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[Archived] - Remnants of Hobus

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Caymen Greener, Thu 11 May, 2017 3:42 PM
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     –  Last edited by Eaglesg; Thu 28 Dec, 2017 5:14 PM.
    34319417901 59936594e6 o

    Remnants of Hobus
    An official Ares joint mission

    Involved Ships

    USS Judica (Caymen, GM) [Ares Flag]
    USS Andromeda (Eaglesg, AGM)
    USS Cascade (Zairu)
    USS Netherlands (deuZige)
    USS New York (Keenan)
    USS Pearson (Tain)
    IRW Cumaen (Caymen, NPC of sorts)

    Mission Summary

    The Hobus Incident caused mass devastation to the Romulan Empire, and even some border worlds in the Federation. Trade, diplomacy, military operations - all have been disrupted to heavy degrees. And even with the Federation providing emergency aid where needed within the Romulan Empire, the Klingons and the Ferengi and others still attempt to take advantage of the presumed-weakened RSE.

    Tensions have risen in recent weeks, almost a year after Hobus. The Romulans are suspect of the Federation's gumption; the Klingons are increasingly dismissive of the Romulans' resolve; and others wish to crack the Neutral Zone and plunder what they will.

    This cannot be allowed. A new task force is assembled called Ares, and Admiral Marcus Moore will call multiple ships to begin talks with the Romulans, and attempt to bolster this frail peace. Together they will do their best to maintain the balance that has been struck so far. It will not be easy. War could break at any moment. And everyone has everything to gain and lose.

    OOC Notes

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    USS Enterprise, Bridge

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    USS Judica, Strategic Planning Room

    Admiral Moore strutted about in a pace, back and forth. Captain Greener was there, as were a few other officers from the Judica and some advisors to Moore. The pacing was making Greener go nuts, but the man had a lot on his mind.

    "Alright, I'm done waiting," the admiral finally said.

    Caymen sighed in relief and then nodded over to Lieutenant Thomas from Operations. The junior officer tapped the panel and a recording began after few chimes.

    Moore stopped his pacing and stood upright, almost at attention, his chest billowed out a bit. "Attention Starfleet vessels. You have been reassigned to Task Force Ares and we are not wasting any time getting started.

    "The aftermath of the Hobus incident has worn thin on the Romulan Empire, and the Klingons and Ferengi and mercenaries are all growing antsy." The admiral had a knack for speaking in plain language in stressful times. "Our mutual aid agreement with the Romulans holds true still, but they are leery of our intentions, while also worried about the other forces looking over their fence.

    "On top of that, there seem to have been several raids and incursions into Romulan space on remote colonies and planetary holdings. We have not been able to determine by whom, and the Romulans claim they do not know either. Therefore, our new Task Force will be investigating."

    Moore paused. "Our first task is to meet with one of the Galae's commanders and get the perspective from a Romulan Warbird in real space. After that, we will see where things lead. The coordinates for the small mining base near Starbase 39-Sierra are being sent to you. That is where we will meet, in person. I expect to see you all there within three days."

    The admiral nodded firmly, and then looked over at Thomas, before returning his gaze forward. "This takes priority over anything else you are doing... Admiral Moore out." And the signal cut.

    Thomas chimed in audibly. "Admiral, the Andromeda, Cascade, Endalla, Netherlands, and Pearson have all confirmed receipt of your communique."

    Moore grinned and then walked closer to Greener. "Take the Judica into high orbit and prepare a security team to come with us."

    Caymen shifted his head and then nodded a small bow. "Aye, sir," is all he said. This would be most interesting.

    OOC-Caymen: Ok, please reply here and have your ships arriving at the small mining facility near SB39. If you wish to beam down, that's fine. The Admiral will not be beamed down quite yet.
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    USS Pearson, Briefing Room
    Ivor Prime Sector

    With the command staff finally assembled in the briefing room, the commander stood up from his chair and began to address them.

    "30 minutes ago, I received a priority message from Starfleet Command. We are being reassigned to Admiral Moore's command. We are to proceed to the Sierra system at best speed"

    The commander looked across his team as they all appeared confused as to why they were receiving new orders.

    Commander Tain continued. "With the collapse of the Star empire, the entire region is in turmoil. Romulan worlds are being raided and resources plundered."

    "Sir, what does Starfleet expect us to do" The ships first officer, Kelsey Rand piped in.

    The commander took a deep breath. "We will rendezvous with the task force, and begin an investigation into the raids. From there we will do what we can to help our allies. I don't need to tell you what is at stake here people, I need you all at your best. The coming days will shape the future for the entire quadrant, let's make sure it's a good one."

    "Ensign Jovek, set a course for the mining facility, maximum warp." With the order to get underway issued, the staff rose from their chairs and headed to their stations.

    "Sir, our eta will have us arriving within 2 days." Echoed the helmsmen.

    The commander nodded and gave the bridge to Rand. "I will be reviewing mission details in my ready room, I want status reports from all decks before we reach our destination"

    56 hours later, the Pearson dropped out of warp at the edge of the Sierra system. Its freshly painted hull gleaming in the star light, having just finished her refit only 6 weeks earlier.

