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LynxMukka, Thu 07 Nov, 2013 11:57 PM
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    *Starts drinking*

    lol, i kid. I think SDC was starting to become slightly redundant when I was XO with Bond. Had a blast in there working with all the fleets out there.
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    It's a bit sad to see a division go, though I admit, I did sort of wonder what the SDC did due to the nature of STO which is our main game at present really. I do hope Squadron 47 does well enough to split itself into its own group with its own personnel at some point like the ESF did not so long ago, maybe it won't fill the same gap, but it could add back some new opportunities.

    Congradulations to Jake and Chris. I know Chris has been with UFP for a while now, but Jake has sure taken the fleet by storm
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    SDC's work plays and will continue to play a very important role here; it'll just be through FAB instead of its own department. The work SDC ambassadors like Soral, Connor, Hermanator and others have done has been nothing short of exemplary; and of course lets not forget SDC's star studded command team. Smile - I look forward to seeing what you guys will all do next!

    As for Jake, Chris and Bond.. congratulations on your latest promotions and transfers! I know each of you very well and I know you'll all do an excellent job.

    And as for me, I certainly have a busy couple weeks ahead of me.. time to get this show on the road! Cool
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    The reason why many of you may had questioned what SDC had done, is because many of it was behind closed doors. Something that Collier and Ben Hurley had tried very hard to bring to the wider UFP community with public announcements on treaties et cetera, something in which I would argue was successful at the time. I can say without a question of doubt that the work SDC had done within the greater Star Trek community was certainly very noteworthy, example as mentioned previously Collier mediating between two conflicting fleets. Something that from my knowledge has never been done before, branding Collier our very own Jean Luc would certainly be an understatement.

    With the last poll taken it is also noteworthy to mention that SDC was the only Department/Division to receive 100% leadership approval ratings. So I'm afraid I will not tolerate even the slightest comment which could be seen to denigrate the department in this area. I think it is certainly ill informed to state that the SDC did nothing, something certainly worthy for seeking disputation over.
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    *Starts drinking*

    lol, i kid. I think SDC was starting to become slightly redundant when I was XO with Bond. Had a blast in there working with all the fleets out there.
    While I'm trying to be gracious I do take some exception here, and with any other post along similar lines.

    I'll say this; That may have been where SDC was heading but we worked hard to change that. We kept it relevant by increasing the number and quality of JFE's while also improving on our primary mission, to promote UFP's standing in the wider community.

    Many fleets regard us as one of, if not the best Star Trek gaming groups, especially when it comes to diplomacy. I've even helped another fleet re-structure their own diplomacy departments, though of course, there are those out there that just copy us (something I personally take as a compliment).

    Sorry but credit is due to Hermanator and the rest of SDC. Do give them some leeway if they come accross as upset or annoyed, this hasn't been executed particularly well and this is the first they're hearing about this as well.
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    Not seeking to denigrate you guys at all. I think you guys did great work; it's just that the UFP has shifted focus to STO, and STO is not a type of game that creates or really encourages clan warfare like some of the older games the UFP was involved in, so that does seem to me like it would somewhat marginalize the role of diplomacy, and thus you guys a bit.

    Maybe I don't understand, and I apologize for that.
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     –  Last edited by Soral; Sat 09 Nov, 2013 10:48 AM.
    It's more than worrying about clan warfare. It's about building and maintaining relationships, good relationships, with other communities. My first assignment in SDC was actually to try and salvage a relationship that a former SDC member had almost ruined. It had nothing to do with the worry of clan warfare as this particular fleet only has about 20 active members and limited resources. That didn't make our relationship with them any less important, in fact I believe it made our relationship with them even more important. How we interact and treat other communities speaks volumes about the character and quality of the people within UFP.

    When I took on this assignment, it meant spending countless hours getting to know the members of this other community, spending time with their members (in most cases separately from UFP events that may be going on), having meetings with diplomats to discuss concerns or how UFP can provide aid. My current assignments include working with 3 different fleets, and I have been doing that for most of my time with SDC, so I have given up a lot of UFP time to participate in events over the almost 2 years I've been here because of my diplomatic work.

