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[Archived] - Prelude - Deep Space Nine

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Eaglesg, Tue 23 Jan, 2018 7:22 PM
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    Sickbay, USS Ares.
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    === Deep Space 9, Primary Cargo Hold ===

    To quote Bugsy6:"Good Morning, Commander Hems," She quickly pulled her COs name from her memory of looking over the Ares crew roster. T'Mor has an eye for detail that sometimes borders on obsessive "I have taken the liberty to organise the medical bay supplies into the most logical areas of use, they are ready for transport onto the ship at your request".
    Angus always liked efficiency, a sense of order to things. T'Mor was no exception. Though he still liked small talk and getting to know the crew, Vulcans didn't see it as 'logical' to pursue small talk and socializing and by the looks of it, again, T'Mor was no exception.

    "Thank you very much, Lieutenant," Angus grinned "I will let the Chief know, I'm not sure if you know this or not but I like to think it is best to get acquainted with the officers in my department before we depart," Giving a broad smile and motioning to the cargo bay doors Angus asks "Do you want to get something to drink from the Coffie shop?"

    Angus knew that Vulcans could be very anti-social and may not see the logic in getting acquainted but he asked anyway, Angus wanted to build a profile on all of his officers, not a real one, that would be a tad bit strange, but a mental one so he could better understand his officers and find out their strengths and weaknesses.

    ((TAG T'Mor))
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Sun 18 Feb, 2018 2:16 AM.
    Deep Space Nine
    Habitat Ring – Hoods’ Quarters

    Allan Hood removed his junior-grade pip and replaced it with the full lieutenant pip, checking the mirror, making sure everything was aligned correctly. He adjusted his uniform and straightened his combadge.

    “I haven’t seen you pay so much attention to your uniform since you were at the Academy,” Sami-Jo commented, looking over his shoulder. “Do you think they’ll change their mind if you’re uniform is precise?”

    “I’m the Chief Science Officer, now,” Allan remarked, defending himself. “I have to set an example for the junior officers and I want to meet with the captain after we get to the Ares. You’re right, though; I haven’t felt this nervous and excited since the Academy.”

    Of course, Hood was not counting the Dominion War in his comparison; he did his best to ignore the memories and focus on a routine life. But, it seemed, the more he pushed away those memories and the deeper he buried them, the more likely they would resurface.

    Hood happened to look up in time to see Donna climbing their luggage on the anti-grav sled. He ran over and grabbed her just as she was beginning to stand up and bounce.

    “We’re not stopping by sickbay before we’re leaving, Donna,” he said. “We’re just trying to get out of here in one piece.”

    Allan reached up and grabbed the last of their personal items: their family’s longsword, the traditional first item to be hung up and the last to be taken down. An ancestor of Allan’s, the patriarch of the Hood family between 1630 and 1635, fought in the Swedish Intervention during the Thirty Years’ War, against the Holy Roman Empire. It has been passed down, from first born to first born, for over 700 years.

    Seeing the sword hanging in his great-grandparents’ house, grandparents’ house, and his own house growing up, inspired him to learn ancient European martial arts and swordsmanship. While at the Academy, Allan earned his concealed weapon license for a retractable longsword, granting him permission to carry it at all times, which he kept in a sheath in the small of his back.

    Allan removed the plaque, inscribed with the family’s history, and slung the family’s blade over his shoulder, turned around and picked up Donna. Sami-Jo activated the anti-grav, prompting it to effortlessly hover above the deckplating, and glided it through their doors.

    Gracie had been running circles around their empty quarters, giggling, never seeing so much room before.

    “How does it float?” Gracie asked as they walked the corridors.

    “It’s really complicated to explain, but, it's like a hovercraft,” her father began, “but, it uses graviton inverter circuits, transfer coils, and a flow capacitor to produce a strong antigraviton field.”

    “What’s an anty-gravyton?” Gracie further probed, holding her father’s hand as they maneuvered through the crowded corridors.

