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[Archived] - Mission: Shakedown Cruise

Started By:
Nesta, Fri 15 Sep, 2017 11:30 AM
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     –  Last edited by Nesta; Wed 10 Jan, 2018 3:13 PM.
    250px Utopia Planitia Shipyards FCday?version=f8cfa398f417c349de3f5cd5d0aaf04f

    Mission: Shakedown Cruise

    7DSHr9b Starship Involved l78vOIY

    -USS Nebula, NCC 60147-A (Nova Class)

    Utopia Planitia Shipyards, in orbit of Mars

    Commander Dillon Rhyne was looking out of the viewport, surveying the many ships being constructed in orbit of Mars. He saw Excelcior classes, Intrepids, even a few Galaxies... "So many ships being built in one place" the young, newly promoted commander thought, while his eyes fell on a small ship which was just visible from the viewport. The USS Nebula. His first command. Newly built Nova Class, she had a F-Type warp core, eleven type VIII phaser arrays and two photon torpedo tubes. She was probably one of the most beautiful ships he had ever seen.

    "Commander. Your ship is ready." the voice of his first officer, Lt. Commander Arlen Hyland woke Dillon from a amazed stupor as he watched a Sovereign class pull out of drydock, the huge ship slowly turning before jumping to warp.

    "Well then, let's go." Dillon said, his nervousness showing in his voice.

    Bridge, USS Nebula

    "Captain on the bridge!" Lt Commander Vog Pihronn, the Tellarite Tactical officer of the Nebula, yelled as Commander Rhyne stepped out of the turbolift.
    "At ease." the words seemed small, and insignificant compared to the duty Dillon had before him: The command of a Starship.

    "Alright, now... Comm, hail flight control, permission to undock." He said, stepping down a few steps from the raised area where the mission ops, science and engineering console were placed. In the front, divided by a railing, were the operations, tactical and helm control-stations.

    "Done, sir. Permission to undock." Lieutenant Veeri Ravex, a female Trill and his head of science and communications said.
    "Ops, undock mooring clamps." Dillon said, sitting down in the captains chair.

    "Yes sir." the soft voice of Lieutenant Commander Zerka, his Operations officer, who was also the Chief Engineer aboard the Nebula, said, pressing a few buttons on her control panel. With a loud thrumm, the sound able to be heard all over the ship, the mooring clamps were released and the Nebula was drifting free in space.

    "Helm, take us out, one quarter impulse." Lt. Commander Hyland, his first officer, said, sitting down next to his captain.
    "Yes sir." Ensign Ile Nunu, conn-officer of the USS Nebula said, the petite Bajoran (one of the first in Starfleet) quickly increasing impule power to one quarter and taking the Nebula out of drydock.

    "Set course for Andoria, warp three." Commander Dillon Rhyne ordered when the Nebula had fully cleared drydock.
    "Course laid in, sir." was the reply he got from Ensign Nunu once she had plotted the course.

    "Engage." and with that single word, the U.S.S. Nebula jumped to warp, on course to Andoria.


    (OoC: This is the bridge of the Nebula, found it on the internet and I love the design:
    Nesta Medals
    Pax Vobiscum
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    With a bright flash, the USS Nebula came out of warp, the only light in the darkness of space.

    Bridge, USS Nebula

    It was a mess. The Nebula had dropped out of warp several lightyears away from Andoria due to a warp core malfunction.

    "Bridge to engineering, report." Commander Dillon Rhyne commanded, sitting in the captain's chair.

    "I am reading a plasma leak near the dilithium reaction chamber, sir, attempting to fix it now." The soft voice of Lt. Commander Zerka came over comms.
    "Good. Notify me once we are warp-capable again." Dillon said, tapping his combadge once and closing the comm-channel.

    About half an hour later.

    The comm rang, and Lt. Commander Zerka's voice sounded through the bridge.

    “We are warp-capable, sir.”

    “Good. Keep me appraised of any further developments, commander.” Dillon replied, sitting down in the captains chair once more, before he closed the channel. “Helm, lay in a course for Andoria, warp six.”

    “Course laid in, sir.” Ensign Nunu said, quickly plotting the course.

    “Punch it.” And the USS Nebula jumped to warp, once again on course for Andoria.
    Nesta Medals
    Pax Vobiscum
  3. RPD Executive Officer

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    The USS Nebula dropped out of warp, the ringed gas giant of Andor obscuring the sun from the Nebula.

    Bridge, USS Nebula

    "Ensign, enter a equatorial orbit over Andoria, lieutenant Ravex, hail the moon." Comander Dillon Rhyne ordered, standing up.
    "Yes sir." Came the reply from lieutenant Veeri Ravex, his head of science and communications officer. "Hailing frequencies open, sir."

    "This is commander Dillon Rhyne, captain of the Federation starship Nebula. We are in need of assitance, please respond." Commander Rhyne said, walking forward until he had reached the helm station.

    "No response, sir." Lieutenant Ravex said, turning to face the commander.

    "Commander Hyland, you have the bridge, Ravex, Pihronn, meet me in transporter room two with an away team." Dillon said, half walking half jogging up the steps to the turbolift before being stopped by his first officer.

    "Sir, may I remind you that according to the Starfleet regulations, subsection 12, paragraph 4, you may not take direct command of the away team." Lt. Commander Hyland objected.

    "Lieutenant commander, excuse my language, but to hell with that regulation. You have the bridge." Dillon said, entering the turbolift before his first officer could say anything else. "Deck three." He ordred, and with a soft zoom the turbolift proceeded to deck three.
    Nesta Medals
    Pax Vobiscum