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STO - The Story of Camilla Belle

Started By:
Spaceland, Tue 23 May, 2017 8:07 PM
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    I thought about doing a Bio on my character that told from a Star Trek Online view with the personal view and feeling of this young cadet being push into the greatest story of her life.

    Then i went to put some note in the biography but wanted to do more. I saw today someone was doing the same and i said to myself, why not try to Role Play her and try to do the captain's log and little bit more to it.

    That would be the very first time doing role play with a character instead of going on warp 9.9 true all story mission. Maybe trying to recapture the fun i had when i started to play STO with my Tactical Officer Denis Jaguar.

    So the following post will be where i try to do that from my point of view playing Camilla Belle character.

    Thank you for any feedback, correction and more.

    It will be her that i will use for any role play and try to get better at it.
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     –  Last edited by Spaceland; Thu 25 May, 2017 8:26 PM.
    Cadet log - Stardate: 94977.16

    Today it was the day, graduation for the class of 2409. I met lots of good folks at the Academy. I met one that was almost or maybe just like me, her name was Elisa Flores. One of the best in the class, only behind me Smile.

    I got contacted by an experience officer today after the evaluation, it was Captain Masc Taggart, a Denobulan, serious type but i am certain he will help us, Cadets, be better officers. While in the office i had to take another weapon test, i though i did enough but the Captain wanted all is recruit to take the test.

    After the test i was amazed, Captain Taggart choose me to be his first Officer aboard the U.S.S Freeport. A Miranda class light cruiser, old ship but we all need to start somewhere. Elisa was assign the tactical post, she was happy but i think she wanted to get the First officer position. All the other cadet got there post on the ship. Something weird, he called me number one, saying he like to call is First officer like that.

    Before going to the ship, all cadet and myself met with a drink and i had to make a toast. I think i did well to bolster the rank and that we will do fine. when it was done, i had some weight off my shoulders.

    end of communication
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    Cadet First Officer log - Stardate: 94977.20

    After boarding the Freeport, the Captain ordered the ship to go to warp to our training cruise around the beta quadrant. While leaving the Sol system behind us we received a distress call from the S.S. Break Even. Front that moment, my life took an abrupt turn. The distress call was a ruse use by the Klingons to board the ship and try to take control. The Captain ordered to take care of the assault party boarding the ship and help the other cadets to fight back. While trying to do my First officer duty and really bark orders and fight our way thru the Klingons….I do hate them today. We have fought bravely, lost lot of cadets today and we finally reach the bridge.

    I was going to say, as soon as the door open, Captain boarding party repelled. To my surprise the Captain was not on the bridge. I ask Flores where is the Captain and at the same time we received a transmission from the Klingons. To my dismay i saw the Klingon commander holding hostage Captain Taggart. The commander ask the Captain to order the crew to surrender or he will blow them out the sky, Captain comply by saying to me you are the Captain of the ship now, my orders was to lock onto his comm badge and fire!

    The Klingon murdered Captain Taggart, we saw everything on the view screen, before dying the Captain said with his last breath Make me proud. I was thinking what to do when Flores told me, we have a lock Captain, didn’t even took a second, i just said Fire!

    The torpedo hit the Klingon ship, the cloaking got disable and we saw ship we had to face, a heavy battle cruiser. We are no match for them. To my surprise the enemy ship cloak and we lost the signal. We might have it him harder than we thought. I spoke to Flores after that and we we’re both surprise, dismay and in disbelief to what just happened.

    end of communication
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    Cadet First Officer log - Stardate: 94977.20 - Supplemental

    My first order as i sat in the captain's chair was ship wide communication to address what just happened and try to boost the moral of crew so we could make repair and take care of the wounded or the dead. So many lives lost to this attack. We cannot call for help and the warp drive is down.

    Almost everyone on board are cadets just like me doing the training missions. Even if the academy try to prepare us for unfortunate events like this in holodeck training missions, nothing compare to the real field of battle. My heart could have exploded. It happen so quick. Now i can understand why the training at the academy make us read and explorer the war that the federation had to fight, even the Borg encounters.

    The Borg… I hope to never face that kind of opponents.

    Camilla Belle, Cadet, acting captain of the U.S.S Freeport logging out.
    end of communication
    The best adventure of all time is your Real Life. You are the writer, producer, director and the actor.