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[Announcement] - Official 2016 Annual UFP Elite Force Tournament

Started By:
Adster94, Mon 25 Jul, 2016 4:18 PM
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     –  Last edited by Adster94; Thu 04 Aug, 2016 8:35 PM.
    SFT 350

    Greetings Tactical,

    It has come time that we have our annual Elite Force tournament, which started two years ago, and will provide a variety of rewards for the winners, and will focus on team based Capture the Flag. The tournament itself will run throughout the second half of August, with the first round taking place on August 14th. The sign-ups for the tournament will remain upon until August 7th. If the team you are in is not participating, you are not obligated to stay, but if you're absent when your team plays another player within the tournament will be assigned to fill your role - dependent on the teams participating in the match.

    Sign-up thread is HERE.

    Elite Force Launcher download is HERE. Please install the Legacy Edition. If this launcher doesn't work, download the Legacy Edition direct from HERE.

    Alongside the text description below, verbal explanation will occur prior to the start of the first round on Sunday August 14th.


    The team tournament will be focused around at least 3 teams of 3, but will change based on the number of people that signup to the event, but in the event that not enough people sign up for the team tournament, a solo tournament will take place instead. The team tournament will be focused around each team playing two 10 minute matches, where the teams have to capture as many flags as they can or 10 (whichever is first). There will be two rounds of matches, where by the end of the second round the team with the least points will be knocked out and will not proceed to the final - details of which will be released at a later date. The first round will be held on August 14th and the second on August 21st, with the final being the following week - August 28th.

    Note: Description of Solo tournament contained within spoiler - will only take place if there is not enough for a team based tournament.


    The solo tournament will be focused around FFA Disintegration, where each round will play four 15 minute matches, where players total kills and points will be totalled up, with the lowest two people being knocked out at the end of the round (this will change dependent of the number of attendees). Throughout the solo tournament, the victor will be decided based on overall performance throughout the event. This could lead to someone who is consistently second place, but the first place player constantly changes, winning the overall tournament - meaning consistent good performance will lead to you doing well overall in the tournament.


    Note: Please make sure that prior to the start date these maps are all included within your game folder.

    pro faceoff

    pro voy1

    pro voy2

    ctf spyglass

    ctf faceoff2

    Both the solo (if played) and team tournaments will contain the same prize pool. Each member of the team, or solo winner, will receive one of the following - based on each victors choice.

    • The team/player that achieves overall victory will all be awarded with the Combat Readiness Medal, if not already on the member's medal roster.
    • Unique Legendary Achievement "Set Phasers to Frag" awared to each member of the winning team OR the "Disintegration Champion" for the solo victor (if solo is played).
    • For 12 months after the conclusion of the tournament, the winners will also be allowed to have signatures which state they were the winners of the The 2016 UFP Elite Force CTF Tournament.

    Please feel free to contact me via private message on the forums.
    Adster94 Medals
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    Alongside the victory achievement, there will also be an achievement for participating in an Elite Force tournament!
    Adster94 Medals
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     –  Last edited by Adster94; Mon 15 Aug, 2016 10:06 AM.
    The teams have been created and will follow this format:

    Team Ravens:
    Three of Seven

    Team Eagles:
    Mark Okuda

    Team Falcons:

    These teams will be shuffled on a match by match basis, dependent on who turns up to the events. The first match is on Sunday 14th, in two days time at 20:00UFP. Check out the event system for more details on what will happen on Sunday and the updated tournament information!
    Adster94 Medals
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    First off, I wanted to say I had a blast today! As a new EF player it was interesting.

    I have a few questions though about today's match and how the "rules" worked.

    I want to indicate that before hand I went ahead and read Elite Force Gameplay before posting in case I was misinformed.
    I noticed when the game started you were more or less thrown into the game and you had to figure out the basics pretty fast to keep up with the more skilled players. I don't mind being "thrown in with the wolves" since I can sometimes learn better this way.
    What I didn't understand is when standing in one stop, player complained that some were "Camping" others. when I played other games, the term "camping" was where players would wait at a respawn point and continue to kill the same players over and over.
    EF doesn't really have a designated "respawn" point since to me it seemed pretty random were I would spawn on my enemy opponent and died instantly.

