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Today on the Forums! - Issue 1

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Seldon, Tue 02 Apr, 2013 8:14 PM
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     –  Last edited by Seldon; Wed 03 Apr, 2013 6:59 PM.
    Greetings fellow UFP'ers!

    So I thought that since most people, quite wisely, avoid the Star Trek Online official forum I would do a little 'Today on the Forums' report. This would not replace FNN's awesome job at reporting official news but a nice way of capturing Twitter and Forum responses made by Cryptic employees that sometimes get overlooked that contain little snippets of information. I also thought that I would report and link trending posts from the forum that I think would make interesting reading whilst on the bus, drinking a coffee or on the loo (oh come on, we ALL do it!).

    For our new Fleet members, and maybe old too, I will also offer this service for the UFP forums. We have had a few polls lately that have been quite important in regards to UFP's future direction that may be getting overlooked so hopefully by including the UFP forums I can help members ensure their voice is heard, I know it's easy to get caught up in the grind to L50 or mining that Dilithium we sometimes forget to check the website. With that in mind I will be linking this post in chat on occasion.

    I will aim to make this every couple of days depending on the flow of interest from yourselves or even depending on if anything is even worth reporting.

    With that said, here begins my report today on...

    "Today on the Forums!"

    Tuesday 2nd April. The STO forum is still buzzing over the Legacy of Romulus news. There have been polarizing views on if the Romulans can be considered a full faction if they are unable to field and build up a Starbase. Dan Stahl issued a statement in response to a popular move to encourage Cryptic to reverse this decision giving a slight possibility of an inclusion of a Romulan Starbase sometime in the future if demand is still high.

    Recently the Redshirt server was made available to players to log on and test. Tribble is still available but Redshirt will now be the server test builds will be implemented on before making it to live, while they are now using the Tribble server for testing new code. You can log on to Tribble now to test some of the upcoming UI changed, and keep upto date on the latest test patches here and since both will have patches Tribble patches are located here .

    Branflakes has issued a general shoutout to all players to come join him on Redshirt to test out their skills against the revamped Crystalline Entity on the 4th April. Instructions on how to get on Redshirt are available in the post also as well as details about where to meet etc. If you have never experienced this Fleet action now is the time!

    And speaking of Branflakes, he was recently interviewed by The Verdict. I have not listened to this podcast myself but I hear that a few juicy bits of information was spilled during the interview, an STO forum discussion was started by a forumite asking if people feel that they are a little calmer after the interview about the doom like predictions regarding the new faction.

    Priority One, a popular Star Trek online podcast will be interviewing Dan Stahl in an upcoming podcast and have asked fans to submit their questions for him. If you have a good question you'd like asked or want information on when the podcast is I would recommend a read of the thread. Cryptic tend to reserve tidbits of information for these interviews so it will be worth listening to!

    Oddest post of the last couple of days has to go to a concern about opening fire on fellow Romulans in PvP of the opposite faction. Pretty sure I have been firing at a few members of my own faction for a while now! Even my own fleet! I feel a court martial coming on.

    And now onto our UFP Forums!

    Ben Hurley earlier this week issued a new Poll asking people, if they feel so inclined, to indicate their sexual orientation. This poll is anonymous and you can choose not to vote if you wish, but it is amazing how diverse a fleet we are. This poll also indicates that Star Trek fans are obviously more highly evolved than the rest of the world in our acceptance of differences. Way to go UFP!

    A new position has been made available for CO of the new Romulan Imperial Guard division! This position entails a lot of responsibility and dedication and all interested parties, no matter your current position in the fleet, should apply if they feel that are suitable for the position! Don't be put off thinking you are not currently high ranking enough or you may not feel like you know the right people.. all applications are read and taken seriously. Ensure that you take your clearance level exams, these exams ensure you are ready to take on higher level responsibilities and they are also useful to take incase another other positions become available that you are interested in applying for. These exams can be found in the My UFP menu, under Academy Exams.

    Good luck to all applicants for the CO position! I know I am very excited to see who gets that position!

    This might be old news to most, but our new members should check our this part of our forum for some excellent guides that one of our members, Dark, has created. Players new and old might learn something from a read, and maybe you have some knowledge of your own you wish to share!

    Cehus (aka SeaHorse) has been running a few character creation competitions lately, the winner of his latest comp was announced on Sunday and became the recipient of 1,000,000 EC for his efforts. A very good job Mazoue for your winning entry! Keep an eye out for Cehus's next challenge in the 10 Forward forum, can't wait!

    Well since this is my first attempt at something like this I will end this here, and hopefully it helps a few people out. All links in this post are either to the Official STO forums or the UFP forums. If you have anything you want to see me include, or any suggestions for any future posts let me know via PM or contact me ingame, @rhetroc is my handle!

    Thank you for reading Smile
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    Very awesome post Seldon!
  1. Supergrover

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    I love PSA ( Public Service Announcement ) type threads, awesome job Seldon.
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    Very cool addition Seldon, considering how much stuff makes it's way onto the forums I can see this becoming a great thread to get the important things people might miss. Great job

    Vox Medals
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    Awesome idea Seldon! I have very little time to read the forums, so I'm very happy to see this!
  2. Gold Contributor

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    Thanks Seldon! Great post. I love to have all of the good stuff brought to the forefront like this! I see a great future for these posts...please keep up the awesome work!
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    Great post seldon, and a great idea, i think this has a future in itBig Grin
    Got a Penny?
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    Nice read Seldon, I certainly enjoyed the summary of everything. I keep as far away from the STO forums as possible, I tend to get most of my STO forum news from conversations with MerTYol, Dodgers or Seeker. So its nice to recieve a brief but detailed report.

    Its also nice how you summerized the UFP forum posts. I consider myself very active on the UFP forums, but i'm aware of certain members who wish to just focus on ingame. I think it could possibly be nice to have some kind of ingame UFP forum brief so that some of the ingame players are aware of certain polls such Romulan Faction name, Option 1 and 2.etc. Since from speaking to individuals I gathered that a minority of people who may or may not play sto end up making the decision for the majority. Though I would imagine there are several limitations to that, which i'm not aware of.

    So to conclude: Great work :mrgreen:, I think you should speak to a CL5/CL6 member to develop this idea since its pretty great.

    Kind Regards,
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    While I stay pretty much up to date on the UFP forums, I rarely bother to read the STO forums in an effort to avoid all of the crybabies. That being the case, I may or may not read the UFP portion of this post but I do appreciate the STO portion and hope you will continue to publish it as often as you see fit.
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    Great work! This is a great idea, particularly for busy people who don't have time to watch all the feeds and websites etc.
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    This is great thanks! As a fairly new player, I made the mistake of going to the official forums early on. Thankfully I've played enough MMOs or I'd have run before I really started to play the game.

    oh and hi everyone Smile.
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    Great post! I haven't been able to keep up with everything as of late (finals and then spring break, etc.) So this was a great way to get back into the middle of things. Great work, keep it up!
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    How did I miss this?!

    Very useful, I used to be a regular forumite but no longer am because I've become tired of it so a summary like this is useful. I look forward to more.
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    Hey Seldon, excellent idea! I applaud your effort sir. great work!
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    I try to visit the forums on a daily basis or whenever I go online. Not sure how I miss this post! Love the concept so much I had to give you some REP points.

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