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Acting Captains Log - Thomas Peters

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     –  Last edited by Nesta; Fri 12 Jan, 2018 6:40 PM.
    Acting Captains Log, Supplemental - Stardate: 54888.26 (November 21, 2377, Time: 05:09:27)

    We have arrived...wherever we are. It has only been a mere hour or so since the Battle of Albirea, roughly a third of the crew have been killed, along with most of the senior officers and we have no idea where we have ended up. The ship is in pieces, only short-range sensors are operational which have shown we are in the middle of a massive debris field, clearly from Zephan ships or the gateway itself. But what happened...

    As soon as Admiral Moorey gave the order to retreat as the Interstellar Gateway exploded, and we warped out of the system, but Lt. Rigin has proposed that when the gateway collapsed, we somehow got caught in an gravitational pull that catapulted us through the gateway, adding the effect of our warp drive we sustained significant damage to the entire ship. Half of the remaining crew members are either heavily injured or incapacitated. I have promoted all the suitable personnel to take over from our colleagues, sadly though we don't have time to mourn as we need to figure out where we are and repair the ship.

    Chief Engineer Rigin has estimated repairs at 6 months, in a drydock...making our full repairs almost impossible with our current resources. I have faith in the entire crew, but we need to get to a safe haven, the priority at this point is to get full sensors back as well as the warp drive. This alone will be a difficult task.
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    Acting Captains Log, Supplemental - Stardate: 54888.96 (November 21, 2377, Time: 11:17:22)

    Rigin did it, we have been here now for roughly six hours now, but we now have basic propulsion and sensor systems back online. What we discovered was unbelievable, we ended up in the middle of a giant debris field, as the short range sensors detected, but it was beyond giant - whatever was here was so massive that it was easily the size of a planet. It appears that whatever happened in Albirea, caused some sort of feedback loop that caused utter destruction this side of the gateway.

    The second discovery was that we are in the heart of Zephan territory, wherever that may be, the system is crawling with Zephan ships, but somehow they haven't discovered us yet, which is ideal. Thrusters and 1/10th impulse power are available, but I have given the order to stay put for the time being, this debris field has given us protection from the Zephan sensors. Science Officer Tomson, along with Engineer Rigin agree on the most logical explanation being our diminished energy signature.

    With the warp core offline, and emergency power being our only source of power could mean we are near enough invisible, maybe not to Starfleet sensors but amongst this debris field and how advanced the Zephans technology is, it is possible that their sensors are not sensitive enough to pick us up. Before we go anywhere, I want our warp drive back online so we can leave this system immediately. Tactical Officer Ch'sharot will be keeping an eye on the Zephan ship movements, but for the time being, none of them are going anywhere...
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    Acting Captains Log, Supplemental - Stardate: 54891.35 (November 22, 2377, Time: 08:13:33)

    We have now been in this part of space for over a day, and already many challenges have been presented to myself and the crew. We are still stuck inside the debris field, my Chief Engineer assures me that he will have warpdrive functional within the next day, but only at a maximum of Warp 4 - at that speed we will be going nowhere fast.

    For the time being, playing dead has worked in our favour, the Zephan forces seem to completely ignore us anytime they come even close, as they have done multiple times over the past day. This key weakness is definitely something that Starfleet will need to know about as soon as, but Warp 4 won't do us much good. Science Officer Tomson has been scanning local areas of space to find a possible safe haven and thinks that she has struck gold.

    Within 5 light years of this system is a gigantic class 9 nebula, so large in fact that it could provide us cover until our repairs are complete. That being said, we will never be able to repair the Charleston fully without a spacedock, so we are going to have to do with the nebula. Once inside we should be able to remain as long as we need to, so long as replicators can be brought back online, the rations won't need to last. Although, Lt. Rigin does consistently remind me that the biggest problem is the dilithium crystals, as they are as close as they can be to none exsistent, alongside our quickly depleting deuterium reserves.

