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Who is your 'character'?

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Kains, Fri 04 Jan, 2013 1:35 PM
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    Hey Guys,

    After reading through Rayne's cool thread on naming your ships, I got to wondering: Do many of you spend a lot of time making up 'characters' for your games? I assume this is a requirement for the simm and RPG-X, but what about for STO?

    I think it would be neat to see what folks have come up with!

    On that note, I should probably start it myself:

    Full Name: Derrick Alex Kains
    Date of Birth: July 13th 2370
    Birthplace: USS Armstrong
    Profession: Engineering

    Derrick's admission to Starfleet was a forgone conclusion; however what surprised many was his general aptitude for engineering, almost in spite of his horrendeous academic scores. Many assumed he would join the tactical branch of Starfleet, but instead joined the Corps of Engineers, using his inate ability with devices to perform a plethora of Academy pranks including a rather infamous transporter 'accident' involving one Deltan Quantum Theory professor's clothing.

    Following his Academy graduation, Derrick was assigned to the Cairo, where he served as a Diagnostic Engineer. In 2400 Kains has a brief stint at the Utopia Planetia Spaceyards where he served as an end point engineer on various starship projects, including the future Armitage class heavy escort carrier.

    Later, following the invasion of the Vega Colony, Kains was given command of his own starship, the Agamemnon.

    In late 2409 with the final launch of the Armitage class starship, Kains, through a questionable liason with a quartermaster assigned to that project, was able to get his grubby hands on a precursor to that starship. The Kiyoko was commissioned with Kains as her first Captain.
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     –  Last edited by Three of Seven; Fri 04 Jan, 2013 3:11 PM.
    Sure, I'll have a go at this, might find it a little hard.

    Full Name: Unknown
    Designation: Three of Seven
    Date of Birth: January 28th 2385
    Birthplace: Earth
    Profession: Engineering

    Not much is known about her past, nor how her hair grows naturally pink, this is still a mystery to Starfleet Medical, what is known is that she was once a Starfleet Officer before being assimilated, but all records from the vessel she served were lost, or purposefully wiped. Upon being liberated from the collective, she wished to rejoin Starfleet, but with no records, she had no choice but to retake the exams, excelling in them due to her acquired knowledge.

    After a speedy graduation, she was often on the move from ship to ship and starbase to starbase, tasked with helping boost system efficiency, as a result, she never found a home or got to know anyone. There was a lot of distrust shown towards her as well, due to having once been in the collective, any news of a Borg attack and certain officers would point fingers at Three as being the cause.

    But after a while, Three of Seven finally found friends, or acquaintances, often greeting them with a whip she had acquired from a Ferengi vessel, it made her quite a feared member, no one spoke about her past to her face anymore. But a few months later, in the year 2409, Three of Seven was no longer seen with a whip, instead it was replaced by a collar around her neck, she had been tamed, by another officer, this raised many eyebrows and questions still continue to this day.

    Three of Seven now commands her own ship, the transport vessel SS Sol Express, sometimes seen in combat, but only when absolutely necessary, due to its limited fire power.
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    Full Name: Hiroko Takeda
    Date of Birth: May 20, 2377
    Birthplace: Earth Space Dock
    Profession: Medical/Science

    Raised by her mother, a Starfleet Medical Officer, Hiroko grew-up on numerous starbases and other Starfleet facilities. A curious and adventurous child, Hiroko possessed strong qualities of her father. Her father was killed in action against Nausicaan raiders while serving as an Engineering Officer aboard the U.S.S. Sutherland when she was still an infant.

    On her fourteenth birthday, her mother gave Hiroko a special gift. A holodeck program that was written by her father. He designed it the day Hiroko was born as a small insurance policy in case something happened to him during a cruise. Though, Hiorko knew it was just a hologram, the program became very dear to her. More importantly, Hiroko got to experience a fraction of the man that was her father. This motivated her more to follow in his footsteps and become a Starfleet Officer.

    Though, her mother wanted her to pursue more academic pursuits, she could not stand in her daughter's way. Hiroko attended Starfleet Academy in San Francisco, graduating in the top half of her class. Her first assignment was aboard the U.S.S. Dallas as a junior science officer. Only a few days later, Hiroko found herself thrust into action during the Vega Colony Incident with the Borg.