    And I'd gladly do it again because what I did mattered. Not only did I salvage that relationship with the fleet, I've had a chance to learn new ideas and concepts that I've brought back and shared with our community. It was actually that small fleet that suggested the first multi-fleet joint event that I think this community has ever seen. We held our first ever "meet and greet" on the star base where several fleets came together to socialize. Several I had never met until they hailed us and said, "can we join the party?" And we've opened relationships with those fleets as well since then.

    And I can go on about other such success stories that my fellow ambassadors have had that are just as important and possibly even more important than what I've mentioned here. None of which have anything to do with a concern about clan warfare.

    The majority of our community focus may seem to be on STO related events, but we're not strictly a STO group. SDC has always been about furthering our relationships with other communities whether they are in STO or not. Several fleets that I have interacted with have been interested in participating in several of our non-STO related activities (i.e. Harriers, joint work with the Herald, etc.). STO may have been where we initially started our conversation, but it doesn't end there.

    I could continue to go on about the importance of the work that has been done by the ambassadors of UFP. The point is that we are not a fanfare group by nature, no true diplomat is, and we have truly some of the best diplomats a community could ask for. What has been so difficult about this process has been the seemingly lack of understanding from the community about what it was we do and how truly important people like us are to the maintenance and growth of a community. This is the main way I have contributed to our fleet in the entire time I have been here and, like Hermanator, I will not tolerate any comments that even so much as imply that we didn't really do anything of importance. I understand that those comments may not be meant to denigrate us or what we've done, but that is a strong indication that people don't fully grasp what it was we've been doing all this time.

    This "transition" has not been handled well and many ambassadors are struggling with the closing of the division. From Lynx's announcement that FEO will simply handle what we do to Mikester's post that it's simply an administration change, there has been no consistent message provided to the members of SDC other than the division is closing. We were given no warning and FEO is still making alterations to their "plan" of how this is going to work moving forward. This has been poorly handled from a point of respect to the hard working members of the SDC and in terms of how we effectively move forward with maintaining the relationships we have built and are building with other communities. So understand that there are several things going on with this that the members of SDC are concerned about and not simply that our division is closing. We believe in what we have and are accomplishing, which we are concerned will be lost during and because of these changes.
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    It's more than worrying about clan warfare. It's about building and maintaining relationships, good relationships, with other communities. My first assignment in SDC was actually to try and salvage a relationship that a former SDC member had almost ruined. It had nothing to do with the worry of clan warfare as this particular fleet only has about 20 active members and limited resources. That didn't make our relationship with them any less important, in fact I believe it made our relationship with them even more important. How we interact and treat other communities speaks volumes about the character and quality of the people within UFP.

    When I took on this assignment, it meant spending countless hours getting to know the members of this other community, spending time with their members (in most cases separately from UFP events that may be going on), having meetings with diplomats to discuss concerns or how UFP can provide aid. My current assignments include working with 3 different fleets, and I have been doing that for most of my time with SDC, so I have given up a lot of UFP time to participate in events over the almost 2 years I've been here because of my diplomatic work.

    And I'd gladly do it again because what I did mattered. Not only did I salvage that relationship with the fleet, I've had a chance to learn new ideas and concepts that I've brought back and shared with our community. It was actually that small fleet that suggested the first multi-fleet joint event that I think this community has ever seen. We held our first ever "meet and greet" on the star base where several fleets came together to socialize. Several I had never met until they hailed us and said, "can we join the party?" And we've opened relationships with those fleets as well since then.

    And I can go on about other such success stories that my fellow ambassadors have had that are just as important and possibly even more important than what I've mentioned here. None of which have anything to do with a concern about clan warfare.