    Another point of curiousity, specifically regarding the Zephans, it does appear that the ships themselves might not have a warpdrive installed...the ships that we picked up yesterday are still in the vicinity and only moving around at impulse speeds, some towards the edge of the system, whilst others scour the gateways debris field. Hopefully, this will give us another advantage. I am on my way now to speak to Lt. Tomson about a discovery she has made.
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     –  Last edited by Adster94; Wed 04 Jan, 2017 9:40 AM.
    Acting Captains Log, Supplemental - Stardate: 54894.75 (November 23, 2377, Time: 14:00:36)

    1483502341 charleston adster1

    Well, Lt. Rigin was right, he managed to get warp drive back online, the only problem now is the starboard nacelle, the warp coils themselves seem to be non-functional for the moment. He assures me that this is something simple and he should have them sorted within another day or so. I am now starting to get unnerved by the amount of time we have managed to spend unnoticed by the Zephan forces, it almost feels like we are being watched...

    The crew themselves are still incredibly rattled, everyone has pretty much had no sleep over the past couple of days, and that is now starting to take it's toll on the crew. Especially with the power blackout for the past 6 hours, requested by Lt. Rigin to restore the warp drive and other key systems. With that being said, the crew is doing reasonably well, under the circumstances, everyone is keeping themselves busy with work as the ship is still in pieces but everyone is holding it together, for the time being.

    I spoke with Lt. Tomson again this morning, following on from our meeting yesterday, and her hypothesis has been confirmed. She has noticed that the Zephan ships don't use warp drive, in the conventional terms, they instead use these some form of catapult technology, similar to the gateway but on a smaller scale. They are propelled across space and apparently could traverse a large distance in a matter of seconds, giving them a tactical advantage that could hinder us in the future, but also provides us with an advantage ourselves.

    Whilst their ships do have warp drives installed, they tend not to use them. Most of the Zephan fleet left the system earlier on this morning, after a large ship arrived in the system which appeared to deploy a station which, she hypotheses, acts as a disposable catapult, or at least a temporary one. Once this was installed around 60, of the 80 ships in the system used this structure to leave the system. If they only use these as their way of regular interstellar travel, it is entirely possible we could warp out the system and not be followed.

    Tomorrow we will find out, as we will be heading towards the nebula to conduct further repairs in safety, especially after a Zephan battleship almost hit us yesterday, everyone is even more eager to leave this system behind. It will be a risk, as we will almost certainly be detected leaving the system, but we can stay here much longer. Three large vessels arrived at the same time as the catapult transporter, and since their arrival they have been harvesting the debris field. Lt. Ch'sharot estimates that they will be harvesting our section of the field within the next two days, so we need to leave, and soon, I have made this clear to Rigin and the engineering teams...
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    Acting Captains Log, Supplemental - Stardate: 54897.32 (November 24, 2377, Time: 12:31:23)

    1483545423 charleston adster2

    We have finally managed to leave the debris field and warped out of the system without too much trouble, just in the nick of time though I might add. One of the harvesters was within minutes of reaching our section of the field, if it arrived before the warp drive was brought back online we would have had a lot of trouble. But regardless, we are now currently on route to the nebula, only issue is - it is still just short of 18 days away at our best speed...

    Due to the significant damage on the starboard nacelle, the best speed Lt. Rigin could give me was warp 4, without a prolonged period of time with the warp engines offline, there is nothing more he can give me. That presents us with another challenge, as that is 18 days in exposed space where we could be detected and attacked at any moment. The best we can get out of shields, as Lt. Ch'sharot assures me is 47% of total, which won't last long under a barrage of Zephan beam attacks.I do have faith in the crew's ability to continue repairs to ship, but now we are at warp I have ordered everyone to get some sleep.

    Whilst to some that might mean that we are safe, but we are no where near safe. Due to what we noticed in the gateway system, the Zephan's appear to have the ability to get a ship on top of us before we have a chance to raise our shields, so they are required to be on at all times, in case we are attacked. It is important that the crew gets some sleep, from what I can tell nearly the entire crew has gone without sleep for the better part of 96 hours, which is taking its toll. With what lies ahead, I need the crew to be as sharp as possible, as in this mistake could cost the lives of everyone on this ship...
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    Acting Captains Log, Supplemental - Stardate: 54947.51 (December 12, 2377, Time: 20:11:15)

    1483502334 charleston adster3

    Well, we have actually made it, the nebula is significantly larger up close than the sensors possibly suggested which is ideal for our current situation. With the extended travel using our damaged warp engines, means that we are going to have to spend more time in the nebula than previously planned, sadly it is estimated that we will need to spend the better part of two months in the nebula...