    “It’s a tiny elementary particle that transmits gravitational force,” Allan attempted to explain. “Being massless and traveling at the speed of light, its discovery united quantum theory with gravity.”

    “Oh, okay,” Gracie said.

    Allan just shrugged at Sami-Jo about Gracie’s impossible understanding of gravitons. She had an amazing curiosity for her age and pulled in vocabulary like a black hole. It was hard to tell how much of their conversation she understood.

    The Hood family passed for the last time through the dark corridors of Deep Space Nine. The departure was hard for Allan and Sami-Jo, especially for Sami-Jo; she spent so much time on DS9 as a permanent resident, taking the girls to play on Bajor.

    They headed for one of the six large docking pylons, extending from the main docking ring. They walked to the end of pylon to find the port that connected to the Sovereign class ship.

    The change in corridors was dramatic; they instantly went from the dark, Cardassian architecture to the clean lines of Starfleet. The corridors were brighter, more spacious, and appealed to their human senses.

    USS Ares
    Deck 3 – Starboard Docking Port

    Upon stepping across the Ares' threshold, Hood tapped his combadge.

    =^= This is Chief Science Officer Allan Hood reporting arrival. =^=

    =^= Welcome aboard Lieutenant Hood. Your arrival has been logged.=^=

    The Hoods made their way to Deck 7 and found their new quarters, after asking the computer for directions. Being a senior officer, their quarters were located on the outer rim of the saucer section, unlike their quarters on DS9 with no windows.

    As the doors opened, the family entered in slowly and gave themselves a tour. The living area was to the right with dining to the left. As they passed through, they entered their bedroom with the babies’ room to the right. All in all, the living space was more than they were accustomed.

    After unpacking, Hood hung up their blade.

    “It’s official,” he said, “we’re finally home.”
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    USS Ares
    Deck 7 – Hoods’ Quarters

    “Before I start our Feast of Tabernacles holodeck program, I want to check-in with the captain,” Hood said to his wife, “I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings about reserving a day on the holodeck on the same day as our maiden departure from Deep Space Nine.”

    Hood kissed his wife and two daughters, praying over them quickly. Gracie had grown comfortable seeing her father leave so often, but, Donna, was another story. No matter how many times he left, she always acted like it was the first time. She cried and reached for him, from her mother’s arms, as the doors hissed closed.

    “Thank Elohim, I don’t have to leave them on DS9 while I head back to Cardassia, being gone for weeks at a time,” Hood thought to himself, walking through crewmen, officers, couples and families still moving in their belongings.

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    USS Ares
    Deck 7 – Multipurpose Science Lab

    Hood could see the science labs just past the turbolift and decided to have a peek. He approached the multipurpose lab, first. The doors opened to a darkened room.

    “Computer, lights,” Hood ordered.

    The lights flashed on revealing the state-of-the-art science labs. The lab had workstations focusing on everything from stellar cartography, astrometrics, and warp-field theory, to quantum mechanics, temporal mechanics, and holographic research. Hood felt the immediate temptation to run from lab to lab, testing the capability and limitations of the equipment. He momentarily day-dreamed of coaxial warp drive simulations and models. Hood's love of temporal mechanics tempted him to play with the effects of Chronitons and search for other subatomic particles with temporal properties. He loved testing experiments where the effects could precede the cause and search for reactions that could be observed before any actions were initiated.

    “This is where I belong,” Hood said to himself, “not on radiation soaked Cardassia, away from my family, but, on this ship, on this mission.”
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    === Deep Space Nine, Primary Cargo Bay ===

    Giving a broad smile and motioning to the cargo bay doors Angus asks "Do you want to get something to drink from the Coffee shop?"
    T'Mor felt her expression turn from her well trained emotionless and stern face to a quizzical stare.

    "Uhhh" T'Mor stumbled as she went to respond, unsure how to navigate this situation.

