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ESF Survey results

Started By:
Bill, Sun 19 Jul, 2015 3:41 PM
  1. Star Trek Online Executive Officer

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 26 Jun, 2021 9:19 PM

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      Unlocked Sat 25 Mar, 2017 10:00 PM

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      Unlocked Fri 05 Oct, 2018 12:11 AM

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    • Battle Hardened Leader
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      Be Head of the Elite Strike Force


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    • Head of the House
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      Unlocked Fri 19 Feb, 2021 4:02 PM

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    Your results are in from this Roll Call survey, if I could ask that you respond to them within this thread, you can use the past results as a guide on what to do. So without further wait, here are the results.

    No change in score between the two surveys, try to look at what isn't working so well and how to improve it.


    2014 APPROVAL: 86% (0%)
    2015 APPROVAL: 86%

    2014 EVENT APPROVAL: 93% (+2%)
    2015 EVENT APPROVAL: 95%


    Not a member
    Then check out this thread if you would like to become a member. We are always looking for new recruits

    It's good that they do STF runs, but I'd like to see Black Ops and Squadron 47 being active also.
    Both Black Ops and Squadron 47 are still active, but the activities are mitigated by STO itself. For Black Ops which concentrates primarily on being as efficient as possible on end-game content at the Elite level, the lag created by current STO mechanics make useful runs nearly impossible. The lag is much less severe if you are not in a group that is using multiple abilities that stack, but these abilities are what should be employed in end-game content at advanced and elite levels. STO states they are working on improving the lag. Once this is completed, then Black Ops can get back to there regular activities in a more enjoyable environment. Trying to do these runs with the mechanics not functions properly is perhaps the most frustrating part of the game at the end-game elite queue level.

    Squadron 47 is in the same boat in that most people have essentially abandoned PVP in STO under the current circumstances. As such, Bridger as S47 Commander is now focusing more on builds until the STO PVP situation improves.

    -Could use a bit of flexibility on sum parts~ Leik hosting "neutral" events fer both fleet factions (SFO and HoK)
    All of our events are neutral. ESF is a cross faction division and as long as there are 5 people available the private queue allows for cross faction teaming. In fact, we are the only division that ALWAYS offers cross faction teaming. Admittedly, that does require enough community members attending the event to allow for utilizing the private queue system.

    I think a bit more variety of events would be nice, always STF, a new name for STF events to make them more appealing is what I say.
    STF or Special Task Force is the term STO used so we are just being STO cannon in using that terminology. Also, it is easily recognizable to most STO players. Keep in mind that STF as currently used can apply to any of the 5 person queue events. It's not just Borg anymore so it is pretty wide open.

    As always Bill and Keenan are doing a fantastic job at running ESF and they are providing useful guides, tips and tricks....
    Thanks you!

    Never experienced it!
    We would like for you too. Why don't you try to attend STF Wednesday, Intro to Ground, STF Friday, Bridger's Builds event or STF Sunday. Give us a try and let us know what you thimk.

    I believe Bill and Keenan are doing the best possible job within the worst possible circumstances - a massive decline in interest in STO, as well as a sharp decline in end-game content interest. Whilst the membership of ESF has declined, I do not believe it is as a result of Bill or Keenan's lack of dedication - and rather a result of increased apathy towards STO.
    Thank you and we will try or best to keep up the good work Smile

    I don't use ESF.
    Then consider coming to one of our events, you just might like it.

    Since the mass exodus of a few members *cough* Mush & Co *cough*. ESF has become a bit more likeable, and less elitist.
    Ummm....not sure how to respond to this one Smile

    I think they're doing great!
    Thank you!

    Never had anything to do with them. So neutral.
    Fair enough, but we don't bite.....come check out on of our events.

    Why this division isn't just a sub division of HoK and SFO is beyond me. What a waste of time. Nice people though.
    ESF is a cross faction division for one thing. Another is the time and equipment requirements. With the amount of EC, dilithium, runs, etc that are required I don't think any of us feel we are wasting our time. We enjoy what we do and that is why we do it. Also, it allows us to gain the experience necessary to help guide other members of the community with regards to builds, runs and the like.