    "Senior staff, please report to the bridge. We will rendezvous with the Judica in 8 minutes." Lt. Tela finished her announcement, and relieved the crew of the third watch before she took her position at Tactical.
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    USS Cascade, Tactical Information Center (TIC)
    Xarantine Sector

    Stardate: 65395.51
    With the Senior Officers gathered within the TIC, the commander began to brief the crew: “As you all know an hour ago we were redirected to the command of Admiral Moore, to aid the Romulan Star Empire.”

    There was a stunned look of disbelief on the officers faces as everyone took a minute to digest what the Command had just stated. It was very unusual for operations on a Starfleet vessel to operate within the neutral zone let alone inside of Romulan space.

    “Sir,” Lieutenant Scott, the ships head of operations, asked nervously “What exactly are we going to be doing inside of Romulan space?”

    “Good Question,” stated the Commander briskly “We are en-route to starbase 39-sierra to stage and then begin the investigation into Romulan colonies that have been under attack.”

    “Captain, any specific orders for us until we reach Sierra Three Nine?” piped LCDR Hughes, the Executive Officer.

    “We will arrive in nineteen hours, I will be in my ready room reading mission reports. I want manned and ready as soon as possible. Lieutenant Commander Teran, I want all flight crews briefed and a fighter-alert schedule created. That is all. Lieutenant Commander Hughes, you have the bridge.” the Commander stated as he dismissed the senior staff.

    After the meeting the commander walks to his ready room and lies down on his bed, only to get up again. He walks over to the replicator and states with stress in his voice. "Coffee, Hazelnut with cream and sugar" and then the commander sighs, grabs the cup of coffee and sits down at his desk, going through report after report.

    The Nineteen hours then passed, and the USS Cascade dropped out of warp with confidence at the edge of the Sierra system. Her windows lit and the run reflecting off of her hull. The captain then presses a button on his command console on the bridge “All hands this is your captain speaking, we have arrived in the Sierra system, Alpha shift take your posts, senior staff to the bridge.”
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     –  Last edited by Eaglesg; Sun 17 Sep, 2017 8:46 PM.
    USS Andromeda
    Starbase 310, Alpha Trianguli Sector


    As the ship was docked, everyone went about his business when suddenly the shipwide intercom ringed, revealing Captain Wilson's tensed voice:


    Minutes after that, in the briefing room, the Captain explained the urgency of his call:

    "Gentlemen, I'll be brief on this one : we have been reassigned to Task Force Ares by Admiral Moore. All other priorities has been resended and the Loki will be the temporary flagship of the 16th Fleet during this mission. We are departing immediately to a small mining base near Starbase 39-Sierra where we will meet him along with the Judica, the Cascade, the Endalla, the Netherlands, and the Pearson."

    Lt. Commander Boris Dorcan, Andromeda's XO, confusingly asked :

    "Sir, what's happening ?
    - I just received this priority message from Starfleet Command
    , answered Cpt. Wilson. Then, looking to everyone in the room : The following message will not be discussed beyond those doors, am I clear ?"

    After everyone shook their heads, Cpt. Wilson played Admiral Moore's message.

    OOC-Eaglesg : I put Moore's message from Caymen's post here, in case you forgot it Tongue Out

    "Attention Starfleet vessels. You have been reassigned to Task Force Ares and we are not wasting any time getting started.

    The aftermath of the Hobus incident has worn thin on the Romulan Empire, and the Klingons and Ferengi and mercenaries are all growing antsy. Our mutual aid agreement with the Romulans holds true still, but they are leery of our intentions, while also worried about the other forces looking over their fence.

    On top of that, there seem to have been several raids and incursions into Romulan space on remote colonies and planetary holdings. We have not been able to determine by whom, and the Romulans claim they do not know either. Therefore, our new Task Force will be investigating.

    Our first task is to meet with one of the Galae's commanders and get the perspective from a Romulan Warbird in real space. After that, we will see where things lead. The coordinates for the small mining base near Starbase 39-Sierra are being sent to you. That is where we will meet, in person. I expect to see you all there within three days.

    This takes priority over anything else you are doing... Admiral Moore out.

    "I don't understand, sir, said Lieutenant JG T'Tias, isn't it more logical that the sole Sovereign Class starship sent would preferably be the Enterprise ? They helped to build our mutual aid agreement with the Romulans.
    - The Enterprise is only two months out of her six months refit schedule.
    told Lt. Commander Thesri.
    - That's right, the Enterprise is unavailable, continued Cpt. Wilson, but let's focus on our task. It will be a very important one : the future of the entire Alpha and Beta Quadrants are at stake. Dismissed."

    On the bridge, the Captain asked Ensign Tom Wilson, his brother, who was at the helm:

    "Ensign, we need to be at Starbase 39-Sierra in less that three days.
    - If we pass by Draylon and Andoria, and at a speed of Warp 9.8 will should be there in 2.3 days.
    - Excellent, make it so !


    "I love when you push my engines, said Lt. Commander Thesri with a big smile to Cpt. Wilson.
    - You wanted them tested ? Here you go !
    - Great, I'll be in engineering.
    - Don't wait for me, I'll be in my ready room : I've got over 200 mission details to review... Lt Commander Dorcan, you have the bridge.

    After 2.3 days at high warp, much to the pleasure of Ardran, the Andromeda finally arrived at the edge of the Sierra system.