    This was T'Mor's first 'real' assignment, she had only been a Starfleet officer for a year. She was stationed at DS9 straight out of the academy and has been waiting to be assigned to a ship.

    T'Mor was not entirely certain how having coffee would achieve anything more than her CO reading her personnel file. Never the less she wants to make a good impression on the commander and he obviously wants to get to know his crew.

    "I would be happy to discuss my service history with you over a coffee if you desire sir. Although my record is fairly short and I'm not sure we would need a whole coffee to hear it." T'Mor tried to move the ball back into the commanders court, as the idea of discussing her inner self and emotions made her feel quite uncomfortable.

    ((TAG Angus))
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    Deep Space Nine
    Primary Cargo Bay

    Upon returning the anti-grav back to the cargo bay, Hood over heard someone talking about departing.
    "Thank you very much, Lieutenant," Angus grinned "I will let the Chief know, I'm not sure if you know this or not but I like to think it is best to get acquainted with the officers in my department before we depart."
    “Excuse me, but, you two wouldn’t happen to be serving aboard the Ares, would you?”
    ((TAG Angus, T’Mor))
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     –  Last edited by Scarlett; Wed 31 Jan, 2018 6:13 PM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 3 – A’Mand’s Quarters

    A’Mand crossed her arms as she stared out the window. On board the Ares, she finished placing a few personal effects within her quarters and decided to enjoy the view for a few moments. From her position, A’Mand could see the underside of Deep Space Nine. Various shuttles skimmed above, below, and around the Cardassian architecture of the station.

    Near another lower pylon, an older Miranda-class ship slowly maneuvered away, the disc of its hull tilting slightly into a tight turn before becoming level, relative to the rings of DS9. The small ship puttered forward a few seconds until Impulse Engines burned, accelerating its departure, until it warped into the deep, silent, complete.

    “Farewell, Sixth Wave.” A’Mand recalled the young face of her previous Captain, Lori Kalmar. With blond hair that flowed over her shoulders, the determined-looking human was an excellent leader and a good friend. It was over a year ago when the Project was announced and A’Mand had spent that time in accelerated training at Starfleet Command on Earth. Lori wanted to personally deliver the Chief Counselor to DS9 when the time came.

    At the docking collar from the Sixth Wave is where Lori and A’Mand parted ways sharing a long hug. Pulling away, Lori did not share any words of wisdom, instead choosing to present a wrapped gift, saluting with a smile, and then turning to leave the station.

    A’Mand spun on her heels and passed the still-unwrapped gift on the table, then exited the room with the intent to do some exploration. Her stomach decided where to go next.
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Thu 01 Feb, 2018 5:32 AM.
    "I would be happy to discuss my service history with you over a coffee if you desire sir. Although my record is fairly short and I'm not sure we would need a whole coffee to hear it." T'Mor tried to move the ball back into the commander's court, as the idea of discussing her inner self and emotions made her feel quite uncomfortable.
    === Primary Cargo Bay ===

    As Angus saw the Vulcan T'Mor stumbling on her own words he heard a new voice from just behind him. As Angus turned sharply to see who it was he saw an Officer in blue with two small golden circles on the left side of his neck, just below his cheek. He was about the same size compared to Angus but looked well under thirty, he also had brown hair that matched his hazel eyes.

    “Excuse me, but, you two wouldn’t happen to be serving aboard the Ares, would you?”
    Angus put his right hand out to greet the Lieutenant."Goodmorning, I am Angus Hems, pleased to meet you and I am the Chief Medical Officer of the Ares." Angus stated as he shook the Lieutenants hand before stepping a meter back to reveal T'Mor."And this is my Assistant Nurse T'Mor."

    "And If I may ask, would you be serving on the Ares as well?"

