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Press Office: Libran

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Adster94, Wed 09 Jan, 2013 6:45 PM
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    Caprica and her people whole heartedly support the huge investment of the government of Libran in increasing orbital defenses and bolstering Starfleet's complement of modern spaceworthy vessels. Extra Caprican Starfleet ships and personnel will be assigned to Unity in the coming months.

    Fleet Admiral Alice Mansfield has stressed the strategic importance of Unity station to the civilian quorum, ensuring widespread support for any further Confederate Starfleet endeavours.
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    Presidential Statement:

    "I thought that the events of the past couple of days would never happen, and now the Utopian way of life has been put in jeopardy. For the first time In Libran's long history, war has befell our great nation, the oppressive regime of the Imperial Caprica state has now occupied one of our closest allies, the Satsumarian Reich, and now it has to be dealt with.

    During it's short existence, The Caprican Empire has a blatant disregard for civilians and seems to be willing to put their interests, ahead of those of her civilians. The military coup d'etat in the Republic of Caprica was an illegal move to seize power, and split the nation in half, those supporting democracy, and those whom want power for themselves. Utopia has been a world focused around freedom, democracy and the people, and for the first time since Rawrtony's aggressive tendency's became nullified, we are now faced with another oppressive nation.

    We never have and never will bow down to tyranny, nor any aggressive nation, and whilst going to war is never a pleasant prospect, we are now going to war. Not to fight for expansion, nor territory, but to fight for our values and our way of life - I promise you, our way of life will be protected and will not be disrupted. We stand with our CSUN allies, and will fight until we can't fight anymore, to protect what we hold most dear - our freedom.

    Our drones will protect our cities, our ships will protect our seas, and our soldiers will take the fight to them, the Libran Federation will not falter and we will stand against the oppressors. Long live CSUN, and long live the Federation."

    Adam Moorey
    President of the Libran Federation
    General of the Confederacy
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     –  Last edited by Adster94; Mon 28 Mar, 2016 12:22 PM.


    For the first time in Libran's long history, we have been attacked by another nation in the centre of our Capital: the Libran Courthouse and a number of other buildings have taken excessive damage. Thankfully, during the attack there were no fatalities but nearly 100 Federation citizens were injured and rushed to Libran General Hospital. This act of aggression follows immediately after the joint attack to liberate Satsuma was carried out.

    The Office of the President provided this statement:

    "At 12:36pm local time, a strike force of 12 Imperial Tie Fighters, baring clear resemblance of the Imperial Caprican Air Force fighters, used the cover of Central Utopia to get close to our borders and attack our capital. Thankfully, there have been no fatalities and only 87 injuries, considering this was in the middle of the day, the clear intention for civilian casualties is an alarming concern.

    Shortly after the Tie fighters entered our space, the drone defence system that has been in place since this nations founding, retaliated and destroyed the attackers in 23 seconds. Whilst our defence system did it's job, it was enough time for them to complete one bombing run of the city. Utilising Utopia's capital for a cowardly attack such as this, is appalling and now Imperial Caprica will face the wrath of the Libran Federation's military.

    All naval forces have been directed to the waters surrounding Caprica, alongside our ground troops advancing from Aerilon through Satsuma. Aerial superiority is going to be assured through the use of our Vipers and Raptors. Alongside our allies in CSUN, we will charge towards the very heart of Imperial Caprica and will liberate them from their oppressors.

    A grave mistake was made in attacking our capital. Emperor Thaan's reign is about to end."

    Adam Moorey
    President of the Libran Federation
    General of the Confederacy
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    After the recent attacks within Libran, that injured 87 Libran citizens and increased the momentum in the war against Imperial Caprica a new announcement has been made by the Federation government. Below is the official statement given by the President at a press conference inside CFCs command centre:

    "My fellow citizens, after all that has happened since the formation of CSUN, it has come to pass that the Libran Federation has found it's ideal place within Utopia, a proud and permanent member of CSUN. During the Imperialist reign of Caprica, the only nations that have done anything about it were CSUN members. The only countries that opened their arms to refugees, were CSUN members. All of these conflicts have been going on in Utopia, and only one entity has done anything about it: CSUN.

    With the membership constantly growing, thanks to our increasing partnership with our fellow permanent members, we have over doubled our membership and have proven to be the most active entity within Utopia. Due to this, as of this moment, the Libran Federation is officially pulling out of the Utopian Council.

    The Libran Federation is always open to peace and unity, but over recent years the Utopian council has grown corrupt and useless. The in-action of the General Utopia Council during the recent major crisis was a cause for great concern. alliances with current non-CSUN members will remain in affect, but all of our efforts will be focused into CSUN and expanding it's equal stature membership. Long live the Libran Federation."

    The leaving of the Utopia council is something of a shock, but based off the lack of commitment and action over the past months and years it isn't surprising. Does this mean that CSUN is the best hope for a new united Utopia? The four founding members seem to be pushing for this angle. Accepting new members regularly into the ranks of CSUN and taking former Rawrtony Imperial states means that CSUn is now the largest group within Utopia.

    More information will follow.
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