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[Archived] - Chapter 1 - Cardassian Duty

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Eaglesg, Tue 13 Mar, 2018 6:59 PM
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    USS Ares
    Deck 16 - Sickbay

    Angus had just finished treating a Lieutenant with plasma burns when out of the corner of his eye he saw an officer in blue collapse in the middle of the doorframe of the entrance into the Sickbay.

    Two nurses rushed to carry him towards one of the last remaining beds and another officer in blue walked right over the unconscious officer apparently oblivious to the condition of the other. The Vulcan officer made a B-line directly for Angus.

    "You can say something like that!" Hems stated mockingly as he threw his hands out as if to say 'Yeah ya think! have a look around!'

    The Vulcan replied with a blank and cold stare, seemingly oblivious to the remark.

    "What kind of medical training do you have?"
    "None," Ensign Falora replied flatly. "I have not been properly trained in first aid nor emergency medical procedures. Presumably, Lieutenant Hood ordered me into your service, temporarily, due to the unforeseen combination of circumstances resulting from the most recent attack."

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    USS Ares,
    Deck 16-Sickbay

    "None," Ensign Falora replied flatly. "I have not been properly trained in first aid nor emergency medical procedures. Presumably, Lieutenant Hood ordered me into your service, temporarily, due to the unforeseen combination of circumstances resulting from the most recent attack."
    The CMO just looked at her. Angus for a moment thought that this was an attempt at humour.

    "Wu...Alright then, you can help treat all the crew outside the Sickbay I'll get Lt. Cozaar to assign someone to watch over you," Angus replied, giving a smile before striding outside Sickbay to find the Lieutenant. It is a known fact that Vulcans and their logic can often rub people the wrong way, Angus, on the other hand, found it quite amusing he even went so far as to act intentionally annoying and 'Human' around them just so he can try and get a response.

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    Ensign Laxeth shifted uncomfortably in his biobed. He had been next to a console in Engineering that had exploded during the attack. While unconscious, he had been brought into Sickbay. A nurse came over and checked out his vital signs. He made a joke about being “singed around the edges” but the nurse didn’t laugh. She noted the Talaxian did not appear to be seriously injured, but the doctor was checking everyone out thoroughly. She quickly moved on to the next injured crewman. Laxeth waited about ten minutes before Doctor Hems came over. After a quick check, it was determined that he had a mild concussion. Hems released him to his quarters, urging a full day of rest before returning to active duty. With all the chaos, Laxeth knew that it was unlikely he would be able to get back to Engineering. He was confident that power grid had been damaged, but needed to confirm the logs immediately prior to the attack had not been recorded.

    Otherwise, the crew might be able to trace the transmission that he sent.
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    OOC: First off apologies for not posting in an awfully long time, life really got in the way. I hope everyone doesn't mind me writing myself back in.

    Second, I have amalgamated a lot of KIRK142's posts to form my re-introductory post, i haven't quoted them as so much has been weaved into this post, so again I hope this is okay, I can always edit it if anyone needs me to.

    I look forward to getting back into the story, you guys have created some amazing content so far!
    === USS Ares, Deck 16 Sick Bay ===

    "He's crashing!" T’Mor yelled out across the sickbay that was now filled with people. Angus, who was stabilizing a patient with two large pieces of shrapnel protruding out of his chest long enough to move him to the surgical bay heard the nurse yelling out.

    Dashing across the sickbay and weaving through several groups of people he arrived at a bed with a single nurse leaning over a Human Ensign from operations, he had a deep wound going right through his chest.

    "Whats the situation?" Angus asked frantically as T’Mor tried her best to wipe the blood that was oozing out of the patient fast enough to get a look inside.

    "Dehiscence in his liver sir, it's been pierced by shrapnel and the liver is spewing acids all throughout his body...what do we do?" T’Mor replied on the verge of breaking down.

    "Okay, Reader Tube!" Angus commanded as he offered his hand to T’Mor. Seconds later she had a small silver cylinder with different colour displays on one side being transferred from her hand into the CMO's who then placed it on the patient's skin above the Liver. The displays lit up with green and red colours.

    "Scheiße! His toxin levels are through the roof! Nurse give me a Hypospray equipped with medical Nanoprobes programmed to seal the wound!" Angus didn't swear as often as some but when he did he always made it discreet by saying the vulgar words in German.