    ((Tag T'Mor, Allan Hood))
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     –  Last edited by Eaglesg; Sun 18 Feb, 2018 2:02 AM.
    OOC: Me & Eaglesg did a back & forth over PM for this mission entry.
    USS Ares
    Deck 10 - Diplomatic complex - Reception Hall

    As Matt decided to take a walk instead of taking a turbolift to Engineering, he noticed some unusual loud activity on the the Reception Hall. Curious, he decided to go take a look.

    Sam was in here, directing some NCO's to do a rather complex floral arrangement with the Federation Seal as he noticed the Captain stroll in.

    "Captain! I didn't expect you to roll on into my neck of the woods!
    - Mr Urquhart, nice to meet you. Well, I was going to Engineering and was a bit curious to see what our Diplomatic Complex was going to be like. I see that you're making yourself at home?
    - *Laughs* Yeah, I kinda figured I'd give it my own touch.
    - You're absolutely right, this ship is going to be our home for the next years to come. So, how long have you been a Diplomatic Officer?
    - 23 years, been all over the place. My last assignment had me assigned to earth to the Klingon Ambassador.
    - I know that, yes
    said Matt smiling from the corner of the mouth.
    - What I don't get is how...*SIGH*...When I got my assignment to here, they were LITERALLY nonspecific in their instructions.
    - Well, as a matter of fact I heard you befriended the Klingon Ambassador and knowing a bit about him that's quite a job to do just this... So when Starfleet sent me all the applications for Semper Exploro I choose you. We will need someone like you out there, in the unknown, to handle relationships with new civilizations. Starfleet was nonspecific in their instructions simply because we don't know who or what we might encounter...
    - I was wondering if you had any ideas?

    Sam heads to the replicator & turns to the Captain.

    - Coffee?
    - No thank you, I already had my share for today. I don't have any ideas no. But after all, that's the purpose of this mission right?
    smiled the Captain to Sam, before continuing: Well, I'll let you to your organization, I have to finish my tour before leaving the station in one hour.
    Sam simply nodded and said, Of course. To the adventure, i guess.

    As the captain left, Sam went back into the function hall, looked at the display and a vein started to bulge in his forehead.

    - What are you doing?! That doesn't go there!!!!
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Thu 01 Feb, 2018 6:02 AM.
    Deep Space Nine
    Primary Cargo Bay

    2533748a79e9f654f7fb428592fa55e5  deep space  supernova
    "Goodmorning, I am Angus Hems, pleased to meet you and I am the Chief Medical Officer of the Ares." Angus stated as he shook the Lieutenants hand before stepping a meter back to reveal T'Mor.[color="#99CCFF"]"And this is my Assistant Nurse T'Mor."
    "And If I may ask, would you be serving on the Ares as well?"
    "Yes, as Chief Science Officer," Hood replied as he leaned in to shake the chief medical officer's hand. "I'm Allan Hood."

    Hood stepped over to shake T'Mor's hand as well, who reluctantly took part in the traditional greeting after a brief hesitation.

    "I was about to give myself a tour of the Ares," Hood explained, "where you headed?"

    ((TAG Angus, T'Mor))
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    === DS9, Primary Cargo Bay ===

    "Yes, as Chief Science Officer," Hood replied as he leaned in to shake the chief medical officer's hand. "I'm Allan Hood."

    Hood stepped over to shake T'Mor's hand as well, who reluctantly took part in the traditional greeting after a brief hesitation.

    "I was about to give myself a tour of the Ares," Hood explained, "where you headed?"
    "Ah well, I was just about to get acquainted with T'Mor over a drink, care to join us?" Angus chatted. From past experiences in past lives, he knew how close the Medical and Science department would have to work, a lot of assignments had to use areas from many different departments, Especially biology. Angus recalled an Ensign Flynn Mcarthy who was permanently stationed at the biology lab in the Ares Medbay. Getting to know the science departments CO was crucial.

