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[Announcement] - Holodeck March 2024 Survey Results

Started By:
Chris Wilkinson, Sun 31 Mar, 2024 6:51 PM
  1. SFHolo Commanding Officer

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    SFHOLO 240

    Aloha the March 2024 Holodeck Results



    Strongly Approve: 17%
    Approve: 17%
    Neutral: 66%
    Disapprove: 0%
    Strongly Disapprove: 0%

    Heyallo helps spearhead new titles of community interest!
    Chris Wilkinson: Heyallo has been spearheading our recent forays into spreading managed democracy and has been keeping us all entertained while doing so Smile

    Heyallo: star wars prequel

    Random comment of strong approval
    Chris Wilkinson: Equally random comment of thanks
    Heyallo: Random comment of equally strong approval of approval

    I’m not actively playing many of the games supported by Holodeck due to time constraints and being more of a console gamer (and preferring a good solo RPG over most styles) but I see that the events are occurring often so I presume they are well liked by those involved. So if my assumptions are correct, then I can only say keep up the good work.
    Chris Wilkinson: I can completely understand the time constraints and being more of a console gamer, I would be happy to try and host more games around consoles as that's in our remit as well. There's just not been much appetite as most folk do play on PC.

    If you have any game suggestions for console please feel free to reach out to me via DM. I play on an Xbox Series console alongside the PC.
    Heyallo: What he said =P

    I can see plenty of events on the Events page and I attend some of them. Would be nice to see more people attending Smile
    Chris Wilkinson: I do agree that we've seen more events hosted by the holodeck team and spread out throughout the week.

    We always want to get more people involved, I'm always happy to look at having more games hosted if there's interest.
    Heyallo: Some events happen spontaneously as well, so they're not always listed, but you can see the AARs!

    Not involved in Holodeck, but from what I looked I can click "Approve".
    Chris Wilkinson: I'm glad that you approve, we have a good team here in Holodeck but you should definitely try and join us sometime.
    Heyallo: Join us... become... one. of us. one. of. us.

    We have a holodeck? OMG, I've always wanted to check out a holodeck... But, I'm thinking I might be a little off in context to really answer this... If a Holodeck is not a holodeck... then what... oh, a place where one does games other than fleet life! I think I do remember something about that. (sigh) I only play STOnline.
    Chris Wilkinson: It's a shame that you only play STO but we're always here if you fancy dabbling in some of the other titles available. The holodeck has much to choose from Smile

    We also have holographic cake.
    Heyallo: We also have real cake too, Holodeck corners the replicator market on cake!

    Chris Wilkinson: cool fun
    Heyallo: BOOP!

    It's pretty good, I won't lie but I'm still getting my bearings and trying to find something to play with everyone and kinda learning the event system haha.
    Chris Wilkinson: That's completely understandable especially when you're new to the community, if there's anything I can do to help, my inbox is open.
    Heyallo: Also what he said =P

    Computer, arch.
    Chris Wilkinson: star trek tng
    Heyallo: He's trying to escape the Holodeck, but he's just on a holodeck on a holodeck...

    Everyone is doing a fantastic job.
    Chris Wilkinson: I do agree with you but it helps that we have a team who are dedicated to hosting the best events that they can Smile
    Heyallo: We thank you, please come again =)



    Strongly Approve: 17%
    Approve: 19%
    Neutral: 64%
    Disapprove: 0%
    Strongly Disapprove: 0%

    I haven't been able to participate yet, due to scheduling conflicts. But it is nice to see events being held what I would consider regularly.
    Chris Wilkinson: It's a shame that you've not had a chance to participate so far but if you do see anything you're interested in I'm sure the team would love to see you join.

    Alternatively if there's any times which could work better, feel free to reach out to me via DM and I can see what we can do to try and fit in around whichever timezone you're in.

    Rastillion(STO), Jammers (STO) and Heyallo (Holo) are the true MVPs here with spearheading events not just by hosting but with their immediate presence.
    Chris Wilkinson: I'm really glad to see Heyallo being highlighted as he does work hard to try and hold events despite any timezone differences along with his presence on Discord.
    Heyallo: I thank you for the kind words for myself and the others who are mentioned, they too are awesome! Oh and I'm totally an MVB hehe (Most Valuable Booper!)

    Random comment of strong approval
    Chris Wilkinson: Random comment of strong thanks.

    I don't have time to join events due to other commitments but everything looks awesome from here!
    Chris Wilkinson: Thanks, the team have been working hard to host more events although it would be nice if you're able to attend at some time.

    I don’t play many PC games so I don’t join many of them but they have plenty going on which I am happy to see.
    Chris Wilkinson: If you do play on any consoles or would be interested in events for that, please don't hesitate to reach out so we can look into this.

    Lots of good events are happening Smile
    Chris Wilkinson: The team have been working hard to host events in a variety of games, especially new ones like Helldivers which seems to be popular.

    Heyallo: tenor

    Not very much involved, but it looks like people are having fun.
    Chris Wilkinson: As mentioned in reply to previous comments, it would be good to see more folk attending events. If there's anything blocking you from attending please don't hesitate to reach out.

    I read abou them... and I've not been here long... How often should or did they used to be, or are now? I wouldn't know. I only know at some time someone will reach out and I'll have to show up... somewhere and let you all know I'm here. But, other than that, I don't know about events. I'm thinking maybe I should find a fleet first; but, I feel I should know more about this site first before I just jump in... Yeah, I don't know... what is the frequency, and quality... I guess that will have to wait until I go to one, whenever that will be.
    Chris Wilkinson: Welcome to the community and it can take a bit of time to get a handle on everything which there is on offer here.

    If you have any questions about events please feel free to reach out to me or any member of the Holodeck team.

    Activity feels way up now that Discord is used more often.
    Chris Wilkinson: I do agree that Discord has definitely allowed us to communicate a bit better and in real time without requiring voice comms. It's good to interact with more folk on there now.
    Heyallo: So much better than talking to myself on there, You know how hard it is to carry the conversation when you know everything that your conversational partner knows/could say?! =P

    Chris Wilkinson: cool fun
    Heyallo: BOOP!

    They're pretty good, as I said still trying to get a hang of the system as I'm not too sure or a little scared to try yet.
    Chris Wilkinson: That's completely understandable as there's a lot to get used to when you join the community. If there's anything the team can help with, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

    Not quite as good as the big bang, now that was an event!
    Chris Wilkinson: I'm not too sure, some of our events can be fairly explosive.
    Heyallo: Oh yeah, have you seen how much Friendly Fire Mentioned User Jestersmith and Mentioned User Novalance throw about with explosives in Helldivers 2?!

    Everyone is doing a fantastic job.
    Chris Wilkinson: I'm glad that you think the team are doing a great job, I can't help but agree with you regarding that.
    Heyallo: Does this mean we get a pizza party or something this month boss?
    ChrisWilkinson Medals