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Community Log: Survey Feedback June 2015

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LynxMukka, Mon 27 Jul, 2015 11:38 AM
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    Community Log for July 2015
    By LynxMukka and focussing on the recent feedback submitted via the Roll Call June Survey 2015

    For those unaware, I currently lead the Federation Executive Office, which is made up of several community administrators who are all ultimately responsible for specifics areas that make up the UFP as a whole. I've been in the UFP for the past eight years or so and in that time I've worked in various positions before serving in the role that I do today.

    "The Community Logs are a series of blog themed posts by the's leading administrators who update the community on the latest projects and work that is on-going."

    The UFP has and always will be an evolving organisation, ever changing to the needs of the day by the various users and members that come through our doors. We’re able to do this, because we always have and always will, place an emphasis on getting feedback, suggestions and managing complaints.

    176 of you (99 less people than previous survey), from the Starfleet Membership of the community, filled in our anonymous survey in which they were given the opportunity to provide an approval rating on the various areas of the community as well as provide written feedback on the running of the areas and the UFP overall. This post, is to allow FEO to respond to the feedback that we’ve received in order to hopefully be able to provide some better insight and information as to why it is so.

    Let’s quickly see how the UFP performed during the survey shall we? In brackets, I've provided the percentage difference when compared to the survey done last September.

    Federation Executive Office
    25% - Strongly Approve ( 9%)
    36% - Approve ( 2%)
    34% - Neutral (▲ 7%)
    4% - Disapprove ( 1%)
    1% - Strongly Disapprove ( 1%)
    News Services (FNS)
    28% - Strongly Approve (➲ No Change)
    35% - Approve (➲ No Change)
    28% - Neutral (▼ 7%)
    2% - Disapprove (➲ No Change)
    6% - Strongly Disapprove ( 4%)
    Our Web Services (Website, Forums etc)
    37% - Strongly Approve ( 3%)
    38% - Approve ( 4%)
    21% - Neutral (▼ 6%)
    3% - Disapprove ( 2%)
    <1% - Strongly Disapprove ( 2%)
    Starfleet Operations
    22% - Strongly Approve ( 6%)
    44% - Approve ( 7%)
    30% - Neutral (▼ 3%)
    3% - Disapprove ( 3%)
    <1% - Strongly Disapprove ( 2%)
    House of Kular
    18% - Strongly Approve ( 1%)
    30% - Approve ( 9%)
    48% - Neutral (▼ 9%)
    4% - Disapprove ( 1%)
    4% - Strongly Disapprove ( 3%)
    Elite Strike Force
    17% - Strongly Approve ( 5%)
    22% - Approve ( 4%)
    55% - Neutral (▼ 10%)
    3% - Disapprove ( 1%)
    2% - Strongly Disapprove ( 2%)
    Starfleet Holodeck
    15% - Strongly Approve
    23% - Approve
    58% - Neutral
    6% - Disapprove
    2% - Strongly Disapprove
    Starfleet Academy
    15% - Strongly Approve ( 3%)
    23% - Approve ( 7%)
    58% - Neutral (▲ 7%)
    6% - Disapprove ( 6%)
    3% - Strongly Disapprove ( 3%)
    Community Events
    20% - Strongly Approve ( 2%)
    40% - Approve ( 5%)
    37% - Neutral (▼ 5%)
    4% - Disapprove ( 1%)
    <1% - Strongly Disapprove ( 2%)

    Firstly I apologise for the minor delay in the posting of this. As some may have noticed, we've had quite a few announcements in the past couple of weeks. The following is feedback regarding FEO, our website and our events. I make this gesture, in order to be entirely honest, transparent and truthful regarding people’s opinions, because there really isn’t anything to hide. My only request when reading through this feedback is to remember:

    • We’re a voluntary organisation made up of experienced people who spend their own spare time committing to work while others reap the benefits of it. All feedback is welcome and helps us to gather a feeling of the membership and take actions from that, but we have also observed that ‘sometimes it can be a lot easier to commentate from the sidelines than take part in the action’.

