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Adster94, Sat 10 Jan, 2015 9:57 PM
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     –  Last edited by Jonathan; Mon 25 Apr, 2016 7:58 PM.

    Political Information
    Government Type: Council
    Head of State: None; all members have equal stature within CSUN.
    Founding Members:

    • Caprica
    • Elysium Empire
    • Libran Federation
    • Satsumarian Reich

    Current Members:

    • Caprica
    • Elysium Empire
    • Libran Federation
    • Satsumarian Reich
    • Republic of Turkonia
    • Hesperia
    • Borg Space
    • New Haven
    • Ashleran Empire

    Policies and Aims

    Societal Information
    Capital City: Confederate Fleet Command
    Official Language: English
    Demonym: No specific; all member nations have individual Demonyms

    Historical Background

    CSUN was originally found August last year, by four nations that share the same values of equality, peace and prosperity, for all utopians. The founding members are, in alphabetical order: Cellaris (now known as Caprica); Elysium Empire; Libran Federation; and the Satsumarian Reich.

    Each nation within CSUN, has equal rights and say on any CSUN policies, laws and actions. Each nation also shares any and all technological advancements, so long as the member state that receives the technology stays within CSUN.

    However, each founding member has a veto over all legislation proposed.

    Shortly after it's founding, the United States of Lantea joined for a couple of months, which quickly ended due to hostilities between them and the Caprican Republic.

    The Charter of the Confederacy of Sovereign Utopian Nations

    Purposes and Principles
    Article 1

    By this Charter, the founding members establish among themselves as the Confederacy of Sovereign Utopian Nations, hereinafter shortened to 'CSUN'. This Charter marks a new era of international cooperation amongst the peoples of Utopia. CSUN shall be founded on the principles of mutual respect, sharing and collaboration of technology and the rule of law. With this in mind, these principles will be supplemented by the policies and forms of cooperation established by this Charter. Its task shall be to organize, in a manner demonstrating consistency and solidarity, relations between the Member States and between their peoples.

    Article 2

    This Article will set forth the purposes of CSUN as the following:
    1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end, to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace. Hostile force shall be viewed as a last resort. Reasoned military action will therefore enact Articles 16-20 of the Charter of the Confederacy of Sovereign Utopian Nations.
    2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on mutual respect for each other and to take appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace in Utopia.
    3. To enable the sharing of ideas, technology, culture and intellectual advances across all Member States without hindrance or restriction.
    4. To provide for mutual defence and protection from threats to CSUN and its member states and establish casus doederis to this end.

    Article 3

    The founding members of CSUN shall be the states who signed and ratified the original CSUN charter on the 22nd July 2014 and shall hold the title of “Permanent Member”. These states are the Republic of Cellaris, Elysium Empire, the Libran Federation and the Satsumarian Reich. Article 3 of this Charter subsequently gives all four Permanent Members the following irrevocable powers:

    1. The right to veto any and all legislation and motions currently being debated with CSUN. Article 3 does not however give permanent members the right to not enforce and cooperate with legislation already passed, including the Charter of the Confederacy of Sovereign Utopian Nations.
    2. The right to elect and dismiss a General of the Confederacy, who powers are detailed within Articles 16-20 of the CSUN charter.
    3. The irrevocable and fundamental right to not be removed or dismissed from the Confederacy of Sovereign Utopian Nations.
    4. Article 3.1 has a single exception for the purposes of Article 18.3.

    Article 4

    1. Membership to CSUN is open to all Utopian nations who accept and uphold the obligations and rights contained within the charter and, in the judgement of CSUN, are able and willing to carry out those obligations
    2. The admission of any such state to membership of CSUN will only be lawful by a decision of the CSUN Council upon recommendation of Permanent Members

    Article 5

    1. A Member of CSUN may be suspended or removed from CSUN upon the recommendation of Permanent Members or a majority ruling from the CSUN Council.
    2. This Member is thereby considered to be suspended or removed upon the culmination of the ruling from either Organ of CSUN, as long as it doesn't contradict with Article 3.3 of the CSUN Charter. Ex-Members therefore have 60 days to return any CSUN technology to their nearest CSUN Member State.
    3. Any state may be constitutionally barred from admittance to CSUN by a majority vote in CSUN Council, unanimous vote by Permanent Members or executive order by the General of the Confederacy. Banned states will therefore be mentioned as an amendment to this Charter.

