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Eaglesg, Sat 30 Dec, 2017 1:09 AM
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    Without much interaction, can that be "retconned" to fit the narrative we are developing about this detail?

    I mean, should a new thread be created on this subject?
    I don't think we need a new thread, we won't talk about this guy forever. haha for instance, what would you guys like to see in the Cardassian colony worlds we're going to help?
    AllanHood Medals
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    I don't think we need a new thread, we won't talk about this guy forever. haha for instance, what would you guys like to see in the Cardassian colony worlds we're going to help?
    Well, an earlier post I had suggested finding an abandoned Dominion base left over from the Dominion War while making suggestions for the stowaway Jem'Hadar. We have since agreed he'll make it aboard the USS Aries while docked at DS9 and will make an appearance visiting some of these Cardassian colonies.

    I think we can include a Dominion base in the story. The Dominion had many bases setup during the Dominion War when the Cardassian Empire was one of its allies. Being permitted to sending some of the firsts teams in a joint operation with the Cardassians to further study the base would be something interesting for all of us.
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    I think a good story would have starving people and we try to help. But some Cardassians reject it or sabotage our efforts. I think it would be reminiscent of Afganistan as a majority of the people needed coalition help but did not like them being in their country.

    This may not work out though as after the Cardassians homeworld was raised they may be grateful for Starfleet support and only a few outcast still holds onto the Dominion.

    It would be my opinion that the crew of the Ares would be split and go to different areas that have been hit the worst, like the capital. Teams would consist of Engineering officers to help rebuild, Operation officers to help the general relief effort, Science officers to try and get rid of the radiation and set up hydroponic labs for food and Medical officers to treat the wounded or radiated citizens.
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    I want to combo Asteropax and Kirk's ideas, those are awesome and pointed it out to the admin.

    I see the colony worlds as being more like refugee camps due to the war. What is the Federation's relationship with Cardassia like here? Are we nation-building? Simply giving out industrialized replicators and energy generators? I can easily see them as accepting help, but being super resentful with a small group wanting to keep us away, like how Kirk was saying.

    Following the outbreak of the Dominion War and the capture of Deep Space 9, the Cardassian Union gave fifteen industrial replicators to Bajor. (DS9: "Sons and Daughters") As a reminder, industrial replicators are large-scale replicators used for construction. We could drop them off, too.

    I'm also thinking of making one Cardassian colony to be the target of some Bajoran extremists? Similar to Enterprise's episode "Marauders," Episode 2x06, it'd be some kind of mining colony that is being controlled by Bajoran marauders, the tables are turned because now it's the Bajorans taking advantage of the Cardassians weaker position after the war. How can we help Cardassians against Bajorans? Whaaat? We could train the Cardassian peaceful colonists to defend themselves and prepare to fight the Bajoran attackers. This will also be a conflict with the idea that we're trying to simply help and we're still trying to get the stench of war off of us.
    AllanHood Medals
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    Bajoran extremist, now that is a good idea. Here is what I am visualizing and thinking when we discuss Cardassia.

    Whenever I think back to DS9 and the Cardassians changing sides it reminds me somewhat of Italy during WW2. Mussolini may have had the peoples support at the start and a little from Hitler (Though he despised South Europe). Mussolini played the Italian army off as this big military that could beat anyone. Like the Cardassians during the border war when they called a Nebula class ship a 'major threat' as it blew away Cardassian military vessels. It is estimated that the Cardassians where 50 years behind the Federation in all forms of technology. Hell, even the Klingons wiped the floor with them and their tech was vastly inferior. Just to point out the Cardassians are still my favourite race of all time!

    When the Dominion (Hitler) started putting pressure on Cardassia (Italy) and was becoming violent against its citizens they realised how badly they where being treated and some started to rebel. like Damar.

    That, in my opinion, was the saving grace as I constantly refer it to for the Cardassian people. The Federation would have always sent aid to Cardassia after the war but the number of war reparations would be staked high.