    • Another observation we’ve found is that those who are pleased with the performance of the UFP and their experiences with us, tend to not submit feedback compared to those who have something negative to say, whether constructive or otherwise. Therefore the following feedback report may well skew more negatively than what is actually the case.

    Feedback regarding the UFP as a whole or FEO

    “Not really sure what I can say here.”
    Fair enough Smile. Your interaction with FEO or the UFP as a whole may be very little.

    It would be nice if the leadership would show more presence and special the leader.
    Well, you're probably right in some ways. I would say that the leadership including myself are on TeamSpeak and the forums everyday (rarely not), so in that sense I'd disagree with your statement.

    However where I do agree, is that I think you're implying I'm not usually participating in TeamSpeak discussions or that FEO as a whole doesn't log into STO very often. I'll say that I and the others can endeavour to do better on that, but people can't be forced and unfortunately the work we do for the UFP does chip away at the time we can spend playing games.

    I believe that members of FEO need to be far more accessible to the membership. Considering this is a gaming and social community, some members of FEO neither game nor are particularly social. They seem detached and removed from the membership, and seem out of touch with what the people actually want of them. Whilst I maintain that FEO do great work as a collective body, they could do far more individually to be more approachable and relatable to the membership they represent. For example, LynxMukka has quite a fearsome reputation in the UFP simply because the only time most people interact with him - is when he's telling them off. I believe this is a very simple fix, and could go a long way towards fixing the huge gap between CL3 and CL6.
    Firstly, part of this feedback is related to the previous bit, so part of my answer here lies in the one above.

    Secondly, just to reaffirm since half the feedback is directed at me, I am aware that some believe I don't interact enough with members (I'm often seen in Text Chat more than anything else) and you're right. It's something I will continue to try and change. I've even had my FEO colleagues hint this to me in the past, so people are on my case. Smile

    Just to say though, because I'm in text chat, it doesn't stop members from contacting me and wanting to talk if they wish. I also have time pressures which I find limiting in how much I can spend on TeamSpeak at the moment. It's not perfect I realise, but I am aware and I'm doing my best. Smile I'm also thinking to run another Reddit AMA session at some point soon, since it was quite successful last time.

    I am happy with the way things are run, and dealt with.

    It has gotten a bit better since last survey. Although there are still a couple of them that like to go on a ego trip, where there is honestly no need for one. *cough* Bondgadget *cough*
    Hmm well ironically Bondgadget has now retired, but he probably read your message. I can't comment on any interactions between yourself (whoever you are) and Bondgadget, but I know at least that Bondgadget has always led in his actions what he's thought best for the UFP. He's certainly not a malicious person. In fact I'd say that's the case with all other FEO members.

    We're not perfect, but we try to do what we feel is right, not what's best for our personal power. It's why FEO invitations are far and few between, because we have to 'vet' people to make sure they'd serve the UFP at large etc, amongst many other factors.

    needs new blood, unusual that gaming has no FEO representation considering that gaming is a massive part of what we do and not much happens in the social areas.
    Rest assured, I and others in FEO are always on the look out for the next fresh bite of blood (I'm sorry I'm sorry lol). But in seriousness, we are, but we have to be confident we're inviting the right people before we do so. Members interested in joining FEO are measured against many things, including the UFP Leadership Expectations. If someone is interested in joining long-term, by all means do approach me.

    Just to emphasise though, all of those in FEO come with a Star Trek gaming background, so on a large part, we know what we're doing. However as mentioned, we judge FEO membership to be based upon a person etc, and not what their current role is. This is because their roles over a long period of time could change, such as how Cehus recently changed from External Affairs to Membership Experience etc. Cool

    FEO lets all the other things that are wrong happen. The buck stops here.
    Other issues include the recent problems with certain members, all of which could have been handled immediately by FEO action, but were allowed to fester. The fact that certain roles have been left empty for months with no news on who they are being handled, or whether they'll even continue to exist.
    Well I'm sorry for any actions or inactions by FEO that have led you to feel this way. It's difficult to address anything specific because you haven't revealed details (though by all means I'm interested in hearing more details of your side of the story etc, so please get in touch).

