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Admiral's Log - Kerry Malone

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Kerry Malone, Tue 27 Dec, 2016 6:07 PM
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    ADMIRAL'S LOG - STARDATE 65468.4 - SEPTEMBER 28, 2387 - 06:30:48
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    My first log entry as Zetari Sector Group Commander, and I do it aboard my new flagship - the Ticonderoga. She's a fine vessel with quite a past associated to her. She was built as a purpose-built warship for a flag officer to lead a massive combat fleet, following the need for such a vessel at the close of the Dominion war. There are only a handful of such vessels in existence, as they contradict somewhat the Starfleet philosophy of peaceful exploration and scientific discovery to build a ship designed primarily to destroy. Although the same could easily be said of the Defiant, Prometheus and Akira projects, and the Sovereign was born out of battle - although she at least has pretences of exploration.

    I'll be honest, when I saw this behemoth of a ship out of the viewports on Zetari, I was considerably taken aback. Given that my last command as a Captain was aboard a Galaxy class, I should be used to massive vessels. Yet this one eclipses the old Hornet by a considerable margin. I suppose the assignment of the Ticonderoga to the Zetari sector was Starfleet's way of justifying giving me so few assets to deploy. As Sector Group Commander, I have six sectors to oversee and administer, and I only have eighteen starships to do this with. I suppose being this far out into the Alpha Quadrant has its downsides, as its probably classified as a "backwater" posting.

    The one thing I sincerely lack out here in the back end of beyond are experienced officers, especially in the command cadre. Take the Captain of the Ticonderoga as a case in point. She's only held Captain rank for a month, and prior to that was First Officer aboard a Medical Frigate for eleven months. I know Starfleet are hurting for experienced command staff, what with the recent spate of retirements and conflicts depleting the upper field ranks of the service, but I question the logic in appointing a complete novice in command of a ship of this size and power.

    To add insult to injury, our first mission, which will be Captain Nolan's baptism of fire as CO of the Ticonderoga, or "Tico" as the crew have taken to calling her, is an extremely important peace conference. We have a full contingent of Federation Diplomats aboard, including a full ranked Ambassador especially appointed by the Federation Council and the Diplomatic Corps. I too have been assigned to this envoy of peace, as the Starfleet representative. Whilst hardly my first rodeo, this will be my first peace conference as a Starfleet Admiral.

    The last four years at Starfleet Command have been... interesting, but they haven't half dulled the senses. I'm glad that the CinC accepted my petition to get back into space - I was going stir crazy back on Earth. I know that Kassi isn't happy at having to leave the house we set up in Ireland, but she accepted my decision to go back into a field appointment with suitable grace. I think the lure of being on a Starbase for most of the time was how I convinced her that it was relatively safe. Even so, she's tagging along on this mission due to her skills as a diplomat in her own right, having worked in the Federation Embassy on Cardassia for six years prior to our meeting.

    I shall be observing Captain Nolan's conduct and progress on this mission, as she is more than aware of the importance of this peace accord, and the role that Starfleet and the Federation must play in keeping the peace. The Lomas and the Paedron's have been at war for a century and a half, causing considerable anguish in this area of space, but recent changes to their respective governments have brought about progressive leaders who have replaced hardliners who opposed peace on principle. It is yet to be seen what the price of peace will actually be, and what Starfleet and the Federation will have to commit to, to make this work. However, I maintain optimistic that we'll prevail.
    KerryMalone Medals
    I'd be delighted to offer any advice I have on understanding women. When I have some, I'll let you know.