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Dentari, Mon 17 Feb, 2014 8:31 PM
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     –  Last edited by Dentari; Wed 06 May, 2015 11:30 PM.
    jR1r43k Caprica

    Political Information
    Government Type: Representative Democracy
    Head of State: President Lockley
    Motto: Honi soit qui mal y pense

    Societal Information
    Capital City: Caprica City
    Official Language: Caprican
    Demonym: Caprican
    Official Anthem: Caprica Anthem

    Historical Background
    Caprica is the culmination of several distinct political entities and geographical regions. It was believed that Caprica originated as a small yet prosperous maritime and trade state known as Cellaris. Cellaris remains within the territorial holdings of Caprica and is a crucial technology hub.

    As a nation founded on maritime trading, Cellaris soon expanded to include Port Serenity and Port Vallis (the current location of Caprica City). With a variety of important cultural information unearthed during a large scale archaeological expedition on Port Serenity, an age of understanding and enlightenment ensued. Loosely affiliated groups soon came to appreciate their shared ancestry. This common link led to a shift in government type as the population of Caprica strive to meet the ideals and values of their ancient forefathers.

    Caprica is a founding member of Confederacy of Sovereign Utopian Nations, a pan-Utopian alliance with common values and goals.


    Caprican Naval Service
    First Sea Lord - Fleet Admiral Thaan Telmora

    Caprican Channel Fleet
    Commanding Officer: Fleet Admiral Thaan Telmora
    Flagship: CS Artemis – BB-02

    Tasked primarily with the defence of Caprican territorial waters, the Caprican Channel Fleet acts as the primary safeguard for the the capital city: Caprica City. Its maintenance is of paramount importance to the Caprican Defence Council and as such, it is considered one of the most prestigious assignments for Caprican Naval staff.

    CS Artemis – BB-02
    CS Heart of Oak – BB-06
    CS Delphi City – ASC-02
    CS Vanguard – BC-01
    CS Avenger – CG-01
    CS Providence – CG-025
    CS Nebuchadnezzar – DII-01
    CS Alexander – DII-02
    CS Apollo – DII-04
    CS Athena – DII-05
    CS Greystone – DII-06
    CS Heracles – DIII-01
    CS Hades – DIII-02
    CS Asclepius – DIII-03
    CS Eros – DIII-04
    CS Persephone – DIII-05

    The Grand Fleet
    Commanding Officer: Vice Admiral Deltos Quinn
    Flagship: CS Caprica City – ASC-01

    The primary Caprican fleet which is tasked with suppressing threats abroad is the most highly decorated, sophisticated and venerable of all Caprican fleets. A physical extension of Caprica's power, the Grand Fleet is often the first into combat. The Grand fleet proved its worth during the Caprica-Lantean War. At this time, the Grand Fleet is part of a joint task force with Satsumarian vessels in the Gulf of New Turkonia. The fleet is currently upholding the sovereignty of Turkonia against any potential outside threats.

    CS Caprica City – ASC-01
    CS Illustrious – BB-01
    CS Audacious – BB-03
    CS Majestic – BB-04
    CS Julius Ceasar – DII-07
    CS Octavian – DII-08
    CS Waterloo – D-01
    CS Agincourt – D-02
    CS Monarch – D-03
    CS Surprise – D-04

    3rd Fleet
    Commanding Officer: Rear Admiral Julius Aros
    Flagship: CS Royal Sovereign

    The 3rd Fleet is comprised of a wide variety of ships and is often tasked with difficult and long term assignments. Facing the Lantean naval force during the Caprica-Lantean War led to a relatively high loss of life. Since the conclusion of that war the 3rd Fleet has remained in the North Sea region to ensure a strict defence of CSUN holdings in that region. Ships of this fleet often patrol the armistice line surrounding Lantea's waters. Stationed at the joint Confederacy dockyards due west of Hesperia, the 3rd Fleet is ever watchful of potential threats.