    Generally though in regards to certain members my answer is this: We give people second and sometimes third chances. We don't instill an attitude of whacking the ban hammer as soon as someone breaks a rule. There is sometimes the fact that there's always 'the other side of the story' to consider, sometimes personal issues in play or a case of members ganging up on an individual by falsifying or over-emphasising what happened in an incident. As such, I and others don't want to take action against someone which could be unfair. Instead we give people chances so that we're sure they're doing wrong, or that they can change (because we've had people do just that).

    I can appreciate it's frustrating and the only thing I can ask is that if you are having an issue with another member, that you report it immediately. I deal with such matters, usually with utmost urgency.

    With respect to roles that may be vacant: People come and go, usually pretty quickly because this is a voluntary organisation. Peoples' lives change, interests wane and as such, turnover can on occasion be quite high. As such, it can be difficult to fill a role once its been vacated because there isn't anyone else capable or at least that we're aware of, that can fulfill the requirements of the role. I don't know which roles you have been watching etc, but what I've just mentioned is usually the reason why. Because this can happen quite often, it doesn't always get announced and focus is put on issues of more priority.

    Having been involved in leadership of several guilds over the years, I've found this one to be well organized but somewhat officious. While members should appreciate and respect the work they do, it seems very formal here and much seems to be done behind closed doors.
    You're probably right in that it can be officious as you say, though I think that's helped in giving us the stability we've enjoyed for many years. I and FEO, past and present, have seen many sites, clans, fleets and communities come and go over the years, but we're still here because of our community spirit and our 'officiousness'. Everyone knows the rules, things are done by the book, guided by doing the right thing, means that while it can be quite official, it's quite easy to spot who might have something else planned...

    I think the executive office is run well. Every time I've had a complaint about anything in STO whether with the fleet or with a fleet mate the issue is dealt with even before I tell anyone. Maybe they could show their face in events a bit more often? IDK..I'm searching...
    Thanks and in regards to your last point, a few other people have said something along the same theme, so that's definitely a key takeaway from this feedback.

    Id like see some more membership representation in FEO. What i could imagine is a Member Representative Seat within FEO with similar but slightly changed duties and responsibilites like the old member council. If it was only one person to be chosen for a whole year i believe it could also bring some more living into the election process.
    Hmmm, well on the one hand it's an idea with merit, because it's different from the Federation Council which as we know, didn't do too well. However on the other hand, we generally found that the membership was quite disengaged from the idea of a democratic running, despite feedback we received before the setup of the Federation Council. So while we could set this up, I'm not sure members who really be that interested in taking part.

    There might be the odd few that are interested in taking part, but likely wouldn't be able to argue they represent the membership, because the majority of the membership are disinterested etc. As such, it could become more like a personal free ticket to FEO etc which I don't think is in the spirit of your idea. Nonetheless I'm happy to hear more, can you get in touch and I may present to FEO at the next meeting etc?

    What i really like about FEO is the professionalism and thoughtfulnes that is reflected in any of their members posts.
    Thank you. Smile

    The way FEO, specifically Mikesters response to ESF, in the last survey was entirely dismissive and silly. If you don't want to hear our views then don't ask for them. And if you ask for them THEN ACTUALLY LISTEN.
    I have gone back and read through some of it. I suppose it could be interpreted as dismissive, though all of that happened 9 months ago, and I don't really want to focus on that. What's clear is that since then, ESF by the statistics, is on the up.

    What I will say however, is that I and Mikester worked in the initial setup of the group but always recognised there's room for improvement. I'm still a strong supported of the ESF mission, but things could still change. I'm aware that Three of Seven is working with Bill and Keenan at the moment in putting in some transformative change which you'll likely approve of. Though it would still be interesting to hear more detailed feedback you have with ESF, since the more specific feedback, the more we can tweak things based on what members want.