    The majority of our community focus may seem to be on STO related events, but we're not strictly a STO group. SDC has always been about furthering our relationships with other communities whether they are in STO or not. Several fleets that I have interacted with have been interested in participating in several of our non-STO related activities (i.e. Harriers, joint work with the Herald, etc.). STO may have been where we initially started our conversation, but it doesn't end there.

    I could continue to go on about the importance of the work that has been done by the ambassadors of UFP. The point is that we are not a fanfare group by nature, no true diplomat is, and we have truly some of the best diplomats a community could ask for. What has been so difficult about this process has been the seemingly lack of understanding from the community about what it was we do and how truly important people like us are to the maintenance and growth of a community. This is the main way I have contributed to our fleet in the entire time I have been here and, like Hermanator, I will not tolerate any comments that even so much as imply that we didn't really do anything of importance. I understand that those comments may not be meant to denigrate us or what we've done, but that is a strong indication that people don't fully grasp what it was we've been doing all this time.

    This "transition" has not been handled well and many ambassadors are struggling with the closing of the division. From Lynx's announcement that FEO will simply handle what we do to Mikester's post that it's simply an administration change, there has been no consistent message provided to the members of SDC other than the division is closing. We were given no warning and FEO is still making alterations to their "plan" of how this is going to work moving forward. This has been poorly handled from a point of respect to the hard working members of the SDC and in terms of how we effectively move forward with maintaining the relationships we have built and are building with other communities. So understand that there are several things going on with this that the members of SDC are concerned about and not simply that our division is closing. We believe in what we have and are accomplishing, which we are concerned will be lost during and because of these changes.
    I have to say that though I appreciate the passion and thought that you have in regards to SDC; I have to say that as you do not believe that SDC should be belittled in anyway, which it shouldn't, I do not think it fair that the efforts of certain members of the fleet which you have mentioned, mainly FEO members, should also not be so harshly tried. Not to mention I think it highly inappropriate to post this here. This is meant to be a place where members can congratulate others on there well deserved moves and promotions, as well as be informed about changes and ask questions about such changes. From what I have seen and read and heard, you and others in SDC have done a very good job in your roles, which you should all be congratulated on.

    I think it a little naive to suggest the transition has not been handled well when the transition has only just begun and that these apparently ever changing plans are being implemented. As Mikester has said members of SDC will no doubt be contacted privately about this in due course. I would say, that perhaps some patience would be prudent, and that perhaps it would be worth taking your issues up with people in private.

    To get back on topic, once again congratulations to all the members who have experienced a position change and promotion. I am sure we will all perform well in our new positions. Smile
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    It's sad to see the Diplomatic Corps go after the hard work everyone involved put into it, but I have no doubt FEO discussed it quite a bit before this eventual removal, and that they have perfectly valid reasons for doing so. As has been stated, diplomacy isn't being thrown out the window completely. It'll be done through other departments.

    That out of the way, congratulations to Mikester, Jake and Chris on your new positions. I look forward to seeing what you all have to bring in these new roles! Cool
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     –  Last edited by Farron; Sat 09 Nov, 2013 12:23 PM.
    Not seeking to denigrate you guys at all. I think you guys did great work; it's just that the UFP has shifted focus to STO, and STO is not a type of game that creates or really encourages clan warfare like some of the older games the UFP was involved in, so that does seem to me like it would somewhat marginalize the role of diplomacy, and thus you guys a bit.

    Maybe I don't understand, and I apologize for that.
    Does the fact ESF only concerns itself with a limited parts of STO's gameplay not marginalise it as well? Would it not be just as effective as a sub-division of SFO/HoK? Of course there's more to it than that and it exists for a reason, just as there is more to SDC, it's not quite a s simple as clan warfare.

    UFP has shifted it's focus to STO and so has SDC. We've worked hard ot keep it relevant and I don't think it would be being placed into different departments if it was no longer needed.