    Hiroko proved her worth and ability, quickly earning a promotion to Lieutenant and Captain of the U.S.S. Dallas. Several years later, Nao commanded several ships, and is the current Captain of the U.S.S. Crimson Dawn, an Intrepid-class science vessel.
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    Cool idea Kains! I've always had a Star Trek "character" cause, well I'm a huge nerd Tongue Out

    Naturally "I've" had many adventures and this was expanded upon the release of STO. It's quite extensive so I'll try and give as short a version as possible.

    Full Name: Phillip Jean-Luc Collier (Now my real name after being changed by Deed Poll Big Grin)
    Date Of Birth: February 27th 2367 - Stardate 44156.9
    Place Of Birth: U.S.S. Enterprise D
    Proffession: Command - Science Background

    Phillip's parents were civillian staff on board the Enterprise D, his father and mother a Teacher and Botanist respectively and owes his middle name to his father's admiration of Captain Picard. In 2368, Phillip was one many children abducted by rogue Genetic Engineering Scientist, these children would be saved later that year in a joint effort of Starfleet vessels including the Enterprise, the mission details now classified to prevent the research material gathered from falling into the wrong hands. It would later be revealed that in Phillip's case, the experiments he was subjected to left him with heightened mental capabilities, most notably a near immunity to mental attacks and infiltration, but this had left him physically frail.

    In 2378, Phillip and his younger brother were visiting their granparants in Niihama Japan while the ship his parents were now assigned to went into combat against the Borg. This ship was destroyed with no survivors, leaving the young brothers to be raised by their granparants on Earth.

    In 2382 a breakthrough in cybernetic technology had produced a treatment for Phillip's frailty: A series of small implants that would stimulate and regulate the movements and functions of his body. Phillip conviced his Grandmother to let him be part of the trial for these implants, this was ultimately succesful and meant Phillip now had the same physical abilities as a normal Human. Some drawbacks came with this, he required quarterly maintenance, had to power down the implants for several hours a week and the implants could be temporarily disabled by energy discharges at certain frequencies. Despite this, Phillip was more than grateful for the implants.

    Phillip would graduate from University early in 2383 and immediately enter Starfleet Academy, a path his brother would follow four years later. While there he met an aspiring Aenar Doctor, Amu Sta and while Phillip would choose an Astrophysics major, in all joint classes and activities he and Amu developed a fierce rivalry. Years later, Amu and Phillip would serve together and Amu would eventually become his Chief Medical Officer and closest friend. After graduating 7th in his class, Phillip then went on to Starfleet's post-graduate Command school. He had a love of science but always had one eye on the big chair and would graduate from Command School in 2388 with the rank of Lieutenant.

    Phillip went on to serve on the Stargazer-A as a science Officer and then later, it's Chief Science Officer. He would then transfer to the Sovereign class U.S.S. Seiryu as Chief Science Officer where he would eventually become 1st Officer. In 2400, his dream was realised and Phillip became Captain of the Seiryu. He would Command this ship for a further 2 Years before taking Command of the Galaxy class U.S.S. Vantage. Some viewed this as a step backward but after having the Vantage retrofitted, it was more than up to the standard of it's modern counterparts. More importantly, Phillip finally felt at home on this ship.

    <Naturally many adventures and such from Academy to 2409 but I'll spare you XD>

    In 2409, the Vantage was one of the ships called to repel the Borg attack on the Vega colony. Phillip led an away team in a rescue effort on the planets surface where a deep rooted fear of the Borg first incurred by the death of his parents would manifest as a paralysing terror upon encountering Borg Tactical Drones. While Phillip survived, the rest of the away team was wiped out and Phillip had only barely made it thanks to a timely intervention by another away team. He would awaken in a sickbay later on to find his right arm had been severed by a plasma bolt from one of the Drones. Meanwhile, the Vantage had come under attack by a Borg Cube. It was a losing battle and the crew fled in the saucer section of the ship, however Phillip's younger brother defied orders and stayed on the Stardrive section, inducing a warp core breach to destroy the Borg Cube. This action had saved those aboard the Saucer section, but had left Phillip as the last surviving member of his family.