    FEO are slow to implement anything and the internal politics you play are counter productive and stupid. And when people criticise FEO, I get sarcastic and stupid responses.
    There is actually very little internal politics these days, and if there is any, it's likely to protect peoples' feelings if we can more than anything. Though there has been some in the past, in what I'd attribute to the strong feelings people can have. It's not always a bad thing, because at least people are getting passionate about something.

    I'm not sure who you've had an experience with where you've received sarcastic or stupid responses, the only thing I can ask is that you contact me about that.

    FEO I wouldn't say is slow really. If there is something which needs to be urgently addressed, we're on it, such as the recent Armada system announced by Cryptic rather suddenly. The UFP, was ready on launch day, while other fleets were still trying to understand what was going on. That's not slow, that's absolute excellence in the making. Though I do have to thank everyone in CL5 and CL6 for the co-ordinated effort in getting things done, particularly Daedalus and Three of Seven.

    On other issues, FEO can be slower however it can be attributed to a series of reasons that I have come to accept over the years, though when I first joined FEO back in December 2009, it bothered me also. So why?

    We're a voluntary organisation and people can have limited time commitments at the most unpredictable of times, it's something completely out of our control. Another factor is that FEO takes time to discuss an issue (such as analysing pros and cons, past experiences etc, how best to implement it) and agree to it. FEO likes to where possible, vote on issues for the sake of some democracy at least, instead of one person implementing a massive change based on their own desires (albeit sometimes this has been done before).

    If the UFP is going survive post-STO, FEO is going to have to let people in and change. It must be quicker to changing circumstances.
    There are two sides to this coin. The first side being that you're probably right in that FEO needs to be quicker in adapting to change. In a post-STO world (though I don't think that time is coming any time soon really), FEO needs more people who can think differently and come from a general Star Trek background, rather than one perhaps from gaming.

    The other side of the coin is that as some of my other responses above and below suggest, entry into FEO is not easy and it's like this for many reasons as I've mentioned. If there are those who are interested, I ask that you make yourselves known to me and I can review with you can do to progress etc.

    pink lcars
    I think I know who sent this in and needless to say, we're not getting pink lcars. Cool

    Unless directly engaged, the FEO feels like a 'shadowy group'. It feels like they are uninvolved.
    I'm sorry you feel that way, perhaps some of my responses above help to confirm what I and others in FEO will try to do for us not to come across that way. Perhaps also more Community Logs would help in informing everyone what we're up to. It's just that we had feedback from members when we launched them last September that we were posting too much. Sad

    Nonetheless I'll try and find the right balance. Please do let me know though if you have any more specific feedback.

    Lolable Treat:

    Would I do a few things different? Probably. Would mine be better? Debatable. Taken as a whole, this fleet is run exceptionally well and that is a key reason I have remained a part.
    Thank you, means a lot. Cool

    TBH, it was something i wanted to be part of for a long time, but things happened, really skewed my thoughts on the whole set up. Not just mine, but others too, something i dont expect to be a part of any time soon, if ever with the current members . Those events pretty much turned me off the game etc. So i spend very little time being involved now.
    Just for reference, I believe this individual is referring to FEO.

    It's difficult to comment without knowing who you are or what the situation was, though I can guess. What I can say is that it's never the intention of FEO to put people off the idea of joining FEO in the long-term or even putting people off a game. If I was involved at all, I'm genuinely sorry though I think it might be good for you to approach me and talk about it further. If you don't, you might 'hang on' to those feelings and it won't be good for you long-term.

    The few times i do drop on TS now, at what were once "peak" times, it seems very segregated, the powers that be all seem to gravitate to one area as before, so nothing has really changed in my opinion.
    There isn't much else I can say here with respect to how we'll take your feedback on board, since I think this touches on the same theme as a few others. Though with TeamSpeak specifically, every member has a right to choose what games they play (if any) and who they socialise with. You cannot force someone into playing something or removing them from their friends, it becomes unenjoyable and increases the likelihood they'll want to leave.