    The Federation, though still militarised from the war, would do everything in its power to help the people. Again reminding me of West Germany during its occupation by the Allies. They won the Germans over by making life better and showing them that the radical ideas of Nazism is what got them into the mess in the first place. In fact, I can't think of a better example!

    The idea of Bajoran terrorist is perfect. They see a weak Cardassia and the Federation getting all buddy-buddy. I do not think they would be a part of the main religious group on Bajor, but rather a splinter group that may worship the Wraths or may just be Atheist.

    I want to show you all to a video that explains my ideas of a post-Dominion War Cardassia perfectly;

    My main points are at the end of the video.

    The nation was a third-rate power, under the control of a radical dictator it became somewhat of a superpower, after siding with another imperial and radical power they became more powerful together. But after a war, a revolt and an overthrowing of its dictator the nation lied in ruin, but its once bitter enemies helped it rebuilt and to this day they are strongly aligned with them. Now can you tell me which nation I was talking about... both represent Italy and Cardassia to a simplified extent.

    I think the Cardassian civilian population would need to be trained to defend themselves, rather the reorganisation of the army. This way Cardassia can still defend itself against any Klingons or Bajoran terrorist. It would also help kickstart Cardassian economy which I think would be in shambles, much like everything else.

    Once the Ares arrives at Cardassia or one of its colonies it would not be big news for the civilians. This is because the Federation would most likely have countless ships, either Olimpic classes full of medical supplies or Akiras, Sabers, Excelsior defending the colonies. Starfleet personnel would be everywhere as Cardassia would be the Federations top priority.

    That would most likely not be the case for a small village or outpost as the number of assistance would be minimal due to the Federations main concern being the homeworld and other key areas.

    In conclusion, I think that everyone's ideas have been fantastic and I just wanted to cement my idea of a broken Cardassia. We could with our characters have moral and personal difficulty with helping civilians. Whether a character who is a veteran is forced to help a Cardassian who killed his friend or pro-Dominion Cardassians refuse the help of the Federation even going as far to assault officers. One such family may have a child who will die if he/she does not get help but when asked to assist the family refuses. Stating that they would rather have their child die instead of letting a Starfleet officer help.

    I would like to hear other peoples ideas for moral dilemmas that may arise?
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    That's a lot to consider, which is a good thing as it helps plan a story.
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    Bajoran extremist, now that is a good idea. Here...
    That could have interesting story potential for my Bajoran character...
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    I *do* really like this idea of a Bajoran extremist, perhaps hiding among the regular crew or a member of some 'relief agency/team' being taken or sent to the former cardassian colonies to provide "goodwill aid".

    A lot more interesting and gripping than a shrouded jem'hadar. Yes, they are able to cloak, but would figure that with Starfleet would have some kind of tech/device to detect counter that. Likely installed at key access points. Yes, Starfleet Security has had many blunders, but why? Some yet unknown and newly encountered omnipotent alien... ok. Against a race/faction that they just fought a war against?

    I like the idea of a hidden mystery, I'm just leery of cliche or omnipotent.

    This Bajoran extremist thought/path... is very intriguing. Especially, if they are not working alone. Perhaps the stowaways are not people but items (like weapons, explosives, whatever else a terrorist needs to smuggle). These extremists don't have to necessarily be bajoran either. They could be any Federation race. A lot of Starfleet veterans from the Dominion War aboard. Veterans who had some horrible and soul-wrenching experiences during the war at the hands of cardassians. These starfleet crew could be affiliated at various levels. Some may be sympathetic, turning a blind eye (ignorance is bliss to the cardassians deserve it). Others may be more active, helping the conspiracy to circumvent security protocols. The options are vast, and with our characters, can make it even more tangible. Keeps the focus on "us".

    Don't think anything written so far would have to be retconned. The transporter issue could be due to the heavy weight of cargo beamed unto a personnel transporter pad, the logs amended and covered with an influx of new crew beamed aboard.