    CS Royal Sovereign – LAC-01
    CS Cellaris – LAC-02
    CS Victory – CARR-01
    CS Golden Lion – CARR-02
    CS Albion – AAC-01
    CS Lords of Kobol – BB-05
    CS Guardian – DII-03
    CS Hector – DII-10
    CS Charles V – DII-11
    CS Nonsuch – D-05
    CS Goliath – D06

    4th Fleet
    Commanding Officer: Commodore Salo Voltaris
    Flagship: CS Aphrodite

    The 4th Fleet is the youngest and the most lightly armed of the combined Caprican fleets. Despite its youth, the fleet under it's inaugural commanding officer, Commodore Voltaris, has been tasked with the crucial role of asserting a Caprican presence over the sparsely populated Western Ocean theatre. The 4th Fleet will maintain a vigil over the Western hemisphere and will resupply at the Confederate port in Elysium.

    CS Aphrodite – BC-02
    CS Chronos – BC-03
    CS Hera – CG-03
    CS Hephaestus – CG-04
    CS Poseidon – CG-05
    CS Plutarch – DIII-06
    CS Erebus – DIII-07
    CS Nemesis – DIII-08
    CS Dionysus – DIII-09

    Caprican Air Force
    Chief of the Air Staff - Air Chief Marshall Silas Fenn

    Caprican Army
    Chief of the General Staff - General William Wolfe

    Caprican Starfleet
    Head of Starfleet - Fleet Admiral Alice Mansfield
    Flagship: CSS Ares

    Caprica's space fleet, known simply as the Caprican Starfleet, is a multi-purpose organisation comprised of a wide variety of spaceborne vessels. With a two pronged goal of long term exploration of space and for providing defence for Caprica and her Confederate allies, the Caprican Starfleet is a crucial quasi-military aspect of the Caprican government. Working in tandem with the Confederate Starfleet, many of Caprica's vessels also serve under a combined CSUN banner.

    CSS Ares – NCC-1650
    CSS Zeus – NCC-1649
    CSS Republic – NCC-1530
    CSS Geronimo – NCC-1529
    CSS Hermes – NCC-1540
    CSS Magellan - NCC-1462
    CSS Horatio – NCC-1422
    CSS Korolev – NCC-1421
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    The United States of lantea wishes you congratulations on your new ship, May the wind be on your back.

    President Minnow Adama
    Minnow Raydor
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     –  Last edited by Dentari; Thu 27 Mar, 2014 12:29 AM.
    Cellarian News Agency Special Report

    With the exponential increase of regional tensions, the governing body of the Republic of Cellaris has been acutely aware of the lack of defensive military technology available in the event of foreign aggression.

    The Cellarian Engineering Corps (CEC) has been hard at work to meet the high demand for high quality hardware to protect Cellaris' now booming trade lanes, safeguarding territorial possessions and most importantly: the provision of blanket defence for the population of Central Cellaris.

    With these worthy yet weighty goals in mind, the CEC has strived to meet stringent deadlines and is nearing completion of several projects. The following are the new additions to Cellarian military assets:


    Prototype Republic Frigate (Designation: CF:01) Quantity Planned: 3

    The mainstay of the newly formed Peacekeeper Fleet, the Republic Frigate is armed with several twin turbolasers cannons and when rolled out into service will offer a perfect balance between manoeuvrability and firepower.


    AT-TE (All Terrain Tactical Enforcer) Division


    The heavy hitting ground aspect of Cellarian forces is armed with a top mounted mass-driver cannon and several laser cannons.


    Venator Class Star Destroyer (Republic Attack Cruiser) Quantity Planned: 2+


    The pinnacle of Cellarian technology. The first of the Cellarian Venator-class cruisers is nearing completion. The first of its class, the Tranquility, will serve as the Republic of Cellaris' flagship; armed with 8 heavy dual turbolaser turrets, two medium dual turbolaser cannons, fifty-two point-defence dual laser cannons and four heavy proton torpedo tubes, the Tranquility will be the most heavily armed vessel produced by the CEC to date and will afford Cellaris the ability to defend its borders, insure stability in its locality and also will allow Cellaris the ability to finally extend mutual protection to its already militarily advanced allies in Utopia.

