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Story - Star Trek: Disavowed

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WelshAvenger, Thu 12 Apr, 2018 4:13 PM
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    Part Fifteen - Flatline

    Christopher stood on the bridge listening to engineering's report about the shutdown when his commbadge beeped. He tapped it casually, "Cushing, go."

    =/This is the EMH, medical emergency being transported to sick bay\=

    "Gotta go," he said to Kendra, "I'll let you know more when I do."

    Kendra looked up from her displays, "See you soon."

    Christopher charged into sick bay to find the EMH turned off and Njal hovering over someone on a biobed. "What have we got Njal?"

    "Multiple contusions and fractures, internal bleeding." stated Njal as though reading from a PADD.

    Christopher grabbed a tricorder and moved to the patient, "No! It's Tawnia!" the tricorder beeped in alarm, "Prep her for surgery."

    Njal moved Tawnia into the surgery bay while Christopher went into the office. "Cushing to bridge."

    "Summers here, what's up Christopher?"

    "Kendra, it's Tawnia, someone's mauled her pretty badly, I'm just going into surgery now. She's very weak from the beating." Christopher reported.

    Kendra got straight to the point, "What are her chances?"

    "I'll not lie to you, Kendra, it doesn't look good, but she's a fighter."

    "Let me know either way please Christopher."

    "Will do, Cushing out."

    Christopher worked tirelessly for the next two hours over the young security guard. "Pass me the veinal reinforcer Njal." Christopher asked.

    Njal started to hand the instrument over and fumbled it, allowing it to drop into Tawnia's chest cavity.

    "Damn you! You could have killed her!" Christopher yelled.

    "I'm sorry, sir!" Njal said.

    "Get the hell out of my sick bay, I'm gonna have you reassigned to a Ferengi freighter if you so much as step through that door before I say you can." yelled Christopher.

    Njal backed through the sick bay doors. When they closed Christopher shouted, "Computer, activate EMH program."

    Natalya appeared and instantly set about assisting Christopher.

    "Who would do such a thing?" asked Natalya.

    "I don't know, but someone went to a lot of trouble to make sure she was out of the way."

    "Bad people." Natalya shook her head.

    "Oh no!" Christopher breathed as all the monitors showed flatline.

    Natalya cast him a strange glance.

    An hour later and Christopher had to make the call. He tapped his commbadge, "Cushing to Summers"

    =/ Summers here, how is she? \=

    "Captain, it is with deep regret that I have to inform you of the death of Ensign Tawnia Gordon."

    =/ I'm on my way, don't move. \=

    Kendra burst through the doors like a force of nature, "What the hell happened?" she demanded.

    "Kendra, she's..."

    "I know dead, now who the hell did it?" Kendra fumed.

    "Well, if you'll let me expl..." Christopher began.

    "This better be a good one doct.."

    "THAT'S ENOUGH DAMMIT!" Christopher roared.

    Kendra stood stock still for a moment, eyes narrowed, "What did you say?"

    "Sorry, but I had to get your attention. She's over on biobed three, she's alive, stable and unconscious. She won't wake up."

    "You said she died." Kendra said accusingly.

    "Someone wanted her out of the way, if they think she's dead, they might make a mistake. I also found some of the same foreign object in some of her wounds. Nobody else knows."

    "What about your assistant?"

    Christopher related the story to Kendra about Njal's fumble and expulsion from Sick bay. "I can keep her isolated in stasis for as long as we need."

    "Okay, do that. We'll go on as though she's dead. It should be easy to keep up, everyone on the bridge heard your call. And a murder investigation carries more official weight. Maybe we can use that to find out what the hell is going on." explained Kendra.
    WelshAvenger Medals
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    Part Sixteen - Worst vacation ever.

    Gavin Larkin had never considered himself an especially attractive man. He considered himself a gorgeous man. He was a man used to getting what he wanted, anytime, anywhere. So, when the time came for the bounty hunter to take a vacation, Risa seemed like a logical choice. With his looks and natural charm, he was sure to have women falling all over him. And with the amount of time he'd been away from women, away from any sort of pleasure at all, it was definitely what he needed. Yes, Risa was the perfect locale for his much needed vacation.

    Or so he thought.