    The Bajoran extremist being the charismatic leader of this terrorist cell. Envoy, relief team leader, official of some kind... possibilities are there.
    Silynn Medals
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    Either are interesting McGuffins.
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    I *do* really like this idea of a Bajoran extremist, perhaps hiding among the regular crew or a member of some 'relief agency/team' being taken or sent to the former cardassian colonies to provide "goodwill aid".

    A lot more interesting and gripping than a shrouded jem'hadar. Yes, they are able to cloak, but would figure that with Starfleet would have some kind of tech/device to detect counter that. Likely installed at key access points. Yes, Starfleet Security has had many blunders, but why? Some yet unknown and newly encountered omnipotent alien... ok. Against a race/faction that they just fought a war against?

    I like the idea of a hidden mystery, I'm just leery of cliche or omnipotent..
    I've got some thoughts brewing on that and have already dropped a hint in my most recent personal log entry on how the Jem'Hadar will get missed on security.

    A Bajoran extremist in the crew or supposedly helping the relief efforts? That sounds exciting and will be sure to test my character, since I'm responsible for checking on security for both of these cases as the CTO is often the Chief of Security too.
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    I *do* really like this idea of a Bajoran extremist, perhaps hiding among the regular crew or a member of some 'relief agency/team' being taken or sent to the former cardassian colonies to provide "goodwill aid".

    A lot more interesting and gripping than a shrouded jem'hadar. Yes, they are able to cloak, but would figure that with Starfleet would have some kind of tech/device to detect counter that. Likely installed at key access points. Yes, Starfleet Security has had many blunders, but why? Some yet unknown and newly encountered omnipotent alien... ok. Against a race/faction that they just fought a war against?
    If the shroud can be detected, I think a cargo of weapons should be even easier to detect. Romulans have had cloaking tech that Starfleet hasn't been able to crack for decades, only to pick clues of their location.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I threw in your ideas to the admin and see what they think, this is really exciting to see everything coming together.

    So, we have a Jem'Hadar stowaway and an anti-Cardassian terrorist group pretending to be humanitarians onboard? haha security's going to have their work cut out for them.
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    So, we have a Jem'Hadar stowaway and an anti-Cardassian terrorist group pretending to be humanitarians onboard? haha security's going to have their work cut out for them.
    It's nice to know I'll be very busy once we get to the colonies!
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    It's nice to know I'll be very busy once we get to the colonies!
    hahaha for real, and you can make other smaller events happen, too, between the colonists interactions with each other, too. When I was with the Red Cross, we had people fight us to get to the supplies. I went ahead and told my crew to let them take whatever they can get and don't fight them; we had enough for three cities. Hundreds of others stayed in line. After they left, I formed two lines, "life/death emergency line" and regular line.

    We could run something like that when helping the Cardassians, there can be times when we show mercy and help get people what they need, and other times, if things turn violent, you pull your security tricks out haha security can go in a lot of directions here.
    AllanHood Medals
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    I agree with you Allan, But I think that Starfleet's primary goal, and eventually ours will be the rebuilding of Cardassia's infrastructure so they can at least support their population. As stated in the video though Cardassia needed territory for its resources and the massive amount taken from the Klingons or completely destroyed in the Dominion War would leave Cardassia completely dependent on the Federation. The Ferengi would be all over Cardassia space looting and pirate what little resources it has.

    The people's trust will need to be earned first as well, but that won't be a major issue like it was in Afghanistan as the friendly and moral views of the Federation would contribute greatly.

    I see three missions for the Ares.

    One, drop off supplies and help with making Cardassia somewhat self-sufficient again.

    Win the people's trust by taking a few weeks to show Federation hospitality by helping the injured, creating new homes, general relief efforts, or other things.

    Secure Cardassia space as it teems with Orions, Nausicans and Ferengi who are taking advantage of the logistical chaos.

    I think we can expand on possible storylines, tell me what you think the Ares first tour in Cardassia should be like?
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    Without much interaction, can that be "retconned" to fit the narrative we are developing about this detail?

    I mean, should a new thread be created on this subject?
    it makes sense to indeed make a thread for this specific subject since there is a lot of discussion about that Wink