    T’Mor reeled slightly at the strange exclamationt hat the CMO spat as he saw the results of the Reader Tube. With lightning fast hand movements T’Mor produced another silver cylinder, this one though was much larger and had one glass end filled with a clear liquid and another metal end with a smooth semicircle pad. Angus took the Hypospray and pressed it against the man's neck with the pad and a small hissing sound was heard as the glass was removed of its liquid.

    Several murderous moments passed until T’Mor’s face lit up with excitement as she examined the medical monitor.

    "Sir, He is stabilizing!" T’Mor almost yelled, only just holding back here emotions.

    "Haha, excellent..." Angus said as a wave of relief flowed through him, "Make sure to put a Protoplaser on the wound once it's cleaned." Angus reminded T’Mor as he dashed to another fire that had to be put out.

    As T’Mor finally took a breath and let her shoulders sink a little in relief she realised she was actually crying. Tears were rolling down her face although none of the other symptoms of crying were occuring, no chest heaving, no sobbing or shaking, she was simply weeping.

    The high intensity of the moment has caused a flood of emotions inside her. Although a combination of her Academy training and Vulcan heritage were holding back the emotions actually surfacing, but physiologically not even her well disciplined mind could hold back the reaction to such an intense and sudden influx of emotions.

    T’Mor managed to pull her focus back to the world around her and she briefly caught a glimpse of her CMO moving from patient to patient maintain a calm and clinical demeanor. She realised that if she wanted to actually learn from her CMO she would need to be more like him and this was her first opportunity to grow. Centering her mind and consciously dragging her thoughts back to the situation she quickly analysed the room running cost benefit analysis on all the patients eventually deciding on the next patient that needed treating.

    She grabbed a few pieces of equipment from the counter next to her and ran over to help the net patient. Her tears had gone now and only determination showed on her face.

    As T’Mor injected the crewman with a dose from a Hypospray a sparking shimmer appeared in the room just near the bed she was currently at. As the shimmering particles reformed into the being they once were she realised that it was the Captain. From across the room Angus slid to the Captains side and was sanning with his Tricorder.

    "T’Mor, help me take him to the ICU, meanwhile you two prepare to deal with severe plasma burns, internal bleeding and bone breakages," He commanded as he moved to grab a stretcher.

    T’Mor passed the Hypospray to one of the other nurses attending to this patient and ran over to the CMO and the Captain, she rolled the captain to his side as Angus slid the stretcher under. They both lugged the Captain to the ICU and positioned him on the bed and began to take readings, administer hyposprays and other treatments.

    Together Angus and T’Mor managed to stabilize the Captain and left a nurse to monitor him. Angus gave T’Mor a nod as they parted to go back to the multitude of other patients that needed assistance.

    ((TAG Hems/Hood))
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    USS Ares
    Deck 1 - Bridge

    The alert claxon became muted while the red lighting continued. A’Mand straightened in her chair and brushed off some debris attempting to look composed. She glanced around the Bridge to take inventory of the personnel: several remained at their post while others were assisting in way both medical and professional. Those with serious injuries were finding their way to Sick Bay, while support staff was trickling in to repair hardware or otherwise fill in for the injured. If there was one location on the ship that needed persistent attendance, it was the Bridge.

    R’Turan was gruff, as was expected for most Caitians. In his position, it was necessary to be a polar fixture on the Bridge for the sake of discipline and moral. Hood showed alternative thinking to the situation. With so many tools available to solve problems, finding an efficient solution (even if it was tactically non-traditional) is a good skill to employ in extremely stressful moments. Both officers worked well on Ares’ first engagement so soon into the mission. A’Mand made a mental note to save the experience for posterity.

    Knowing her station on the Bridge was primarily to support the command staff, A’Mand perceived they were handling the post-battle recovery within their limits, so far as she could tell. Looking upon her console, she activated real-time automated logs of various ship functions. Although everyone on board had their specializations, everyone was also trained to be remotely familiar with a variety of systems. She purposed herself to see where the ship was damaged.

    Where the ship was hurt, so was it’s crew.
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    OOC – Jeihee Han is only a Petty Officer, an enlisted crewman, not an Ensign (officer).
    U.S.S. ARES
    Deck 8 – Medical Complex

    Jei didn’t feel anything. No pain from her side, ankle, or other locations that she remembered were hurting. She opened her eyes and saw two blue colored uniform personnel attending to her. Her instinct was to try to sit up, which she tried but a firm but gentle hand kept her down.