    Article 6

    1. This Charter establishes the following Organs of CSUN which will allow CSUN to operate and act effectively: the CSUN Council, the CSUN Court of Justice and in times of emergency the Office of the General of the Confederacy.
    2. Subsidiary organs may be created as and when needed in accordance with the present Charter.

    CSUN Council


    Article 7

    1. The CSUN Council shall consist of all Members of CSUN, with three differing tiers of membership.
      • Permanent Members: The original, founding members of CSUN shall have permanent representation at the CSUN Council, with a veto on any proposed legislation, in accordance with Article 3 of the CSUN Charter.
      • Junior Representative: Any member’s representative, other than permanent members, shall hold the title of Junior Representative. These member will be the representatives of Member States who joined after the original ratification of this charter by the Permanent Members.
      • Non-Member Observer State: Non-members who align themselves with CSUN may send representatives to the CSUN Council. They will not be allowed to vote but can join any discussion they choose unless specifically barred by the CSUN Council.

    2. Each Member must have at least one representative at the CSUN Council at all times.

    Article 8

    Signatories of this Charter hereby establish the powers of the CSUN Council:
    1. The CSUN Council may discuss and consider any question or matter of importance to Member States and vote to recommend or take any action it sees fit.
    2. Each Member State will have a single vote for any proposed legislation.
    3. Any Member of CSUN can call an emergency meeting of the CSUN Council to discuss any developing threat to a Member State.
    4. The CSUN Council may call the attention of Governments of Member States to situations which are likely to endanger international peace and security
    5. The CSUN Council shall consider and approve the budget for CSUN. All expenses of CSUN shall be borne by the Member States. The amount payable by each member will be discussed and agreed by the CSUN Council.
    6. CSUN Law
    7. The CSUN Council may create and discuss legislation which would affect all CSUN members. The scope of any legislation is unlimited.
    8. To become CSUN law, any legislation must receive a majority vote in the CSUN Council and not be vetoed by a Permanent Member.
    9. Once legislation passes, it is considered law immediately, unless a specific time is mentioned within the legislation.
    10. Any legislation passed by the CSUN Council is considered to above any local legislation and common law within Member States.

    Defence of Member States
    Article 9

    Member States will consult with each other, both through the CSUN Council and correspondence between government officials whenever the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any Member State is threatened

    Article 10

    Member States agree that an armed attack against one or more of them shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, will exercise their right of individual or collective self-defence and will assist the Member State(s) so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of Utopia.

    Any such armed attack must immediately be reported to the CSUN Council.

    Article 11

    For the purpose of Article 10, an armed attack on one or more Member States is deemed to include an armed attack if it takes place:
    1. On the territory of any Member State in Utopia
    2. On the forces, vessels both space and sea faring or aircraft of any Member State.

    Article 12

    Any and all Member States must not enter into any international treaty or obligation which breaks or hinders their ability to carry out their responsibilities under this Charter.

    General of the Confederacy

    Article 13

    If Article 10 and 11 of the Charter are met and an attack against CSUN or a CSUN Member State is taking place, then under the Charter, Articles 14 – 18 are enacted.

    Article 14

    1. Permanent Members are instructed to immediately call a vote to elect a Permanent Member State to lead CSUN’s response to armed attack.
    2. The Head of State of the elected Member State is thereby given the title of General of the Confederacy
    3. A Permanent Member State may table a motion within the CSUN Council to dissolve the General of the Confederacy at the conclusion of hostilities or other appropriate time. This motion will pass provided all Permanent Members agree to the motion.

    Powers of the General of the Confederacy

    Article 15

    The General of the Confederacy, once elected, must call for Member States to send representatives to form the Confederacy Military Council (CMC). The CMC has powers over wartime budgets and may advice and recommend the General of the Confederacy on what action to take.

    Article 16

    The General of the Confederacy has the following powers whilst the CSUN alliance is at war:
    1. Becomes the Commander In Chief of all military assets held by Member States. All Member States are hand over control of any and all military assets upon the election of the General of the Confederacy.
    2. The right to speak on behalf of entire CSUN alliance during negotiations. Any negotiations must have Member State representation.
    3. The right to consult, and be consulted by, any Government of Member States about any war-related issue.
    4. The right to advice and recommend the CSUN Council on proposed legislation.

