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Imperial Guard Historical Timeline

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Seldon, Sun 21 Jul, 2013 6:25 AM
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     –  Last edited by Three of Seven; Wed 23 Jul, 2014 9:47 PM.

    Imperial Guard Historical Timeline


    370 AD - Surak taught the Vulcan people to reject emotion in favour of embracing pure logic. Known as "those who march beneath the Raptor's wings", they did not accept Surak's teachings and split off from the Vulcans.

    470 AD - The splinter group left Vulcan and named their race the Romulans. Eventually settled on the twin planets later named Romulus and Remus. Warp Drive allowed the Romulans to establish The Romulan Star Empire.

    Unknown - During the founding of the Empire a 100 Year war took place between the Vulcans and Romulans. It is widely believed that the Q continium played some part in this event, but it is unclear how they were involved.

    2152 - Humans first contact with the Romulan Star Empire by the Enterprise NX-01. Captain Archer encountered a planet surrounded by a minefield, a Bird of Prey allowed the Enterprise to withdraw without incident.

    2154 - A failed Romulan attempt at Re-unification with Vulcan under Romulan rule occured. A temporary alliance of Human, Vulcan, Andorian and Tellarite formed to combat a Romulan ship wrecking havoc on trade routes to attempt to incite war between the races. Ultimately this plan's failure would lead to the Coalition of Planets being formed.

    2156 - The Earth-Romulan War, also known as the Romulan War, Romulan Wars, Earth-Romulus War, was a major interstellar conflict fought during the mid-22nd century between forces led by United Earth and those of the Romulan Star Empire.

    2160 - After a humiliating defeat over the Romulan Star Empire by the Coalition of Planets, The Imperial Senate of the Romulan Star Empire broadcasted its ratification of the Treaty of Peace on all subspace frequencies. The Neutral Zone was established during this event.

    2160 - The Romulan Star Empire enters a stage of isolation and is not heard from again for 100 years.

    2266 - The Romulan Praetor ordered the Romulan Star Empire's Flagship to violate the Neutral zone to test the strength of the United Federation of Planets. The Bird of Prey easily overcame it's targets by it's use of cloaking Technology and plasma torpedoes. The ship was intercepted by the U.S.S. Enterprise and destroyed.

    2267 - Hostilities between the Federation, Klingons and Romulans led to a project that would jointly manage a colony on Nimbus III. Regular meetings between delegates did occur but ultimately the project failed and the planet was left to it's own devices.

    2269 - The Romulan Senate formed in secret to discuss an increasing concern within the Star Empire. Using the isolation to their advantage the military began selective teachings of the races outside of the Empire's influence.

    2271 - Romulan military applicants reach a record high, leading to the Romulan Senate to discuss methods of establishing more control of the military. Application into the Romulan Star Empire's military was slowed down by Senate instruction.

    2360 - Daughter to Ai'lara and Alidar, Tiaru Jarok, is born. Alidar would later go on to defect to the Federation on the false belief he would be stopping a Romulan declaration of war against the United Federation of Planets.

    2361 - Keelah is Born. Joined the Romulan Military at the age of 18 and served aboard the I.R.W. Valdore under the command of Commander Donatra. Injured during combat and honorably discharged in 2380.

    2363 - Joran is born. Went on to become an agent of the Tal Shiar and was involved in an incident regarding the Omega Particle.

    2364 - Border outposts on both sides of the Neutral Zone go dark. Commander Tebok decided that the level of destruction was beyond that of the Federation. Investigating similar losses on the Federation side of the Zone the U.S.S. Enterprise-D encountered the D'deridex class Warbird and offered to cooperate and compare findings into the cause. It was declined.

    2365 - Using the destruction of the outposts along the Neutral zone, the military once again increased it's recruitment campaign. Fearing that restricting this course would anger the Romulan people, the Romulan senate do not interfere.

    2365 - Daughter to Sevik and Serona, T'Laris is born. Went on to join the Imperial War College and graduated with honors. The only member of her house to survive the supernova that would later destroy Romulus, she joined the Romulan Flotiila stationed outside of the Azure Nebula and took a position as Engineer. Later settled on the colony world Virinat.

    2366 - The Romulan Senate form and discuss ways of ensuring the military can be controlled. The Romulan Senate decide to form the Imperial Guard. Given their own funding, outposts and military bases they were isolated from the Empire and kept secret until called upon. Recruitment was slow, and only those that the Imperial Guard could trust would be allowed to join. Many of the Imperial Guard's personnel did not even know they were not part of the regular military.

    2367 - Havraha is born. Went on to become a strong supporter of Reunification but doing so in peace and without conflict with others. His house and all that he was became lost when Romulus was destroyed. Having strong Romulan beliefs he leads a struggle to rebuild all that once was and reestablish the house of s'Colriah.