    Relax, Petty Officer… you’re going to be alright. You’re in Sick Bay,” said the gentle voice.

    Her head still felt fuzzy, but a different kind of fuzzy as it wasn’t throbbing or hurting. Likely something that the medical team gave her to stem her concussion. Jei turned her head to the side and took in the scene about her. It was chaos. Controlled chaos, but chaos nevertheless. Officers and crewman were all about with all manner of injuries. Burns from blown out conduits, all sorts of fractures or severe traumas to the body. In the bed next to her, a poor crewman had been impaled by what looked like a ladder rung.

    ~”Hey… isn’t that Dawson…”~ pondered Jei as she watched in writhed in panic and pain, as the medical team tried to stabilize and help him.

    Jei lost interest quickly, as she had seen and been in too many similar situations as this during the Dominion War. What surprised her wasn’t the loss of interest, but her numbness and almost lack of feeling regarding it. Did she feel bad for Dawson? Perhaps… at some level. But truthfully, she didn’t feel anything. It was troubling. She should at least care, as any normal person would. Yet looking at herself, she didn’t even feel something for her own situation. It didn’t matter, yet it does.

    ~”Am I really that dead inside?"~

    With an audible sigh, which drew a concerned look from the blue-colored uniform working on her injuries, Jei let herself relax while the doctors and nurses tended to her injuries. There wasn’t anything she could do to help them, except by relaxing and letting them do what they needed to do.

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    === USS Ares, Deck 16 - Sickbay ===

    After stabilising the Captian, T'Mor made her way back into the main sickbay area. T'Mor noticed two nurses holding down a patient down to the table as they gained concsciousness, she decided to investigate.

    T'Mor heard one ofthenurses say:
    “Relax, Petty Officer… you’re going to be alright. You’re in Sick Bay,”
    "What is the patient status?" T'Mor asked while giving the patient a cursory visual exam of her own.

    "Seems to be a few cracked ribs and some sprains and bruising. Apparently she was found at the bottom of Jeffries tube, we think she must of fallen." the nurse replied.

    T'Mor said nothing while giving the petty officer a physical examination of her ribs. She definitely felt some damage there.

    "When the patient is able move them to the osteogenic stimulator to help with the ribs." T'Mor directed as the gave a nod to the nurses leaving the patient in their capable hands.

    T'Mor begins moving through the sickbay briefly checking and cursory examining each patient, creating a mental order of priority by severity of the injury. As she scans around the room she notices the damage duct that seems to be hanging near the door and then the crew member who is currently collapsed with only feet inside the sickbay. She runs over to the crewman and begins to run standard first aid checks.

    While she's checking the patients airways and pulse someone comes to stand next to her.

    "Ma'am, I have been sent by Lt. Cozaar to see if you require any assis..." Ensign Falora was cut off abruptly before finishing her sentence as T'Mor ordered, "Support his head!"

    T'Mor shifted the crewman out of the doorway and into the sickbay as Ensign Falora cradled his head that appeared to have some injuries as indicated by the dried blood streaks.The two moved the crewman up aganst the wall as to keep him out of the traffic of bodies moving through the sickbay.T'Mor looked around the sickbay for any free staff. Their was a nurse standing almost looking dazed with a hyposray in one hand and a medical tricorer in the other.

    "Nurse!" T'Mor shouted,the nurse snapped to the sound of the yell. "Nurse, come here, this patient needs scanning and given some pain stimulants. Check for any cranial trauma and scan for any internal bleeding. Call for me if you need any assistance." The nurse looked worriedly at her but nodded.

    "Ensign, this way" T'Mor ordered.

    "It's Ensign Falora ma'am" Falora added.

    T'Mor moved back to the corridor and assessed the situation for the next highest priority patient before jumping into actions, Falora in tow.