    I have to say that though I appreciate the passion and thought that you have in regards to SDC; I have to say that as you do not believe that SDC should be belittled in anyway, which it shouldn't, I do not think it fair that the efforts of certain members of the fleet which you have mentioned, mainly FEO members, should also not be so harshly tried. Not to mention I think it highly inappropriate to post this here. This is meant to be a place where members can congratulate others on there well deserved moves and promotions, as well as be informed about changes and ask questions about such changes. From what I have seen and read and heard, you and others in SDC have done a very good job in your roles, which you should all be congratulated on.

    I think it a little naive to suggest the transition has not been handled well when the transition has only just begun and that these apparently ever changing plans are being implemented. As Mikester has said members of SDC will no doubt be contacted privately about this in due course. I would say, that perhaps some patience would be prudent, and that perhaps it would be worth taking your issues up with people in private.
    Sorry, I have to disagree here as well. The first people that should have known about the SDC closure should have been the SDC staff, along with details about what will happen next, what SDC members are expected to do for now and what this transition means for them in the future. Instead this is the first they hear of it, they have no idea what is going on and they're expected to carry on as normal until the change actually happens.

    The change certainly can be a positive one if done right but how, exactly, are the SDC staff to know this if they don't have any information about it? Moreover, any plan that FEO does have is now under alteration apprantly. A plan that can't withstand less than 24 hours of feedback and doesn't involve telling the people at the centre of it is cause for concern. Sorry but it hasn't been handled very well and the SDC staff (some of which can boast longer service periods than many in UFP) deserved to be told first and involved in the transition.

    I'm not attacking FEO in it's entirety over this, I know they work hard and have many more hits than misses. I just feel that this particular matter has been executed poorly.

    I do apologise to those that had received good news but some in SDC are quite rightly upset and they don't deserve to be disparaged, especially by those that don't fully grasp what they do and the effort that goes into it.
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    I'm going to just take this opportunity to wade in with my thoughts on SDC, very much hope I don't regret doing so.

    Firstly this isn't about the people it is about the department. What I mean by that is that no-one is saying anything is wrong with the staff of SDC and that is not the reason for this change.

    Looking up diplomacy in the dictionary I got "The art or practice of conducting international relations, as in negotiating alliances, treaties, and agreements." now whilst some element of this does still exist I think that definition fits the old SDC much better than the modern day SDC, that is not a criticism, the SDC has evolved and focuses more on developing social relations with other groups, creating and maintaining information dossiers on other groups and managing joint fleet events. As the Star Trek gaming community has moved on so has SDC, where as once long winded treaties that basically said "we won't be horrible to each other" were the be all and end all (that would be during my time at SDC lol) what SDC is now about is things that are practical to this day and age but those things aren't limited to diplomacy.

    No one is saying these are not important tasks they are important which is why these tasks are not simply all going, if UFP saw no value in them the message here would be very different, it wouldn't be "this is going here and this is going here" it would be "we don't need any of this stuff so we've cut down on our administration".

    Secondly I know there has been some criticism of how this change was communicated and I think that may be fair. I say may be because I don't know what was said to who and when. I know that some people in the department were aware before the announcement and that some people in the department don't seem to have been aware, this sort of communication should be consistent where possible and if it wasn't then obviously something hasn't gone right. I can understand how that would annoy those impacted by this change it would annoy me. All I can say is that to err is human and everyone in this community is human, that doesn't mean we shouldn't challenge mistakes we absolutely should but I think we need to separate questions about why the change took place and how it was communicated, these are separate issues and I think trying to tackle both at once in the same place is just going to make them more difficult to address. I don't think this thread is perhaps the best place to do that because it is a public thread and I think right now the SDC team deserve some direct communication on this subject without having to pick through the thoughts and feelings of those not involved (like myself lol).

