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Solar Defense Fleet

Started By:
metspelf34, Tue 17 Jun, 2014 6:12 PM
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    ((Author's Note: This is a work in progress, so I'll be adding ships as I go along. I figure I'll start with some background, and one of the ships used.))

    Sol System's defenses in the late 24th and early 25th century proved woefully inadequate, with several close calls including two Borg incursions in the 2370s. The final proverbial nail in the coffin was the Undine invasion, which, while defeated, proved to Starfleet Command that a new system of defenses was needed in a new and dangerous age. A group of Admirals, lead by Admiral Quinn, put together a proposal for a relatively low cost "Solar Defense Fleet", a force of about one hundred ships in rotation that could be created and outfitted quickly. The plan was soon adopted by the Federation Council, and Starfleet went to work. The fleet would consist largely of older ships with limited refits, and would be crewed by new Academy graduates, put on a one year term before being sent out to full time duty throughout the quadrant. The commanding officer would usually be someone of the Lieutenant grade, transferred off other active starships in rotation for a one year term. In this way, the fleet served a dual role; newly-graduated cadets were given more training, which helped improve the overall quality of Starfleet Officers, and also provided a reliable defense system for Earth.

    (Credit to Wolf's Ship Yard for some of the original designs)

    Khitomer Class
    Length: 310 meters
    Decks: 24
    Crew Complement: 456
    Armament: 20 phaser emitters, 4 photon torpedo launchers

    Infamously called "the ugliest starship I've ever seen" by Tom Paris, the Khitomer Class, named for the late 23rd century peace accords, is the most numerous of Starfleet's SDF ships. Following the conclusion of the Dominion Wars, the Federation had a plethora of reactivated Miranda and Constitution classes, and, though mothballed or turned into museum ships after that war, Admiral Quinn acquired these ships and reactivated them. Some ships of the Khitomer Class are old Miranda Class ships with a reconfigured engineering system, integrated with the secondary hull of a Constitution Class, though many of them are simply Constitution Class ships with the Miranda roll bar and extra hull added to it. Khitomers are usually deployed in the SDF in squadrons of three, and usually assigned to close Earth patrol.
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    Very interesting concept. I'd love to see some NX class ships get refitted and then thrown into this fleet, STO style Tongue Out
    JrodBlue Medals