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Beginnings - Fan Fiction

Started By:
Cranker, Sat 25 Apr, 2015 8:50 AM
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    Since the Short Story contest was cancelled, I felt it a waste to let it just lay around. I didn't add a lot of adjective fluff, I wrote it in sort of a film noir setting. Critiques welcome. It's a little contrived, but it's a thought that I had that I thought was cool. By far not my best work but I wanted to share it

    The three founders stand over the body of the humanoid. A hushed silenced surrounds them like a dark cloud. Finally one reaches down, looks into the face, and closes his eyes.

    “This is it, after 80 millennia, we’ve found them,” he says with an expressionless face. “All the children we sent out into the universe and a wormhole throws the truth back to us.”

    The three look at each other again, and send out their jem’hadar body guards and the Vorta that was with them. The second founder starts to speak, pauses, and then adds his thoughts.

    “What if they know? What if they remember?”

    The third founder breaks her silence. “Even if they do, the last time we met we couldn’t change forms. If they find out the truth….they’ll stop at nothing. We cannot allow this.”

    The first founder, still kneeling beside the body, rips off the Starfleet combadge, and crushes it, throwing it away from the body before pounding its chest.

    He stands up and says “the link must be told.”

    The second responds quickly, “But you know the truth. All this has happened before, and will happen again! We cannot allow this!” He storms out, transforming into a hawk like creature and flies into the dark, clouded sky.

    The Vorta back into the room and kneels, opening his arms wide. “Is there anything I may do to serve my Gods?”

    The Third quickly snaps, lengthening her arms to push the vorta away. “Get up you sniveling fool, this is none of your concern. Be gone with you.”

    The First looks upon the Third and says “You realize that this planet was no co-incidence. If the humans are allowed to return here…I don’t even want to imagine the consequences.”

    The third considers this as the wind gushes over the forested landscape. In the background, a battle scarred runabout class ship’s crash site is being searched and dismantled by Jem’Hadar troops.

    The second founder returns, lands, and returns to the group. “There is no sign of other life; it seems the problem has been dealt with.”

    “Don’t be a fool,” the third intervenes, “there is still too much they don’t know, too much that they can’t know. We must get rid of it all. Then we must return to the great link and make sure that they know that the foretold storm is coming.”

    In unison, both other founders echo, “agreed.

    The founders call in the Vorta, and tell him that the entire planet must be wiped from existence. The Vorta looks perplexed, but bows and begins barking orders to the Jem’Hadar.

    While walking back to their ship, the third founder stops. She leans down, rubs some dirt away from the ground, and finds the remains of a metal helmet. With a blood curdling scream, she kicks it and walks away in disgust.

    For a moment, a glowing red dot quickly appears then fades from behind the eye piece of the helmet.
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    Since this is fan fiction, this has now been moved to the Shipyard Bar. Please ensure you post this type of content in the correct place Big Grin
    I didn't really think of is as art, I thought Ren's bar was kinda a thing to throw things up in, so sorry.