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[Announcement] - UFP Trivia Night: DS9 Edition

Started By:
Petrarch, Fri 08 Jun, 2018 5:28 PM
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     –  Last edited by Petrarch; Fri 08 Jun, 2018 7:49 PM.

    Incoming message for all UFP members!

    Starfleet Academy is pleased to announce that our second Trivia Event, hosted by Ian_E, will take place on Saturday June 16th @21:30 BST and is now on the events calendar.

    As part of the UFP DS9 & Victory is Life month, the topic will of course be...


    A quiz of 4 rounds


    Questions relating to the various vessels seen or mentioned during the course of the show.

    Places & Events

    The locations and happenings that took place within the DS9 canon.

    Behind the Scenes

    A series of questions relating to production trivia.

    General Knowledge

    A variety of questions on a variety of topics.

    Each round will contain 15 questions for a total of 60 overall. A few additional questions separate from the above will be used in the event of a tiebreak situation. Brush up on your trivia, crack open the LCARS and fire up Netflix to relive the journey as a Niner and hopefully have a few laughs as the quiz goes on. As before, the plan is to bring us altogether as a community, to interact with everyone and enjoy ourselves in a fun setting to share some memories.

    As with the previous general knowledge quiz that served as the relaunch event for Trivia Nights, there will be no teams and the format will remain as a free-for-all, every member for themselves because this time around....


    It's winner takes all as we have a special prize donated on behalf of the Starfleet Academy team, and that prize is... a full set of the new DS9 Holographic BOFFs from the new Star Trek Online lockbox. The BOFFs come as a set of nine and are as follows:

    Holographic James Kurland
    Holographic Loriss
    Holographic Quark
    Holographic Sarish Minna
    Holographic Weyoun
    Holographic Rom
    Holographic Dukan’Rex
    Holographic Leck
    Holographic Nog

    Contestants will buzz in by putting an X into the Teamspeak chat. Whoever buzzes into chat first will get to answer the question either verbally or via text (with a maximum of 10 seconds to provide their answer) - if they are correct, they win a point. If they are incorrect, choose to pass or exceed the time limit, the question will be passed to the next contestant. We must accept the first answer you give us, so think twice and answer once! If no-one knows the correct answer, the question will be passed and we'll move on. In the event of a tie-break situation when the event concludes, a question will be asked and the first person to buzz in with the right answer is declared the winner. Should we have more than 2 members with tied scores, then we will ask additional questions to determine both the 3rd place finisher and which 2 people will face off head to head for 1st on the podium. A mic would be recommended for taking part, but it is not essential and you may submit your answer via the text chat instead if you wish to do so.

    Additional: We would ask, both in the interests of fairness and for the enjoyment of all those who are attending that contestants DO NOT use Google, Memory Alpha etc. during the event. All the event rules will be repeated again on the night.

    Keep the hailing frequencies open, load the torpedo bays and ready phasers! We look forward to welcoming you on the night!

    SFA 240

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    Hey, i hate to be that person but the 15th is a Friday. Big Grin
    SulMatuul Medals
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    Typo, definitely the Saturday. Thumbs up
    Petrarch Medals