    ((TAG Hood/Hems/Jei))
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    USS Ares

    Teriir stepped away from his station and moved over to Ensign Aerign's station nearby. He was pleased with her providing him with the sensor information so the Tactical Synergy operations would work. Loosely based on Borg Tactics, these specific operations were created to improve starship combat performance by combining sensor data with both the starship's weapons and shields. Firing on an aggressor with phasers allowed the sensors to detect the shield frequencies being used by them, making it easy for ships to weaken or even bypass shields. The same was also used in the reverse so shields could be more resilient to oncoming fire. You had to be quick to gather, process, and then determine the best options to use or else the opponent would realize what was happening and begin countering by changing their own weapon and shield frequencies.

    She looked straight ahead at her monitors though, entering in commands sometimes to adjust the ship sensors. He leaned in on a monitor which showed the an image of the hull of the Ares. There were a blips indicating where the ship had taken damage but nothing was too serious. The ablative hull armor did its job and dissipated some of the energy from the particle weapons. The Orion Interceptors hadn't used their quantum torpedoes but he knew this as because the design of their launchers made them very inaccurate at longer ranges. Better for bombarding slow moving targets such as freighters than cruisers.

    Aerign finally realized he was there and shifted her focus to him, "Are we in the clear now?"

    "For the moment," Teriir replied, "yes."

    She nodded and pointed to one of the hit marks on the ship's saucer section, "This hit here overloaded the inertial dampeners in that section."

    "I see," he squinted as he reminded himself of what that meant. The inertial dampeners ensured that the ship didn't fly apart when moving at higher impulse speeds, warp travel, or get jolted around during combat, "The engineers will have shifted the dampeners load to compensate until the damaged ones are repaired."

    She gave a small grunt in acknowledgement. It wasn't surprising she was rather blunt and straightforwards since her people were known for their focus on more physically demanding labor force, such as mining or ship construction. What caught his attention was the nervous glimmer in her eye when she looked back at her station. She pulled up the long range sensors before speaking again, "That felt too quick."

    "I agree," Lieutenant Ian Locke had managed to sneak up on them without being noticed, "The Orion Syndicate normally makes an attempt to run whenever Federation ships appear on their sensors."

    "What are you doing up here? Teriir asked.

    "Headcount," Locke stated, "Doesn't look like we've lost anyone. Hopefully it stays that way. Can't say the same about the Orions though; what were they thinking?"

    Teriir knew he were right. Pirates only went after easy targets or attacked in groups to ensure the best chances of victory. They did occasionally attack more powerful ships but only if they were sure they could either outmaneuver or ambush their target. Federation starships had become extremely deadly over the past few decades due to modernization and the experience officers gained during the past several conflicts and wars. Engaging a Soverign Class starship, which pretty much outgunned both of the Orion Interceptors combined, was outright suicide. He looked at Aerign, "Pull up the records of the target locks from the Orion ships."

    She nodded and began following the order. Locke moved closer to him and turned towards the bridge, crossing his arms while doing so, "Inside job?"

    "Unlikely, seeing that we didn't suffer any systems malfunctions leading up to their attack. We also didn't detect any transmissions to Cardassian Space." Teriir mentally shifted through various options, "More likely they were trying to do a smash and grab. The Orion ships in the engagement were of an elite group, personal enforcers of the Syndicate's leadership. They're known to take rather brutal measures when in combat. I find it likely they were trying to disable crucial systems, beam our cargo away, and then run."

    "Here you are, sir," Aerign interrupted them and they had a chance to look at the information. She overlaid the sensor locks with a model of the Ares on one of the monitors.

    It only took a glance for Terrir to understand what they were doing, "They were trying to target the engines but, seeing that their targetting sensors are very inaccurate, they kept missing and ended up hitting other areas of the ship."

    "Smash and grab it is then," Locke huffed, "It still feels strange about the timing about it."

    "I'll let you look into it, but later. Right now I want you to head over to Deck 11 to help get the ventral phasers back up to their fully operational condition."

    "Alright," he turned around and started walking away to a turbolift.

    Teriir gestured to the station Aerign was seated at, "Good work with the Tactical Synergy. Carry on."

    "Thank you," she said as she resumed her scans. He headed back over to his station and began reviewing the tactical entries he'd made for the report he'd have to write on the encounter later.
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Fri 04 May, 2018 5:24 AM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 1 - Bridge

    By the time the combatants left the Ares, medical personnel made it to the bridge. Hood ran over to Eleutherio, watching again those tiny mechanical arms, from his Eleutherio’s Borg implants, making repairs to various areas of his body around each corresponding implant. As the med team made their way over to them, Eleutherio abruptly sat up.