    It seemed his good looks and charm had been failing him. And miserably at that. He had been alone ever since he got here. It wasn't for lack of trying, mind you. He had been doing all sorts of things to try and get some attention. Hitting on women, hitting on the natives, basically just putting himself out there any way he possibly could. Hell, he even resorted to buying one of those stupid dolls that Risa was famous for. And even that hadn't gotten him anywhere. Or anyone for that matter.

    Well, no. There had been that one woman. That one who he met at one of the many clubs on Risa. That one who seemed to be exactly what he was looking for. That one who went with him back to his hotel room. That one who had been gone when he woke up the next morning, completely dressed and on the floor. That one who left him with one hellacious headache from the drug she slipped in his drink. That one who had stolen all the slips of latinum that he had had on his person. Bitch.

    Now he found himself at a bar next to the shuttle landing area, cutting this nightmarish vacation short and leaving to continue on with his life. "Next time I'll just stop off at some starbase," he muttered to himself.

    "Awww, that wouldn't be any fun, now would it?" a voice said from behind him.

    Gavin spun around, hand going to the gun he had on his waist. The red haired woman's eyes widened slightly as she saw him reach for his weapon. A small, evil grin played along her lips. "My, what a big gun you have."

    And that drew a grin from him. "Wouldn't you like to know," he countered.

    She slid into the chair beside him. "That's better. I knew I could get a smile from you. You have a pretty smile, you know?"

    "I've been told that," he said. "But I bet my smile is not as pretty as yours Miss....?"

    "You can call me Ivy," she said. "What can I call you?"

    "You can call me yours," he replied, leaning in a little closer to her.

    She smirked. "Oh, I don't know about that. I'm not really gonna be around here long enough to be able to take that title, I'm afraid."

    Gavin inwardly groaned. "Oh really? And what would be taking you away from me so soon?" he asked, masking the disappointment in his voice. Yup, this trip was a total bust.

    "Well, I just stopped in here for drink. I'm waiting on my friend to get back here to pick me up. We're leaving today." The bartender came over and she ordered a glass of wine. He turned away momentarily and then returned with the glass in his hand. Gavin laid some money down on the bar before Ivy could even attempt to get any money of her own.

    He smiled. "That's a shame. It would figure I would meet a beautiful woman like you only to have you be ripped away from me forever."

    "You're so sweet Mister....?" she cooed.

    Gavin leaned in a little closer to her. "Gavin," he replied softly. He started to lean in a little closer, as if her going in for a kiss.

    She leaned back from him. "My friend will be here anytime now, Gavin."

    He sighed. "Ah. You're 'friend'. You two close?" Just his luck. This woman was here with her lover. Of course. Risa and lovers kinda went hand in hand did they not?

    She smiled. "Yes, we're very close."

    "Ivy!" a voice called out.

    Ivy looked up and waved the owner of the voice over to where she and Gavin were sitting. An Asian looking woman with long, dark hair walked over to them. She eyed the two of them for a moment. "Well, well. I leave you alone for a minute and you're already making new friends."

    Gavin looked the newcomer. "This is your friend?"

    Ivy smiled as she took the woman's hand. "Aspen, this is my new friend Gavin. Gavin, this is Aspen."

    "Nice to meet you Gavin. Any friend of Ivy's is a friend of mine. Perhaps we could all get to, uh, know each other better," she said with a little wink.

    That definitely caught Gavin's attention. And made him even more depressed. "And believe me, I wish we could too. But Ivy here tells me that you're leaving."

    Aspen's face fell a little. "Actually, it's not going to be as soon as we hoped." She turned to Ivy. "Bad news. Our old shuttle finally broke down. And the mechanic says there's not a damn thing he can do for it except shoot it to put it out of its misery."

    "Are you serious? Damn. We don't have enough money to get another shuttle Aspen! What are we gonna do?" Ivy lamented.

    At that moment, an idea sprang into Gavin's head. "I have a shuttle."

    Ivy and Aspen both suddenly ceased their conversation and turned to look at him. "What?" Ivy said.

    "I have a shuttle. A big one, too. Plenty of room for all three of us. Where is it that you want to go?" he asked.

    Aspen bit her lower lip. "That would be wonderful. Except.... there's one thing. It wouldn't be three of us."

    "You have more friends?" They both nodded. "Well, how many more?" he asked.

    "Four," Ivy said promptly.

    Gavin did a little quick math in his head. "So seven of us in all?" he said worriedly. He had a fairly large shuttle, but he wasn't sure if he had enough room for seven people.

