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Article: Interview with Stephen Ricossa, Sr. Producer for Star Trek Online

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Cehus, Mon 22 Dec, 2014 8:12 PM
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    Very cool to read through, and even better to see my question made the cut Big Grin Looking forward to seeing more VO in the future!

    One piece of feedback though, if that's alright: I found it a bit jarring to see questions start with "Stephen D'Angelo said such and such" and then the reply came from 'Stephen'. I know it's two completely different people, but I found as I read through it I would have to remind myself that it's a different person each time.

    Other than that, always cool to see!
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    Nice to hear from another member of the team. Good interview, but referring to 'Stephen' in the way you did seemed like he was responding with preset marketing answers.

    Looking forward to hearing mor about the fleet holdings in 2015.
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    This is the most massive PR crap I seen. I posted this on some other thread but this is my feeling.

    "So the question is, even if the content we had was amazing, how could you ever balance it when one player can do 100x the damage of another? How do you make the content a challenge when the outgoing damage from enemies is laughable, but can't be increased because it starts to one shot people again?

    This is why DR failed for me, a new level cap, new skill levels, this was the opportunity for a real designer to brush off the past mistakes, fix the issues and get things going again. Instead they just ran some multipler to enemy HP. At that point I knew it was over, the devs had no interest in making anything fun, and if you didn't subscribe to the cookie cutter ship design you were simply not worthy of playing at higher "difficulties" (ie: mindless damage sinks)

    If this one part had shown a sign of hope, a glimmer the devs gave a crap about fun, I'd probably still be playing. If the missions weren't mindless shooting, I'd be in the queues getting my purple R+D drops, upgrading, getting spec points, etc, but reality is... the game is like playing that mind sucking dilithium mining mini-disaster over and over. If the missions we played weren't started with walls of text (that has no point in a timed mission) followed by just endless DPSing. The sad truth is there is nothing Star Trek about the missions that are in the game, while the STFs are still the best we have, they are really old, really static and require the exact same actions everytime. We have nothing dynamic, nothing that makes you think, nothing that reacts, uses attack combinations that are the least bit threatening. Enemies don't try to heal, defend, retreat, protect objectives.

    Of course nothing interesting can be made, designed or remastered until the DPS problems are fixed. If that ever happened, the queue missions do desperately need to be remastered. A system needs to be placed to graduate advancement to Advanced or Elite, walls of text that are never read removed, and the objectives clearly indicated while playing. Higher difficulties need better AI, and sustained damage. Teamwork needs to be added, no more blindly shooting anything that moves (thats ok for some missions not everything in the game)

    So to sum up the massive wall of non-sense, the game isn't fun. The costs of DR, to me, are acceptable, the people whining about them are not justified, IMO. The upgrade costs to epic status are the exception to that. Launching an expansion and level cap increase with only a small fraction of the content needed to get there is mind blowing. I'm at level 64/65 in rift, and I haven't grinded anything, I've skipped more content than I can count. Devs making xp adjustments at this stage in the game is like design 101, how did they skip that?

    Our fleet has been shrinking fast, at some point recruiting new players it gets depressing because all you hear are questions of why is this that, and that this? The answer is time and time again, bugs. Our fleet is now empty, most have moved to Rift.. a really bug free game, refreshing.

    You might want to read this article
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    This is PR nonsense. THis is my feelings.

    DR was a fail to the playerbase but a win to DR $$$ pockets.

    DR failed for me, a new level cap, new skill levels, this was the opportunity for a real designer to brush off the past mistakes, fix the issues and get things going again. Instead they just ran some multipler to enemy HP. At that point I knew it was over, the devs had no interest in making anything fun, and if you didn't subscribe to the cookie cutter ship design you were simply not worthy of playing at higher "difficulties" (ie: mindless damage sinks)

    If this one part had shown a sign of hope, a glimmer the devs gave a crap about fun, I'd probably still be playing. If the missions weren't mindless shooting, I'd be in the queues getting my purple R+D drops, upgrading, getting spec points, etc, but reality is... the game is like playing that mind sucking dilithium mining mini-disaster over and over. If the missions we played weren't started with walls of text (that has no point in a timed mission) followed by just endless DPSing. The sad truth is there is nothing Star Trek about the missions that are in the game, while the STFs are still the best we have, they are really old, really static and require the exact same actions everytime. We have nothing dynamic, nothing that makes you think, nothing that reacts, uses attack combinations that are the least bit threatening. Enemies don't try to heal, defend, retreat, protect objectives.

    Of course nothing interesting can be made, designed or remastered until the DPS problems are fixed. If that ever happened, the queue missions do desperately need to be remastered. A system needs to be placed to graduate advancement to Advanced or Elite, walls of text that are never read removed, and the objectives clearly indicated while playing. Higher difficulties need better AI, and sustained damage. Teamwork needs to be added, no more blindly shooting anything that moves (thats ok for some missions not everything in the game)

    So to sum up the massive wall of non-sense, the game isn't fun. The costs of DR, to me, are acceptable, the people whining about them are not justified, IMO. The upgrade costs to epic status are the exception to that. Launching an expansion and level cap increase with only a small fraction of the content needed to get there is mind blowing. I'm at level 64/65 in rift, and I haven't grinded anything, I've skipped more content than I can count. Devs making xp adjustments at this stage in the game is like design 101, how did they skip that?

    Our fleet has been shrinking fast, at some point recruiting new players it gets depressing because all you hear are questions of why is this that, and that this? The answer is time and time again, bugs. Our fleet is now empty, most have moved to Rift.. a really bug free game, refreshing. "