    “What did I miss?” Eleutherio asked.

    “We were attacked by two Orion ships, but it’s over. What happened to you?” asked Hood.

    “He seems to have suffered a concussion, sir” said the crewman medic. The medic consulted his tricorder, “it appears your condition has been repaired by your implants. Though you probably won’t experience any symptoms, I still would like you to rest in your quarters for twenty hours. Looks as if you’ve had some intracranial hemorrhage, but your implants repaired it. Don’t be surprised if we call you down to sickbay anyway to check out those implants. Report to sickbay if vomiting, a worsening headache, dizziness, double vision, or slurred speech occurs. You are now officially relieved of duty for twenty four hours, sir. Please report to your quarters. Commander Hood, please check in on Eleutherio from time to time in his quarters and make sure he’s recovering and not experienced any symptoms he might miss.”

    With that, the medic patted Eleutherio on the shoulder and moved on to his next patient.

    “That’s amazing how your implants healed you so quickly,” Hood exclaimed, “we got to check those out at the lab. I’d love to have a look at them.”

    “I rather not, sir,” Eleutherio said with a chuckle, “my implants have been researched and documented shortly after my liberation from the Borg. I rather not go through any of that, again. Before you ask, I have no memory of being abducted, rescued, or life as a drone. I remember the attack and then waking up years later in a medical facility with these implants.”

    “You need help getting to your quarters?” Hood asked.

    “I should be fine, sir, thank you,” Eleutherio responded.
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    === USS Ares, Deck 16 - Corridor outside Sickbay ===

    T'Mor had moved between a few of the crewman who were amassing outside sickbay, administering hypospray injections for pain relief and reassuring others that they were just fine.

    She noticed an ensign with a particular large gash on his brow with blood caking his eyebrows. She bypassed the other waiting patients, quickly analysing them as she passed and deciding that this bloodied ensign was still top priority. She began by assessing his pupils and asking him a few questions.

    "What is your name ensign?..Where are you stationed?...Under who do you serve?...What day is today?" T'Mor asked successive questions allowing the briefest of moments for the ensign to answer. So far he seemed ok, but with head injuries you can never be too sure, she needed a medkit. This is when she realised that ensign that helped lift the patient was stood right behind here.

    T'Mor turned to the ensign, "Ensign, could you fetch a tray of hypospray refills and a medkit. You should be able to find them both in the doctors office back inside sickbay" T'Mor asked not even waiitng for a response but instantly turning back to her patient.

    ((TAG Falora))
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    USS Ares

    R'Turan was sitting in his chair, eyes closed, ears folded backwards, onto his head. A low growl emanated from his throat, loud enough for the entire bridge crew to hear. The first battle in the U.S.S. Ares and the captain had been wounded. Oh he was disappointed in the crew, and they were going to know he was. After a number of seconds, the Caitian stood up and straightened his uniform, before walking forwards until he stood in front of the viewscreen. Following, he would turn around, click his combadge and announce, hearable all over the ship:

    "This is Commander R'Turan speaking. I am disappointed. That was the first battle we've had on the Ares and already the captain has been injured. We need to work on this, otherwise we will not last a single day, least of all our entire mission. R'Turan out." Following the announcement, R'Turan would end the ship-wide comm and turn to Commander Teriir, his voice cold, stern, and disappointed: "Commander Teriir, might I inquire as to where the hit came from that took out the captain?"

    ((TAG Entire crew, Commander Teriir.))

    OOC: No need to all reply to this, just acknowledge that you've heard it. Smile
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    USS Ares

    R'Turan was sitting in his chair, eyes closed, ears folded backwards, onto his head. A low growl emanated from his throat, loud enough for the entire bridge crew to hear. The first battle in the U.S.S. Ares and the captain had been wounded. Oh he was disappointed in the crew, and they were going to know he was. After a number of seconds, the Caitian stood up and straightened his uniform, before walking forwards until he stood in front of the viewscreen. Following, he would turn around, click his combadge and announce, hearable all over the ship:

    "This is Commander R'Turan speaking. I am disappointed. That was the first battle we've had on the Ares and already the captain has been injured. We need to work on this, otherwise we will not last a single day, least of all our entire mission. R'Turan out." Following the announcement, R'Turan would end the ship-wide comm and turn to Commander Teriir, his voice cold, stern, and disappointed: "Commander Teriir, might I inquire as to where the hit came from that took out the captain?"
    "I'm no engineer and can't say for sure," Teriir replied to the question, noting several junior officers were gaping at the Caitian. He knew exactly what was going through their minds at the harsh words which were uncalled for. They performed admirably and dumb luck caused the Captain to be injured. What worse things could a first officer say to the crew in a ship-wide broadcast? He continued, "What I do know is that the damage on Deck 10 was caused by a feedback in the EPS conduits from the jolting our ship took from the weapons fire. You'll have to discuss with the engineering teams on those details."

    He stepped away from his console and slowly approached R'Turan, stopping only when he was just out of arms reach. He glared at him for a split second before speaking again, not bothering to hide his anger, "I would talk to you in the ready room. Now."

    ((TAG: R'Turan))
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Fri 04 May, 2018 6:41 AM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 1 - Bridge

    "This is Commander R'Turan speaking. I am disappointed. That was the first battle we've had on the Ares and already the captain has been injured. We need to work on this, otherwise we will not last a single day, least of all our entire mission. R'Turan out." Following the announcement, R'Turan would end the ship-wide comm and turn to Commander Teriir, his voice cold, stern, and disappointed: "Commander Teriir, might I inquire as to where the hit came from that took out the captain?"
    Hood could almost feel the shock of the whole ship, let alone see the visible surprise on the bridge crew's faces. Even the best poker faces cracked after such an announcement.

    Surely the Commander isn't indirectly blaming the crew...right? The captain is the victim of an attack by an enemy, not the fault of anyone in the crew. Even with everyone at their peak performance, people will suffer and die in any engagement, especially a battle. Is Commander R'Turan suffering from shock? This is the worst time to attack the crew's morale. How could a Starfleet officer react this way?

    Hood was careful to watch Eleutherio walk without mishap to the turbolift while contacting his wife.

    “Donna and I are fine, Al,” Sami-Jo said anxiously, “I'm trying to get to Gracie; the comm's down and I haven't been contacted by the school. I'm with a few parents, trying to...”

    Holy Father…

    “Hood to Preschool Class B,” Hood called, cutting off the communication with his wife, “Preschool Class B, respond. Hood to Preschool Class B...Preschool Class B, respond.”

    Our Elohim, our rock in whom we take refuge, my Magen, the strength of our salvation, our stronghold, our refuge, and our Savior who saves us from violence…

    Hood called out to Commander Dyrell Teriir, accidentally letting the apprehension slip into his voice. “Commander Teriir, do you have a status report on the classrooms, sir?” Hood gripped his chair, restraining himself from bolting toward the turbolift.

    TAG Commander Teriir

    USS Ares
    Deck 16 - Sickbay Corridor

    T'Mor had moved between a few of the crewman who were amassing outside sickbay, administering hypospray injections for pain relief and reassuring others that they were just fine.

    She noticed an ensign with a particular large gash on his brow with blood caking his eyebrows. She bypassed the other waiting patients, quickly analysing them as she passed and deciding that this bloodied ensign was still top priority. She began by assessing his pupils and asking him a few questions.

    "What is your name ensign?..Where are you stationed?...Under who do you serve?...What day is today?" T'Mor asked successive questions allowing the briefest of moments for the ensign to answer. So far he seemed ok, but with head injuries you can never be too sure, she needed a medkit. This is when she realised that ensign that helped lift the patient was stood right behind here.

    T'Mor turned to the ensign, "Ensign, could you fetch a tray of hypospray refills and a medkit. You should be able to find them both in the doctors office back inside sickbay" T'Mor asked not even waiting for a response but instantly turning back to her patient.
    Ensign Falora double-backed to sickbay, emotionlessly stepping over and around injured crewmembers, again, as they lay reaching out to her, only for her to ignore them. She logically and indifferently followed T’Mor’s request. Falora acknowledged to herself the needs of everyone she evaded and committed them to memory with the impassivity that only a Vulcan mind would subject itself to.

    Falora returned with hypospray refills in hand and the medkit slung over her right shoulder.

    “Ensign.” Falora stated as she offered a hypospray refill to T’Mor.