    After a brief period of recovery and an operation to attacth a new cybernetic right arm, Phillip was assigned as Captain of the ageing Stargazer A while construction began on a new stardrive section for the Vantage. Since the Vega Colony, Phillip has seen frontline action in the numerous conflicts of the Alpha quadrant but has primarily been involved in fulfilling Starfleets scientific and Exploratory mandate in much the same fashion as he had before 2409.

    While the Borg have proven to be his achilles heel, Phillip has otherwise distinguished himself as an outstanding Captain and scientist, his strengths lying in leadership and decision making. He finds himself uncomfortable on a planets surface, having been born in and living most of his life in space, Starships have always felt more like home.

    Other Characters in this "short" bio:-

    Doctor Amu Sta

    Phillip's once rival and now closest friend. Many suspect their relationship to be romantic oweing to how close they are but it is purely platonic, with the exception of one hormone induced night while they were at the Academy. Amu has managed to overcome her Aenar blindness with a combination of specially designed instruments and telepathic intuition and is the only Doctor Phillip trusts to perform maintenance on his implants. Amu calls Phillip Jean-Luc, originally as a taunt from their days of rivalry (Amu would call Phillip a poor imitation Picard) but had now become a term of endearment after serving with him.

    Jay Collier

    Despite being rash and impetuous, Jay was a brilliant Engineer. His natural affinity for repair, modification and enhancement led him to become Phillip's Deputy Chief Engineer, though his personal traits had held him back from becoming Chief Engineer. Even though he was incredibly talented in his own field, he often felt like he was chasing his brothers achievements which sometimes resulted in feelings of resentment. His last words to the Vantage's First Officer as the order to abort his self destruct plan fell on deaf ears were "Let's see if Phil can ever top this..."

    Yeah, that is the short version, you asked for it Kains :emoticon_ShiftyEyes
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    Full Name: Phillip Jean-Luc Collier (Now my real name after being changed by Deed Poll Big Grin)
    Deed poll huh, I'm think I should probably stay away from that :emoticon_ShiftyEyes

    Also, nice short bio, I haven't finished reading.
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    Pft, I love it! Very cool to see what folks have come up with for their characters! A respectable amount of roleplay into our 'pew pew' game Big Grin

    Thanks for sharing!
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     –  Last edited by Farron; Fri 04 Jan, 2013 6:05 PM.
    Deed poll huh, I'm think I should probably stay away from that :emoticon_ShiftyEyes

    Also, nice short bio, I haven't finished reading.
    Yeah, I hated my old first name Tony, I've always used my old middle name ofPhillip instead. It made sense to have it changed to my first not, I figured "why the hell not" on my new middle name Tongue Out

    Bear in mind as well that this "character" was around years before STO so it's quite long and has been given more thought than it probaly needs Smile
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    Full Name: Unknown
    Nickname : Andromede
    Date of Birth: April 22, 2277
    Birthplace: Vulcan
    Profession: Tactical

    Andromede ? Very few know her real name. She took the nickname Andromede, after the tragic loss of her husband in the Zeta Andromedae Block. To hide her sadness and pain, she, then, decide to become a Starfleet officer. She became the quickest Vice Admiral Starfleet has ever known. She is now known all accross the galaxy as the defender of the weak, and protector of the Federation of Planets. She don't hesitate to rescue civilian and fight all the ennemy of life, in memory of her beloved husband.
    As a Vulcan, she never show her emotion nor feelings, but rumour said that some people has heard cry coming from her quarters, but it's only rumour.
    What exploit will she accomplish in the future, only time will tells us, but everyone in Starfleet already said that she is already one of the best officer in Starfleet history.
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    Full name: Xander Bradshaw Quintos
    Date of Birth: 18th February 2384
    Place of Birth: U.S.S. Titan
    Profession: Tactical

    The eldest child of Human father Bradshaw David Quintos and Romulan Mother Vrih Quintos, Xander, named for his father's long time friend, was born aboard the U.S.S. Titan in 2384 where his father served as an engineering officer. Bradshaw and Vrih had met during one of the Titan's previous missions to secure peace between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire. At the conclusion of the fortnight long peace talks, Vrih asked to accompany Bradshaw and the rest of the crew of the Titan, a request which was granted by the ship's commanding officer Captain William T. Riker. Xander was born 4 years later. He spent his early years aboard the Titan with his parents and his early teens aboard the U.S.S. Prometheus, where his father served as Chief Engineering Officer. When he was 19 his parents moved to Mars and Xander applied to Starfleet Academy the same year.
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     –  Last edited by DeWolfe; Sat 05 Jan, 2013 12:37 AM.
    Ooh… Finally a chance to copy and paste that bio I made when I signed up for STO, the one no one looks at that you make during charGEN(character generation: M*U*S*H term). Also I'm thinking aobut joining the SIMM group so if you could can you guys tell me which character you would like to play with on the SIMM oh and there's a little RP sample.