    Aspen stepped up close to him and put an arm around his shoulders. "Please?" she pouted. "We'd all be very grateful...."

    "Oh, yes," Ivy said as she reached out and touched his leg. "Very, very grateful."

    Gavin shifted a little in his chair as it suddenly became quite warm in the small bar. "Are all your friends as attractive as you ladies are?"

    Ivy nodded vigorously. "Much more attractive."

    He felt his mouth go dry as he suddenly felt his luck turn. "Where are they?"

    "Outside with in the shuttle parking area. I just came in to get Ivy so we could figure out what we were going to do," Aspen answered.

    Gavin stood up. "Well then, let's go to the shuttle and you get your friends and we'll be on our way." He gave them each an arm and they all walked out into the sunlight to his shuttle. "Here we are."

    "Great," Aspen said excitedly. "Lemme go get my friends. I'll be right back." She left Ivy alone with Gavin.

    Gavin turned to look at Ivy, a wolfish smile adorning his face. "Looks like we're alone again." He took a step closer to her and she backed up one step. "What's wrong?"

    "Nothing," she giggled. "I just think we shouldn't do anything until we all can show you how much we appreciate what you're doing for us."

    He took another step towards her, which backed her up against the shuttle. "Oh, I don't think they would mind you showing me a little bit of that gratitude right now..." He moved in close to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing against her.

    "Gavin..." she said before he hushed her by pressing his finger against her lips. He started to lean in to kiss her.

    And then he felt a large weight clamp down on his shoulder. He spun around to come face to face with four men, the largest of them right in front of him. "Gavin, these are our friends: Hollins, Destaphono, Dorn, and the big guy there is Wilhite. Aren't they cute?" Aspen deadpanned.

    Gavin went for his gun only to find it missing from it's place on his hip. He quickly relocated it, however, as he felt it pressed into the small of his back. "I told you to stop," Ivy said.

    "And when a lady says stop, she means stop," Wilhite said. Gavin only had the time to think of one thing before Wilhite knocked him unconscious: "Yup, this vacation was the worst."
    WelshAvenger Medals
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    Amazing Story! Love it, Keep up the awesome writing skills! Big Grin
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    Part Seventeen - Investigation

    Kendra entered the conference lounge with Doctor Cushing in tow. She had received a call from Hawkins just moments after her discussion with the good doctor about Tawnia's condition. She wanted to personally tell the Major that this was now a murder investigation. Of course, she knew it wasn't going to be that simple and she was ready for a fight. Actually, she was prepared for a war and was looking quite forward to it.

    Cushing sat down, "So how do we do this, tell him it's our business now or just rip his jugular straight out?" he asked.

    Kendra smiled at the doctor's sarcasm, "Well, that depends on how messy you want to get your uniform." she shot back.

    "I suggest the subtle approach because I just had this uniform cleaned." Christopher said as he got up and walked to the replicator, "Whisky, single malt," he looked over to Kendra, "want one?" Kendra nodded as she sat in her seat.

    "Make that two of them. None of that synthehol stuff either." Stated Christopher.

    <Authorization required for alcohol to be served aboard federation starships> chimed the computer.

    "Authorization Psi 33 Phi, Christopher Cushing, CMO."

    Two large tumblers of dark whisky appeared and Christopher carried them over to the conference table. Handing one to Kendra, he held the other up in salute, "To Tawnia Gordon, as fine an officer as I've ever met."

    The doors of the briefing room slid open and walking in unison came Hawkins and Bednash. Hawkins, who had a sour expression on his face, walked behind Summers and Cushing. He placed his hand on the back of their chairs and leaned forward. "So who's going to die trying?"

    Cushing looked straight into the marine's eyes, "I beg your pardon?"

    "Well you did say that ripping out my jugular is an option, right? So it's a basic question, who wants to die trying?" he asked.

    "Hawkins, what in hell are you talking about?" Kendra snapped.

    Curtis smiled. "Why Commander, I can't believe you could've forgotten that quickly. You know damn well how we run things in my units." He pointed up and the ventilation duct and everyone took notice of the camera that was staring down upon them. "Now I don't have a God complex, but I hear all. So for future reference, you both should watch your tongues."

    "I see your spy cameras don't pick up sarcasm then." Cushing stated.

