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Mayrheane, Fri 02 Jun, 2017 4:03 PM
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    You're playing in a setting 38,000 years from now... one where sorcery, magic, and daemons, are a real thing... time has virtually no meaning since travel across the stars requires a mutant navigator pulling the ship through a hell dimension... ships might be delayed by years, or centuries, or even arrive before they even left. I can't stress enough that the timeline is rough, and about to get rougher, especially as Gulliman will come to the realization that the chronicling of the last 10,000 years is arguably worse than what was done during the Great Crusade and even before Old Night.

    There really isn't a wrong answer, and it means you never have to really retcon anything.

    It tends to drive some folks nuts when they ask me if a character was at a particular battle and my answer is always yes, because they could have been, and not, all at the same time.

    Trazyn the Infinite is a great character to play with, since he's really that universe' Loki or Q. You really can do anything with him, and that he's a bit of a jerk Big Grin
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     –  Last edited by Mayrheane; Wed 07 Jun, 2017 1:39 AM.
    I hope that GW will include the Death Korps of Krieg again (or they just left em there...) in their order of batlle for Armageddon once again... So that this words will prove truly prophetic...

    “Do not dare venerate me as if I was of divinity; for those accolades sweet as they may sound, are just mere words of blind faith, and empty praises; I have no use for them, nor do I need to bask in them… I am but a lowly soldier of the Imperium, willingly serving under the emperor’s guiding hand; and his will decrees that we stand our ground and fight… So that we can redeem ourselves from our planet’s collective shame, a chance of eternal penance in exchange even for just his fleeting grace…”

    “For we are the Death Korps of Krieg; duty bound by our creed to make his will made manifest; and as long as we still draw breath, we must see to it that we won’t fail in this endeavor...”

    -Grenadier 31, upon hearing the tall tales about her exploits...
    And I kinda gotten a basic skill set for my main character; She's basically an Omega minus effectively putting on par with the level of both the Culexus Assassins, and the Sisters of Silence... But I'd like to call her an "Omega Primus"

    Tentative Ability List:

    "Hekate's Kiss"
    -A target based Warp ability siphoning skill... She can siphon a target's warp based abilities; either rendering her target in capacitated or killed instantly, which can grant her temporary control of her said targets warp based abilities for a short time... Although it doesn't really mean that she'll have to physically have to "kiss" (mebe psychic wise..?) She can also do it by mere touch...

    -A movement based skill... a variant of the Culexis Assassin "Phase" ability...

    "Null Field"
    -Area based ability; triggered at Impulse... Terminates all warps based connection (both for friendly and chaos forces) in an area for a brief time; rendering psyker abilities useless, despawning / outright killing lesser demons, immensly weakening daemon hosts, chaos aligned minions, Greater Demons...

    Ability list might vary depending on feedback... Big Grin

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    Sounding good thus far! Might want to think about how these abilities manifest in the first place, as it might help influence how she ends up where she's at. Untouchables can be a difficult character to shoehorn in since they are supposed to cause supreme discomfort to anyone nearby, something that tends to happen a lot in an infantry regiment!

    As for the abilities:

    Hekate's Kiss: So, it's a bit like Rogue's ability in 40k? I like it!

    Null Field: Some Sisters of Silence can manage their 'null' ability, so perhaps a more concentrated version of that?

    Flicker: Invul save. Easy peasy!

    So... what is her kryptonite? Every good character needs a flaw!
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     –  Last edited by Mayrheane; Wed 07 Jun, 2017 1:44 AM.
    For a weaknesses, I still need to really think about it... Despite on how they look OP, she cant continously use them as they can be very physically taxing; as opposed to mental erosion when using warp based abilities...

    As for how she gets the said abilities... There's a curtain someone... Who put it on her... But Imma not sure if I'd drop it on one go... or slowly reveal them by situation... basically she's a normal "human" at first ( tho somewhat aloof, to begin with...) , then something triggered her slumbering gene (Hello Daemon Incusion...)