    On the Ready Room, Dorcan's voice sounded in the intercom :

    "Very well, prepare to rendezvous with them."

    As the Andromeda was approaching the other ships, the shipwide intercom let Captain Wilson's voice sound again:

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    USS New York, Conference room
    Stardate: 65395.68; Hekaras Sector

    "Thank you Ensign Baalvrin for finally gracing us with your presence, I will talk to you later." Commander Ramus said as the Tellarite entered the conference room.
    "Now that we are all here, lets get started. The Captain would prefer to be here too, but she is currently in conference with Starfleet Command.

    Our scientific research of the Hekaras Corridor is going to be put on hold. We have been reassigned to Admiral Marcus Moore to assist the task force Ares.
    We are all aware of the devastation from the Hobus Supernova. This assignment so far is to aid the Romulans any way we can according to the agreements set forth by the Romulan Star Empire and the Federation Council. Current intelligence has reported a number of colonies have been raided, though no one has claimed responsibility. I know we have trust issues with the Romulans, though much of that was from their government and military. These are just regular people that have been affected, we need you as department heads to keep that in mind. So as always, set an example to the junior officers on how we conduct ourselves.

    For now I am going to need you Commander Perim and T'Mir to work together and get our tachyon, neutrino and plasma emission sensors as strong as we can get them. There are a lot of cloaked ships in that region of space. I am sure we are going to be tasked to locate them and track their movements.

    Lieutenant Tygra as you know we have been on research duty for a long time. I need you to help me to get this crew ready in case there is trouble.
    Write up a series of battle drills and boarding parties for each of the shifts. I know together we will get our response time to where it needs to be.

    Lieutenant Pierce, please have the helm set course to the task force muster at a mining colony near the Sierra system. Ensign Baalvrin will be at his station momentarily.

    In closing I know I have only been with you a short time. So far you have met my expectations, keep up on your efforts and let our crew members know how they are doing. Let them know what is going on, and make sure to give them an area or task to manage on their own. A sense of accomplishment can go a long way towards boosting morale.

    Does anyone have any questions for me or the captain?"

    Everyone in the room shouted a resounding "No, Sir."

    Commander Ramus replied "Very well, dismissed except for you Ensign." Once the room was clear Ramus addressed the Tellerite: "I do not want to hear of any reasons you may have for being late to the meeting, just do not let it happen again. Do I have your promise on that?"

    "Yes sir, very sorry sir it will not happen again." Said Ensign Baalvrin, feeling smaller than he already was.

    Ramus answered "Very well, I will hold you to that promise and now to the matter at hand. As you know we are limited to Warp two in this section of space."

    "Yes Commander, though if we go just 12 light years at mark 70 we would then be able to go to warp six." the Ensign suggested.

    "That is very good three-dimensional thinking, that alone would take a day off our arrival time. Do that and once we are clear of the sector, punch it to warp 9.8.
    We have operational authority from Starfleet. Just do not perform any barrel rolls, the Captain would not appreciate it. Dismissed" Ramus replied with a little smirk showing through his white beard.

    "Aye sir." Baalvrin said left the room to take his position at the helm.

    38.2 hours and many battle drills later:

    "Commander, we are approaching the Sierra system." Ensign mentioned as he turned to face him.

    Ramus replied "Very good Ensign, take us out of warp and rendezvous with the task force." Then he hit the ship wide intercom button sounding the boatswain's whistle: "ALL SENIOR OFFICERS REPORT TO THE BRIDGE."

    Captain Wright came onto the bridge from her ready room and said "Status report Commander."
    Ramus got up from the Captain's chair, waited for her to sit down and took his seat to her right. "We are out of warp and approaching the task force, Commander Perim would like three hours to repair the engines after being at high warp for so long. i told her that she has two hours. No word here from the surface yet, Captain."

    "Very good." the Captain started, "They are still setting up the intelligence, and astrometric monitors to show the current status in the area.
    They'll send word when they are ready. Meanwhile come join me in my read room, we need to go over some details. Lieutenant Pierce, you have the bridge."

    "Aye Captain." The ops officer dutifully replied as the Captain and First Officer left the bridge.
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    USS Judica, Main Shuttlebay

    The shuttlebay was busy, as the crewmen and officers in flight control and security were scuttling about. There was a lot of prep to ensure the folks going down would be safe. The admiral was just entering, with the captain right behind him. A security team was already waiting alongside Ensign K'Tav.

    "Sirs," came the voice of Lieutenant Selo. As Tactical Chief, and head of security, she had assembled the team at Greener's order. "I have modified your commbadges with Veridian chips so we can track you. I understand you two will be unarmed, but my small team will have you covered. Even Ensign K'Tav will have firepower at her hip."

    Greener smiled. "Thank you, Lieutenant. I think this should cover us."

    Admiral Moore nodded in agreement. "I just hope we don't need the firepower, Lieutenant." He looked at Greener. "We ready otherwise?"

    K'Tav peeked out of the Talon-class runabout-shuttle. "Sirs, the Talon-1 is ready and powered up." The security team of four was already filing into the shuttle, with their phasers (two of them had rifles and all of them had pulse-blades).

    "Ah, and," continued Selo, "the Pearson, Cascade, and Andromeda are arriving shortly. There are reports that the New York and the Caruso are lending a hand."

    "The more the merrier," piped up the admiral with a chuckle.