    Curtis picked up Summers' glass and took a whiff, followed by a small sip. "Damn, haven't tasted whiskey that good in years. You know I could put you both on report for that." He set the glass down, "But I won't because I like my beer while I'm off duty. Anyway, I'd like to give you my sympathies for the loss of your security officer, but she should've known that the barracks are forbidden to you fleet types, so she caused her own demise."

    Kendra watched as Cushing slowly turned white with fury.

    Cushing took a deep breath, "Perhaps you'd care to listen to what we have to say instead of making a complete ass of yourself by uttering uninformed rumor and conjecture. Now I don't particularly like this surreptitious crap that you seem to take pleasure out of, but I was willing to play along. That ends, now. There has been a murder on board this ship and both the CSO and I have dispensation from the UFP, Starfleet Command and Section 31 to conduct a full investigation into how she died. Now, if that upsets the SEALS, Marines or other Starfleet personnel, I don't frankly give a damn." He looked up and saw the shade of purple that Hawkins had turned. "Look, I'll be the first one to hold my hand up and say that the SEALs and Marines are better investigators, but you don't have a forensic specialist which was part of my training. The commander can explain why we need everyone to work together on this."

    Kendra looked to Hawkins. "He's right. Starfleet officer killed on the Marine deck. Both sides are gonna wanna know what happened, so we're left basically only one option. We've got to work together on this one."

    He nodded. "I can fully understand where you're coming from. Believe me, a few things have gotten to us over the last few days."

    "Major, you're breaching protocol." Sabien said.

    "They have a right to know, Chris." Hawkins said.

    "No they don't." Sabien said. "It's a classified subject and they don't have authorization."

    Hawkins looked at Sabien. "Stand down, Chris. I'll take full responsibility."

    Kendra raised an eyebrow. "Oh, now I'm really curious. What don't I have authorization to know about?"

    Cushing sat back into his chair and downed the rest of the whisky. This was beginning to get more and more complex.

    "Let's start at the beginning." Hawkins said. "A few of our SEALs have been acting odd as of late and we feel that this sudden change on a numerous amount of our crew is caused by some unknown force. Something is happening and I want to know about it. I also bet you a hundred bars of latinum that whatever is behind our messed up troopers, is also behind the death of your sec officer. So I'm willing to work with you both on this." Hawkins looked at Cushing. "You're right, we don't really have good forensics around here, so you can examine, but you have to have two guards watching over you." he looked at Summers. "We are at your disposal."

    Kendra had practically pick her jaw up off the floor. She was ready for a fight and, well, this was a complete 180. "Are you serious? I mean, no offense Hawkins, but you've never been this quick to agree to anything."

    "I'm always serious about business, Summers. You know that." Hawkins replied. "And you know I'm particularly serious about things concerning my men. I really don't have a reason to lie right now."

    "Well, since that went much smoother than I thought, let's get down to business," Kendra continued. "You said that you have a few men that are acting odd. Who are they and how are they acting?"

    "Miguel Destaphono and Roger Dorn of Team 1, and Aspen Sato and Dan Wilhite of Team 2." Hawkins said. "They aren't acting in typical SEAL fashion. They're sloppy and taking risks."

    "Major risks." Dan Taylor said as he walked into the briefing room. "They almost cost the lives of 5 marines in their training exercise earlier."

    Hawkins looked at Dan and raised his eyebrows. "How so?"

    "Somebody disengaged the safety protocols to the holodeck."

    Curtis shook his head. "Son of a bitch. This is getting out of hand."

    "What about you, Doc? Noticed anything odd on your end? That assistant of yours might be a candidate..." Kendra continued.

    "A definite suspect in my opinion. No medical assistant to my knowledge has ever dropped an instrument into a patient's chest cavity." Cushing looked at Kendra, "Shall I tell them?"

    "By all means." She replied.

    "During the investigation into the weapon's cleaning accident, I found some traces of an alien organism. We haven't been able to identify them yet but we can find similar traces with a medical tricorder." Cushing explained.

    "Define traces of an alien organism. Are we talking about fingerprints, skin traces, plasma, or what?" Curt asked.

    "We found traces of alien DNA. At first, we weren't sure if it was some kind of bizarre contamination or what, since it couldn't be cross-referenced with anything in the database. But, given the information you've just presented to us, I'd say it was no contamination. Something strange is going on, boys, and we need to find out what it is. And until then, I suggest we talk about it with no one other than who's in this room. At this point, we just don't know who's involved." Kendra said, leaning back in her chair.