    Then for the sake of argument, if anyone asks about; "How can a "Pariah"use warp abilities when she doesnt have any connections to the warp in the first place..?"

    The answer lies on some old 30k lore during the Horus Heresy, there was a rogue Culexus Assasin who was captured by the forces of Horus and somewhat became an Unwilling Daemonhost; but unfortunately he went insane soon after...

    As for how can I repliclate it... 2 answers; a curtain unamed, Coniving metal dood, and a poor spirit stone of some long dead ancient one (who by a fluke of fate, still has a living soul kin...) Then tada...

    You have your unwilling somewhat transhuman host of sorts... An abomination you say!? Maybe... Abhoring as she may seem, that is what will keep the story quite interesting... She who happens to have the "best" of 3 races, mebe some flaws here and there...

    Its safe to say that she's a walking bio weapon (for all intents and purposes she is...) Setting the stage for a 3 way conflict~ (Conflict-ception! Warhammer 40k is pro on that apparently) well not so 3 way... I kinda forgot about the Chaos, ze effin Orks, and ze Tyranids... x.X Rekht...

    And so the plot thickens...

    "The race of Man, even long before he even strode his path of Accendancy amongst the stars; was nothing more than a plaything to the ones who dare call themselves as gods... For cruel as it may seem, and yet those poor beings; as pitiful as they are... Has inherited a power unrivalled even by the potent seers amongst our kin; something that is regretfully beyond our grasp, no matter how hard we try..."

    "But if we are indeed resigned to our inevitable fate; a dying race destined for doom of our own making... But none the less we must rise beyond our spiteful arrogance; if we are to redeem ourselves from the wrongs of our Ancient kin before us..."

    "There for we, the fore bearers of the once proud "Aeldari" must took it upon ourselves to shepard this seemingly wayward race; away from their own demise, for the unfortunate fate thrust upon them was by part of our collective sin..."

    "For Mankind, fool hardly and naive as they may seem, has took the reigns of Destiny from us; regardless be if it was by their sheer tanacity, or by adamant denial to accept our faltering fortunes as a an ancient race..."

    "That this galaxy, the vast void that surrounds it, and even the now corrupt powers of the warp, that theatens asunder all existance; is no longer ours to bear, and we have to leave its spoils for humanity's designs..."

    -A cryptic passage, from an Unkown Scripture; of the Infamous "Wraith Tower" section, belonging to the enigmatic Eldar Craftworld known as the "Black Library"...
    Just finished reading ze Eldar stuffs from both the Warhammer 40k Wiki and the Lexicanum...

    Imma awfully tempted to start a Warhammer 40k book Collection...
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    There really is some top shelf fiction in 40k. Some of it reads like the very worst kind of fan fiction, but some of the authors, like Abnett or Dembski-Bowden, are New York Times best sellers and their work usually reflects that.

    They are also great folks to share a drink with if you ever get a chance!

    Eldar mixing with Humans is certainly frowned on, but nothing new. At one stage the chief librarian of the Ultramarines was half-eldar... granted that was during Rogue Trader days so I'm setting the way-back machine to about 1990.

    As for the Black Library I think you're find it a touch more involved than 'just' a Craftworld.

    Just a warning Wink
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     –  Last edited by Mayrheane; Thu 08 Jun, 2017 6:54 AM.

    As for the Black Library I think you're find it a touch more involved than 'just' a Craftworld.

    Just a warning Wink

    -Well the Black Library, according to the stuff I've read is an repository of all things about chaotic lore, and some other stuff that the Eldar thinks are Forbiden Knowledge..?

    Plot wise tho I thinks I'll be going for an alternate interpretation of the "Star Child" theory; given if should I ever finish this... Anyways do you know of any other good 40k fan sites where I can post my fanfic stuffs..?

    I also kinda found this tribute song about Warhammer 40k... So ironic...

    Not to mention tis one too:

    I also gots a somewhat simple, but epic sounding working title; "Crossroads..."
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     –  Last edited by Mayrheane; Wed 07 Jun, 2017 12:56 AM.
    Double post again...Rekht...
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