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Captain's Logs - An STO Journey from the Very Beginning

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Survivor, Wed 30 Apr, 2014 12:38 PM
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     –  Last edited by Survivor; Tue 16 Sep, 2014 6:05 AM.
    A Star Trek Online Journey

    Hi and welcome to my Thread.

    Over the next few weeks I'm going to be Posting my Captain's Log Entries as they play through the STO Episodes from the Very Beginning.

    The intention is to keep them as related to the Actual Missions as Possible, however i have taken some creative license with regards to how soon my Captains Take Command of Ships etc and what Rank they hold.

    There may also be sections of this Journey that deviate from the STO Mission lines once or twice. This is just to add in some dramatic elements or to further enhance character development.

    If any of you would like to feature in my Log Entries Just drop me a PM with Your Captains Name, Race, Gender and Ship Details. I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities to feature fellow UFP members throughout.

    Thanks for taking the time to look through these Logs, I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed creating them!
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     –  Last edited by Survivor; Wed 30 Apr, 2014 12:54 PM.
    Acting Captain's Log:

    Stardate: 86130.2

    Captain Taggart has Made me Acting Captain of the Calypso, but not before being captured by Captain Kadek….. of the Klingon Ship I.K.S Chot.

    I feel it prudent to recount the events leading up to the current situation.

    The Crew were full of Enthusiasm when we left for Vulcan, our first mission was supposed be an easy one, just a cruise there and back. It seems the Gods of Fate had other Ideas. Approximately 3 Hours into the mission we received an emergency distress call from the Ferengi Cargo Vessel S.S. Break Even, and immediately altered course with the intent of rendering assistance. As soon as we arrived we began transporting the Break Even's crew over to the Calypso, I headed down to engineering to help stabilise the situation, however when the crew re-materialised on the transporter platform it became quite obvious we had been lured into a trap. There was a Cloaked Klingon Vessel in the vicinity, which we failed to detect, and when we beamed Klingon's onto the Ship believing them to be injured freighter crewman they immediately began operations to take the Calypso by force.

    Fire-fights broke out all across the Ship, pitting newly graduated Cadets against Seasoned KDF Forces, the Klingon's quickly established a foothold on several decks, however I rallied as many crew as we could find, and we began to make our way back to the bridge from Engineering. We cleared the Calypso of the Klingon Forces deck by deck, but upon arrival on the Bridge, I was able to do nothing except watch Captain Taggart, along with the Remaining Klingon's beam back to their Ship.

    Captain demanded that Captain Taggart order us to stand down and surrender, however the Captain instructed me to take command and ordered me to Lock onto his Combadge and to Fire everything we had.

    I Followed those orders.

    We were able to damage and destroy several KDF Ships, but not without taking severe damage and losing 13 Crew members. Whist we began repairs I instructed Acting Number One Elisa Flores to send out a Priority 1 Signal asking for any nearby Starfleet Vessel to assist us. When The U.S.S. Renown arrived it couldn't have come a moment too soon. Just as Captain Vo’Lok hailed us the I.K.S Chot attacked once more, co-operatively the Renown and the Calypso were eventually able to Destroy the Chot, a moment which I will not lose any sleep over.

    Captain Vo'Lok has agrees to Escort the Calypso to the Pollux System to Rendezvous with the U.S.S. Khitomer, we will be Departing as soon as the critical systems repairs are complete.
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     –  Last edited by Survivor; Wed 30 Apr, 2014 12:54 PM.
    Acting Captain's Log:


    We are en-route to the Pollux 4 System at Maximum Warp , accompanied by Captain Vo’Lok and the U.S.S. Renown, where we are to Rendezvous with The U.S.S. Khitomer as soon as is possible.

    The Crew have worked miracles and nearly all of our damaged Systems have been repaired. Their morale has understandably Suffered with the loss of Captain Taggart but the sheer level of work needed to get us back to an acceptable condition has kept their minds off of the attack and off of the colleagues and friends that we have all lost. Casualty reports are now fully in and are regrettably higher than previously thought, we lost a total of 23. Each of them deserves a memorial service, a moment of remembrance, but that time will have to wait. We have not been able to establish contact with the Khitomer and are making best speed to the Pollux System to ascertain the situation.

    All I hope is that she hasn't befallen the same fate that we did.
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    Priority One Communication – From Acting Captain Koloth of the U.S.S. Calypso NCC - 978521

    To all Starfleet Vessels.