    Cushing agreed. "I'll keep an eye on my assistant."

    "And we'll watch our people," Hawkins confirmed.

    "Good. I'd say this meeting is adjourned," Kendra said. Then she added, "And watch your asses."
    WelshAvenger Medals
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    I am loving this story dude! I would love to read more. Thumbs up
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    Part Eighteen - Endgame

    Aspen sat in the pilots chair of the shuttle and looked over at Ivy. "Have you got anything yet?"

    Ivy nodded. "Yeah, I think so. Of course, I had something and then lost it again 3 different times. This damn ship is hard to track."

    That drew a grin form Aspen. "It's a Section 31 vessel. You think they're going to make it an easy target? I don't think so."

    "Wish Frosty was here." Dorn said

    Miguel chuckled. "I hear ya, bro. That son of a bitch would've found a way to make contact hours ago."

    "Ivy is doing the best she can with what she has." Dan replied.

    "Whoa loverboy, nobody was saying that she wasn't doing a fine job. It's just that Frost is qualified out the ass. He could rig a paper clip to a battery and hear everything in the beta quadrant," Dorn said. "So just cool your jets."

    Dan smiled. "Oh I am cool. You should see me when I'm hot."

    "Okay, Danny Boy," Aspen groaned. "That was an image I didn't need...."

    Ivy tossed a sideways glance at Aspen. "I dunno. I kinda liked the image," she said quietly.

    Tod groaned and slammed his boot into the bulkhead. Most of his memories and normal motor skills had returned, but the intense frustration still remained.

    Dorn reached over and rubbed Tod's head. "Cool down man, we'll be home soon."

    Schoenick managed to give Roger a small grin. He hadn't grinned in years. "Just anxious, that's all."

    Aspen let out a deep breath. "I hear that. I'm a little anxious to get back too." she said, thinking of Sabien.

    Tod mumbled something and slammed his foot into the bulkhead again.

    "Hey, Dan. Come here a minute," Aspen called.

    Dan arose from his seat and made his way over to Aspen. "What's up?"

    She looked at him, and spoke in a low voice. "How's he doing? Tod holding up okay?"

    Wilhite looked back at Tod before he answered. His friend remained a fixed stare at the bulkhead he was kicking. "He'll need a shrink for a while, but he's pulling through faster than I thought he would."

    Todd kicked the bulkhead hard enough that Aspen was sure he broke it. "You call that pulling through?"

    "He's a SEAL. He was trained to suppress his feelings and whatnot. You should know that."

    She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I know. But Tod's been to hell and back once already. And the past two years was like a return trip. I'm just afraid he might not be able to recover from this."

    Wilhite patted Aspen's shoulder. "He's a resilient guy. Who will be back in full force in no time. You can count on that."

    "I hope so," she said.

    Something onboard the ship began to beep. "About damn time," Ivy blurted out. She turned towards Aspen and beamed. "I've got a lock. They are about an hour away."

    "Good job ba-" Dan stopped in mid-sentence and corrected himself. "Ivy."

    Ivy's eyes turned up to him, her smile widening. "Thanks. You brought me luck."

    "Okay, now before I gag..." Aspen interrupted. "Can anyone see if we can somehow hail them?"

    Miguel and Roger turned to look at each other and mouthed the words. 'Hail them?'

    Hollins caught the incident and questioned. "What's wrong with hailing them?"

    Dorn looked over at Steve and began his speech. "Well being a fleeter with borderline retard intelligence, you wouldn't know that that vessel is a covert op ship. "

    "Oh, hell," Aspen groaned. "That's right. We can't just open up a channel with them. Dammit. I forgot about that."

    Steve still looked confused. "Why can't we just open up a channel with 'em?"

    Aspen let out an annoyed sigh. "Because since it's a covert vessel, it doesn't respond to hails from unidentified vessels. And since they probably don't even know that we're missing, we would be classified as 'unidentified'."

    Ivy turned around now. "So what are you saying?"

    "Ergo, it hails us before we hail them. But seeing as we've tracked them down, they're going to ignore a little shuttle like this because they don't think we see them." Miguel replied.

    "Well, what are we supposed to do? Sit out here and hope they realize that we aren't going away? That could take hours!" Steve exclaimed.