    I look forward to the dismissive answer to this though.
    See above, I think Smile

    pink lcars
    No comment

    I like that they lead the STF Sundays, but otherwise I feel they are unapproachable or beyond approach. They feel a bit of a closed club outside of the STF event they run once a week.
    We are not a "closed club", but unlike SFO and HoK there are members requirements that are necessary to ensure that we can have successful runs at the Elite level. Now clearly, not everyone wants to do that and that is their choice. But under the current game mechanics with "optionals" essentially being "required" as if you fail the optional you fail the run, it does take a certain level of equipment and experience to be successful in these runs. ESF is open to any UFP member that wishes to meet the recruitment requirements which can be found here. Also, we run 4-5 events per week, not just one. So be sure to check out the event page daily to see what is going on that day.

    From what I see as an outsider, they do a very good job.
    Thank you very much!

    It took a lot of grief and stick, but those involved stuck with it, and its doing its thing now.
    We try Smile

    Very little benefit from this division. Very closed off and doesn't serve much of a purpose.
    As stated before, we are not closed off at all. There are membership requirements for the reasons previously stated. As for the purpose, if you are not interested in completing end-game content on advanced and elite levels, which is your right, then there is little purpose for you personally. However, for those who enjoy teamwork and being successful at the most difficult content in STO, that is why we exist. One advantage in being in a fleet or a community is to have a group to go to with questions on game play. ESF members provide this to the community though build advice and leading runs. Now if you can queue all of the Elite 5 person content in this game in the public queue system and are always successful at getting all the optional then I would encourage you to contribute to the community and write guides or become an ATL and lead community members through the content. That's what we at ESF try to do on a weekly basis and we would love the help.

    I'm not really sure what they actually do, to be honest. So I'll just say neutral.
    Just come to an event and find out for yourself. I'm sure you will like it Smile

    It's always been a little hardcore to me, more time required (I think there's a participation requirement?) so it's never been on my radar.
    Fair enough.

    No idea either...
    Then come to an event and have some fun.

    Haven't played that game in ages....

    The elite strike force is run extremely well
    Thank you!

    N/A Smile

    Not much to comment here, Bill's voice is all you need. I think anyone that meets the requirements should apply for ESF, great bunch of guys.
    Thanks Smile

    I am not involved into this section and as such cannot comment.
    Fair enough.

    Could use some help and interest from the community that plays STO and want to explore end game content.
    LIke I said earlier the more the merrier. UFP has hundreds of members. Where are all of you!!!

    The members i have interact with , always willing to provide to members and always looking at upping their game in STO
    That's our goal!
    Bill Medals
    • At the Helm
      Rare (50 Points)

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      0.07% have received this achievement

    • Battle Hardened Leader
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      Be Head of the Elite Strike Force


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    • Admiral
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      Unlocked Fri 08 Nov, 2013 5:40 AM

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      0.47% have received this achievement

    • Eternal Servitude!
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Be a registered user for five years

      Unlocked Mon 13 Feb, 2017 12:08 AM

      77.17% have received this achievement

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    UK, Lincolnshire
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    The ESF will always have its nay-sayers and those that approve them. You cant please all of the people, all of the time, but im sure that Bill and the current leadership will take any and all criticism on board to improve on what they do, as well as take the plaudits.

    Obviously, with my past history with these guys, i may be a little bias Wink, but they have done all they can, from day one, to try and introduce the end game content to members that are struggling with the in game grouping features and make playing STO as interesting, informative, and above all, FUN for all those involved.

    Some of what i have read, is good, bad and neutral, those that are good, i am sure will spur on the Command Team to keep on improving, to keep it fresh, those comments that are neutral, im sure the team will try to encourage those that have no opinion, to come along to events so they can see how things are. Those that are bad, if constructive criticisms and not just comments, will push the Command Team to turn those certain areas around to be more appealing.

    Having been involved first hand with the ESF, i can honestly say, we do it because we love STO, and want to perform to the best of their abilities, so that YOU love STO.

    Try just might be suprised Smile

    JakeTyler Medals