    Greener motioned for Moore to go first, and the two moved ahead. Selo saluted as the two commanders left her company. "Godspeed," she would whisper to herself.


    Old Mining Facility, Conference Room

    The mining facility was old and was not active at this time. It was run by the Federation, but Romulan built, oddly enough. Even before Hobus, the Federation had bought the rights to the facility mostly as a place to meet such as today's scenario. They would continue to mine what was left of the very large asteroid, but that was not its priority.

    The crew shuttling down from the Judica did not know this until Moore had made it know - sharing the classified information just as the other COs in Task Force Ares could with their crews. The interesting thing would be to see how everyone reacted to the spaces.

    Greener motioned for the security team to exit first, once the shuttle had landed in the main cargo bay. Everything was clear and so they all left. One security officer and K'Tav remained behind at the Talon-1 shuttle. The group moved out of the cargo bay and passed by a transporter bay. Greener stopped and checked a console. "Looks like we are likely first, sir."

    Admiral nodded. "Fair enough. Let's go ahead and spread these guys out as standing guards. We can send word to the other ships that we do not need security unless they want a singular person with them."

    The group continued on as Caymen sent word to Braak to pass the message along. Within moments they were at the conference room which was shifted to be a tactial briefing room. It was here that this summit would occur. It was here that things would happen. It was here that they would know what to do next...

    swtor thunderclap starship ss02 800x450
    (Ignore the massive droid in the corner lol)

    OOC: Upon arriving, you all would receive a message that you do not need security teams, although a singular bodyguard-type of sorts would be welcome.
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    IRW Cumaen, Commanding Officer Riov S'Havraha (Caymen)

    31103186174 2be57884b2 o BEGIN LOG 31103186174 2be57884b2 o

    The Cumaen had arrived. She was going to be dealing with two Starfleet vessels, but they never showed, and yet now this entire Task Force was assembled and S'Havraha was to meet there instead now.

    On the plus side, the commander had received a promotion to Riov, and he passed this on to Farrol now erei'Riov. It gave them a bit more credence in dealing with the Federation for sure.

    "Rekkhai," came the voice of Farrol in the midst of S'Havraha's thoughts. "I am picking up several Starfleet vessels entering the system. So far their call-signs match up with the list we received from the Galae."

    The commander nodded. "Good, let's wait until we have more." He tilted his head to the side and peered at the viewer, showing the open space with the mining facility and the aforementioned ships in the distance. "Remain cloaked. They may know we're here, but let us use our advantage as it was intended."

    S'Havraha did not like lying to the Starfleet, or keep unnecessary secrets. But in negotiations it was best to have as much of an upper hand as possible. Plus... the Klingons could be here. S'Havraha and his team had become pretty good at detecting Klingons, but they were not 100% correct.

    "Monitoring as usual then, rekkhai," replied ir'Sorso. And that was perfect. They would beam down in due course.

    Riov S'Havraha, Eliu [complete].

    31103186174 2be57884b2 o END LOG 31103186174 2be57884b2 o
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    "Sir, we are now in orbit of the mining facility." As the helmsman advised the commander, the ships first officer stated "Sir, as per StarFleet regulations, no commanding officer should.." Tain cut off his XO "I'll be fine,we are all friends here".

    "You have the Bridge, try to keep my ship in one piece" The commander sarcastically addressed his XO.

    Tain proceeded to the main shuttle bay, where his Runabout was already to go. "Computer, set a course for the designated landing area and engage."

    The Runabout U.S.S. Berman took off for the meeting, a short trip no more then a few minutes in length.

    "We are cleared for landing on pad 4, autopilot will disengage once we have reached our destination" Echoed the Berman's nav computer.

    The commander straightened his uniform, grabbed his PAD and left for the meeting.
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    USS Cascade
    Deck 01, Bridge

    "Lieutenant, signal down to the mining facility and let them know I am on my way." The commander said abruptly after checking his console, "Also, Lieutenant Commander Teran, would you join me on the Runabout "Rainier." The commander loved his runabouts, he was excited about his posting to the Cascade due to him growing up in a small town in the Pacific Northwest, he also changed all the runabout call signs to the Volcanoes of the Cascade Mountain Range, he deemed it quite fitting.

    "Yes Sir, I am on my way." Chimed in Lieutenant Commander Teran, the Cascade head of flight operations. Zechary wanted her there because managing 60+ Spacecraft was no easy feat, and he wanted her to have as much information as possible before going in, due to the commander knowing the Cascade has a large role to play as far as both fighter support, carrier operations as well as having more work-pods then the rest of Ares.

    "Very well, I will meet you there. Mr. Hughes, you have the bridge."

    "Negative Sir, I would like a word. Lieutenant Johnsen, you have the bridge." Stated the XO abruptly. The Commander raised his eyebrow at this. "Mister Hughes, it must be important for you to disobey my order, so care to tell me what is going on?" "Not here sir, in private." he stated "Very well, come, but make it quick. I need you on the bridge."

    "Aye sir." Replied the XO.


    The pair of Officers stepped into the turbolift, " Computer, Deck 12." Stated the XO Blankly.

    "Alright Mister Hughes, tell me what is going on." Demanded the Commander.

    "Sir, A few hours ago slight traces of beta-tachyon particles appeared within the system."

