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Sagardon Kahn and the Lotus Trifecta

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JarekCyphus, Sat 29 Jul, 2017 12:21 AM
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     –  Last edited by JarekCyphus; Mon 28 Aug, 2017 4:32 PM.
    So I will quickly summarize the origins of the character "Sagardon Kahn" and explain his role and story in STO.

    In 1998, at the launch of the miniatures game Corsairs! (later known as Crimson Skies), I was in need of a main character with which to (at the time) terrorize the skies. Having overheard a slurred version of "Cigar on the table" that sounded something like "Cigardon," the name "Sagardon" followed closely behind. Being that early sketches of the character resembled Crime Lord Jonathan Kahn, creating a rival relative made a lot of sense.

    Over the years, Sagardon evolved from vicious sky pirate to honor-bound mercenary throughout the various MMO titles I've played for the past two decades. My Star Wars friends know him as the orphaned Mandalorian Bounty Hunter, but in Star Trek, he's taken on a completely unique role.

    In STO, Sagardon Kahn is of the Prime Universe. Like in SWG, Sagardon was orphaned at birth, and he was taken in by Section 31 Operatives until he was old enough to enlist in Starfleet. Enlist he did, and until reaching the rank of Commander, he had a spotless career. When in command of the USS Normandy in the Nimbus sector, an ambush by Adapted Romulan Forces left he and his crew for dead. Of his 800-personnel crew, just over two dozen survived the destruction of their ship, and under half those remaining survived the harsh deserts of Nimbus III for a bitter ten months. The remaining nine survivors were picked up by Section 31 operatives, and soon-to-be-ally Romulan Sub Commander Jarek Cyphus, setting Sagardon Kahn upon a quest of vengeance that would inflame the galaxy.

    The Lotus Trifecta. Sagardon Kahn of the Prime Universe. Aruik Kahn of the Mirror Universe, and Hagalaz Kahn of the Kelvin Timeline. Sagardon first encountered Aruik along the Klingon Neutral Zone. In possession of technology unique to an alternate timeline, Section 31 tasked Sagardon with pursuit and capture of Aruik, taking him nearly as far as the Klingon Homeworld. During interrogation, Sagardon's Chief Medical Officer informed him he shared DNA identical to their prisoner. Later, he met another alternate self from the mirror universe; Hagalaz Kahn, however, sought not the conquest in common with his Imperial kin, but the fall of Earth's tyranny. Once allied with Jarek Cyphus (and thusly the Romulan Republic), and Temporal Agent Delven McClaine, they formed a secretive unit within Section 31 known as "The Black Lotus." Masquerading as a mercenary force operating along the fringes of civilized space, they're able to conduct clandestine operations in such a way as to bring balance to all powers in all universes, often faced with decisions that put them at odds with their host nations. Despite their underhanded solutions to galactic problems, they're commonly in favor with the Deferi and Bajorans, and have even been known to earn praise from the Caitians and Ferasens for their tactical prowess. They possess bleeding edge technology and non-standard fleet equipment, frequently making them difficult to track or even face in combat. When it matters, however, The Black Lotus always answers the call, known for throwing everything at massive threats such as the Borg or Iconians.

    Now a little about me. I was born and raised in rural Illinois. I enlisted in the Navy right out of high school, surged through the ranks, and now enjoy a cozy life as a reservist part time and work full time as a site lead on a government contract. Clearly, I'm a Trekkie™ but I also love Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. I'm a gamer, a writer, a texture artist, and a hobbyist mechanic. I love road trips, good movies, 24™ Marathons, and mixed martial arts. Anything else ya wanna know, please ask me here or in game! I look forward to slinging phasers and disruptors with you fine folks and enjoying the many adventures we will undoubtedly share together in the coming years!
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     –  Last edited by JarekCyphus; Mon 28 Aug, 2017 3:24 PM.


    Sagardon Kahn was orphaned following a domestic terror attack by a resurgent Terra Prime splinter cell. As a teenager, he lived a nomadic existence among various Starfleet cargo and research flotillas. He enjoyed a brief stint as a mercenary in the Alpha Quadrant before he encountered his mirror, Aruik Kahn, in a barfight at Quark's. The station commander at the time threw out Aruik and his misfit band of KDF ruffians and offered Sagardon an opportunity to atone for his headstrong youth by joining Starfleet.

    Join he did, and as the Borg and True Way began threatening the Federation on two fronts, he put his mercenary experience to use. He and his first officer, Zefyr, opened negotiations with the Romulans and Caitians, resulting in a lasting and powerful friendship with Jarek Cyphus and Ash Nentiss, respectively. Their newfound alliance proved troublesome to the True Way and the Collective; the Federation soon enjoyed a brief respite.