    2368 - A second attempt at Re-unification by the Romulans takes place. Senator Pardek tricks Ambassador Spock into believing the Unification movement was sending vessels of peace to Vulcun. These vessels were destroyed by a Romulan Warbird when discovery that they infact contained a Romulan invasion force.

    2370 - Son to Senator Letant, Saren Hadrian is born. Joined the military at the age of 15 and rapidly climbed the echelon of command to eventually be stationed on Brea III as a Political Officer. Growing every increasingly a threat to the Tal Shiar and having two attempts at his life, Saren eventually stole a prototype Tal Shiar vessel codenamed Valdore. Settled on an outpost called Virinat having hidden the ship in an asteroid in the Azure Nebula.

    2371 - The Federation/Dominion war lead to a thawing of relations between the Federation and the Star Empire, allowing the use of a cloaking device onboard the U.S.S. Defiant in exchange for a collaberation of information on the Dominion.

    2371 - Under orders from the Romulan Senate the Imperial Guard were ordered to disband and surrender it's forces. Fearing that the Dominion war would eventually spill over and pull the Romulan Star Empire in, the Senate wanted to ensure the Military had all forces at it's disposal.

    2372 - Remnants of the Imperial Guard defy the Senate and go into hiding with a Fleet of Warbirds. Shinzon was given the task of tracking down these renegades and bringing them back to Romulus for treason. After limited success he was eventually pulled from this task when war was finally declared upon the Dominion.

    2379 - Shinzon, leading the Remans into an uprising, assassinates the Romulan Senate. Shinzon plans to use Thalaron Radiation to destroy the Federation, but when Commander Donatra learns he intends to use it against other species, joins forces with the U.S.S. Enterprise-E and assists with the destruction of Shinzon and his Scimitar.

    2380 - Maiek is born. Went on to lead the Imperial Guard and help make it a stronger military force. With political views that went against that of Empress Sela, Maiek eventually was forced to go into hiding when the Romulan senate was disbanded to avoid capture and execution from Sela's forces. Eventually settled on the colony world of Virinat before going on to join D'tan's movement against the Tal Shiar.

    2381 - Son to Hatham and Jhu, S'Tev is born. Settled on a colony that was later attacked and destroyed during a Tal Shiar operation. What was left of the colony disbanded and later helped form the Romulan Republic flotilla stationed just outside the Azure Nebula. S'Tev eventually resettled on the colony of Virinat.

    2383 - Artemisia is born. After the death of her father at the age of 6, her mother relocated the family to a colony called Virinat.

    2384 - The Imperial Guard establishes outposts on outlying systems of the Romulan Empire. Using the chaos surrounding the assassination of the Senate the Imperial Guard recruits select commanders of the military.

    2384 - Daughter to Veidec and Rhira, Eviess i-Ra'Torra Solius is Born. Ever growing cautious of the Tal Shiar her parents sent her into hiding to avoid retribution for openly speaking against Sela. After her parents died under suspicious circumstances she eventually settled on the Romulan colony of Virinat.

    2387 - A supernova from a nearby star Destroys Romulus and Remus. This event throws the Empire into a cataclysmic decline.

    2390 - T'Vath Urug is born. Eventually went on to join the Klingon Defence Force to avenge the murder of his parents by the hands of the Tal Shiar.

    2390 - The senate, fearing the Imperial Guard had been long too isolated, appoint Commander Maiek to help reform and grow the Imperial Guard for the Senate to command. With the Senate and the Military growing further apart in their views regarding Romulan destiny, Maiek ensured security for the Senate using the Imperial Guard.

    2408 - Sela pronounced Empress and Senate authority is removed. The Tal Shiar begin a campaign of assassination against high Imperial Guard ranking officers and regular commanders are ordered to stand down and relinquish all weapons, ships and supplies. Over a period of 1 week the Imperial Guard suffers astounding losses, after Maiek's family is tortured and murdered by the Tal Shiar he forced to take refuge on the colony world of Virinat.

    2409 - Maiek rallies what is left of the Imperial Guard from a secret location on Virinat and after long consideration of their position, Maiek and Admiral Wixiban offer assistance to D'tan and the Republic.

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    I have to say I do like this. Smile my favorite part:2363 - Joran is born. Went on to become an agent of the Tal Shiar and was involved in an incident regarding the Omega Particle. But don't forget I defected to Maiek's Imperial Guard.
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    tat was awesome
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    Thank you for moving this thread out of the archive and putting it where it belongs. Hopefully, in the future, more care will be taken when archiving material Smile
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    Cool to see this back in action Big Grin Thanks for the restore!
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    Romulans were going very strong until they were denied full-faction status... so yes, it is good to see the Romulan spirit alive still. Smile
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