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    Imperial Rawrtony certainly finds the style of Cellaris'... large cruiser.. familiar. It is certainly well engineered! Wink

    That said, Imperial Rawrtony will recognize this Venerator class as a Republic Cruiser.. So not to confuse designations and individuality with Rawrtony's own Acclimator Star Destroyer.
    Mikester92 Medals
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     –  Last edited by Dentari; Thu 27 Mar, 2014 12:59 PM.
    The Republic of Cellaris acknowledges that Tranquility shares many traits of the older Acclamator class designs.

    Although, the sleek figure of the newer Venator-class certainly remains distinctive amongst the vessels of other Utopian nations. The Venator leaves little to be desired and in the Republics defense there certainly is nothing wrong with harkening back to antiquated designs when moving into the future.

    As a show of good faith, the Republic is willing to concede to designating the Tranquility and her successors as Republic Attack Cruisers rather than Star Destroyers, especially seeing as the term "Star Destroyers" seems unsuitably vulgar and aggressive a name for a Cellarian ship, however, it will also help to avoid any confusion between our respective nations ships.
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    The United States of Lantea Congratulates you on the military hardware that you have constructed, the venator is a wonder to our people and we wish you luck with the future designs.
    Minnow Raydor
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    Imperial Rawrtony certainly finds the style of Cellaris'... large cruiser.. familiar. It is certainly well engineered! Wink

    That said, Imperial Rawrtony will recognize this Venerator class as a Republic Cruiser.. So not to confuse designations and individuality with Rawrtony's own Acclimator Star Destroyer.
    Much Typo's. Such fun. Wow :p
    MerTYol Medals
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    Much Typo's. Such fun. Wow :p
    I only spot one typo. One less than the amount of typos in your reply. :p
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    Venerator? - i believe its called Venator

    Acclimator - I believe its Acclamator not Acclimator Smile

    As for my reply. It has been written this way on purpose due to comedic nature of the specified "Internet Meme"

    MerTYol Medals
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    Venerator? - i believe its called Venator

    Acclimator - I believe its Acclamator not Acclimator Smile

    As for my reply. It has been written this way on purpose due to comedic nature of the specified "Internet Meme"

    Discounting the extra typos in this reply, 2 on 2 seems fair to call it even! Wink
    Mikester92 Medals
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    Discounting the extra typos in this reply, 2 on 2 seems fair to call it even! Wink
    OMG will you two cut it out......ROFL.
    Minnow Raydor
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     –  Last edited by merTYol; Thu 27 Mar, 2014 6:03 PM.
    Its normal for me to make grammar errors. since it is not my mother language. however i do not do typos on ship class names from a IP that i enjoy watching Smile
    MerTYol Medals
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    I think that we should all come together in the spirit of unity, that way we can better admire my constructions Wink
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    Looking pretty fly! how goes the little transport ships??
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     –  Last edited by Dentari; Fri 21 Nov, 2014 12:47 PM.

    As time has progressed, Cellaris has blossomed into a multi-state, multi-government entity. With this slow and steady expansion, Vallis (as the collective states are now recognised) has long seen the need to expand its scientific, exploratory and defensive technology. The Vallisian Guild of Engineers in partnership with the Cellarian Engineering Corporation has worked extensively with experts from other CSUN states. Their task was to design a set of vessels suitable for long range exploration as well as being militarily capable.


    This long term project has begun to come to fruition in the form of the Ares class cruiser. This cruiser (despite being more than capable of exploration and scientific experimentation) is first and foremost a warship. As the Republic Cruisers are slowly being decommissioned in favour of these more modern vessels, the Ares class will become the main line of defensive for Vallis and her allies.


    Another important aspect of this project is the creation of the Korolev class heavy cruiser. This particular ship is geared more towards long term exploration and will be equipped with a variety of internationally sourced technology. The first ship of its class is due to be released in the immediate future.

    Several of each new class are expected to be produced and assigned to a variety of tasks. The maiden voyage of the Ares has seen her rendezvous with the Excalibur in the Northern Sea region.
    Dentari Medals