    From what I gather, being a sniper, was being considered "camping" where a player stays in one spot, zooms in (with Z) and Pop shot since the match was disintegration match (one shot kills). I didn't see a big deal with players doing this but I did hear a few players ask other to stop, and i didn't understand why since there was other players jumping around like crazy, and when i think of other CTF games, and other FPS games (such as TF2, Overwatch) A sniper was an effective and useful role to play. (even in real life, snipers are amazing)
    I changed my game play since I was too busy running around then able to pick a snipe spot to begin with. I just didn't understand how this role was against the rules, nor how it was seen as "camping" since my terms were a different understanding.

    Another complaint about other player was in another match, where one team was defending the flag area too much and they were told to move away from their own flag to allow the enemy a "chance". Defending a base is a positive role, and again used in many CTF matches. I did understand how this can be frustrating at times because the term I am familiar with is called "turtling" where all players go full on defense eliminating any enemy player in rage trying to assault their base. this can get hectic IF THE ENEMY is lesser skilled, but considering today for example, the MVP was on the opposite side (we even had to ask them to be handicapped in other games) I don't see how massively defending was a real issue, but none the less I started going on assault.

    To this end I will say again had a complete blast and look forward to other scenarios in next weeks event. I just wish we could have some better SET rules and explain why such cases such as "sniping" was considered camping and not allowed. I would think once a sniper is spotted players go for that sniper and take them out, which them being a sitting target can be a fair advantage, but having another players jumping around like crazy would be allowed and considered fair lol.

    When I think of CTF, I think of even real CTF in paintball matches. we always have a designated sniper, who is massively skilled, since he can ed of being a sought out target, and never do i ever see a dude jumping around as they run around lol.

    Till next Sunday guys...

    - JC
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    Good thing this is a game! Bunny hopping is a really good thing to do in these types of games, pretty much a necessity.
    Yeah man you did awesome, I was laughing the whole time man, good stuff!
    JCarrill0 Medals
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    Just so everyone is clear for the next couple of weeks, there will be NO camping within any of the matches. I am not going to be eagle eye and spectate to make sure everyone isn't camping, because that is too strict and frankly, not particularly fun. So I am asking people not to camp, for the fun of everyone else and the fairness of this tournament.

    My definition of camping, in this instance, is standing still within the same area for a protracted length of time, simply sniping other people. In this game, movement is key, whilst camping can provide an advantage, it is also very disadvantageous to your team, this game requires constant movement for both your survival and your teams success. The best course of action is to never stop moving, and fire whenever you see an enemy, regardless of if you can hit them or not.

    People defending the base, isn't camping, so long as they are moving around and aren't just standing in the same spot constantly, as most people were doing last night.

    Once again, I will reiterate, please don't camp, for everyone to have a fun time and make sure the games are fair for anyone.
    Adster94 Medals
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    Round 1 Summary:

    Match 1:
    Ravens - 8/10/8 = 260 points
    Eagles - 3/0/2 = 50 points

    Match 2:
    Ravens - 4/6/6 = 160 points
    Falcons - 2/7/7 = 160 points

    Team Totals:
    Ravens - played 2 matches = 420 points
    Falcons - played 1 match = 160 points
    Eagles - played 1 match = 50 points
    Adster94 Medals
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    The tournament will continue tomorrow at 20:00 BST! Be there, or else!
    Adster94 Medals
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    Round 2 Summary:

    Match 1:
    Eagles - 10/8/9 = 270 points
    Falcons - 1/1/3 = 50 points

    Match 2:
    Eagles - 6/3/6 = 150 points
    Ravens - 7/5/10 = 220 points

    Team Totals:
    Ravens - played 3 matches = 640 points
    Falcons - played 2 match = 210 points
    Eagles - played 3 match = 470 points
    Adster94 Medals