    ~"After this, I have got to get aboard and set up the Medical Bay, I have put it off for too long now, even longer after the drinks."~ Angus acknowledged. Now though he had to use all he learned from Francis Hems, he was the first Conjoined Trill to be partnered with the Hems Symbiot. Francis didn't join Starfleet, he was a psychologist and a psychiatrist. The mind and how it conveyed little messages hidden in subtle flickers of the eyes or an increase in pitch fascinated Francis, he could judge your character, sum up your personality and figure out exactly what pushed your buttons from a simple glance. Francis was a lead Doctor at the New Striesand institute in London on Earth. Coincidentally that is also why Angus speaks with a certain poshness and uses phrases like 'Cheerio' and 'Tallyho' usually though he just says 'Oh Bloody hell!' or something on the lines when he gets frustrated. His posture is always straight and his stomach is sucked in, this gives off the effect that his chest is puffed out a fair bit.

    ((Tag Allan Hood, T'Mor))
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Fri 02 Feb, 2018 1:25 AM.
    === Deep Space Nine, Primary Cargo Bay ===

    Hood stepped over to shake T'Mor's hand as well, who reluctantly took part in the traditional greeting after a brief hesitation.

    "I was about to give myself a tour of the Ares," Hood explained, "where you headed?"
    T'Mor, somewhat overwhelmed by having the CMO and the CSO both speaking to her, reached out her hand awkwardly to the CSO. She'd had very little contact with senior Starfleet officers other than her tutors at the academy and was trying her best to exude an aura of confidence and discipline.

    Hood, who seemed used to awkward greetings, gently grabbed her hand and initiated the traditional Human greeting ritual of 'Shaking Hands'. An awkward experience that could be considered an unnecessary show of contact.

    Though once she initiated the hand shake and felt the strength, but also control of the CSOs firm hand, it made her feel somewhat more relaxed and secure knowing that her commanding officers both seemed like such caring, strong and confident individuals. She realised then that she was going to learn a lot and quickly from these officers.

    With a smile creeping onto her face T'Mor returned the firm grip and said "A pleasure to meet you Lieutenant Hood, I look forward to working with you."

    ((TAG Angus, Hood))
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Mon 19 Feb, 2018 10:09 PM.
    Deep Space Nine
    Outer Docking Ring - Section 17

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    "Ah well, I was just about to get acquainted with T'Mor over a drink, care to join us?"
    “I wouldn't mind at all, Commander,” Hood joked as they left the cargo bay, walking down the corridor, heading toward the habitat ring from the docking ring, “sir, where are we headed?” Hood could not help but notice that Angus looked like a relative, if not his brother, Carson, having similar features and build.

    For the last six years, Hood interacted closely with medical teams while working on the Cardassian Restoration Project. Though he had enough with radiobiology and wanted to move back to his field in astrophysics, especially theoretical astrophysics, he looked forward to his future interactions with the chief medical officer.
    “After this, I have got to get aboard and set up the Medical Bay, I have put it off for too long now, even longer after the drinks.”
    “I'm supposed to do the same with the science labs, sir,” Hood compared, “I need to take an inventory and double check everything's accounted for.”

    Hood wondered if the Trill was joined and planned on asking after they became more accustomed to each other, hoping it wouldn't be considered too personal. The science behind joining fascinated Hood and he was interested in hearing about juggling multiple lifetime experiences. Did the symbiont have its own personality or lived through the personalities of the host?
    Though once she initiated the hand shake and felt the strength, but also control of the CSOs firm hand, it made her feel somewhat more relaxed and secure knowing that her commanding officers both seemed like such caring, strong and confident individuals. She realized then that she was going to learn a lot and quickly from these officers.
    With a smile creeping onto her face T'Mor returned the firm grip and said "A pleasure to meet you Lieutenant Hood, I look forward to working with you."
    “A pleasure to meet you, too, Ensign,” Hood responded with sincerity, “I look forward to us serving together.” He envied her untapped potential and, assumingly, immediate opportunity, after graduating Starfleet, to head out into uncharted space.