    Hopefully we will be able to stay in the nebula for that long, without being detected but based on what happened on our way here, that might prove to be difficult. There were three incidents where Zephan ships catapulted to systems along our route, although it is entirely possible that this is a coincidence, I try not to believe in them. This would mean that the Zephan's are actually able to track us, just not able to follow us in warp, meaning we might not be safe in the nebula for long.

    I will be pulling everyone off their assignments for the duration of our stay in the nebula, except for the helmsman and the tactical officer, everyone else will be assisting with the repairs of the ship, hopefully this will reduce our stay. Another problem that we will be facing is the corrosive nature of this particular nebula, means that within 60 days we will be forced to leave otherwise our hull integrity will lower to critical levels, this will drastically effect the effectiveness of our repairs.

    All that being said, we will continue to move around the nebula to prevent our capture, as the bridge crew all agree that the Zephans will be looking for us. We just have to hope that it will take them longer than a month to find us, otherwise we won't be able to last long in a firefight - as this is the time estimated for full shield and weapon system restoration.
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    Acting Captains Log, Supplemental - Stardate: 55066.96 (January 25, 2378, Time: 10:34:10)

    1483505677 charleston adster4

    We have been in the nebula now for a month and a half, repairs are progressing steadily but now we are being slowed by the extra damage being done to the outer hull by our safe refuge. Due to the extra repairs we have been doing, Lt. Rigin has made the estimate that if we stand a chance in combat against Zephans, we need to leave the nebula in the next 20 days, otherwise our overall hull integrity will be compromised - this has added extra pressure as most of our critical systems are just barely operating within their norms, I can't imagine what would happen if we went into combat.

    That isn't our biggest problem though, whilst the size of this nebula does give us refuge, we know that the Zephans are looking for us, and it will be only a matter of time before they find us in the nebula. Just yesterday, we detected an energy signature nearby, by Lt. Ch'sharots estimate it was from outside the nebula, but was of an unknown pattern. He thinks it is the same signature we detected in the debris field when the Zephan Gateway ship arrived, but as the sensors weren't working as well as they are now, we don't know for certain.

    To not take any chances, we have powered down all but the essential life support systems, this will also aid in repairs but Rigin assures me that we won't get the power back on quick enough if we are found, but this is a risk we have to take. On top of that, Science Officer Tomson has found out another piece of information that has the entire crew on edge. She has come to the conclusion that we are no longer in the Milky Way galaxy anymore... none of our star charts match any of the space that we have managed to traverse thus far...

    The problems just keep mounting up, but I have assured the crew that the main thing we need to focus on is repairing the ship. We know there is at least one Zephan ship in the vicinity, probably in the nebula with us now, but we can't be sure. I just can't get over the fact we aren't even in the Milky Way, and if we aren't, then where are we...
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    Acting Captains Log, Supplemental - Stardate: 55119.92 (February 13th 2378, Time: 18:31:48 )

    It seems like we have outstayed our welcome in this nebula...for the past 4 days the Zephans have tried a new tactic to flush us out and it will pay off tomorrow morning. They have been using some form of modified tricobalt device, to create large shockwaves inside the nebula, similar to that of old depth charges used in Earth's oceans to destroy submarines. The use of these devices has meant we have had to use thrusters to manoeuvre around the nebula to find safe harbour, but that has proven more difficult than originally thought.

    Whilst thrusters have been enough to keep us safe, we have now come to the inevitable situation where we are going to have to leave the nebula. The ship is barely holding together as is, but we can't stay here any longer without causing more damage to the ship than we already have. Lt. Rigin has said that if we don't leave in the morning then we may never leave, as the nebula combined with the shockwaves are causing more damage than we can repair.

    Even though practically the entire crew hasn't really slept over the past month, I am confident that we can get through this current situation and find a way to survive wherever we are. The priority has been to reinforce the warp engines, considering the Zephans don''t seem to be able to use warp travel, that gives us a tactic edge, the drawback being we need to stay at warp for as long as we can...

    Shields and weapon systems are barely functional, we won't be able to last long in a fight in our current state, especially against the Zephans advanced technology. However, Lt. Ch'sharot has managed to tune the sensors to detect the locations of the Zephans, or at least the ones within 2.5km of the nebula perimeter, allowing us to find a hole in their fleet. Science Officer Tomson has also found a possible safe haven, but it will take us around 2 weeks to get there at warp, plus she can't say for certain if it is safe until we leave the confines of the nebula. Regardless, we will have to punch through tomorrow...
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