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Shields Up! Red Alert! - A Brief Guide to Starship Shields

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Farron, Mon 19 Mar, 2012 11:19 PM
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    Hello and welcome! In this thread we'll be talking about Starship Shields, your first line of defense against the dangers of the Galaxy. It's an important choice to make, with a variety of array types, bonuses and special shields, this is not something that can wait until tuesday. We'll also be taking a closer look at consoles, as well as some tips on keeping your hull safely covered up.

    1. Introduction
    2. General Advice
    3. WWSD? [What Would Scotty Do] - Shield Types, Bonuses and Consoles
    4. Pimp My Array - Special Shields
    5. I Want a Word With You... - Miscellaneous Q&A

    {UFP}KishoJB (target practice again Tongue Out)
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    Scotty! More Power to Shields!
    Ok so we know a high shield power level is good, but why? Shield power level affects the regeneration and damage resistance of your shields. This is always important but how much so is up to what shield you are using. The established figures from reputable testers on the ST:O forums are as follows:-
    1 Point of Shield Power = 4% Regeneration with a Shield Power level of 50 giving the listed rate. Shields cease regenerating below a Shield Power level of 25.
    Shield Resistance = Power Level x 0.28, so a Shield Power level of 50 gives 14% damage resistance to shields

    What Shield power does not effect is shield capacity and bleedthrough.

    Stacked to the Rafters
    A good way to keep your shields up is to stack as much damage resistance on them as possible. One technique is to use two copies of Emergency Power to Shields, since the duration of both the power level and resistance buff is equal to the shared cooldown of EPtS. This means you can have an unbroken increase to shield power level and resistance, as well as a healthy shield heal every 30 seconds. Transfer Shield Strength also adds a resistance buff while healing your shields for the duration of the power and Extend Shields does this in a more effective manner but can only target allies and not yourself. Shield bonuses, which we'll discuss in a bit, also add large resistance bonuses vs certain energy types. The cap for Shield Resistance is 75%.
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     –  Last edited by Farron; Wed 04 Apr, 2012 9:29 PM.
    Shield Array (AKA Standard Array)
    The standard shield array, the middle ground for all shields. As such, comparatively it is average in both capacity and regeneration and doesn't shine in either area. More often than not you're better off picking a different kind of array.

    Covariant Shield Array
    These shields feature higher capacity and lower regeneration. They're a good choice when you're running a low shield power level and in short combat situations when you have a limited means to replenish your shields and stack resistance. A natural choice for those that like to attack hard and fast before speeding away to heal and prepare another attack run.

    Regenerative Shield Array
    This array has the lowest capacity but the highest regeneration rate. When you're running a high shield power level, this is your friend as the increased resistance and regeneration will offset the loss of capacity. However because the shields regenerate every 6 seconds, longer periods of combat are when this type of array really begins to shine.

    Resilient Shield Array
    Resilient Arrays have slightly lower capacity and regeneration than the Standard Array (though capacity isn't as low as a Regenerative Array, nor regeneration as low as a Covariant Array). However the difference is quite small. The main feature of this type of array is the additional 5% reduction in bleedthrough damage, cutting the damage that goes through your shields to your hull in half. If you can keep your shields up in most any situation, the bleedthough damage becomes your next concern, which is when you might want to get a Resilient Array.
    Note: The 5% reduction in bleedthrough is exactly that and will not affect additional bleedthrough from Transphasic Torpedoes or the Directed Energy Modulation Boff power.

    Shield Bonuses

    As you've already taken care to pick the best array for your ship and playstyle, so should you with your bonuses. These are a percentage increase so pick the one that best compliments your type of array, [Cap] for Covariant and so on. The energy type resistance bonuses are considerable but usually unnecessary when playing below elite level PvE though are worth taking into account with STF's and PvP.

    [Pha] A range of bonuses that give a 20% resistance to a specific type of damage, the example given here being Phaser.
    [Cap] Increases shield capacity by 10%
    [Reg] Increases shield regeneration by 10%

    Shield Consoles

    As with bonuses, it's important to pick the right console to compliment your type of array. Don't try and cover your weaknesses, instead play to your strengths. All consoles below fit into science console slots.

    Field Generator
    Increases shield capacity by 18% from your base shield capacity. This is great for almost any type of array, however because the boost is a percentage, you'll get less of an effect from it if you're using a regenearative array. In all other situations it provides a great boost to capacity. The first version of this console comes in a Rare Mk XI form though, so you won't be able to use it until level 45. This console stacks.