    Hopefully, she got through the war, unscathed.

    Hood felt surprised by the amount of emotion that seemed to exude from the young Vulcan’s face and body language. Did T’Mor reject her logical upbringing and chose to embrace emotion like her ancestors before her? Was she of a tribe that believed that the key to self-knowledge was emotion, not logic, contrary to contemporary Vulcan culture? Is she open to participating in the Kolinahr, the Vulcan ritual by which all remaining hidden emotions were purged? Maybe he was simply reading too much into her, being that he never met a Vulcan so young.

    ((TAG Angus, T’Mor))
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    Deck 19 – Cargo Bay 3

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    The veteran Master Chief paced before his team. The enlisted engineering crew, technicians of all varieties, stood at attention as he walked down the line inspecting and gauging each man and woman. The Master Chief Petty Officer had more years in Starfleet than the oldest crewman before him.

    Finished walking down the line and he moved back out in front of the assembled crewman to better address them.

    “I am Master Chief Victor Samson, your direct supervisor. You have all volunteered for the most prestigious and rigorous exploration mission since the original Enterprise ventured into deep space! We are going into the unknown people, and that means there is no going home to mommy or daddy when things get difficult. When things get tough, we have to buckle down and suck it up. Our operational tempo will surpass that or normal Starfleet ships, as we have a double luxury serving on the USS ARES…”

    The Master Chief went on about the virtues and merits of the ARES refit systems, ones to keep an eye on, ones to pay closer attention to when performing routine checks and maintenance.

    Jei remained impassive while standing at attention. She had heard this spiel many times before, it was a ritual that as a crewman in Starfleet she was very accustomed to. ~”It could be worse…”~ mused Jei.

    She began reflecting back to the SS JOSEPHINE and her first engineering mentor, Tavo. It didn’t matter that he was a Tellarite, he was more of a father than her real biological one. She remembered how he taught her how to fix things that were broken and how to maintain things that needed regular maintenance. He never got frustrated or angry at her mistakes. ~”I really miss him… I just hope he’d approve of the path I have taken since the JOSEPHINE.”~

    “…During battle or alerts, the Captain will depend on us to get systems back online…”

    Jei’s mind continued to wander. She suddenly recalled her time in the Chin'toka system. She was a part of an Away Team from USS HOOD to extract and pull out wounded Starfleet personnel. The situation on the ground was fluid with pockets of Dominion forces still holding out in various strong points on the planet. As she followed Lieutenant Pierce out of the shuttle, the first mortar round had hit. After coming to, Jei found herself in a small ditch with Nancy Pierce’s lifeless body on top of her. The sounds of weapons fire and screaming erased the cobwebs from her mind as her survival instincts kicked in.

    The landing zone was in chaos. The giant Dominion warriors, the Jem’hadar, were inside the landing zone, shooting at everyone and everything, even the wounded. The handful of Starfleet security officers had formed a defense line to protect the group of wounded, who were supposed to be evacuated.

    “…I want you to remember that we are first and foremost, members of Starfleet… yet we are also representatives of the Federation. Keep that in mind whenever you are dealing or among new cultures and people…” continue the Master Chief.

    Jei didn’t know what to think of the diplomacy part. She never went out and sought to harm or kill others. Yet she had no love for those who fought for the Dominion. The savagery and senseless killings had eroded any compassion that Jei felt for those who pushed the Federation into war.

    “…the cardassian people, are just as much victims as we all were. So, when we head out and begin our mission by helping cardassian colonies, you all best check your anger and prejudice at the door,” warned the Master Chief.

    Jei resisted the urge to shake her head, roll her eyes, or any number of gestures to express her strong disagreement with the Master Chief’s statement. It took a lot of her mental strength to suppress that urge, and standing directly in front of the Master Chief, she saw him looking directly at her.