    I dont see what happens in the background now, but from certain members of FEO, there seems very little happening, apart from posting in threads created by others.
    Believe me, there's a LOT going on in the background right now and once things have solidified etc, they'll be announced. That said, there's perhaps been less posted by FEO because we received feedback that we were posting too many community logs etc. As mentioned in one of my previous responses, I think it will be a case of finding the right balance, perhaps once per month (last year we intended on doing it once per week).

    It's a shame about that Cehus guy.
    I think looking 12 months or so on, Cehus has continued to contribute greatly in the continued maturing of FNS and the initial setup of the Office of External Affairs (with thanks to Three of Seven for the initial written proposal). At an FEO level, he's contributed to FEO discussions as I would expect and hasn't been afraid to put in the 110% effort when required. So personally, I don't believe it's a shame, no.

    I have no complaints about the how the fleet seems to be run overall, it seems to work reasonably well, very little drama thankfully.
    As an enlisted man, I don't see any drama. This is a good thing.
    Thanks, and with respect to the lack of drama you've mentioned, I'd attribute that to what I've mentioned in one of my previous responses.

    It seems like the best example of organization and leadership of any gaming communities I've seen and been a part of before.
    Ran to par.
    The federation exeutive office i run very well
    Thanks, the positive feedback is nice to hear!

    This is difficult, from my point of view since last year FEO has gone down, adding 1 person to the team wasn't the best addition. It is regrettable FEO lost Halsey, hope they return at some point. I think there is 1 person that should be invited into FEO as she holds a position that used to be held by a CL6.
    Before I mention anything else, Christopher Halsey is still a CL6 but just on Leave of Absence, so it may be more likely he'll be returning.

    With respect to the addition you mentioned, I believe you're referring to Cehus and I've already addressed that in a response above. I don't really have anything else to say on the matter, other than to say having seen his work, I disagree.

    Your last bit of feedback was inferring someone in particular be invited into FEO. I can't really discuss such matters openly other than to say that people are regularly reviewed and even mentored to prepare them for entry into FEO. Once FEO feels they're ready to take on the additional responsibilities of a community administrator and once the individual in question is ready, then they'll be invited in. Smile

    Feedback regarding the Website

    We now move onto covering feedback regarding the Website and other engineering services.

    my connectivity might be meh at times but hey ze site is quite nice... Or is just that I r afraid of jordan's death glare~
    Never had an issue, thanks.
    Our website team do a very good job.
    I am happy with the quality, layout, and accessibility of our website.
    Everything is fine with the website.
    It's a very good looking and easy to navigate site.
    Incredible design. Easy to follow and read (easy on the eyes). Kudos to your web and design team.
    The website is certainly visually striking and very recognisable for Star Trek fans. Absolutely no complaints here!
    No complaints, no particular "I love dis" points.
    The quality of your website is unspeakably amazing and it is easy to use
    Thank You.
    I think its the best website out there in the universe of gaming communities. There was a lot of work and effort put into the coding, design and beta testing to it, its perfect!
    Surely one of the best ST-based pages around the web. The technical (and design)-staff can be very proud.
    For myself and on behalf of Jordan and Sharpkiller, thank you, it really does mean something that the site makes people happy. Smile

    Thanks, thanks very much. Cool

    I love the look. I find website a little hard to navigate sometimes, especially the forum
    the website does look awesome, could use a bit of a tidy and more centralisation.
    I occasionally have difficulty finding certain things but in the end I always do. Some type of table of contents or list would probably help.
    I think part of this falls within the ease of use of the design and another part on perhaps what is meant as a sitemap. I'm surprised that I hadn't thought of a sitemap already and you're absolutely right, we should have one, consider this done as soon as able.

