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Character Discussion: Weyoun

Started By:
Christopher Halsey, Sun 07 Aug, 2016 2:38 PM

View Poll Results: Did you like the character of Weyoun?

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    First Apperance: 'To the Death' (DS9 4x23)
    Series: Deep Space Nine
    Episodes: 24

    favorthebold 233


    Weyoun was a male Vorta in service to the Dominion during the 24th century. As with other Vortas, Weyoun was a clone and in line with normal practice no two Weyouns were active at the same time, there was however at least one incidence of two being active at the same time when one Weyoun was deemed defective. During the Federation-Dominion war, Weyoun served as the primary Dominion representative to (and often for) the Cardassian Union and oversaw many aspects of the campaign himself.

    Weyoun was played by Jeffrey Combs.
    The role of Weyoun was created specifically for actor Jeffrey Combs by Ira Steven Behr and Hans Beimler, as Combs' previous appearances on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine had been in two roles - Tiron and Brunt - for which his face had been covered by heavy prosthetic make-up. Combs has said that Weyoun is his personal favorite out of all the Star Trek roles he has played, due to his relatively increased input on the role. The actor has also commented about Weyoun, "I love about him his grace and poise and ruthlessness and loyalty. Something that I really wanted to instill in him was, you know, you kinda have to fly by the seat of your pants. I really didn't know what he looked like, I didn't know anything about the design concept of the character when I arrived that first morning. I'd had a script for a couple of days, but I tend to really get a lot of hints from the outside, that tells me who I am inside. It does with all of us, the kind of shoes you wear tells you who you are. So when the process started, I began to see how sort of royal and regal he was, and there was something kind of Japanese, but also he was the courtier in the court, he was the foppish, coiffed, graceful diplomat who would go from one party to another and make them all run smoothly. And he would do anything he could, with a smile, to make it look as easy as possible, and get exactly what he wanted. So I took a little spice from the French court as well."

    On another occasion, Combs elaborated, "I didn't think of Weyoun as evil, I think that's a mistake; it's always best to play them as if everything they do is justified. I played him as if he prided himself on how eloquent and elegant he could be, and on his ability to manipulate and cajole. He considered himself really adept at the political game. Sometimes I think he felt misunderstood, but he was a good actor too, feigning shock or surprise. Pretending you're vulnerable and that you're genuinely taken aback by someone's harsh words can be a useful tool, making the other person think that you're off balance when really you're two or three steps ahead."
    "The Dominion has endured for two thousand years and will continue to endure long after the Federation has crumbled into dust!... but we'll leave that to history." - Weyoun 4.


    What did you think of the character of Weyoun? Did you enjoy Combs' portrayal of a Vorta? What did you like and dislike the most? How much of Combs' performance do you think shaped the Vorta as a species? What was your favourite Weyoun moment and your favourite Weyoun episode?
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    Coombs is a great method actor, you struggle to know its him as he plays act character differently, but I hated Weyoun, hes so tedious in some episodes and gets paraded around like The Founders B****

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    Weyoun is one of my favourite recurring characters.

    It helps massively that he is played by Jeffrey Combs, that doesn't make for a great character but it does generally mean you'll get a committed performance. I like the fact that Weyoun isn't your typical 'baddie', he isn't evil, his agenda just conflicts with that of those you're meant to be on the side of.

    I hate seeing him grovelling to Founders but when they aren't around he's a great character, I love his range, one minute he's this somewhat vulnerable and naive lonely person the next he's a cunning diplomat and a ruthless enforcer, with many actors such a role would probably come across as being almost bipolar but Combs' ability makes Weyoun seem a genuine layered person.

    I think my favourite Weyoun moment would be the clip below. I love his sheer joy at winning in Dabo and his facial expressions throughout the scene from the moment Sikso arrives all through Sisko and Dukat's conversation right up to the point where Sisko leaves. He steals the scene without even having to add a single word to their conversation, of course he does speak when he drinks the poison and again his reaction is great.

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    and gets paraded around like The Founders B****
    Couldn't have said it better myself lol. The character is very lacking a backbone. Even when he attempts to standup for whatever, if he faces resistance he cowers back like a lil' puppy getting yelled at for doing something wrong.

    He does bring a bit of entertainment though and I love when Worf snaps one of his clones like a twig.
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    What did you think of the character of Weyoun? Did you enjoy Combs' portrayal of a Vorta? What did you like and dislike the most? How much of Combs' performance do you think shaped the Vorta as a species? What was your favourite Weyoun moment and your favourite Weyoun episode?

    I couldn't stand Weyoun and everything he represents haha. As an actor, he did awesome cause he made me thoroughly hate the character. I disliked his blind obedience, though he KNEW it was crap. I think Combs' impact on the Vorta ranks up with with Nimoy on Vulcans and Worf on Klingons...wait...Nimoy's influence on Vulcans is in a separate category. Favorite moment was when he died.
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