    Article 17

    When a General of the Confederacy is elected, this Article is deemed in effect.
    The CSUN Council, during this time, may not advice the General of the Confederacy on matters of strategy. The Council’s powers under Article 8 are rescinded, with the only exception noted in Article 18.6, upon activation of Article 13. Article 18 during this time will form the collective powers of the CSUN Council.

    War time powers of the CSUN Council
    Article 18

    1. The CSUN Council may discuss and consider any question or matter of importance to Member States, as long as it does not relate to strategy, and vote to recommend or take any action it sees fit.
    2. Any Member of CSUN can call an emergency meeting of the CSUN Council and request the General of the Confederacy attend. The General of the Confederacy has no obligation to attend unless called by a Vote of No Confidence.
    3. The CSUN Council, by a majority, may vote to remove the General of the Confederacy by calling a Vote of No Confidence. During a Vote of No Confidence, the elected Member State loses their veto for the purposes of this motion only. If such a motion passes, a new Member State must be elected in accordance with Article 14 immediately. The Head of State of the newly elected Member State is thereby awarded the title of General of the Confederacy.
    4. Any military related expenses are not to be considered by the CSUN Council. All military related expenditure is to be considered and approved by the Confederate Military Council (CNC).
    5. The CSUN Council shall consider and approve the budget for CSUN as long as it doesn’t contradict with Article 18.4. All expenses of CSUN shall be borne by the Member States. The amount payable by each member will be discussed and agreed by the CSUN Council.
    6. Article 8.5 - 8.8 are still to be considered valid during the activation of Article 17.

    CSUN Court of Justice

    Article 19

    In CSUN Court of Justice shall be the principal judicial organ of the CSUN. It shall function in accordance with Articles 23 – 36. The CSUN Court of Justice will hear matters of law from Member States and not general legal cases. The CSUN Court of Justice will also proactively check all primary legislation and treaties made by Member States to ensure they do not contradict this Charter. It will also hear disagreements between Member States on any matters it call the CSUN Court of Justice for.

    Article 20

    1. Each Member of the Confederacy of Sovereign Utopian Nations undertakes to comply with decision of CSUN Court of Justice in any case to which it is a party to.
    2. If any party to a case fails to perform the obligations incumbent upon it under a judgment rendered by the Court, the other party may have recourse to the CSUN Council, which may, if it deems necessary, make recommendations or decide upon measures to be taken to give effect to the judgement.

    Article 21

    Nothing in this Charter shall prevent Members from entrusting the solution of their differences to other tribunals by virtue of agreements already in existence or which may be concluded in the future.

    Article 22

    The CSUN Council and when elected the General of the Confederacy, may request the CSUN Court of Justice to give an advisory opinion on any legal question arising within the scope of their activities.

    Organisation of the Court of Justice
    Article 23

    The Court shall be composed of a body of independent judges, elected regardless of their nationality from among persons of high moral character, who possess the qualifications required in their respective countries for appointment to the highest judicial offices, or are jurisconsults of recognized competence in international law.

    Article 24

    The Court shall consist of nine members and shall be elected by the CSUN Council from a list of persons nominated by Member States.

    Article 25

    No member of the Court may exercise any political or administrative function, or engage in any other occupation of a professional nature. Any doubt on this matter must be settled by the CSUN Council.

    Article 26

    A quorum of seven judges shall suffice to constitute the Court of Justice. A full and sufficient reason for absence shall be given by missing judges.

    Powers and Procedures of the Court of Justice

    Article 27

    The Court of Justice may be called to hear any case referred to it by the highest legal authority within Member States. It must base any ruling based of the local laws of the Member State.

    Article 28

    A majority vote by the CSUN Court of Justice is needed for any judgement.

    Article 29

    A ruling by the CSUN Court of Justice is considered to be legally binding on the Member State(s) which are parties to the hearing which is called.

    Article 30

    The CSUN Court of Justice may call any witness, the delivery of any documentation or the supply of any other information which would help the CSUN Court of Justice come to a judgement. Formal note will be taken of any refusal and referred to the CSUN Council. The CSUN Court of Justice, during a hearing, may ask any relevant question to witnesses and experts in order to help the Court come to a judgement.

    Article 31

    Once all witnesses have been questioned and all evidence examined, the Court will withdraw to come to a reasoned conclusion on any case before it. The judgement will be read out in pubic but cross examination of evidence may be done in private if asked by Member States. A majority vote by the CSUN Court of Justice is required for this happen.