    “Duty assignments have been posted and will commence at 2330 hours this evening. Consult the roster for your assignments. Questions… put your hand down Dawson, you’re not in school anymore.”

    “Master Chief, when are we leaving DS9? And until we do, may we take our liberty on the station?” inquired Crewman Dawson, a young crewman recently out of basic and on his first assignment.

    The Master Chief looked among his crewman, gauging their interest in the topic. “We leave when the Captain passes the order. You’ll know when I know. Permission is… granted to use the stations recreational facilities…” began the Master Chief as he walked right up to look Crewman Dawson in the eye. “But let me warn you all. Any of you get into *any* trouble… *and* I must stand before Lieutenant Riker or Lieutenant Donaldson to explain the ‘who, what, why’… you can be assured that your next five years will be tremendously unpleasant. Like permanent waste reclamation and every other dirty job that comes our way. If you want to test me, you better be prepared…”

    Crewman Dawson audibly gulped, as he visualized the most unpleasant duty. Jei could not suppress her amusement at the Master Chief’s theatrics and Dawson’s predictable response. The Master Chief noticed Jei’s smirk and immediately went to stand before her. “You find me amusing, Crewman Han?”

    “No, Master Chief,” answered Jei.

    “Then why are you smiling?”

    “That’s easy, Master Chief. I’m just excited and proud to be here on the ARES and a member of *the* best Damage Control and Repair team onboard. I’m not ashamed to express that and certainly will not hide it.” Jei meant every word, as she takes immense pride in her work.

    The Master Chief eyed Jei for a moment. “Good answer, Crewman Han, but I’ll be watching you.”

    “I’d expect no less, Master Chief,” responded Jei.

    The Master Chief lingered a few moments more, trying to read Jei before going back before the assembled crew. “Ok, people. Get settled in your quarters, get some rest and chow, before showing up for your duty shift. Dismissed.”
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Fri 02 Feb, 2018 11:03 PM.
    === Sector Seven, Outer Docking Ring ===

    As T'Mor, Hood and Angus walked out of the Primary Cargo Bay Angus could not help but notice how Lt. Allan Hood constantly eyed him, It wasn't in a bad way as it looked more inquisitive. He had wanted to say something but Allan beat him to it.

    “Sir, where are we headed?”
    "Ah well, when the 'cold war' so to speak with the Dominion started the ship my best mate was serving on, the USS ANZAC was stationed here at DS9 to patrol, and he told me about this little old earth styled coffee shop on the second floor of the promenade, it only had four or five seats but he told me that it became a ritual between the crew to have a drink after each mission." Angus explained, though he did not mention that it was a friend from long ago in his last life, Angus thought it would be a bit weird to start a conversation with 'Hi, my name Angus, I am almost 243 years old!'. Before he continues Angus briefly remembered the last time he saw his mate Dan.

    It must have been a day or two before his death Angus recalled.

    "So I hear you got assigned to the Churchill, congratulations!" Dan cheered. "With a crew like hers, you will be flying up the ranks!"

    "Thanks a lot, too bad we couldn't have been assigned to the same boat." A slim boy with fuzzy red hair replied to the person on his screen.

    "Hey, there can only be one Assistant Counsellor around here!" Dan smirked as he chuckled.

    They had both taken the same classes together at the academy and had become inseparable friends. When they were both assigned to separate ships with the same position it made it hard to see each other. So when they had the free time they would share stories of things that happened throughout the week. That is when Dan started talking about the old earth coffee shop.

    After a few seconds of laughter, Dan looked up with a more serious look on his face.

    "How are you going Ollie with the new... you know?"

    "Symbiot?" Ollie answered for Dan.

    "Well, yeah," Dan said with a look of worry on his face.

    It had been a week since Ollie had got the implant and he could already tell that things were changing.

    "It been really... interesting I think fits it best. I have noticed I now hate foods I usually have on a regular basis and well, I keep having these dreams of memories from its past life, or should I say my past life."