    The ease of use of the site is always under what I'd call informal review. In many ways, our website design is an experiment, to see how far we can go in putting LCARS on peoples' screens without hindering their ability to use the site. So we keep reviewing things to see what's working and what's not.

    I will say that, it's been a pleasure to design and use LCARS and based on the feedback we've received over the past 4 years, it's clearly made a positive impact in how our guests and members see us. However LCARS conversely has restricted us significantly in 'keeping up with the times' of modern web design, which is only just now taking web accessibility and ease of use seriously. My point is: LCARS is great, but it has its downsides and your feedback identifies that.

    pink lcars
    Oh, not you again...

    the font is at times hard to see....
    We've had a few people mention this and we're bearing this in mind for future reference. From a design perspective we love the fonts, but accessibility-wise, we realise they're not always the best thing.

    I'd like an index page for all the forms you could fill out.
    Lol yes, I suppose that would be quite useful. lol

    Above expectations for a fleet, though it appears this site was a general trek news site as much as being a meeting spot for the fleet, so that is probably why its of such a higher standard than I would expect out of most clan/fleet/guild sites.
    You're correct in that when this concept was envisaged back in May 2013 (launched September 2013), the idea was that it could handle Star Trek news and the like, aside from standard fleet functions etc.

    Quality is great, but I think Ease of Use could still improve. I've heard quite a few new people say that they have a hard time finding where to post stuff or find stuff on the website, and I think we need to improve that to make the site better for them. For a veteran, it is fine because I know where stuff is.
    I've talked about this a little in some of my other responses and I'll reiterate that we're still listening and intending to improve. Though admittedly it remains a difficult balance between retaining the LCARS feel (which was never designed to be used as a web design lol) and keeping accessibility. Though it's certainly a big improvement from our previous LCARS website.

    Neutral on this point, site looks amazing an is ran well... but it's easy for newer members to get lost in the FAQ and help sections, especially after doing the entry exam and all that other stuff.. it's a tad overwhelming.
    Firstly, many thanks. Smile

    Secondly, I can understand and we're hoping to simplify the Community Support Centre in the future, though the information itself will be remaining, simply because it's needed to explain. If we removed the information we'd get complaints about our lack of informing members how we work etc, so it's a difficult balance to find.

    The site is gorgeous. However, it can be difficult to find articles or resources. I've had documents recommended to me that I couldn't find either through the menus or the search tool, and had to ask someone for a direct link. A site-index and a better search tool would be welcome.
    We get this and will be taking some action in the future to address the issues you've mentioned. We're listening and we're doing!

    The forum refining will make it even better though.
    Thanks, just of note though as of time of publication, the forum refining has now already happened.

    Feedback regarding Community Events

    In the last section of the feedback we’ll be reviewing here, we’re looking at comments pertaining to our hosted events

    I will list some general comments below in which I’ll write a reply to all, and some which I’ll more personally address:

    There is still too few NA timezone events.
    Quality is stellar and great. Frequency for NA friendly times would push this vote to "Strongly Approve".
    The quality of the events is stellar, however, the frequency is sub-par for my timezone (EST).
    Would be nicer if some of the big fleet events were friendlier to EST timezone folks but I'm aware that this is an ongoing issue
    This is one of my biggest priorities at the moment and it's why I've given Cehus (our Head of Member Experience) the task of increasing our NA time zoned activities. It's not just a simple change though of increasing events in a timezone, I think it will likely involve a larger cultural shift within to accept that not all UFP-centred events (such as meetings) should take place in EU timezones and so on and so forth. Don't worry, we're aware of the issue and working on it harder than ever.

    Needs bit moar flexibility~ leik newbie friendly events
    I'll make sure this is passed onto Three of Seven. Smile

    Need more STO events and staff.
    Quality yes, frequency - could be better. I believe that we have good Event people, but we need far more.
    I agree, please sign up to become an event officer! The divisions need you more than ever!