    Dan nodded his head and looked at Ivy. "The boys are right. We don't hail them, we fire upon them. It's the only way to get a hail."

    Ivy stared at him. "You want to fire on an Intrepid class starship? You do realize that it's going to be like a mosquito buzzing around?"

    "And what are we gonna do if they decide to squash the mosquito?" Steve asked.

    Aspen tossed a look at Steve. "We hope to hell that they have a small fly swatter."

    Dan chuckled uneasily. "Yeah, if you count a quantum torpedo as a small fly swatter."

    ****One Hour Later****

    The small shuttle came up alongside the Apocalypse, just close enough to be within firing range but far enough away that they could run if they had to. Aspen looked over to Ivy and took a deep breath. "You ready?" The red haired woman nodded. "Okay, let's do this. Everyone, hold on to something. This could get rough."

    Wilhite's finger hovered over the weapons activation button and took one last look at the rest of the crew. "I hope that Gavin guy is insured." With that, Dan fired their phasers at the Apocalypse.

    **Back on the Apocalypse**

    The bridge of the S31 vessel gently rocked. Keith Bednash, SNCO of SEAL Team 1, had to laugh out loud at the small shuttles attempt to damage the towering Intrepid vessel. "Brave, aren't they?"

    Keith heard the familiar sound of the turbolift door opening up. "Officers on deck!"

    Every Marine and Fleeter stood at attention as Kendra, Hawkins, Taylor, and the last four trusted members of SEAL Teams 1+2 walked out from the lift.

    Kendra suppressed a smirk. She wasn't used to being on the receiving end of the formal behavior. "At ease," she said. Everyone went back to what they were doing.

    Hawkins took his seat from Bednash. "Report."

    "The shuttle that has been lurking around us for the past hour finally made a lock on us."

    Hawkins looked at Kendra, then back to Keith. "Must have a pro on board. I take it that they got antsy and fired upon us."

    "Affirmative, sir." Bednash replied.

    "Why would a shuttle like that fire on an Intrepid class Federation starship? We could blow them into the next dimension...." Kendra pondered out loud.

    "Maybe they thought they'd might get lucky and send you flying out of your chair." Taylor mumbled.

    Kendra tossed Taylor a look. "Thank you for you input even though I didn't ask for it," she said drily.

    "What do ya say, fleeter?" Hawkins asked. "Kill first ask questions later?"

    Kendra shook her head. "We should hail them first. See if they know what they just did or if they're on drugs. No one is that stupid without some sort of explanation."

    Hawkins looked at the Corporal sitting at the communications chair. "You heard the Commander. Make it so."

    The view screen came to life and Hawkins went to make his introduction speech. To his amazement, the face of most of he and Sabien's SEAL Teams shone brightly back at him.

    =/\= Nice to see- =/\= Destaphono started.

    "Kill communications!" Hawkins yelled.

    Kendra immediately turned to Curt. "Wasn't that one of your men you said was acting strange?"

    "Get a tractor beam on them and bring them in to shuttle bay 2." Hawkins said to Summers. "I don't want anyone else besides the bridge crew to know what we've just seen, especially their twins on the ship."

    "Agreed," she responded. She turned to the crewman at ops and nodded, signaling him to pull the shuttle into the bay.

    Hawkins stood up and motioned Sabien and the rest of the men to the turbolift. He looked back at Summers. "You coming or what?"

    "Damn straight I'm coming," Kendra answered, walking swiftly towards to turbolift. Suddenly someone grabbed Kendra's arm and she felt a phaser being jabbed into the small of her back. "Oh, that better someone who's just happy to see me...."

    'Ivy' pressed the phaser harder into Kendra's back. "Sorry, Commander. I am anything but happy right now. And if you try anything, I guarantee that none of you will walk off this bridge alive."

    Hawkins and his men walked back out of the turbolift, with their hands on their weapons. "You could kill her, but you'll drop dead right after she hits the floor."

    Other people suddenly pulled phasers out and pointed them at bewildered crewmen. Half the bridge crew was working for the enemy. And with the Marines and SEALs pointing weapons at them, it was clear it was going to be a bloodbath. *Damn,* Kendra thought. *I get out of the looney bin only to be killed on my own bridge. This sucks.*

    Hawkins and his men drew their weapons and held them steadfast at the new opposition on the bridge. Hawkins wondered how five possible doppelgangers suddenly turned into twelve.