    Article 32

    If the judgement of the CSUN Court of Justice finds local legislation or a treaty to be in conflict with the principals and obligations of this Charter, Member States have 20 days to start the process of changing local legislation and ending treaties. They have 180 days to complete the process of any such change. Non-compliance after this time will be referred to the CSUN Council for possible penalties.

    Article 33

    1. An application for revision of a judgment may be made only when it is based upon the discovery of some fact of such a nature as to be a decisive factor, which fact was, when the judgment was given, unknown to the Court and also to the party claiming revision, and also provided that such ignorance was not due to negligence.
    2. The Court may require previous compliance with the terms of the judgment before it admits proceedings in revision.

    Advisory Role
    Article 34

    As stated within Article 22, the Court may give an advisory opinion on any legal question requested by the CSUN Council or General of the Confederacy, or whenever created, any temporary organs created by either two bodies. All relevant documentation and evidence must be given to the Court of Justice for any legal question to be considered.

    Article 35

    The Court will consider the legal question given to it and may call legal experts to help correlate its decision. This will be done in an open-forum with interested parties welcome to attend.

    Article 36

    Once all evidence is considered, the Court will discuss the legal question and deliver its advisory opinion in open court.

    Amendments to the CSUN Charter

    Article 37

    Any amendments to the CSUN Charter will be recorded as a new Article of the CSUN Charter. An amendment Article will be recorded in the format “Article XX (Amendment BB)” where XX is the Article number and BB is the amendment number in Roman numerals. A majority vote by the CSUN Council is required for any amendments to be made to this charter.

    Article 38 (Amendment I)

    Following the conclusion of the CSUN-Lantean war where Lantea declared a war in de-jure for failing to return CSUN technology following their dismissal form CSUN. Lantea by order of the CSUN Council is barred from returning to the CSUN alliance. Members States are recommended to avoid contact with the rogue state until such a time that Lantea is able to demonstrate it is ready to properly engage with the international community.
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    Today is an auspicious day for the free and independent states of Elysium, Libran, Satsuma and Cellaris. An official charter, which all member states have now signed, brings about the formation of a new international political body in Utopia. This group of states shall henceforth be collectively referred to as the Confederacy of Sovereign Utopian Nations (CSUN).

    Stemming from an already existing mutual defence pact (which culminated in the creation of the Queen Elizabeth Battlegroup) the CSUN formally unites its member nations under one flag; ensuring safe trade, cooperation and mutual sharing of cultural, intellectual and technological advances.

    The CSUN will have no permanent president. At each meeting of the CSUN Council, a speaker will be voted for from amongst the representatives of each member nation present. If a state of emergency is collectively agreed upon, the Council has the power to elect a member from amongst its ranks to become a temporary General of the Confederacy. Being de facto leader of the CSUN, the General of the Confederacy may act as he/she sees fit in order to defend and proactively counter threats against member states. This emergency power remains in the General's hands until such time as a crisis resolves itself or a vote of no confidence is passed against him/her.


    The four founding states will have permanent member status, with permanent seats in the Confederacy Council chamber. Independent, non-aligned states may submit themselves for review to become a junior member, with temporary seats on the Council being made available to successful applicants.

    With the founding of this new international organisation, the permanent members hope that CSUN will further help maintain stability, peace and order within Utopia. In short, the Confederacy of Sovereign Utopian Nations will be an enlightened, advanced, democratic force for good.

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     –  Last edited by Dentari; Thu 15 Jan, 2015 12:55 AM.
    CSUN New Membership Announcement


    Founded partially on the basis of breaking cultural, intellectual and technological barriers, the Confederacy is always welcoming to prospective new member states who want to participate in this international political and social union. It is with this in mind that the Confederate Council has unanimously agreed on the induction of the United Republic of Turkonia as a new junior member of CSUN. This decision was brought about by the willingness of Turkonia to strive for democracy and social improvement. As well as their impressive track record in economic development, it is their patience and willingness to concede to the expectations of the international community which has truly earned them the respect of the Confederacy.


    It is our pleasure to welcome the United Republic of Turkonia to the Confederacy as a friend and an equal. As a junior member, Turkonia now has all the rights and benefits as befits such a position. With access to the collective financial, technological and defensive knowledge of all current CSUN states, we look forward to helping Turkonia expand her boundaries.

