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TalonV, Thu 16 Mar, 2017 8:46 PM
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    If you want to zip around then, yeah, you definitely want to pick up a Pilot ship. Their built-in Pilot Maneuvers lets them tumble and roll and do stuff that no other ship can. I haven't tried them myself, but I have seen other people using them. They look pretty fun. The main drawback is that they have, like, the lowest HP of all the T6 ships. So: trade-off.
    I guess the DPS v. survivability (or DPS+survivability) is whole another game than fun (well optimizing and spreadsheeting could be fun too, perhaps not so much for a casual player), but to begin with Pilot ships are fun. Have not yet seen any stats on the nitty gritty of Pilot ship builds yet.

    Hugh. Ewww. I never really liked him. I preferred when the Borg were the unstoppable Big Bad. Hugh made them too personable. But then, I was always more of a Q fan. He was my favorite. I was always thrilled when he would show up. You knew things were just about to get crazy.
    Until you know who punched him in the face.
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    My n00b is showing.... ouch. I haven't actually looked up the liberated borg's price tag yet. ^^; I'd be going hungry for a month, I would. XP

    But I definitely think, after reading a bit of this Pilot feedback, that I'll be going for one of them. They just sound like a ton of fun, and my Sci-Rommy is already specializing in pilot anyhoo (it's odd just how much fun reversing in a speedy fashion is.... easily amused I am. XD ) Also, I'm used to being squishy. And going up in a spectacular ball of flame. Really! All my explosions.... utterly magnificent works of art.

    About Hugh, I do understand you there.... some Big Bads should always remain as such... but for me, I've always had a fascination with the 'monster' not being as monstrous as one would think, and the bad guys going good kinda thing. Warm Bodies, Monster in Paris, even the Hunchback of Notre Dame and Beauty and the Beast.... yeah, okay, I'm hopeless. Still.... 'I, Borg' made me so ridiculously happy I /should/ be embarrassed to admit it...

    Good DPS is indeed one of my goals, as is being able to last in a good fight (borg queues <_<), but... I'm not quite to the point of focusing purely on that yet. I mean, I think I got a good set-up for my Kling, and I appear to be doing pretty good (better since I respecced to include Probability Manipulation awhile ago.... before I knew I only had 1 respec for the whole account, not 1 for each toon... d'oh). My reaction time and skill use has also improved.... so I think with time I'll get there.

    Ah yes... that famous punch. I loved it. A lot. Too much. I like Q... I really do, but... it sure did feel good. XD I know, I'm mean... the guy gets a lot of flak. (But gives it just as well as you please too. Q-pid.... ah, what fun...)

    Okay, I really gotta ask; do you guys mind me using the @name thing, or would y'all prefer I learn my way around a forum enough to try the quotes? XD Dumb question maybe, but... I'm kinda (a-lot) paranoid like that. (And there goes any 'semblance of me being internet-savvy... ah well...)
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    Good DPS is indeed one of my goals, as is being able to last in a good fight (borg queues <_<), but... I'm not quite to the point of focusing purely on that yet. I mean, I think I got a good set-up for my Kling, and I appear to be doing pretty good (better since I respecced to include Probability Manipulation awhile ago.... before I knew I only had 1 respec for the whole account, not 1 for each toon... d'oh). My reaction time and skill use has also improved.... so I think with time I'll get there.
    You may be interested in checking out the build event in that case:, offered quite often just keep a look out in events tab. Also parsing might be helpful, perhaps using one of the STO parsers, I use Combat Log Reader (though I'm not a PvPer): You may be familiar with this or others Smile

    Okay, I really gotta ask; do you guys mind me using the @name thing, or would y'all prefer I learn my way around a forum enough to try the quotes? XD Dumb question maybe, but... I'm kinda (a-lot) paranoid like that. (And there goes any 'semblance of me being internet-savvy... ah well...)
    Not a problem Smile There's a button on top of every post "Quote" or you could also include a quote in between tags manually.
    Asimogorov Medals
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     –  Last edited by KickKat; Sun 19 Mar, 2017 5:20 AM.
    First, welcome to the fleet.

    A few extra notes... and I've been working on this, but, I get /extremely/ nervous during any sort of group PVE mission, so, if I'm ever in one with any a' y'all, forgive me if I slip up a few times. Hoping I'll work my way out of that illogical fear eventually....
    I know it is usually unhelpful to say something like this in response to the above, but I wouldn't worry about being nervous or making mistakes. We all are/were inexperienced and we all still screw up. I practically am a screw up. I have been playing for many years now and only recently feel more comfortable piloting my ship than driving a motorcycle. 1

    One of the main reasons to join a guild/fleet/whatever besides the social aspect is to gain access to resources not available to one individually. While the sociability our fleet members is pretty awesome, the fleet is also amazing in that its resources are virtually unlimited. I am not refering to items and gear, rather the more intangibles such as knowledge, knowledge about where to find other knowledge, paitience, selflessness, willfulness, determination and generosity. OK. I might be upselling the virtues of the membership, but only a very little.

    If you want to know something, just ask. If you want to do something, just ask. If you need help with something, just ask. You will find that a good many of us like volunteering our time and experience because we can show off a little and look cool. Wink 2 3 There is also a distinct lack of party forming callouts in the in game chat, so if you make your requests in there too, you will automatically get some awesome points. If asking isn't your thing, then take the opportunity to join up when someone else asks. They will be genuinely happy to have the company or they wouldn't be asking. The fleet also hosts regular, weekly themed events covering topics such as build discussions, "STF" runs for both ground and space, resource collecting and free-for-all-whatever-the-attendees-feel-like-doing. With some exceptions, one of the purposes of these events is to provide a low pressure, structured environment to teach less experienced players the ins and outs of much of the end game content.

    Your new fleet mates want to help. I have only ever had one serious question that no one was able to answer for me and that was because I am probably the only person in STO who wants to know and Cryptic are probably the only ones who know the answer. Every other time it has been:

    - Question asked
    - Question answered
    - In-game quality of life/fun increased

    That's enough out of me. See ya in game sometime.

    1 I may or may not have ever driven a motorcycle without running into a neighbor's garage wall. From the inside. After starting outside.

    2 Emoji is not representative of perceived coolness level.

    3 I mostly just embarrass myself.
    I will show it to you, this one thing covered in glory.
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