    This is the U.S.S. Calypso, we are making best possible Speed for the Vega System in Pursuit of Several Borg Vessels. We were surveying Giant Gas Clouds in the Pollux System along with the U.S.S. Renown and the U.S.S. Khitomer, the clouds were blocking communications as well as our Sensors, they were on top of us before we even had chance to raise shields. We were attacked by several Borg Spheres along with multiple Borg Probes. The Khitomer has been severely Damaged and was in the process of repelling Borg Landing Parties when an entire Armada trans-warped into the System. There must have been Dozens of Tactical Cubes along with many more Standard Borg Cubes and Spheres.

    The Renown and the Khitomer have remained on Station in the Pollux System in an attempt to hold the line for as long as possible.

    The initial Forces then left the system on various headings, we assume they are making their way to various other systems and planets within the Quadrant. Captain Vo’Lok has ordered us to head to the Vega system in order to Provide Warning and to render assistance as required. Please be advised that these Borg are not behaving in the same way as any previously encountered, they seem disconnects, more interested in killing than assimilation. Please take appropriate action. Any Vessels that are able to assist us please make your way to the Vega System.

    God Speed

    End of Communication
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     –  Last edited by Survivor; Sat 03 May, 2014 10:29 AM.
    Acting Captain's Log

    Stardate: 86136.6

    We gave arrived at Vega IV, it would appear that we made it before the Borg.

    We have tried to establish communications with the Colony, however, yet again there appears to be subspace distortion preventing successful communications. Acting Commander Flores believes that by boosting the gain on several nearby subspace relays we may be able to break through this distortion. I have advised Ensign Razkii to begin forming Tactical Squads in preparation of ground operations. If and when the Borg do arrive in the Vega System it’s the Calypso’s mission to hold the Line for as long as possible, failing that, to provide cover whilst we evacuate as many of the colonists as we can. No other Starfleet reinforcements have arrived, leading me to believe that this is an invasion force, and that Starfleet is Engaging the Borg elsewhere. We have managed to muster together local planetary defences and have begun to prepare for the inevitable.

    The crew are worried, and rightly so! Admiral Jane way’s recollections of the Borg are very much different from what we have experienced. I have a full Crew meeting at 0800, they will be informed of how proud I am of them, they have come together as a team under the worst possible circumstances, yet I see glimmers of excellence nearly everywhere I look. They truly have worked wonders in the past 48 hours and I will tell them that as long as they continue to work together as a team and they rely on each other then we will prevail, I have no doubt in that.
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     –  Last edited by Survivor; Sat 03 May, 2014 10:29 AM.
    Emergency Communication To Starfleet Command From U.S.S. Calypso NCC - 978521

    Priority One

    This is an emergency Broadcast to Starfleet Command…………….Vega has been Lost.

    As soon as the Calypso began our repairs of the Subspace relay orbiting Vega IV a Borg Fleet warped into the System. Scans indicated it comprised of Several Tactical Cubes escorted be a wide variety of Support Vessels including Normal Borg Cubes, Spheres and Probes. Estimate total amount of Vessels to be approx. 145.

    We held the line long enough to evacuate around 150,000 Colonists, either by Beaming them up to the Calypso or by providing cover escaping refugee vessels. The away teams that were sent down to assist the Colony have all beamed back and are accounted for. I have Granted a Field Commission to Ensign Razkii, promoting him to Lieutenant Commander. He was the First officer to beam down and the Last to beam back. He has shown great courage and honour during the Ground Operations and is personally responsible for rescuing over 3000 Colonists.

    I cannot even begin to fathom the fear and pain being experienced by those we were unable to Save. This was their home, they came here to find peace and a new way of life, that will never be the same again. This event marks a dark day for the Federation, one which I hope will not be repeated anywhere else.

    We have managed to get a channel through to Captain The Renown and the Khitomer, they are both severely damaged and are making best speed for Earth Space Dock. Captain Vo’Lok has ordered the Calypso to do the same, and to report directly to Admiral Quinn upon arrival.

    End of Communication
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    Captain's Log:

    Stardate: 86143.5

    The Debrief with Admiral Quinn has ran in for some Hours. We have reviewed my previous log entries and discussed, in great detail, the events leading up to Captain Taggart’s Death and my Assuming Command of the Calypso. He appears to be mostly concerned with the Borg Invasion Fleet and rightly so! The way that those Borg just swiped us aside like bugs was unbelievable. I certainly hope that Starfleet Command has a Plan of action on how to Deal with this threat.

