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June 2018 Holodeck Survey Results

Started By:
Noram, Sat 16 Jun, 2018 4:34 PM
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    JUNE APPROVAL: 97% (-2%)

    JUNE EVENT APPROVAL: 98% (+1%)


    Community is still all over the place, no real togetherness or cohesive community across genre or platforms. But it is understandable as Holodeck covers "everything else". Not sure if anything can be done, as it is like trying to fix the weather. "It is what it is" kind of thing. I guess it is more an observation over the time Holodeck has been around. I'm glad it is around, as it does give an avenue for members here and there to come together for mutual gaming interests outside of "Star Trek".
    Noram: I completely understand and agree, one of the problems with Holodeck is that since it's got such a broad mandate it can be hard to get a sense of unity within the division. Every once in a while a game will come around that everyone plays, but those rarely last, which is the second problem with Holodeck. People move on from games or get bored and try something else.

    Bedders: As Noram said we support anything that people are interested in at a given time. Since we have a lot of members and interests, it can be difficult to maintain 'consistency' - certain events are one-offs where people can drop in & out, others work better as campaigns over many weeks.
    One of the issues as games fall in and out of favour is that UFP communities & clans within games were often created by different people, some of whom have since left and we cannot get ownership of the clan, other times guilds have been created but forgotten about. I've looked into a more 'standard' template for our presence in in-game clans but customisation options are drastically different between different games.

    I'm too much of a newbie to know - sorry
    Noram: Well let us know next time!

    Bedders: Feel free to drop in during one of our events and get to know us! Smile

    Another area I perceive has strong activity, so members and leadership should be having fun!
    Noram: Glad you're having fun!

    Bedders: Thanks for your kind words, I certainly hope people enjoy the events Holodeck offers.

    I'd like to see more console support, I know that requires people to actually want to run it, but, c'mon there are various people that have consoles AND PC and can do both. It only takes one CL5/6 to boost CL4/3s into wanting to play with em.
    Noram: I personally don't have a console, but if anyone wants to give it a try, we'll be happy to give you a position in Holodeck to do so! That said, I've been looking into some other games to support for PC, but I'd love to hear any other ideas people have in this thread

    Bedders: Thank you for your feedback. It's not so much a case of wanting to run events, more a case of being able to run them. We are always willing to expand what we offer and we know that a number of our members are interested in console gaming, however it requires people who own the consoles to host events. It's a bit unfair to ask current staff to spend several hundred $$$ or £££ or €€€ of their own money.

    Sammygm: I'm not going to beat around the bush here. By the way this is written and worded I know exactly who you are. You have numerous times been given the reason why we do not support consoles to your standards. We even have given you chances to prove us you're capable of running something on the console sides. But no, you'd rather do nothing and still complain about having no console support in the UFP. D.C, If you really want to play as a group on console, find a Console community, or actually do some effort in building up console side in the UFP.

    Would like to see broader support and more support with games gaining in popularity like Elite Dangerous
    Noram: Again, if someone who owns Elite Dangerous wants to try and organize something, feel free to approach Bedders or I so we can bring you onboard!

    Bedders: We will be more than happy to welcome you as an Event Officer if you wish to help us offer a greater diversity of games! At present we do alternate what games are hosted and have a variety of FPS, Strategy, and MMO's offered. Also we have a thread dedicated to games that people would like us to create events for, available in this thread.

    "There's a point where we needed to stop and we have clearly passed it. But let's keep going and see what happens..."
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     –  Last edited by JCarrill0; Sat 16 Jun, 2018 6:03 PM.
    I'd like to see more console support, I know that requires people to actually want to run it, but, c'mon there are various people that have consoles AND PC and can do both. It only takes one CL5/6 to boost CL4/3s into wanting to play with em.
    I have recently considered Hosting some more games that are on the Console.
    Overwatch (PS4) & Diablo III (PS4) is something I will consider in the future.
    JCarrill0 Medals
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    I'd like to see more console support, I know that requires people to actually want to run it, but, c'mon there are various people that have consoles AND PC and can do both. It only takes one CL5/6 to boost CL4/3s into wanting to play with em.
    I don't have a console, well, I have a DS and a Switch, but I wouldn't attend any events on those ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    We just don't have the people who have the interest in attending or running console events, even if people have them, they aren't going to log onto a PC to hang out with people, they will use the ingame communications, and their friends list.

    Anyway, good work Holodeck! Always good to attend a range of events, hopefully with the next CK2 patch, we'll have more for that!
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    I love console games, but UFP doesn’t have the uptake as it’s mostly PC - like the others said, if it’s something someone is interested in stick your neck on the line and give it a go getting people involved - like I did with mobile games!!!

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    Huh, think I missed the survey. So let me post here, completely anonymous, my devastating judgment, muhehahahaaaa.

    I agree with the no real "togetherness" as it is indeed all over the place, by it's nature. I absolutely love the holodeck though. Sometimes I just don't want to play STO and being able to branch out or occasionally even discover new games but with the same people I already enjoy playing with is awesome.
    Just finished another SC2 co-op with JCarillo and stuff like that really adds value to my UFP membership.

