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[Archived] - Prelude - Deep Space Nine

Started By:
Eaglesg, Tue 23 Jan, 2018 7:22 PM
  1. UPT Commanding Officer

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    Deck 1, Bridge
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Thu 15 Mar, 2018 1:16 AM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 1 - Bridge

    Once the turbolift doors opened, R'Turan walked out, and onto the bridge, having straightened his uniform in the turbolift. Looking around, he noticed the bridge to be empty, other than a few officers, who were booting up the Ares' key systems, preparing for departure. Walking towards the door of the captain's ready-room - presumably the captain was in there - he pushed the 'bell' button, and waited to be let in.
    Matt noticed his new first officer waiting before the Ready Room. As the Captain was partially hidden behind one of the bridge supports checking one last time some readings before launch, R'Turan wasn't able to see that he was there and not in his Ready Room.

    "Commander, I'm here ! , said Wilson. Welcome aboard, you're right on time. We're about to launch in a few minutes, can you give us a hand ? We'll talk after we left DS9."

    As Wilson was reaching his chair, the comm system activated:
    =/\= "Captain, Lieutenant Donaldson, Assistant Chief Engineer. All primary and essential secondary systems all check out down here for launch." =/\=
    "Thank you Lieutenant. Wilson out."

    He then pressed the shipwide comm button on his chair and a familiar whistling sound echoed throughout the ship:

    =/\= "All hands, this is the Captain. As you know, we're about to restart Starfleet's biggest project, the very definition of why the Federation is existing since 220 years: to seek out new worlds and explore space. We have no idea of the dangers we're going to face, but one thing is clear: we will make some friends there, and unfortunately some enemies. In a few minutes there will be no turning back, but if you are on this particular ship that's because you all signed up for this. I know that I can count on everyone and that this crew and this ship are about to make History." =/\=

    While finally sitting on his chair, Captain Wilson ordered:

    "Ensign Ulyanov, set a course for Cardassian territory, Warp 7."


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