    During those Discussions Admiral Quinn has officially promoted me to Rank of Captain, and has advised that I will be taking Command of my very own Ship at 0800 tomorrow. He has yet to give me any further information regarding which ship I am to receive, I just hope I can make Captain Taggart Proud.

    The Admiral has been a huge help, offering sound command advice and organising some R&R for the crew. He has nothing but admiration for them and how they responded to the events of the last 4 Days, something which I certainly share with him.

    4 days, Is that all its been? Was it only 4 Days ago I was stood at the Bar at Starfleet Academy with many of my graduating class, looking forward to the future and what adventures lay ahead of us? Was it Just 4 Days ago I was taking my seat as the First Office of the Famous Captain Taggart and ordering the Calypso out of Dry Dock? It seems impossible that so much has happened in such little time.

    The Admiral has requested the Crews Presence back on Earth Space Dock at 1700 Hrs. He has something important to announce and feels that the entire crew needs to hear what he has to day first-hand. If its anything to do with getting back out there and honouring those who have fallen in their duties during these last few days, Admiral Quinn is going to have one enthusiastic crew on his hands.
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    Sorry if this is ruining the emersion, but I just wanted to say you're doing a great job with this. Very in the spirit of trek.

    I know I fall into the tempation, all too often, of blowing through missions and dialog to get to the next thing. When I go through the missions on my next alt, I think I'll try to take it slower.
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    No Apologies needed Trekster! :mrgreen:

    I too used to blow through everything as quick as possible, but i got to the stage where the game wasn't fun any more. I needed to find something to make it fun and this was it.

    Glad you are enjoying them Constitution light
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    Captain’s Log

    Stardate: 86154.2

    Admiral Quinn’s announcement has left me feeling both excited and apprehensive. He has recognised the dedication to duty that the crew of the U.S.S. Calypso has shown during recent events and has decided to keep the crew together, albeit with some more experienced hands joining the crew.

    He has given me 72 hours to decide on my senior staff and wants us to be ready to begin our new mission in 1 week. As for that mission I can say that its one the crew are very much invested in. We are to patrol the Federation borders along Klingon Territory and are to apprehend any KDF Vessel which enters Federation Space Unauthorised.

    To do this Admiral Quinn has granted me Command of the U.S.S. Challenger. She’s a Galaxy Class Cruiser and has seen more than her fair share of action over the last 50 or so years. She’s currently under refit at McKinley Station and I'm told she will be equipped with some of the Federations latest technology.

    Unfortunately the Calypso had simply taken too much damage during the Klingon and Borg assaults. The entire crew from the Calypso will be joining me on the Challenger, along with several personnel I have hand selected for this mission. I'm truly honoured to be given such a prestigious ship for my first command, I just hope I'm worthy.
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     –  Last edited by Survivor; Sun 04 May, 2014 9:58 AM.
    Captain’s Log

    Stardate: 86162.3

    This week has been one of the most surreal I think I have ever had. From finding out that I was being promoted to Captain, to be given command of the Challenger, to selecting my senior staff, it’s all been an experience to say the least.

    I have promoted Elisa Flores to Commander and have Selected her as my First Officer, during the events surrounding the loss of Captain Taggart and the Borg Attacks on Vega, she has shown to be Intelligent, loyal, steadfast in her resolution to defend the crew and pretty handy with a Phaser too!

    My Chief engineer is Lt. Brot. He will be supported by Three of Eight, a liberated Borg who has shown incredible promise relating to her use and improvements of Federation Technology, and someone whom Vice Admiral Seven of Nine is quite impressed with. Lieutenant Dumar, a Cardassian and Starfleet Corp of Engineers Veteran, will also be assisting Lt Brot, He comes highly recommended by Admiral La Forge, and there is no higher honour that that.

    Lt Commander Razkii has been selected by me to be the Challenger’s Tactical Chief. He showed exactly what he was made of during the Evacuation of Vega and I feel he will continue to show that dedication in his new Post. We will almost certainly be engaging enemy forces on a regular basis so when I asked Admiral Quinn if he had any recommendations for Head of Security, he had only two.