    "Do you think there is a cloaked ship out there?" "Possibly sir." "This is interesting, I will bring it up at the meeting, but until then I want you to contact the other vessels in the task group and let them know what is going on, work with them to find whatever the cause is."

    "Aye sir," "I want a debriefing as soon as I get back from this meeting. Do not disturb me while I am down there."

    "Very well"

    The computer then chimed that he had reached the Shuttle bay, "I need you on the bridge Mister Hughes." stated the Commander as he walked away and greeted Lieutenant Teran who was waiting for him by the runabout.

    Runabout Rainier

    The commander stepped into the runabout and took the pilots seat on the left, "Sir, I can fly if you desire it." Teran stated, "No, no no, you forgot Teran, I was a pilot before, I know how to fly a runabout."

    "Rainier to Cascade, requesting permission to debark."

    "Permission granted Rainier, have a safe flight."

    A bell strikes 4 times over the ships intercom, "USS Cascade, Departing." stated the computer and another bell strikes

    "Teran, I am sure that you know why I requested you here, Cascade will probably be helping with a lot of support and I imagine that you'll have a lot of questions, I was only allowed to bring one "body guard" with me so I figured you would enjoy being there, besides it will help us both with the next TIC briefing.

    The Rainier then glided out of the hangar towards the mining facility on the asteroid.

    "We are cleared for Landing pad 3 commander, looks like the Runabout Berman is already there." Stated Teran. She knew the Commander for a few years now and knew how he distrusted auto-pilot. He always preferred to be more hand on when it came to his ships.

    Landing Pad 5

    The runabout gently set down next to the Berman "Lieutnant commander, keep in mind you are here on official business as a security escort, if you have any questions please go through me."

    "Very well sir."

    The two then exited the runabout while patted down their uniforms for appearance and headed to the meeting.
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    USS Netherlands, Captain's Ready room

    Captain Foultish was going over the latest reports from his engineering departments on the repairs and refits that had been applied to the Netherlands during her three week lay up at Starbase 39 when the computer announced an incoming transmission. Thumbing the screen to activate the message he noticed it was a high priority message. As soon as the authentication sequence was completed the face of an Admiral appeared who was vaguely familiar to Keash, though he couldn't dredge any details from his memory. When the admiral began speaking he was not surprised to hear what the man said. He had been wondering for weeks now when the either the Romulans or the Federation, or both, would take action to adress the situation that had been developing since the Hobus affair.

    Keash listened to the admiral's message and confirmed the orders attached to the message with a sense of satisfaction. In his reports to Starfleet of the past few months he'd emphasized that the number of incidents the Netherlands was having to deal with during her patrols of the Klingon/Romulan borders was increasing with each patrol. He'd also noted that sensor analysis indicated the traffic along the borders, on all sides of it, was steadily increasing and seemed to indicate that despite Romulan determination to keep their border integrity intact and secure, the number of incursions and incidents they were dealing with was also steadily rising.

    He had more than once suggested that maybe Starfleet should replace or supplement the USS Netherlands in the border patrol duties with a vessel that had better sensor capabilities and was better equipped to determine exactly who was behind the incursions and incidents and if there was a grander purpose to them than just opportunists trying to take advantage of the devastation wrought by the Hobus events one year earlier. Now it seemed that Starfleet had gone one up on that suggestion and created a task-force to deal with the situation.

    Getting up from behind his desk and walking onto the bridge Keash thanked their good fortune that the USS Netherlands had just completed her repair and maintenance that very day, and was ready to go back onto the frontier. As he got to his captain's chair he tapped the key to open a comm channel. “Keash to Cmmdr. Mik. We have received new orders. Recall all crew and prepare for departure as quickly as possible please.” he ordered. Through the speakers of the comm unit he could faintly hear background noises, such as a woman's giggle. that told him he'd caught his XO by surprise. To Dnera Mik's credit though the man's reply was only a second or so delayed compared to normal and the woman giggled ceased abrubtly. “Aye sir, acknowledged, sir” said Dnera sounding somewhat embarrassed. Keash cast a look at the chronometer on the armrest screen and noticed only then that the Commander wasn't on duty, and neither for that matter, was he. He decided it was the perfect time for a strong racktagino.

    Three hours later all the crew-members of the USS Netherlands had returned, the supplies and equipment loaded and the ship ready for departure. The Alpha shift was on the bridge at their stations and engineering had reported all systems green. A small sense of pride welled up inside Keash at his crew's unquestioning efficiency and readiness, despite not knowing any details about why the USS Netherlands was heading out a full week ahead of schedule and on such short notice. From the ops station the feline voice of Lt. Snetto reported “Starbase 39's commander wishes us a fair voyage, and operations has given us permission to depart sir”.

    Standing in the center of the bridge he nodded at each of his bridge officers with a slight smile before giving the order; “Detach all umbilical connections and release all mooring clamps.” he said. A few seconds later came Lt. Latek's oddly squeaky voice saying “We have detached and are free to maneuver sir”. He turned his head to face the young Junior grade Lieutenant, who was the latest addition to his Alpha bidge crew, and said “By all means take us out mr. Latek. Set a course for Starbase 39 and engage at warp 5 when we've moved clear of the Starbase.”