    Notes: I suck at spelling, yes MS Word has showed me how much I suck but its not a wizard and can't repair all of my spelling and bad punctuation.

    I have three character two I have a story for a Xenexian and an unknown alien but I also have a science officer Gorn that I haven’t had time to flesh out.


    Rayne is a Xenexian, and like most of his kind he was born and raised on the planet Xenex. Xenex is not currently a recognized member of the Federation as its inhabitants are considered a pre-warp society, but in truth as they are all victims of an oppressive post-warp empire’s occupation they have been forced to advance quickly in order to exist among their surrounding neighbours and are allowed to communicate and request aid from Starfleet. This exception was all that saved a young Xenexian woman’s child, whom was born with a rare genetic disorder that forced his body to produce much more Alkaline than the norm, this over production made the newly born infant Rayne extremely susceptible to many ailments and diseases and ad he been born decades prior would have sealed his fate. But the pact between Starfleet and Xenex permitted Rayne’s family to call a medical practitioner from the Federation whom saved the child’s life using various radiation therapies to bring his ph level back into balance. The various radiations had some obvious side effects, such as turning his hair from the common Black to Bleach White and his eyes which absorbed the radiation into their cones and created a thin transparent barrier of fluid for protection. This has given them reflective properties allowing his eyes to change various colours in the spectrum depending on the lights angle.

    Despite his abnormal beginnings, Rayne grew much like every other child on Xenex and was He was raised by both his parents in the traditional style which meant that his education was often combat or tactically orientated and his physical care of the upmost importance. With ties between the Federation and Xenex growing stronger each year, Rayne had more and more opportunity to learn like the children of the UFP member worlds and eventually grew old enough to join Starfleet.

    I skipped a lot at the end and never included the Academy years since I was at this point just STOked to get into the game for thew first time.
    Much more is known about Dalis than his host. Dalis is a very young symbiote having only lived about a century and only siring three hosts within that time. Most notably though was his last host Meeka. Meeka was a very passionate man. That’s what drew Dalis to him in the first place, his insatiable curiosity and love of the unknown. After he and Dalis joined, they entered into Starfleet together as and loved every bit of it. Dalis does not often go into detail about the events that ended his previous symbiosis but records do show the incident occurred in the Bajoran wormhole between a Starfleet runabout and a passenger freighter from the gamma quadrant. Under pressure from its host, Dalis does not say what brought the two together only that the wormhole’s inhabitants, the so called prophets of Bajor were involved.

    The scene displays the standard interior of a Federation Runabout, three occupants can be seen two are seated on the floor opposite one another each resting mortal wounds with their backs rested against the shuttle hull. But the third was standing in the middle equally distant from the two others, her features feminine and an ethereal glow surrounded her. She spoke to only of the other two, “a great sacrifice you have made.” A grunt was all she received in response.
    “Too much pain, feeling it. It hurts us. We can help you.” Her voice was strained and somber.
    “Help… Him…” the dark blue being struggled to raise his arm in the direction of the Trill opposite him.
    “Cannot. His time is with the universe. The one cannot be kept from the all.” She replied softly.
    “Please… Do not save me.” The Trill struggled to speak and the other two looked toward him, “I am not important. The life, the life here.” He then pointed to his torso. “Save him. He’s all that matters… Please…”
    The glowing woman returned her attention to the blue humanoid who then nodded slowly and gasped a final breath before succumbing to his wounds. Finally a flash envelops the cabin and the recording ends.
    Giant Green lizard who hails from a Gorn planet known as Kaiju where he lived in a town roughly translated as ‘the Island’. After being subjected to radiation, he was banished from Kaiju and now flies the U.S.S. Toke’Yo’. The end.

    Rayne Quote