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Star Trek: Hydra Episode Two

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Adster94, Wed 18 Dec, 2013 11:29 AM
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     –  Last edited by Sammygm; Tue 11 Nov, 2014 1:56 AM.



    First of all thank you to all those who attended the second episode, I am very glad that everyone who attended enjoyed themselves and I look forward to seeing how everyone reacts to how the story will develop over the next couple of episodes Big Grin Now the mission synopsis:

    Starbase 124 is gone...the Federation has lost its foothold in the Hydra sector, after a massive attack by Cardassian and Zephan forces. Without us realising, the Cardassians have allied themselves with the very powerful Zephan sovereignty - how and why, doesn't really matter, what does matter is that we are outmatched...

    We are outnumbered; outgunned, and for the most part inside the borders of a power which we had no idea existed. We have tried, and failed, the diplomacy route; we have lost many good people - Starbase 124 wasn't evacuated before the attack, there was no chance too. The fate of those who were on the Mining Colonies is...uncertain...and for the first time since Task Force Omegas founding, we have lost multiple starships...

    The Monarch, under the command of the taskforce commander Admiral Moorey, and the Melbourne, under the command of Captain Grimes, were lost, presumed destroyed, during the onslaught of the Cardassian/Zephan force along with many lives on board the starbase as well as the ships that managed to flee - now that the fleet is badly damaged, they have had no choice but to hide inside the Osarian Nebula, on the edge of the Celbalrai system.

    Starfleet Command has been contacted, and from what they have told us the Klingon Empire has began a savage thrust into Romulan territory, as well as some of the more remote Federation sectors, therefore they have severed diplomatic ties with the Federation... It is presumed that Chancellor Martok has been overthrown by the recent political upheaval within the Empire, but this is unconfirmed, so Starfleet, now more than ever, needs the resources that is held within this sector.

    After the loss of Admiral Moorey, Admiral Ross has given temporary command of the taskforce to the captain of the ship which is tactically the strongest, Captain Sotak of the Galaxy. He has also sent another detachment of ships from the 8th Fleet, to rendezvous with the taskforce in the Celbalrai system, and attempt a diplomatic solution to this crisis.

    However, if the Zephan/Cardassian force keeps pushing into Federation territory Starfleet will have to take a more aggressive stance in the Hydra sector. The remainder of the 8th Fleet, are setting up an outpost deeper into Federation territory - which will serve as the staging grounds for any offensive.

    What are the Zephans wanting? Is there any hope of a diplomatic solution? Why are the Cardassians, and the Zephans being so aggressive? Only time will tell...

    Could everyone who attended - if they would like - post a kind of "Captains logs", which doesn't have to be long, to get more involved in the role-play and provide a more detailed account from multiple perspectives.

    I would also like to ask, that those who weren't able to attend, write up a captains log as well, to keep involved with the story Smile

    My thanks to Ben Hurley, Bondgadget76, Chris Halsey Dentari, Jordan, Sammygm, Solace and Torinth for attending.

    Star Trek: Hydra will continue in two weeks time! See you all there!


    Starfleet Reserves Commanding Officer
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    Admiral's Log, supplemental:

    My ships has taken severe damage, warp engines for the time being are disabled, and Chief Engineer Lanzo informs me we wont have them operational again for at least a week with the current resources, and if we are not found.

    I have lost many people on this day, the entirity of Starbase 124s personnel as well as 102 people on my own ship... I haven't had to deal with this many losses, since the Dominion War, and quite frankly hoped we never would again...

    For the time being, we have been able to elude the Zephan sensors, by hiding within the corona of the Serris system star, although being this close to the star is causing more problems, than fixing. The extreme heat is making our repair efforts extremely difficult, which may force us to leave the corona within a matter of days - and without our warp drive, I don't know how we will survive...

    However, I have full confidence in my crew, and their abilities, whilst the past several days have been extremely tough, they have performed admirably and continue to do so, to the highest standard - I only hope I can get them out of this mess.

    End Log
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