    The USS Netherlands smoothly left the dock facility it was berthed in and angled lazily away from Starbase 234, accelerating as her distance increased. Then, as Fam Latek said “Engaging” she seemed to stretch and then vanish in a flash. As the familiar streaks of stars appeared on the view-screen Keash rose from his seat and began moving toward the Captain's ready room. As he passed Dnera he said “Staff meeting in 15 minutes. I think mr. Neeuq should attend as well. We'll hold the meeting in the mess-hall, I think we could all use a good cup of coffee.” Dnera nodded his acknowledgment but couldn't completely hide his curiosity from his expression. Smiling Keash decided there was no harm in letting his XO know ahead of the meeting what their orders were. “No more patrols Dnera, we've been assigned to a 5 vessel task force. We're going to address the issues we've seen growing the past few months I guess. We're reporting for duty at a mining base near 39Alpha, to meet with our Romulan neighbors” Keash told Dnera.

    Dnera's face lit up with excitement and a smile. “Yes sir!” he said, adding “Meeting at the mess-hall in 15 minutes sir!”. Keash nodded and moved on to his ready room. There he played the Admiral's message one more time and wrote a message to his mother back on Earth, who was always eager for any communication from him. He left out any details and locations, just saying his ship would be part of a group now and they were going to be working to solve border issues with the Romulans. At age 85 the sweet old woman would have trouble enough understanding that much already. Then he got up and made his way to the mess-hall. He really could use a nice strong cup of coffee.

    [23 hours later]

    “Sir, we've established a standard orbit around the mining base” Namreh informed Keash. Keash nodded and noted they'd made excellent time getting there. Ofcourse it had helped being closeby when the order to get there had come in.

    “Thank you mr Namreh.” Keash replied, and turned to Ejtneel. “Contact the Judicia and inform them the USS Netherlands has arrived as ordered and is awayting orders.”

    [OOC] Sorry for the delay sir! The houses in my street are being renovated and appearantly the little connectorbox hub thingy at the end of the street connecting us up to the network have been completely destroyed leaving us Internetless. I've managed to hack into the wifi of gas station behind our street now so should be able to keep up now! [/OOC]
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    USS New York, Ready Room

    Captain Wright sat down at her deck and activated her computer. Then she looked up at Commander Ramus, who was standing at attention in front of her awaiting orders. "At ease Commander and have a seat, I need to catch you up on the situation." She said while turning the monitor toward him.

    "With the Kelbonite deposits in the asteroid, the transporters will not work. We are going to have to take a shuttle down to their hangar." She started saying.
    Ramus replied "T'Mir already gave me a run down of the asteroid and have the shuttle Curie ready to go. Who do you plan on sending down?"
    The captain then answered "Well, I know you must have some friends Like Captain Greener will be there. He is overseeing the security of the station, so both of us will be going and Lieutenant Tygra will pilot the shuttle."

    "Good thought Captain" Ramus thought for a second, "I am sure Tygra would probably pounce on us if you left him behind."

    "I bet he would" she started saying getting a bit of a grin showing as if remembering something funny. She then got up and went to the replicator asking for a raktajino. As it materialized "Ramus, do you want anything?" She asked.

    "Thank you, no I am fine." Ramus answered. Wright sat back down "Ok then, let's get down to business and what shall we have the crew focus on while we are at this meeting."

    The two go over different scenarios and housekeeping agendas to keep the crew efficient and ready for anything they may encounter.

    About a half hour into their discussion, they get a call through the intercom: "Lieutenant Tygra to Captain Wright, you are getting hailed from the surface."
    "Very well," Wright replied "we will take it here in the ready room, and come join us when you get a replacement for your station." Tygra answered with an "aye captain" and motioned for one of the junior officers standing by to take over tactical. Then he walked toward the ready room door.

    As Tygra entered the conversation was already taking place with Captains Caymen and Wright. Meanwhile Ramus silently motioned to Tygra an "at ease and sit down." The captains were going over basic logistics and then Tygra's ears perked up when it was mentioned that Caymen had security under control that Wright could bring one bodyguard so to speak along if she wanted to. After a few minutes of dialog, she ended the conversation with "we will see you there in about an hour, Captain Wright out." She closed the channel and turned to Tygra "Hello Lieutenant, I would you to accompany Ramus and I to the surface for this conference. Figured you should listen in to the details firsthand so you know what to expect." Tygra gratefully replied "Thank you Captain, Commander, I will not let you down. Will I be piloting the shuttle too? Commander Perim earlier acknowledged that the Curie is already to launch."

    Wright looked at Ramus who then answered "Yes Lieutenant we would appreciate it, why don't you head to the shuttlebay and start the pre-launch checklist with Perim." Tygra replied "Right away commander, I would be happy to." Then he got up, heading out the door with more spring in his step than usual and tail curled in excitement.

    "Captain, why don't you take a break in your quarters for half an hour or so?" Ramus asked. "I can take care of the final details from here. You have been up in here for eight hours and we are probably going to be down there for another eight.