    TAG Ensign T’Mor
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Sat 05 May, 2018 12:16 AM.
    USS Ares

    "I'm no engineer and can't say for sure," Teriir replied to the question, noting several junior officers were gaping at the Caitian. He knew exactly what was going through their minds at the harsh words which were uncalled for. They performed admirably and dumb luck caused the Captain to be injured. What worse things could a first officer say to the crew in a ship-wide broadcast? He continued, "What I do know is that the damage on Deck 10 was caused by a feedback in the EPS conduits from the jolting our ship took from the weapons fire. You'll have to discuss with the engineering teams on those details."

    He stepped away from his console and slowly approached R'Turan, stopping only when he was just out of arms reach. He glared at him for a split second before speaking again, not bothering to hide his anger, "I would talk to you in the ready room. Now."

    ((TAG: R'Turan))
    Hearing Teriir's words, R'Turan would swivel around and enter the ready room, taking a seat behind its desk. The Caitian's fur was bristling (he was certainly annoyed), and his yellow eyes focused completely upon the tactical officer. "Speak freely, commander Teriir." The Caitian purred, as he stared down the Trill. He was certain the tactical officer wanted to speak to him about the announcement, and he had to admit, it was harsh, but neccesary. Otherwise they were not going to last in the depths of the Alpha Quadrant.

    ((TAG: Commander Teriir))
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     –  Last edited by Asteropax; Fri 04 May, 2018 2:48 PM.
    USS Ares

    Just as R'Turan turned and started heading over to the ready room, Hood called out to Teriir.
    Hood called out to Commander Dyrell Teriir, accidentally letting the apprehension slip into his voice. “Commander Teriir, do you have a status report on the classrooms, sir?” Hood gripped his chair, restraining himself from bolting toward the turbolift.
    The kids?

    "I have not received anything," Teriir answered calmly. He quickly turned to take action to prevent anyone from panicking at the news. He addressed the Lieutenant at the Operations Station, "Lieutenant Gytaik; Contact security to assist in reestablishing contact with that section of the ship. Inform the medical teams of this as well just in case."

    He looked around, letting his gaze reassure the other officers on the bridge for a few moments. As he turned to go to the ready room, he looked back to Hood, "They'll be alright. Kids are tougher than we give them credit for."

    Once in the ready room, he stood across from R'Turan and waited for him to speak first.

    Hearing Teriir's words, R'Turan would swivel around and enter the ready room, taking a seat behind its desk. The Caitian's fur was bristling (he was certainly annoyed), and his yellow eyes focused completely upon the tactical officer. "Speak freely, commander Teriir." The Caitian purred, as he stared down the Trill. He was certain the tactical officer wanted to speak to him about the announcement, and he had to admit, it was harsh, but neccesary. Otherwise they were not going to last in the Gamma Quadrant.
    "I understand how important it is to ask for the crew to improve on their performances but what you did just now was all but demoralizing," He began crossing his arms as he did so, "They performed admirably; Carrying out the Picard Maneuver at a moment's notice, the Tactical Synergy operation was done in a time which rivals my own, and there have been zero fatalities reported. Yes, the ship took some damage. Yes, people have been injured. The captain is in sickbay but he would want us to be carrying our heads high. It is rare for ships on their first mission, the first day of their mission, to even have a hostile encounter. Everyone did their duty and have been doing more than just that."

    "What you did was take everything they've been doing and only taken into account the bad things we've had today. I'm no councilor but I've had my fair share of seeing people getting hurt, even killed, so I know what's going through a lot of minds right now," Teriir leaned up against the table and tapped his hand against the desk on his last two words, "Having comrades and friends getting hurt is one thing; having your Captain, your leader, getting wounded is another. It's a blow to morale in any situation and now the first officer all but announced that the crew is to blame for it. You're supposed to stand for the crew in any situation and you have ignored their needs. You've put your own emotions before those of the people who you're now in charge of. Your statements were uncalled for and unnecessary."

    "Until Captain Wilson is better, you're the Acting Captain. Your first official action was to create distrust amongst the crew," he paused for a moment to let that sink in before continuing, "You can have your problems with the crew and share those concerns with other members of the senior staff. Not on the bridge and never over a shipwide broadcast!"

    He narrowed his eyes and stared emotionlessly at Commander R'Turan, waiting for his response.

    ((Tag: Hood, Gytaik, R'Turan))