    "Send an all call to the rest of the ship," 'Ivy' said to one of her associates. "Let our people know we've had to move up the time frame." The associate started to move but one of the SEALs stood in his way.

    Bednash clicked on his laser sight and focused it on the man's forehead. "I wouldn't follow that order if I were you."

    It was at that moment that the air was filled with the sound of transporters. "What's going on?" the 'Ivy' clone managed to get out just before the beam swallowed her into oblivion. Kendra stumbled forward, and would have fallen, but someone caught her.

    Taylor easily held Summers in his arms and kept her from falling on her face. He lifted her up and their eyes met suddenly. "I think a 'thank you' is in order."

    She froze momentarily, suddenly finding her eyes locked with his. Then she just as quickly pushed away from him and turned around. No more eye contact.

    =/\= Lance Corporal Simms to Major Hawkins. Sir, we're experiencing a weird phenomena down here on deck 5. A bunch of people are being transported off of the ship. =/\=

    "I'm fully aware of that, Corporal. Stand down until further notice." Hawkins replied.

    "So it wasn't just up here. What the hell just happened? And who the hell knew what was going on? We didn't even know!" Kendra said, her confusion very evident.

    "All good questions." Hawkins said. "There's bound to be an explanation for all of it."

    "Commander, we have incoming transmission. It's for you and Major Hawkins," the tactical officer reported.

    Kendra turned to Hawkins. "You expecting anybody?"

    He shook his head. "I was about to ask you the same question."

    She turned to the tactical officer. "Put them onscreen. This can't get any stranger." The viewscreen was suddenly filled with the image of two people. It was the man identified as Director Gantz and the mysterious woman with the purple eyes. "Then again, I spoke too soon."

    "Greetings Commander, Major," the woman said, her voice just as arrogantly pleasant as the smile she wore on her face.

    "Westley." Hawkins said as he stared at Director Gantz's face.

    "Hello Curtis, Kendra." Gantz said. "Quite a week, was it not?"

    "I agree," Kendra concurred. "Just tell us what is going on around here."

    Gantz leaned back in his chair. "It's no secret that you both have figured out that many of your people have been replaced with doubles. We thought it would be a good exercise for you and your crew to face a new opposition and how you would handle yourselves in the situation. I must say that you did an excellent job, until the end. Everything became sloppy, toes were stepped on, and protocol was disobeyed. So in the end, I felt we needed to intervene and stop the situation."

    "Wait a minute. Are you saying that you knew about this the whole time?" Kendra spat out, her anger becoming quite evident.

    The purple eyed woman spoke next. "Yes, we were aware what was going on. In fact, we were aware of it before it even occurred. We intercepted the plans for this mission a few weeks before the ship was even launched."

    "Weeks!? Why in hell didn't you stop it?"

    "We had to see how you would handle the situation." The woman hesitated for a moment, seemingly searching for the right words. "It was a test."

    "A TEST?!?" she practically yelled at the screen. Kendra didn't give a damn who these people were. They had no right to put the ship and crew in danger.

    Hawkins, being the more rational one on the COs' at the moment, spoke up. "Why the test? To see how we work together in a conflict?"

    The woman smiled that irritating smile. "I don't think that is something we need to discuss as of yet."

    "Then when will be the time to discuss it?! When hell freezes over?" Kendra quipped, boiling with suppressed fury.

    Gantz leaned forward in his chair. "It would be wise of you to calm down, Commander Summers, I might not be in a friendly mood later. In the meantime, you shall follow us back to HQ. There you will pick up new crewmen for the ones you've lost on this operation and I will answer any question you might have."

    And with that, the comm shut off. Kendra stared at the empty viewer in shock, in rage. "If anyone needs me, I will be in my ready room," she spoke slowly before stiffly walking off the bridge.

    Hawkins watched as Summers stormed off the bridge. "Guess I have Command."

    *Sick Bay*

    Christopher opened the stasis chamber and deactivated it. He pressed a hypospray into Tawnia's side and pumped a stimulant into her. The last of the foreign DNA had been removed from her body following the surprise removal of half the crew, including Njal Garrett. The young security guard stirred on the bed.

    "Tawnia, it's Doctor Cushing, don't open your eyes. Can you understand me?"

    Tawnia nodded very slowly and croaked, "Feel lousy."