    Ollie then explained who Flynn was and all the interesting stories involved with his new personality and tastes.

    That was the last time Angus or Ollie ever saw Dan again. The next day Ollie heard that the wormhole was being mined and a few weeks later he got the report that the USS ANZAC was lost with all hands in one of the early battles. Ollie would die near the end of the war as the USS Churchill was ambushed by Breen's vessels and left for dead as it drifted in space.

    Angus was shaken from his 'flashback' when Hood started to say something.

    “I'm supposed to do the same with the science labs, sir,” Hood compared, “I need to take an inventory and double check everything's accounted for.”
    Comming back to the here and now Angus remembered he had to contact the chief.

    "Ah thanks for reminding me."

    Tapping his gold and silver badge on the left of his chest as he was walking Angus began to say.

    =^= This is CMO Hems to Cheif Hyman...The cargo in the PCB is ready to be brought aboard the USS Ares at your convenience =^=

    After a brief moment of silence, Angus's combadge produced a voice.

    =^= Thank you Commander Hems, we will get the equipment boarded and stored in their designated department as soon as possible =^=

    Just before the group stopped at the lift Angus again saw Hood eyeing him with curiosity from the corner of his eye. As the lift door opened he looked back to see T'Mor, who had been quiet the whole trip with a more relaxed composure than before. T'Mor caught Angus's eyes, he gave a reassuring smile as the others entered the confined space as the doors closed.

    (( TAG T'Mor and Allan Hood ))
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Fri 02 Feb, 2018 11:06 PM.
    T'Mor had followed along slightly behind the other two officers, respecting the rank of her superiors by letting them go before her.

    She also took this time to analysis the two of the them. She scanned both of the persons from the movement of the mouth as they spoke to the angular momentum of their feet of each step. She noticed some minor disparities from what she knew of Human biomechanics. There was definitely evidence of some latent injuries that the officers either are not aware of or have got so used to them that living with them had become their norm.

    Just before the group stopped at the lift Angus again saw Hood eyeing him with curiosity from the corner of his eye. As the lift door opened he looked back to see T'Mor, who had been quiet the whole trip with a more relaxed composure than before. T'Mor caught Anguses eyes, he gave a reassuring smile as the others entered the confined space as the doors closed.
    As the doors closed behind T'Mor she turned to Angus. "Commander, should I report to Chief Hyman to help with the movement of our supplies onto the ship? As you know I have a good understanding of the supplies, I feel I could make the process run at optimal efficiency."

    ((TAG Angus))
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    === DS9, Section 17 Primary Lift ===

    As the lift doors closed Angus heard T'Mor start to speak.

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    As the doors closed behind T'Mor she turned to Angus. "Commander, should I report to Chief Hyman to help with the movement of our supplies onto the ship. As you know I have a good understanding of the supplies, I feel I could make the process run at optimal efficiency."
    "I would have to agree," Angus replied as he turned his head to face T'Mor."Can you get all the medical supplies and equipment delivered straight to the Medbay, once that is done board up and start assembling some of the equipment, I won't be far behind."

    From past experiences with Flynn, he wouldn't throw T'Mor in the deep end so quickly, but he wanted to see how well she did in a leadership position, and how efficient she was. After a few seconds of silence, Angus looked up as if to say something to the Gods.

    "Promenade, second floor," Angus ordered.

    The lift responded with an affirmative beep and then started to move upwards. After a further few seconds of silence, Angus looked back to T'Mor and then down to see she was still carrying her datapad.

    "May I?" Angus asked, motioning to the pad. He wanted to see how well she could lead the boarding of the supplies, but also how well she could lead the department in his absence.

    ((Tag T'Mor))

    I just wanted to say really quick that you guys (Bugsy6 and Allan Hood) have been doing a great job at writing. Every time I see that one of you have added a new post to the story I drop everything to read it. I really like your characters and stories and how well they are blending with all the others!