    They're alright.
    OK, but we'll endeavour to keep doing better. Smile

    Most events are fine, some are not. Today there is an event to "Do some sort of event in SWTOR." Not Okay.
    Hmm, I'll make sure Three of Seven takes this on, to find out what happened there, hope that's ok. Smile

    I feel the events are great when they happen. It just feels like, sometimes, the officer is only doing the event because they have to, and it shows. I also think events need a better way to be advertised. Maybe an event calendar with a link on the ufplanets homepage? It just seems like there are a lot of people playing in the fleets but not a lot are attending events.
    Well I suppose sometimes, people just want to go it alone or run their own private events between friends however I hear you in that people want more 'integration' of events with the rest of the site and how they interact with us. See one of my responses after this one where I talk about this a little more too.

    Events for SFO, HoK and ESF are erratic at best. That and events are stupidly placed next to each other. How about you space them out???
    Well I know the divisions try their best, based on how many applications they get for event officers and the availability of those officers to host events etc during a week. I think perhaps what you're saying is that you want to see more events in other timezones too. If that's the case, I talk about that in one of my responses below.

    I wish there was more.... social events, kinda like fleet meetings in game, fun stuff like that, just to break a bit away from the "almost every time" PVE, STF, etc events.
    I'll make sure Three of Seven takes on this bit of feedback, I think you're right! We need more social events!

    pink lcars
    Who ARE you and where did you come from? Facepalm

    I put strongly approved because it always seems like something is happening. Except when I've been on, which is like 11pm MST, and that's like when everyone is almost not available, so hard to run stuff.
    OK, thanks! And in regards to NA timezoned events, as mentioned above, we're working on it!

    This is where I'd disapprove, because.. I only get push notifications of role calls.... if we could get push notifications of events.. practices meet/greets or pvp events I'd probably make more of an effort to get online more often.
    I'm a bit confused because we don't have a phone app etc. Do you mean the notifications you get on the right hand side of a webpage, or emails or..? Please help me understand! Confused Either way it's certainly something we're looking into at the moment.

    The freqency and quality are good
    Overall seems like events are pretty decent.
    A wide variety of events run frequently, no major complaints here.
    I sadly attend them not too often. But when i do they are great fun. I also love the event system
    When it comes down to STO events, I'm not really bothered, but I am happy with the frequency of Holodeck events.
    Always welcoming and fun, I have not taken part as much as I would have liked too, but everytime I have you guys have been warm and welcoming, and I genuinely appreciate the events and the people that run them.
    Thank you, thank you. Big Grin

    Doesn't seem to be lacking in events, I just never make them.
    Unfortunately I haven't had time to participate in any
    I am to inactive to judge that.
    I do not make as many as I would like, but I like the fact they are there when I want them.
    Very little participation from me now, but i do look at the events calendar etc, things still happen.
    OK, fair enough.

    The frequency is fine, the attendance from the community is what is lacking.
    You're certainly right on the attendance from the community, and we think it's because still not enough members are aware of what's going on. We're currently thinking about other ways to inform members as well as any other changes we can make to our events system.

    If people wish to continue discussion on certain points, please feel free to continue it in this thread. For any personal issues or complaints, please get in touch privately.

    Based on the feedback, there will be more Community Logs to come (some exciting things to cover) and also a few more announcements in the coming days, so please keep an eye out!
    LynxMukka Medals
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    I would like to state, for the public record, I did not submit the feedback calling for Pink LCARS! Though I of course support the adoption of such a beautifully coloured theme.

    I believe Lynx has addressed the feedback well, however I will go onto some highlighted in the events, I do have my own ideas and where improvements can be made with our events and I think I share some similar thoughts.

    Needs bit moar flexibility~ leik newbie friendly events
    This is something I would personally like to see, the only one I can currently think of off hand which is newbie friendly is Bills Intro to Ground, however Holodeck have in the past run levelling events for a few games (WoW, SWOTOR) and other games they will try and team people up into the correct skill brackets. STO wise, I think we can do more, one of the common problems which has come up in the past is the low attendance, this makes some event officers feel that it's not productive to continue, however I would like to reassure them that all and any efforts are noted and appreciated! If someone walks away from your event happy, even if you only had one attendee, that is a success!