    Can it improve? Probably. Do I have an actual suggestion or complaint? Not really. So, keep on keeping on.

    I'd definitely attempt to join console events if possible, though the PS4 is in the living room, making it less easy to join online events with. Think most console people are on PS4 probably. If Xbox it's easier because I have one both in the living room and in the man cave next to my pc lol
    • The Fool
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    Sammygm: I'm not going to beat around the bush here. By the way this is written and worded I know exactly who you are. You have numerous times been given the reason why we do not support consoles to your standards. We even have given you chances to prove us you're capable of running something on the console sides. But no, you'd rather do nothing and still complain about having no console support in the UFP. D.C, If you really want to play as a group on console, find a Console community, or actually do some effort in building up console side in the UFP.
    If you think you knew who this was why didnt you just PM them instead of reprimand them in front of the entire community? Perhaps reconsider it next time. Just a thought.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Problem for me is most events in holodeck are planned way too late or super early for me. I've tried to do swtor with you guys but seem many were not interested or time issue again. Another I suppose issue is some of these games split their audience based on location US/EU and etc. Lets say for example ESO I've built my account on US side for years but all the sudden we support it and choose EU. Everyone on that opposite server sorta out of luck or chooses not to go/attend events due to this. Nothing really can be done about it. Just nice we got forums to talk about it at least haha.
    Barol Medals
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     –  Last edited by Noram; Sun 17 Jun, 2018 3:04 AM.
    Looks like the best solution is to convince FEO to use UFP's money to buy me an XBox...That won't be a problem, right? Tongue Out

    "There's a point where we needed to stop and we have clearly passed it. But let's keep going and see what happens..."
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    PC and Console is an interesting topic. One I'd like to see a bit more delved into in the manner of a specific sub-topic about it.

    Cross-Platform play. Online games that support PC and Console... *AND*... support said platforms to play *TOGETHER* on the same servers or via a seamless interface (No segregation).

    STO - PC and Console, but Segregated
    Star Trek Bridge Crew - PC and Console?
    ESO - PC and Console, but Segregated
    FFXIV - PC and Console, Combined (Unified, no Segregation)
    Fortnite - PC and Console, Combined (Unified, no Segregation)
    Overwatch - PC and Console?
    State of Decay 2 - PC and Xbox, Combined Co-Op

    There has to be others, but perhaps the Holodeck Staff may use their knowledge and experience to see if any of these or other titles may prove to be something the community could join in events together, no matter if you are PC or Console with other community members. Smile
    Silynn Medals
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    Players on PS4 can’t play with players on PC can they?
    (For example Overwatch & Diablo III)

    - JC
    JCarrill0 Medals
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    Players on PS4 can’t play with players on PC can they?
    (For example Overwatch & Diablo III)

    - JC
    Generally Sony blocks this "for the players", at least whenever either Xbox or Nintendo are also in the mix.
    But something like FFXIV, which is only on PS4 console, has both PC and PS4 on the same server. I can actually play it on PC and then continue on PS4, playing the same character.
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    There's been a lot of frustration voiced in this thread, and I want to try to explain my perspective on it.

    Anyone who's been an event officer knows how disheartening it is when an event you set up doesn't work. Either no one shows up, or there's some unexpected issue, or it just turns out to not be that fun. It's hard to see your event fail, and when it keeps happening over and over it can really make you skeptical about the whole idea.

    Console gaming is like a division-wide version of that feeling. We've tried it over and over again. And it keeps failing over and over again.

    The difference between one person and a division in this comparison, is that our hypothetical event officer doesn't consistently receive anonymous criticism over their failures from people with no intention of helping out or joining in.

    I'd love to see a thriving console gaming community within Holodeck, but as the song says "I'm just a poor boy."
    So unless FEO really does buy me a console like I joked, one of the whingers who keeps saying they want it to happen is going to have to step up and make it happen.

    "There's a point where we needed to stop and we have clearly passed it. But let's keep going and see what happens..."
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    I think as I’ve said before to have the dedication to start something from fresh takes a lot of time and commitment - you’d have to ditch whatever commitments you had before - plus it’s then where do you start with which games - STO console started with a bang and waned off fast - I remember doing it with another officer for 12 months and after the first month - I played every night near enough for the other 11 and saw no one on ever!

    It would take the complainant to step forward and I’m sure we would love to let them have a go providing they could show they had the tools for the job and the commitment to do so!

    I spend 4 hours a day on mobile gaming some days, posting on the forums and the like for little reward but it gives an outlet to a few members and more than anything I love it!

    It’s not just a volunteering position it’s a passion and you’ve got to have the bug for it!

    I think if the person was serious about doing this they’d need to approach the senior staff with a serious suggestion and a willingness to uptake the role themselves and convince them it would be worthwhile rather than just simply moaning about it!

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