    "Good idea Commander," she started saying knowing that it would be pointless to argue. "I will meet you in the shuttle at 1500 hours." then got up went out the door, heading for the turbolift.
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    USS Netherlands, Ready room

    The Klingon sitting on the other side of the desk was clearly uncomfortable in the, admittedly, small chair compared to the huge body. To his credit though he didn't say a word about it, he just patiently waited for Keash to finish whatever he was doing on the computer console. Finally Keash swiped away the screen and lifted his gaze to face the Klingon's. "Sorry to keep you waiting mr. Letek. What was it you wanted to speak to me about?" Keash asked, already guessing what the Klingon would request. "With five Starfleet vessels in Romulan space, this close to the border, we are sure to have drawn the attention of.... others..." the Klingon began. "Others mr. Letek?" Keash asked, curious to learn who the players might be from a Klingon's perspective. "I realize we're in a different area than we've patrolled the past few months but i doubt the situation is very much different. I suspect we're under close scrutiny from at least the Klingon Empire and i suspect some criminal elements as well" the Klingon replied. Keash nodded. "Yes mr. Latek. I am sure that we are being observed, either by the Klingons, whoever is behind the pirate raids, or both." Keash said to the Klingons. "With a complete task-force assembled, in Romulan space, i suspect that is inevitable. What's your point?" Keash added.

    "Though i doubt either parties would take any direct action while the task force is here i feel we should make every effort in keeping a secure perimeter. I would like to send out the fighters on a Combat Space Patrol." Namreh told the Captain. Keash took a moment to consider this, got up and made his way to the replicator. "Raktajino, strong, hot" he ordered and looked at his Klingon friend and tactical officer questioningly. Namreh nodded to decline the offer. When Keash had made his way back to his desk with the mug of Klingon Coffee in his hand he looked at Namreh and nodded. "Very well, but the fighters are to detect and locate only. They're not to engage unless fired upon and to report any anomalies they come across. We are guests here and i understand Captain Greener is responsible for security. Any actions we take we must clear with him first." Keash told Namreh. Namreh got up and started walking towards the bridge. "Understood sir" he said, just before the doors swooshed shut behind him.

    Keash sipped the hot beverage and sat back down. He had gotten the message stating he was expected down on the mining fascility at 15:00 hours with one "body-guard" and if he was going to make that appointment he should be getting ready. "Captain to lt. Neeuq, it's time to get going. Meet me at the main shuttle bay." Keash said after opening a comm channel to the ship's counselor/diplomatic officer. "acknowledged" was the curt reply. Keash then opened a channel to the chief flight officer Lt. Letek. "Captain to Lt. Letek. Report to the main shuttle-bay. You'll be taking myself and mr. Neeuq down for our meeting in shuttle "Breda"." he ordered. Fam Letek acknowledged crisply and closed the channel. Keash got up and stood before the view-port for a moment finishing the drink, and checking his reflection. Satisfied he looked presentable he made his way out of the ready-room and to the bridge turbo-lift. He nodded to Commander Dnera Mik as he passed him, who nodded back. They'd agreed before that Dnera would hold down the fort while Keash went down for the meeting.

    When Keash entered the main shuttle-bay he noticed that both his designated pilot and Lt. Neeuq were already there, and that the shuttle had been prepped as well. "Let's get this show on the road gentlemen" Keash said as he stepped into the shuttle and sat at the co-pilot's seat. "Aye sir!" snapped the young Lr. Jg. as he took his position at the main piloting station. "Any additional information sir?" asked Amard from behind them, taking one of the passenger seats. "Not to my knowledge mr. Neeuq" Keash replied. After the shuttle doors had closed and the clearance was given the shuttle eased out of the shuttle-bay with grace, and plunged "down" as soon as they were clear of the ship. Through the view-port Keash saw the two sparrow fighters launch and speed away to start their CSP, more to satisfy the nerves of his Klingon friend at tactical than in expectation of any real problems.

    The ride down to the mining station was short and as they touched down next to the other shuttles, a quick count told Keash they must have been the last to arrive.
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    Old Mining Facility, Conference Room

    The admiral paced a bit, somewhat nervous. Moore was younger than Caymen, so it was comical sometimes to see Moore behave in ways of many youth or inexperienced officers. Of course all of this was old hat to Greener - diplomatic runs, dealing with Romulans, staving off war. He was no expert or ultimate peace maker, but he had been around the block.

    Eventually, Moore and Greener began to receive word of the arrivals, and people began filtering in. There was no sign of the Romulans just yet, but Caymen had a funny feeling they were nearby, watching. He knew S'Havraha was not a cunning hunter like many commanders in the Galae, but he would be there waiting. Of course not many knew that particular warbird and Riov were coming, Caymen just had back channels.

    Admiral Moore would greet them all and use phrases like, "Welcome, go ahead and have a seat while we wait for everyone to arrive." Or "Good to see you, Commander, please take a seat." Not much conversation was had as they all nervously awaited the conference and rendezvous to begin.

    Caymen was much more approachable, knowing some of the captains personally and introducing himself gladly. He was typically a grouch in the command chair, but this day he felt like being a counter-point to the admiral's more official stance and salutations.

    Conference Room, a short bit later

    "Captains," began the admiral after almost everyone had arrived. "We will get started. We are expecting some Romulan friends, but we will go ahead and get going before they arrive so we know what we are getting into." Moore paused as he shuffled some paperwork. "Hobus was devastating as most of you know. We have been dealing with the aftermath for many months. And we have been in a wait state and a very reactive stance since then."

