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[Archived] - Stowaway Ideas

Started By:
Allan Hood, Fri 16 Feb, 2018 2:53 AM
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     –  Last edited by Kiflin; Sun 11 Aug, 2024 6:43 PM.
    Jem'Hadar or no Jem'Hadar?

    Shroud or no Shroud?

    We can use the stowaway as a deus ex machina, a plot device to get the story going if we get stuck, someone secretly protecting the ship and crew, a comedic device or the eventual bad guy.

    The stowaway should function around the ship, with the ship being at top efficiency. We don't have to make the ship glitching or anything, the stowaway has to make it on his own, in spite of the ship and crew, unless people decide to secretly help him.

    I think it'd be the most likely character seeing that he is probably trying to start a life for himself as a possible defector. I also like the idea that he was an enemy of Starfleet that a) will eventually help the crew with problems that may occur and b) some of the crew may help in spite of the history with the Jem'Hadar.

    Don't forget the Jem'Hadar "...had the ability to "shroud" themselves, a form of camouflage that acted as a personal cloaking field, effectively hiding them and their weapons from both sensors and the naked eye. (DS9: "The Jem'Hadar", "The Abandoned")"'Hadar

    "When they used the shroud, the immediate area in which they stood would turn dark, then become almost perfectly transparent. Only the most observant individuals could see the slight shifts in light as the Jem'Hadar moved about in their shrouded condition. (DS9: "To the Death")"

    Originally, "...the ability to shroud was regulated by the presence of ketracel-white. Jem'Hadar who endured prolonged periods without the drug eventually lost their ability to shroud. Such a degeneration in their abilities signaled severe withdrawal from the addiction to ketracel-white, and indicated that death was not far off. (DS9: "Rocks and Shoals")"

    Also, Nesta suggested that the character doesn't even need ketracel-white, which would make it easier to write.

    “On rare occasions, a Jem'Hadar was born with a genetic mutation which allowed their bodies to produce the Ketracel-White they needed, though most such instances went unnoticed, as the Jem’Hadar with this mutation still took the drug on a regular basis, and were unaware that they had no need to. (DS9: “Hippocratic Oath”)

    I'd like the stowaway to stay hidden, making a nest somewhere haha and no one know. He/she could be in the background doing whatever and the crew doesn't know, yet, but we could ALL write for the stowaway, slipping him into our stories, whenever we want.
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    Yes to the Jem'Hadar and yes to him being shrouded. The genetic mutation makes a lot of sense because that makes it easier for him to survive and also to be more likely to defect or desert from the Dominion, like the one from DS9: Hippocratic Oath. The Jem'Hadar in that episode, Goran'Agar, lead an effort to try and take a number of other Jem'Hadar to leave the Dominion. It was shown he was still able to shroud without the need of "the white".

    An origin idea for him? Our stowaway Jem'Hadar may have tried to leave the Dominion but got stranded somewhere. A passing ship could've sent a shuttle to where he was stuck to explore the planet and he slipped aboard when it returned to the ship. He continues to shroud himself while figuring out our routines once at DS9 to make it easier to keep himself hidden on board the Ares.

    The biggest question I have here; would people like the idea of our Jem'Hadar being problematic or helpful to the Ares? As in, will we be happy to have him off the ship later on or will we have a new Acting Ensign on the ship?
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    The biggest question I have here; would people like the idea of our Jem'Hadar being problematic or helpful to the Ares? As in, will we be happy to have him off the ship later on or will we have a new Acting Ensign on the ship?
    At first, I'd like to see him being problematic, only cause he's trying to survive on the ship and make do. His intention I'm thinking is just to lay low but his needs interfere with things, occasionally. He won't be the main idea of the stories, just a bonus we throw in there.

    In certain circumstances, he can end up being helpful and the crew doesn't realize it, security someday could suspect we have a stowaway, chapters from now, but not yet. Then we can decide to have him dropped off somewhere, killed, or made a member of the crew haha.

    What you guys think?
    AllanHood Medals