    "Okay, hang on." Christopher brought a glass of water over and pressed it into her hands, "Drink this slowly."

    As Tawnia sipped on the water, Christopher lowered the lights in sick bay. "You can open your eyes now." He told her.

    She blinked against the light but soon had her eyes fully open. "Damn, what happened to me? I feel like a Klingon cruiser hit me at full impulse." She uttered.

    "It was nearly that bad. You were attacked by an unknown alien. When you came in here, my assistant tried to murder you. Don't worry, he's gone. Apparently half the crew were doppelgangers, but they were all taken off the ship. We were on a test of some kind." Christopher explained.

    "Okay," she laughed, "that's a little bit too much for me to take in at the moment."

    "I'm sorry Tawnia," Christopher smiled, "I'm just really glad that you're alive, I didn't want to lose my first patient. That'd ruin my reputation as a miracle worker."

    "Thanks Doc!" Tawnia exclaimed, "So I'm just a statistic?"

    Christopher laughed aloud, "Not at all, but it's terribly bad ethics to say to your patients that you're interested in them." He blushed, realising what he had just said, "Err, I better call the captain, she'll want to know that you're okay."

    "Wait a second. Do you intend to do anything about that last statement?" she demanded.

    "Well, that depends."

    "On what?"

    "On whether you're going to file a harassment and professional misconduct charge." Christopher explained.

    "Not this time Doc. You just take me somewhere nice for a meal when I'm all healed and we'll see where it goes from there." Tawnia smiled.

    "As my lady wishes." Christopher laughed as he entered the office.

    He tapped his communicator, "Cushing to Summers."

    =/ Go ahead Christopher \=

    "Kendra, I thought you'd like to know that Ensign Gordon is conscious and on the way to recovery."

    =/ Thanks Doc, I'll be down shortly \=

    "Understood, Cushing out."

    Christopher decided that now was a good time to update his personal log.
    "Chief medical officers log supplemental. Well, I don't have the first damned clue as to what the doppelgangers were but they were some sort of weird test to see how we would cope. I guess we did okay because we're not dead. Ensign Gordon is recovering slowly from her injuries and should be fit for duty within a few days. We are currently cruising for S31 HQ where I intend to see Admiral Selleck, Chief of S31 Medical. I'm going to politely ask the admiral what the doppelgangers were and how we deal with them in the future. If his response doesn't please me, I fully intend to take a laser scalpel and ensure that he doesn't have a proper relationship with his wife ever again."

    "I think that they still hang people for emasculating an admiral." Kendra said from the doorway.

    "It'd be worth it just to see the look on his face." Christopher said, shutting down his log entry.

    "How is she?" asked Kendra.

    "She'll be fine, she just needs rest. You can talk to her now if you want. I have a couple of things I need to finish up here." Said Christopher.

    Kendra walked over to Tawnia and started to talk to the young security guard.

    "Computer, begin a new holodeck scenario, designate Cushing1. Location, North wales, Snowdonia National park, summer evening. Include a 15th century house, torch and candle light only, I want an open fire burning and a picnic. Include a bottle of red wine. Transfer that to the holodeck database."

    =/ Transfer complete \=

    Christopher smiled and walked out of the office.

    Note: I hope that you liked reading this. I have more ideas for the crew of the USS Apocalypse so, rest assured, Kendra, Curtis and Christopher will return.
    WelshAvenger Medals
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    If this was a book, I would buy it Smile
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    Totally amazing and gripping story. As I told you in some rep comments, totally have some favorites in that crew. Smile
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    Thank you Silynn, you too Zachary!

    I'm glad to hear that you liked the story. Let's think of this as Book 1.

    I don't know if it comes across, but Christopher is my favourite of the characters so far. It'd be very easy for a story about S31 black ops people get a little serious and gloomy, so I wanted him to be cheerful and irreverant but with a terrible past and a capacity for menace while still serving as the softer, more personable member of the crew.

    Stay tuned, there's more to come when I get around to writing it!
    WelshAvenger Medals
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    Christopher is definitely a favorite, with Kendra a close second. I also liked Steve, Security Officer that provided some comic relief. Aspen and Ivy are an interesting pair.

    And oddly enough, I kind of want to see more Gavin the Bounty Hunter. His part was pretty sad but humorous.

    I guess I like flawed heroes. Smile
    Silynn Medals