    As a reminder to the international community, as Turkonia is now a member of CSUN, any action taken against the people and government of this self-governing nation is seen as a direct threat to CSUN as a whole. A fleet has been dispatched carrying state officials, technology and supplies to ensure a smooth transition for the people of the Republic.

    Once more, we would like to congratulate Turkonia on their achievements to date and on their insistence on remaining a nation committed to self-determination.
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    As a reminder to the international community, as Turkonia is now a member of CSUN, any action taken against the people and government of this self-governing nation is seen as a direct threat to CSUN as a whole.
    This doesn't effect the current status of the blockade surrounding Turkonia, nor will it should CSUN nations involved opt to pull out.
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     –  Last edited by Mikester92; Thu 15 Jan, 2015 6:44 AM.
    Statement from Spokeswoman Selesta Corvina of the Supreme Vizier's Office: The Imperial Palace has deferred to the foreign affairs department in the Ambassadorial Pyramid to convey a brief reminder of the Empire's intent to maintain its commitment to the existing blockade in Turkonia up and until its official review in six months. Turkonia has indeed lived up to their end of the bargain, but to trust so quickly after so little time has passed has historically proven to be dangerous. And so we give it time to ensure Turkonia continues to respect and yield to the sovereignty of Thoricus... who's claim to the southern sea precedes this fledgling Republic and who's claim is backed by the central powers of both Imperial Rawrtony and Central Utopia.

    Regardless of our pending action on the blockade in six months.. Turkonia will remain listed as a state sponsor of terror and will remain embargoed and at odds with the entirety of the Empire... at the pleasure of his Imperial highness... for his role in torpedoing a Runard passenger ship close to a year ago and for his support of terror in Thoricus.

    We do indeed pray and hope that Tukonia's self proclaimed reforms hold through... for I fear that if they don't... CSUN would consequently bare affiliation to Turkonia's negatively established disposition.

    Out of care.. the Empire would also personally advise one of their old friends in CSUN... Libran... to personally remain vigilant of Turkonia. If President Adster is as ingenious as his great, great, great grandfather, the sterling admiral who once commanded Rawrtony's royal navy, then we know Turkonia will be kept in check with the tough standards put out by the international community.
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    Statement from the Libran Government

    We would like to congratulate, and welcome Turkonia into CSUN, we look forward to working closely with you once again, and are happy to call you a friend, and ally.

    Whilst we are sure that the blockade will continue, and we don't think that you're going to just stop on a whim, nor do we expect you to. This newly found alliance is merely something for consideration in the future, and whilst Libran will remain vigilant, as it always has, we will be supporting Turkonia in the development of their colony, and the advancement of their people.

    Now that Turkonia is a member of CSUN, Libran will be helping to develop Turkonia, for the sake of its people, and Utopia as a whole, and we support Turkonia fully from this day forth. And obviously, our capital ship that was once blockading Turkonia's border, will be removed and stationed elsewhere.

    Once again, welcome to the Confederacy!

    Adam Moorey
    Libran Federation President
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    I would officially like to welcome all three of you to the Confederacy! It is a great pleasure to see CSUN expand from what it used to be, and we are more than happy to accept any other nations that would like to play an equal part, within all global affairs, and have their voice heard.

    From joining the Confederacy your nations have secured a brighter future, where democracy reigns supreme. Welcome!

    Adam Moorey
    Libran Federation President
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     –  Last edited by Adster94; Sat 28 Mar, 2015 8:51 AM.

    Along with announcement of our new Confederate members, it has been decided that a new, joint Confederate Starfleet will be created, with the purpose of Confederacy wide defense, and deep space exploration. This Starfleet will have any member ships, that are willingly donated to the fleet, and will act as the Confederacy's first line of defense.

    Any member state that does devote resources to it, won't be put at a disadvantage, their forces will be ultimately under their control, but they will be donated for any Confederate joint missions, and under the control of the Confederate Command Ship - which currently is the Battlestar Pegasus. Any join action will be completed, upon authorisation from the Confederacy Council.

    The first ships that will be donated is the entirety of the Libran Starfleet - including the newly created Miranda, Akula, and Hermes class vessels - as well as all of Caprica's Starfleet vessels. Any member nation can commit their ships to the Starfleet.

    This formation will hopefully provide a stronger protection for all member nations, including new nations that may not have the defense capabilities.
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    With the recent influx of member states and the creation of a Confederate Starfleet, it has been an exciting time of growth for the Confederacy. To add to the recent influx of activity, the Empire of Ashleraan has become the newest nation to officially become a junior member of CSUN.