    Then in 2409, not long after Sagardon Kahn rejected recruitment by Section 31, disaster struck. While in command of the USS Yatagarasu during a mission to Nimbus III, he and his crew were ambushed by a rogue Tal Shiar element using Adapted Borg technology. Sagardon was partially assimilated, but not before his ship and crew were eviscerated, also leaving him for dead on the planet's surface. The mysterious ship and the borg technology within bonded to Sagardon Kahn; its frequent returns to Nimbus III in search of its symbiot allowed Section 31 to locate and recover their missing Starfleet assets. Of the two dozen survivors of the Yatagarsu, only Sagardon, Zefyr, and Ash, along with a handful of security officers, survived the harsh elements of the Nimbus desert.

    Brought unwillingly into Section 31's ranks and racked with the symbiotic agony of vagrant borg nanomachines, Sagardon agreed to a partnership within the agency only if permitted to form a strike group with which to exact revenge for the loss of his crew and family. Thus he reached out to his allies in the KDF and Romulan Republic and formed Black Lotus, a newly formed elite expeditionary force that would seek justice against the Tal Shiar as well as other threats in the galaxy.


    Aruik Kahn is a stranded mirror sibling of Sagardon Kahn. In his universe, his parents never faced the wayward terror of Terra Prime. Instead they rose to prominence within the Empire, raising their children to be living weapons to unleash upon their enemies. Aruik was the oldest of four, and the only of his siblings to survive the many wars waged by the Terran Empire in the 25th century. Abandoned by Leeta after a failed incursion on Prime Universe Bajor, Aruik then turned to life as a gun for hire. He found friends in this universe's Klingon Defense Force, often enjoying spoils on frontier worlds settled by the Federation. It wasn't until he encountered Sagardon Kahn at Quark's that he realized that things in this universe were far broader than simply a black and white perspective. Shortly after Sagardon went missing on Nimbus III, it became even clearer to him.

    After the formation of Black Lotus, Aruik was responsible for tracking down the Adapted Romulan warship that had bonded with Sagardon Kahn. They then made that vessel their primary base of operations, using its link to the Iconian network to track down and seize powerful warships of the Iconian's subservient species. With the assistance of Jarek Cyphus and his fellow Romulan freedom fighters, Aruik was able to help Sagardon build Black Lotus into a massive roaming fleet protecting trade lanes and assaulting enemy positions, becoming Section 31's secret weapon in the galaxy.


    Hagalaz Kahn's origins were originally a mystery to Section 31. He was found adrift, partially-assimilated in a highly advanced 25th century derelict by the Caitian Section 31 agent, Ash Nentiss. It wasn't until he met Sagardon Kahn that they learned their DNA was identical, despite not sharing a common name. After then relating the history of the Federation he knew, it became clear that the impacts of the destruction of Romulus had far reaching consequences. His Federation expanded rapidly due to a technological renaissance during the late 23rd century. The world in which he grew up was prosperous and thriving, but one day suddenly ceased to exist. That was the last memory he had of the Kelvin Universe before being recovered by Section 31, an organization that was disbanded in his time.

    Still, he enjoyed the company of his genetic brothers, and his connection to the Borg Collective proved to be a tactical advantage as Black Lotus continued to amass and develop technology based on Delta Quadrant designs. He then incorporated elements of Kelvin Timeline technology into their fleet, giving the Borg and Iconians weapons they'd never faced before. Thanks to the scientific prowess, adapted technology, and cunning of Hagalaz Kahn, Black Lotus was ready when the Iconians launched their invasion.

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    Wow that is alot of effort!
    Welcome to the UFP community
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    Thanks! Will update post #2 soon with all my character bios, including my two kitty toons.
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     –  Last edited by Taku; Wed 02 Aug, 2017 12:07 PM.
    Detailed, colourful, and I can get into it. The hook is catchy and I can dance to it. I give it Thumbs upThumbs up, [Short for] Richard!

    Seriously, though. Nicely fleshed out!

    Welcome to UFP, and I look forward to seeing you in-game!
    "And when I saw the breadth of my domain, I wept, for there were no more worlds left to conquer."
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    Welcome to the community and what you wrote for you, we have lots in common.

    My first is Star Trek, I prefer the Trek compare to the Wars. But, i do like Star Wars. I'm a crazy about Lord of the ring. I got all the extended edition on DVD and i have to get my Hobbit special edition too. I do own all Star Trek movies up to ST 09. I'm still lazy to get the other 2.

    I like the story about your character. It was a good read and it is well done. Khan would be proud Smile
    The best adventure of all time is your Real Life. You are the writer, producer, director and the actor.
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    Welcome to the community, wonderful introduction, and thank you for your service. Smile
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    BIOS updated, second post.