    Lastly I know it has been mentioned here that those that have made this decision are adjusting how this will play out and this was highlighted as a bad thing. Personally I like the idea of a leadership that listens to the feedback it gets and takes that in to account, perhaps don't assume that is a weakness to me it makes a nice strength, of course it would be nice to have everything perfectly laid out and get everything perfectly right first time but as human beings that seldom happens, if people that lead nations of millions of people can't do that every time don't expect everyone here to either. We might not always see eye to eye, with over 800 active members we aren't going to but we are all here to make this the best community we can so ultimately we are all on the same side, I'm not saying people don't have a right to ever feel annoyed about something or to disagree with something but lets work together on those things.

    *runs for his car as a barrage of rotten fruit pelts the stage*
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     –  Last edited by Wesstan; Sat 09 Nov, 2013 3:20 PM.
    Since i agree that this is not the right place to discuss that matter (and maybe there are some communication problems to speak about) I would simply like to thank SDC for their work and congratulate Jake and Chris to their new assignments. I hope you will enjoy them.

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    So I'm afraid I will not tolerate even the slightest comment which could be seen to denigrate the department in this area. I think it is certainly ill informed to state that the SDC did nothing, something certainly worthy for seeking disputation over.
    Diplomats mostly handle behind closed doors Hermanator. Most members might not even know what you guys might had been doing and accomplishing all the time. Unawareness creates this.

    I might know nothing of UFP's SDC and it's inside .. but as a rookie (and somewhat 'noobish') negotiator, who handled Timelords' DC for a time .. when I came over here to seek contact, I was handled fair and professional, even on the highest levels. People like Ben Hurley and Collier (heck even Lynx himself) treated my "thundering" with calm and pure professionalism.

    So looking at it from my point of view, SDC made it's name out there definitely and you guys (all SDC Members) deserve the credit for your job .. even, as I said above, I was not involved in SDC from UFP's side. Too bad.
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    fI’ll say this in relation to the statement that some were not aware of SDC being closed down: That I certainly was not aware of SDC being closed down until I saw this announcement like everyone else. To those unaware, which from previous posts may be the majority, I was a senior member of the diplomatic team, I believe I gained my Ambassador status at least two years ago and thus could be considered a senior member of the team; one would have suggested that I would have known before the announcement was made, as I would have expected from all other members also. From what I gathered from posts, the command team knew about this only 24 hrs before the department was closed. So I would suggest that is quite the understatement. My bitter question is how long did the division ‘Imperial Guard’ know before their division was closed?

    I would though surprisingly like to defend FEO in the statement that since members of the former Diplomatic Corps have expressed a greater displeasure (which believe me is far more honest and robust than the displeasure expressed on this thread) within the soon to be gone area of the forum, that Mikester has stated in a similar fashion (in terms of content) to that of Bondgadget that the details are still being worked out et cetera. Which I admit doesn’t take away the pain of this decision, but is a notification to the fact that our complaints are listed. So I’m hopeful that things will move in a positive direction, though I’m sceptical as I have mentioned in the SDC forum. It would have been just as easy for us to be ignored, but FEO have certainly not done that. So I think we can be hopeful in that regards

    I feel it is also necessary to thank Dorus for confirming some of our attributes, nature and expertise. It’s nice to know that we are at least acknowledged, even if it is at a greater value outside than that of inside our own community.

    I hope myself and my fellow comrades have put forward views and points that have tackled previous stigma towards the former Department. I hope that the work which was done is now properly acknowledged, which I would state that it certainly wasn’t done previously in this announcement. I feel I would have responded to this far more aggressively if I wasn’t as thick skinned as that in which I am, we were all volunteers just like members of SFO, HOK, ESF, SFH, SFA and the former IG, our work was just as relevant and we certainly worked as hard.
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    From what I gathered from posts, the command team knew about this only 24 hrs before the department was closed.
    I'd just like to clarify this and preempt any misunderstandings. I had been aware that some kind of change was a possibility for some time now but I had never been briefed with any details before or after this announcement. I was only made aware that a change was definitely happening the day before this announcement. I had made requests but at the time details had not been finalised and so I had nothing of substance to pass on to SDC staff.
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