    Most events are fine, some are not. Today there is an event to "Do some sort of event in SWTOR." Not Okay.
    I think I know which event you are referring to, it is related to the wording and that can be fixed, the event itself has grown in popularity since it started, however I agree, more specifics in the wording would be better. I will get this actioned as soon as possible Cool

    I wish there was more.... social events, kinda like fleet meetings in game, fun stuff like that, just to break a bit away from the "almost every time" PVE, STF, etc events.
    I agree, more social events, this is something I have been thinking about and how we can implement it, just getting people together on TeamSpeak can be a lot of fun, it's also a great way to get to know new people. SFA have in the past hosted New Member Welcome Sessions, this is something I hope we can bring back to being monthly, very casual discussion sessions and also a great way for our RSOs to learn how to chair a meeting! There is a lot of areas to explore here, quiz nights, changelings and watch togethers. If anyone has any other ideas for social events we can run that you feel we could look at, please send me a PM or catch me on TeamSpeak!

    This is where I'd disapprove, because.. I only get push notifications of role calls.... if we could get push notifications of events.. practices meet/greets or pvp events I'd probably make more of an effort to get online more often.
    Not mentioned for me to look into, but I do have some thoughts on how we can make the event system work a little better for our members and I'm sure we can get those included within a few months!
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    I would like to state, for the public record, I did not submit the feedback calling for Pink LCARS!

    Wassat? Just clearing my throat. Nothing to see....

    As to the matter at hand, I continue to appreciate seeing these things done. The transparency is appreciated, and I realize how much time it takes to put them together. I don't think it's possible to get a true perfect result from community members/gamers, it's just in our nature, but I do believe the relatively high numbers is a good reflection.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Kains Medals
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    Rather than PINK LCARS, I would suggest Borgified LCARS! ! ! ! You know, like what was done for the Borg invasion event... only permanent.
    Stormy Medals
    What I really need is a cupholder and a couple of Advil.-Quincy Taggart
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    I just wanted to say, as a lurker and former member, that while I can agree with much of the feedback people offered and have seen what they mean over the years, this is probably one of the most sincere/honest replies from FEO/Lynx that we've had. There is a lot of room for growth and change admitted here, and understandably some defenses of why/how. I just wanted to offer that feedback and say that I'm glad to see this sort of response.

    And yes, I still live, and no, I don't plan to come back as full member. You all can relax knowing I won't disrupt everything again. Wink
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    Rather than PINK LCARS, I would suggest Borgified LCARS! ! ! ! You know, like what was done for the Borg invasion event... only permanent.
    how about all blue from the early days pf sto where every last thing was blue lol
    EmiikoAkoremEmiikoAkorem Medals
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    With regards to my egotistical ways, between this survey and the last I had obviously been rather inactive due to RL and what not, so if the comments were made in regards to a conversation that I may or may not have had to have with said person in this period, then I must admit I'd like to congratulate you for doing something so stupendous that it would require me from actually coming out of my hermit like to state to have to actually talk to you. lol

    Whilst I am now retired, the position of Head of Community Administration came with its many challenges, including dealing with minor issues at a member level, whether it be through a reported post or a forum complaint. Obviously someone has to be the bad guy in these situations and whilst I enjoyed it, people obviously don't like the guy who occasionally has to enforce the rules. Sorry Dentari. Whilst I can appreciate this, I would like to think that all the actions I undertook whilst in this position and in FEO were done reasonably and with the best of the UFP in mind; or at least that was my intention always.

    I hope this helps to understand the unfortunate position I may have been put in and times and whilst I'm sure some may use this response to further back up my ego (which does exist) I will continue to sip my over priced and watered down beverages on the beaches of Risa.
    Bondgadget76 Medals