engaging isn't something that is easy to do. As Three mentions above, the vast majority of our CL3 member-base are solely here to be part of the UFP STO Fleet, and signed up to the forum to get a fleet invite, and sign roll-call to keep it. We can't force them to engage beyond that. With the move to Discord as our primary communications platform, we have seen a significant increase in activity and engagement with the membership, so I'm glad we did that.

    Survey results will be back to being published just after the close of Roll Call. It is something that has always intended to be done and whilst there was a brief lapse last year, it was an exception, not a new normal.

    The UFPAC team have already hit the ground running and I can assure you that UFPAC this month will be amazing!

    Bridger: I actually have nothing to add, as everything has already been said.

    Thanks for keeping the community running Smile
    Three of Seven: Always!

    Kerry Malone: Don't worry, I make sure that we keep electro-shocking Solace in his treadmill to keep the lights on!

    Bridger: We do what we can to keep this awesome community together.

    Always available, helping: I can only strongly approve!
    Three of Seven: That's great to hear!

    Kerry Malone: Happy to help! Smile

    Bridger: We are here to help.

    I'm going to leave these all neutral, I really don't have an opinion or basis for comparison. I have no complaints if that's helpful.
    Three of Seven: No complaints is helpful, but if you ever do have any concerns, feel free to get in touch!

    Kerry Malone: Agree with Three, we're always available if you have any concerns whatsoever. No matter how trivial, we'll answer any you may have.

    Bridger: No complaints, Job well done.

    New, so I don't know anything about it. Hard to have an opinion when one is still new and...
    Three of Seven: Well, by next roll call, I hope you have had a positive experience of the community!

    Kerry Malone: Welcome to our little corner of the Internet!

    Bridger: Welcome and run as long as you can, before you get assimilated.

    Three of Seven: Meow!

    Kerry Malone: Quack.

    Bridger: Wuff!

    Not sure if I can really comment at the moment on this but I don't have any issues Smile
    Three of Seven: Hopefully you're finding your feet in the community, and enjoying your time here.

    Bridger: Glad to hear that, we will do our best that it will stay that way.

    I like cats, my cat is black.
    Three of Seven: Wow, same!

    Kerry Malone: I have four of the little buggers, one is black & white, does that count?

    Bridger: I love my cat too, but he doesnt like me.

    Everyone is doing a fantastic job.
    Three of Seven: Thank you, and thanks for being part of the community!

    Kerry Malone: Yay! Praise! Big Grin

    Bridger: Hallowed Are the Or.. CL6.
    KerryMalone Medals
    I'd be delighted to offer any advice I have on understanding women. When I have some, I'll let you know.