    Emitter Array
    Provides a flat bonus to you Captain's Starship Shield Emiiter skill. This is a must if you're heavily reliant on shield healing powers. The boost increases with the Mk and rarity of the console and does stack.

    Shield Emitter Amplifier
    Increases your regeneration rate by a percentage based on the rarity and Mk of the console. Since this is a percentage boost it is best used with a high regeneration rate and not as cover for a lower regneration rate. This console stacks.
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     –  Last edited by Farron; Mon 19 Mar, 2012 11:32 PM.
    Throughout ST:O you will come accross various shields that stand out from from most. Some of these are stand alone items while others are part of a set and give additional bonuses when other items from the same set are used. I won't be going into set bonuses, even these shields can be used as stand alone shields and it's for you to decide if the set bonuses are suitable for you.

    Paratrinic Shield Array
    Found: Mission Reward for "Past Imperfect"
    Set: NA
    The Paratrinic shield is a covariant shield with an equivalent [Cap]x3 bonus. However to offset this it takes a massive penalty regeneration making it the slowest regenerating shield in the game. This isn't too much of a concern, if you're using covariant arrays anyway, regeneration isn't much of a concern.

    Nerd Trivia! Paratrinic technology originates from the Delta quadrant. Developed by the Druoda and used on their AI enhanced long range tactical warheads.

    Numiri Regenerative Shield Array
    Found: Mission Reward for "S'harien's Swords"
    Set: NA
    The Numiri shield is a regenerative array with an equivalent [Reg]x3 bonus and like the Paratrinic shield it takes a large penalty, this time in capacity which is lower than any other shield of the same Mk. This shield is actually quite hard to make work, you need to follow all the rules for using a regenerative shield to the letter or you can quickly find yourself caught out by the very low capacity, if you can do that you can enjoy the incredible regeneration from this shield.

    Nerd Trivia! The Numiri are a race from the Delta Quadrant that employ advanced regenerative shield technology.

    Dielectric Oscilation Resilient Shield
    Found: Mission Reward for "Cold Storage"
    Set: Breen Absolute Zero
    This array features a 15% bonus to capacity and a [Pol] bonus. It's a nice shield and easy to get if you like resilient arrays, however the Jem'Hadar is arguably a more useful aray and just as easy to get so your choice on this one is likely to be influenced by whether or not you want the set bonus.

    Jem'Hadar Resilient Shields
    Found: Mission Reward for "Boldly They Rode"
    Set: Jem'Hadar Space Set
    Another easy to get resilient array. It has no bonus to capacity or regeneration but does have a 10% resistance to all energy weapon attacks, +10 resistance to kinetic attacks and+50 resistance to crew injury and death (unfortunately I dont have appropriate maths to hand on the last two resists Shocked 2). This makes for a good resilient array for general use since you get a resistance to such a wide array fo attacks and is easy to get your hands on.

    Aegis Covariant Shield Array
    Found: Crafted
    Set: Aegis Technological Research
    This is equivalent to a Mk X covarient shield with a [Cap]x2 bonus and also gives a 7.6 bonus to you Captain's Shield System and Shield performance skills. The last two bonuses are fairly negligable but depending on your SP spend, they can help boost capacity and shield power slightly. As a stand alone shield the Paratrinic Array outclasses this but it is still a good shield used with the other set peices.

    Assimilated Regenerative Array
    Found: Deep Space 9 STF Vendor
    Set: Assimilated Borg Technology
    Thisis equivalent to a Mk X regenerative array with a [Cap] and [Reg]x2 bonus as well as a +5 to shield power and a 15% resistance to plasma. This is the cheapest of the STF shields to get and is a solid choice when used as a stand alone regenerative array and with the very handy set bonuses when using the other set items. Even if you don't run STF's it's worth doing a few to get this shield, you can walk away from STF's entirely after that.

    M.A.C.O. Resilient Shield Array
    Found: Deep Space 9 STF Vendor
    Set: Starfleet Elite Force
    A resilient array with an effective [Cap]x3 and [Pla] bonus as well as 10% resistance to all damage. It also features "Power Conduit Link", increasing the power in each subsystem by 2 for 15 seconds, effectively keeping the boost on for as long as you are under fire and then for a while after. 2 points per system doesn't sound like a lot but an overall power level boost of 8 is quite handy. This is the best resilient array you can get, arguably the best defensive array you can get too, with many using it as a stand alone shield with peices from other sets. It comes in Mk X, XI and XII varients and is only avaialble to Federation players.