    Moore shifted his stance and looked around the room as he continued. "We need to be proactive, and we need to ensure that things are tight between us and the Galae. We have an opportunity here, folks. A unique opportunity to not only partner with a powerful entity, but to seize an amazing growth in technology and political clout for the Federation."

    There it was... the politics of the Brass, and of the politics themselves. Greener did not miss this in his ambassadorial duties. He liked making things happen, and he liked being straight forward and clear. He respected the Romulans - not just because of his relationship with some of them like S'Havraha, but because they were a powerful and superb player in the galaxy. Their strength and fervor and cunning nature led them to be a great power, and recently a great aid, stemming from the days of Shinzon and continuing to the present. It would be a shame if this was tossed to the side for the selfish gains of the Federation.

    But the older grouch had little time to ponder the admiral's last phrase, as the doors to the conference room opened up to the sight of the Romulans. S'Havraha, along with two other ranked fellows, as well as a full squad of 8 Reman commandos, slowly made their way into the room. The briefing was cut short, and the tension levels skyrocketed. But for a few, nothing changed.

    S'Havraha spoke first, the befuddled admiral at a loss for words. They had indeed remained cloaked and beamed down and entered the mining facility without any warning from any ship. Clever and an interesting tactical approach. "Jolan'tru, Captain Greener, Admiral." S'Havraha gave a few nods around the room as well. "erei'Riov Farrol and Gehka Vorik have joined me this day." He motioned to his XO and the Reman Commando Master. "We are humbled to represent the Galae, and in turn the Praetorship, in this endeavor."

    Admiral Moore was still at a loss for words. "Welcome, we are glad you have arrived, Riov."

    Greener stepped up. "Aefvadh, daehlen," greeted Caymen as he approached and the two bowed to each other. "It is good to see you."

    Moore stood there as the two spoke a few short sentences and then looked around as he cleared his throat. "Ok, why don't you all come up here towards the front, and let us introduce ourselves. Captains?"

    OOC: Ok, you have two things you need to do in your replies - first, enter the conference room and maybe have some chit-chat. Don't leave "tags" like in traditional simming, but just kind of gloss over the conversation. Feel free to PM others to briefly write a combined response - that can always be fun. Second, you should go ahead and formally introduce whomever is at the meeting. Any questions, just ask!
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    • Caymen Greener
    Old Mining Facility, Conference Room

    as Keash entered the conference room with Lt. Neeuq, having left Lt. Letek with the shuttle, he noticed they were indeed the last of the starfleet contingent to arrive. None of the faces there were familiar but the admiral stood out among them, and the captain nearest to him, Keash guessed, had to be Greener.

    The party was missing some rather important attendees though, the Romulans. Keash was about to comment on that to Amard when the diplomatic officer beat him to it. "I see our hosts have chosen to be fashionably late. Romulans will be Romulans i guess" he said with a chuckle. Keash wasn't in a chucklish mood though. He just nodded and pointed at the Admiral. "Let's show ourselves as present as ordered" he said.

    Keash and Amard walked up to the admiral and the Captain and both flashed an awkward salute. The admiral returned it saying "Welcome, go ahead and have a seat while we wait for everyone to arrive.". "Aye sir" Keash answered and turned to Captain Greener. "You must be captain Greener. I've hear a lot about you. Commander Madwan spoke very highly of you when he asissted in the implementation of the Sparrows on my ship" he said, sticking out his hand. "Ah yes, i remember that fighter-jock. How is he?" Greener replied.

    "I wouldn't know. Sadly he declined an invitation to become a permanent part of my crew. He was offered a job as a test pilot at Utopia Planetia. He figured that would be a better place to raise his kid" Keash answered. "Well, i guess we'll better take our seats now." he added. Greener nodded and Keash walked around the conference room until they located their seats. After they sat down the Admiral began the conference.

    A few lines into the Admirals opening words though he was interrupted as the doors swung open to reveal no less than eleven Romulans. Eight of them obviously soldiers through and through. Keash noticed the tension in the room becoming palpable. He was glad he had opted not to bring his tactical officer. He'd be up, phaser in hand, growling. As it turned out the diplomatic officer he brought was the wiser choice. "Typical Romulan way of gaining an upper hand in any negotiations. Trying to maneuver into a position of perceived power." the Lieutenant said, loud enough for some nerves around them to tone down at least a bit.

    "Ok, why don't you all come up here towards the front, and let us introduce ourselves. Captains?" said the Admiral, and Keash was eager to get this part of the conference over with so they could get to the real issues at hand. He walked up to the Romulan's leader and gave an official salute. Amard mirrored his salute and then stuck out his hand. "I am Captain Keash Foultish of the USS Netherlands. I am honored to be part of this memorable occasion and pleased to make your acquaintance" Keash said as the Romulan awkwardly took his hand. "This is my diplomatic officer Lt. Neeuq." he added. Amard shook the Romulan's hand as well and nodded a smile to the other officer, before turning on his heels and making his way back to his seat, following his Captain. "Well, that was awkward" mumbled Keash as he sat down and awaited what the rest of the day would bring. "Not at all Captain, you showed respect as well as not being intimidated by the Romulans show of force" Amard told Keash. "They repect things like that. They're almost Klingon-ish in that aspect" he added. Keash nodded while he observed the others make their way over and introduce themselves, waiting for everybody to get down to business.
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