    Despite being a relatively young nation, Ashleraan has exhibited steady growth, admirable ideals and values consistent with CSUN expectations. Confederate states have already entered negotiations with representatives from Ashleraan to exchange technology and extend existing business arrangements across the Empire's territory.

    As with all members of the Confederacy, Ashleraan has been granted the rights and defence of all other member states. Any acts of aggression or threats made against Ashleraan's sovereignty will be taken as a direct threat to the entire Confederacy.
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    A warm welcome to Ashleraan from another of CSUN's new members!

    "There's a point where we needed to stop and we have clearly passed it. But let's keep going and see what happens..."
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    Over the past day, we have made a disturbing discovery. A series of events have taken place, outside of our solar system, which have become a grave problem for all confederate citizens - a copy of the original report, that will explain the situation is below:

    "At exactly 0326 this morning, we lost contact with the colony in the Inverness system due to this disturbance, the Enterprise, Excalibur, Lexington and Washington were sent to investigate, as a brief distress call was received from the colony.

    Upon arrival in the system, it was evident that the colony had been completely destroyed, with no survivors it was unclear what happened to the 450 colonists. Shortly after discovering what was left of the colony, an unknown ship was travelling towards them, at a unmeasurable speed. As soon as the ship arrived, it attacked the four ships sent to the system.

    After a short engagement, the Enterprise, Excalibur, and Lexington were destroyed. The Washington barely made it out of the system, carrying what survivors they could from the destroyed vessels. In total, from the engagement - each ship with around 420 personnel onboard - 124 were saved from the Enterprise; 57 from the Excalibur; and 92 from the Lexington.

    At 1235 local time, the Washington arrived back in the Utopian system, barely intact the crew and survivors were immediately evacuated by the Excelsior and the Hood. After 12 minutes, the ship was destroyed from a warp core breach.

    This unknown ship has been detected on long range sensors...and it is coming our way.

    It is unsure when this ship will arrive in our system, due to large amounts of interference, but Starfleet is working on developing new ships and constructing larger fleets to deal with this new enemy. Further reports on future developments will follow."

    Now that this new, and unknown threat is upon us, I feel it is best for us to prepare all our forces to defend Utopia as a whole, and would like to ask you all to donate any ships you have to our defense.
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    We are saddened to hear about the loss of your men and woman aboard those great ships all of Lantea is thinking of you if you require any assistance combating this hostile race then our forces are at your disposal.
    Minnow Raydor
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    Whilst I am glad to take the responsibility of General, it is very sad that it has come down to this, the need to go to war is a desperate act, but we will make sure that peace is brought back to the region. My first act as General of the Confederacy is to form the Confederacy Military Council, which will be made up of CSUNs military leaders to help advise me, in any and all joint operations.

    I would like to ask each CSUN Head of State to put forward their candidate for the Military Council, then we can focus on putting an end to the aggression once and for all. CSUN is an incredible alliance focused on the pursuit of peace, justice, and democracy, it is a shame that it has been put at risk with this action, but with civilians tossed aside and a CSUN delegate killed, we must act; "Sometimes the only way to restore peace, is to wage war".

    I will, once the crisis has been averted, step down from the position and return CSUN to what it used to be, and what it stands for, our ideals will not be shaken nor torn apart, by the events that took place within the Caprican Republic. I would like to call General Dentari to release his forced control over Caprica, or at the very least come to the negotiating table so we can move forward from the events of the past week.

    Adam Moorey
    President of the Libran Federation
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    The United Republic of Turkonia senate transfers control of the TDF Navy and TDF Space Command (Currently consisting of A-Wing Space Superiority Fighters & VTOL Troop Transfer vehicles) to CSUN Control for the duration of this crisis.

    They will have our full support in any military decision.

    URT Minister of Defence - Albert Ottomia
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    The Principality of Hesperia will likewise provide full access to all of it's military assets for the duration of this conflict. High Admiral Josiah Winton, Chief of Naval Operation, has graciously agreed to represent Hesperian interests on the Confederacy Military Council.

    It is my deepest desire that the usurper Dentari be brought to justice swiftly and with minimal loss of life. I have absolute faith in the leadership of General Moorey and the assemblage of military minds he is bringing together to do exactly that.

    "There's a point where we needed to stop and we have clearly passed it. But let's keep going and see what happens..."