    Omega Force Shield Array
    Found: Deep Space 9 STF Vendor
    Set: Kellerun Infiltrator
    A regenrative array with a [Cap]x3, [Reg] and [Pla] bonus. It also features "Energy Wake" which gives a 50% chance to increase flight speed by 5 and turn rate by 30% for 5 seconds when taking damage. While it only has the one [Reg] bonus it is still a superb choice of regenerative array both on it's own and when using the rest of the Kellerun Infiltrator set. That said, some still prefer the Assimilated array for it's higher [Reg]x2 bonus and +5 shield power bonus. It comes in Mk X, XI and XII and is available to both Federation and Klingon Defence Force players.

    Klingon Honour Guard Covariant Shield Array
    Found: Deep Space 9 STF Vendor
    Set: Klingon Honour Guard
    This is a covariant array with an incredible [Cap]x4, [Reg] and [Pla] bonus. The shield also comes with "Subvert Targeting Array" which gives a 20% chance when taking damage to decrease the attackers Accuracy by 25% and placate them for 1 second, effectively breaking their targeting lock. This is simply the best covariant array available but only if you serve the Empire! That said, "Subvert Targeting Array" could be problematic if you're trying to tank. It comes in Mk X, XI and XII varients.
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     –  Last edited by Farron; Mon 19 Mar, 2012 11:32 PM.
    You talking to me? You talking to ME! Oh you are, kay then.

    If you have a questions please send me a PM or post a reply and I'll get right on it.

    For now a sample question.

    Q: WTF!? I'm using three items from the same set but I'm not getting the bonus! BAAAAAAAAH /RAGEQUIT
    A: Again, not really a question you belligerant figment of my imagination but anyway... When using items to get the set bonus, the Mk of the items needs to match, so you will need to use all Mk X versions of those items to get the set bonuses for example.
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    An awesome guide! Thanks a million for posting this!

    I've usually fallen back on the 'this feels right' method of figuring out my shields and this takes a lot of the guess work away!

    Now the decision: assimilated array or MACO.... Hmmmm
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    Nice guide but wow, the Klingon sheild looks more powerful than the MACO one to me, is this correct? I'm bad with telling the difference :p
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    Another great guide from {UFP}Collier! I think a senior officer should sticky your guides!
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    Keep up the good work! This is a great guide, and will certainly help me decide which shields to upgrade to!
    Burtonshaw Medals
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    Wait? You mean he has OTHER guides? Where? What are they on? I MUST read them all!
    Stormy Medals
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     –  Last edited by Farron; Tue 20 Mar, 2012 4:22 PM.
    Nice guide but wow, the Klingon sheild looks more powerful than the MACO one to me, is this correct? I'm bad with telling the difference :p
    In terms of flat out bonuses, yeah the KHG gives more bang for the buck. However it comes down to how you use the shield. I primarily play a fed tank with a focus on shield tanking, so I'd rather have the MACO shield for that. In an elite STF, when I've got my team mates supporting me my shields are practicaly invincible, meaning I only have the bleedthrough to worry about and since the MACO is resilient, it really helps.

    That said I'm of the opinion there is no finer shield for DPS focused ships that the KHG, equip a field generator and use tac team and your opponent has to chew through what amounts so another cruiser to get to your hull. Also the proc rate on "Subvert Targeting Array" is really high and often gives you a break from taking damage for a while. A good example of using the KHG shield to it's fullest is a BoP that makes 10 second attack runs (duration of tac team shield distribution), cloaks and then prepares another attack run and I've seen players that dont even need 10 seconds to take out most targets.
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    Wait? You mean he has OTHER guides? Where? What are they on? I MUST read them all!

    Deflectors and Engines are on my to do list but may be a while because I wanna spend a bit more time playing for a while. I may also repost the ground combat guide on these forums if theres enough interest for it.
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    A good example of using the KHG shield to it's fullest is a BoP that makes 10 second attack runs (duration of tac team shield distribution), cloaks and then prepares another attack run and I've seen players that dont even need 10 seconds to take out most targets.
    This has become my new goal in STO Smile
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    Both of your guides should be sticky'd!

    Collier, you're in a nasty habit of making me rethink my setup (although the plus side is that I deal more damage and may at some point be able to take more damage!)... I sincerely hope you continue to make more guides - the humor is a nice touch!
    The Vulcan Science Directorate has determined that time travel is impossible.
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    These are some really helpful guides! din't realise you made the Arm thyself guide, though now that i know it i notice the similarities in the writing style. keep up the good work! =)