    Commander Mer was a Breen Mercenary who Joined Starfleet in 2397. His actions have helped save the lives of countless individuals during the current conflict with the Klingon Empire. Commander Ixan’Tal on the other hand, is currently assigned to the combat training of new Cadets at The Academy. He is Jem’Hadar, and was rescued by Starfleet after the second Battle of Chin’Toka. They Guy knows his stuff and has been responsible for some of the best hand to hand combat training I have ever seen, and felt!

    The two commanders, along with Lt Commander Razkii should go a long way in helping the challenger be prepared for whatever lies ahead of her.

    The Post of Ships Doctor goes to Lt Commander Zareen, an Orion who has studied at Starfleet Medical under The Famous ‘Doctor’ and has a rather extensive knowledge of dealing with Trauma Injuries. While the post of Chief Science Officer has gone to Lt Commander T’Vrell, who has proven herself more than capable of fulfilling the role, she will be backed up by a Bajoran Officer, Talpet, a linguistics and astrophysicist specialist none the less.

    All crew are to be aboard and ready for departure at 0830hrs tomorrow, for departure at 1200hrs.

    Whilst I can’t say that this crew is the most experienced that Starfleet has to offer, or that the challenger is the newest ship of the line, I can say that I have no doubt in their skill, their expertise and their wish to do the very best that they can for the federation.

    I could not be more proud or honoured.
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    Captain’s Log

    Stardate: 86167.6

    Admiral Quinn’s first assignment for the U.S.S. Challenger is a search and rescue one. We are to rendezvous with Captain Solace of the U.S.S Omega and begin operations to track down a missing freighter, the S.S. Azura.

    She was due to arrive at Earth Spacedock 18 hours ago and has yet to be heard from. Captain Brott’s deliveries are as regular as clockwork, so something’s amiss. We will arrive at the Omega’s Co-ordinates in 3 Hours and will then begin a scanning a standard search grid. Admiral Quinn has recommended we proceed with caution, Orion Pirates are commonly found along established freight lanes and there is a strong possibility that the Azura has fell prey to an ambush.
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    Whilst en-route to the U.S.S. Omega we received a broadcast from the Azura. She had taken heavy damage and, as we suspected, was under attack from Orion Marauders. Captain Solace and the U.S.S. Omega arrived on station to find itself taking fire from the Orions. We arrived shortly after and I must say that Captain Solace has done a sterling job on keeping the Marauders attention away from the freighter.

    Sensors have picked up Orion’s on board the Azura so I have instructed Ixan’tal and Mer to get their teams together and prepare to beam over. They have been given clear instructions, to remove the Orion’s and try and save as many of the Azuras crew as possible.

    Captain Solace has agreed to provide cover whilst we conduct this rescue operation, he’s a renowned tactician and is known for getting the job done………..I kind of feel a little sorry for the Pirates, Only a Little though.
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     –  Last edited by Survivor; Mon 05 May, 2014 7:50 PM.
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    Captain Solace and the Crew of the Omega were able to disable or destroy the remaining Orion forces, they have taken some light damage but Captain Solace assures me it’s nothing they can’t take care of. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the S.S. Azura. She suffered too much damage at the hands of the Orion’s and has succumb to a Catastrophic Warp Core Failure.

    Mercifully Commanders Ixan’Tal and Mer, along with their away teams, were able to overcome the Orion forces that had boarded the Azure as well as rescue the crew. Captain Brott remained behind whilst her crew were evacuated to safety, however we were able to beam her aboard moments before the destruction of her freighter.

    The Orion Pirates are getting bolder, maybe they are sure of a Klingon Empire Victory, which would all but allow them free reign in this sector, maybe they just think that Starfleet is spread to thinly to deal with issues like this. Captain Solace and I just showed them how wrong they were.
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    Stardate: 86188.1

    We have received word from Admiral Quinn that a Vulcan ambassador by the name of Sokketh requires transportation from Vulcan to The ancient monastery at P’Jem. We will be arriving at Vulcan at 0400Hrs

    The P’Jem Monastery has a very troubled history! The Andorian’s ransacked the place three times whilst looking for a suspected sensor array that the Vulcan High Command was being used to spy on them and only with the Help of, the then Captain, Jonathan Archer were they able to find, locate and destroy the array. There was some bad blood between the Vulcan’s and Andorian’s after that for many years, only coming to an end once the Monastery had been rebuilt in 2170.

    I’m assuming the Ambassador wants to visit P’Jem for some meditation or other, however access to the monastery is still very much restricted, meaning this Vulcan is rather important………or knows someone who is.