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[Awards] - UFPAC June 2018 Awards List

Started By:
, Sun 24 Jun, 2018 9:05 AM
  1. Admin

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    • Arlu3n
    • Scarlett
    • JCarrill0
    • Nesta
    • Tatchi
    • Ian_E
    • Allan Hood
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    Received a Medal

    • Legion of Merit

    Starfleet Tactical’s most recent addition, Aceman67’s strong work ethic and dedication have not gone unnoticed. Noted for his guides on Star Trek Adventures, Aceman has been nominated for his impressive contributions to the division. Therefore, Aceman has been awarded the Legion of Merit.

    Allan Hood
    Received a Medal

    • Red Crest

    A staple of the forums, Allan Hood’s hard working and supportive attitude are a great example to the community. His helpful nature has kept the Ares Roleplay project going, offering encouragement to newcomers and experienced roleplayers alike. Therefore, Allan Hood is being awarded the Red Crest.

    Asimov Gorov
    Received a Medal

    • Fleet Loyalty Commendation

    One of our SFA RSOs, Asimov Gorov gives our new members a friendly and polite welcome to our community. Always ensuring that his recruits are well supported, his efforts are worthy of recognition. Asimov Gorov is being awarded the Fleet Loyalty Commendation.

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Conduct Medal
    • Lieutenant

    A staple roleplayer within Ares, Asteropax has been nominated for his respectful and polite nature. Always reliable, Asteropax posts in a timely manner within the RP, provides ideas to move the story along and creates compelling and life like characters which enrich the experience for all. For this, Asteropax is being awarded the Conduct Medal and a Promotion to Lieutenant.

    Received a Medal

    • Combat Readiness Medal

    One of our longest serving members, Avenger continues to devote his time to the UFP. Already dedicating his time to Starfleet Tactical to help out with Star Trek Timelines, Avenger has also taken on new duties within Starfleet Holodeck, helping promote new titles on mobile platforms. For his length of service and for his help in boosting the UFPs mobile support, Avenger is being awarded the Combat Readiness Medal.

    Received a Medal

    • Combat Readiness Medal

    Bar’ol has been nominated for his high activity within Starfleet Holodeck. Having recommended Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius to the community, we like to mention those that suggest new games and do their best to show their fellow members new and fun things to play. For this, Bar’ol is being awarded the Combat Readiness Medal.

    Doc Nightwalker
    Received a Medal

    • Red Crest

    Often posting on the forums, Doc Nightwalker consistently provides advice for our STO players. His helpful nature, ranges from build advice, offering to tag along on missions to help out members or even giving away gear. For his generous and kind contributions, Doc Nightwalker is being awarded the Red Crest.

    Dylan Erikson
    Received a Promotion and 2 Medals

    • Combat Readiness Medal
    • Lieutenant Junior Grade

    A regular contributor to the community, be it on the forums, or within Star Trek Online, Dylan is always getting involved with others. His positive influence, and friendly approach to everything certainly making him worthy of the Combat Readiness Medal, and a promotion to Lieutenant JG, congrats!

    Received a Promotion

    • Captain

    Always working hard within Starfleet Academy to coordinate the recruitment efforts, Enlistednut has been keeping a keen, and watchful eye on this area. For his hard work in ensuring that the UFP reaches a wider audience, Enlistednut is being awarded with a promotion to Captain, congrats!

    Received a Medal

    • Combat Readiness Medal

    Often found within the Star Trek Online areas of the community, and discussing various aspects within the ingame channel, ForTheGamer always helps greatly to maintain the community spirit. For these reasons, he is being awarded with the Combat Readiness Medal, congrats!

    Received a Medal

    • Conduct Medal

    Another consistent face on the forums, Generator is well known within the community. Often making posts of interest, advice on STO or just funny comments, Generator helps foster a great community atmosphere which is certainly worthy of recognition. Therefore, Generator is being awarded the Conduct Medal.

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Starfleet Medal
    • Commander

    Working hard in the Academy in his role as Professor, Ian_E has been making great efforts to improve the overall member experience for newcomers to the community. For his dedication, and efforts to his role, he is being awarded with the Starfleet Medal, and a promotion to Commander, congrats!

    Received a Medal

    • Medal of Excellence

    Working exceptionally hard to ensure that events are hosted, JCarrill0 makes sure there is something for our North American memberbase to attend, should they choose to. Despite a low uptake, he pushes through without complaint, and continues to try new ideas to improve events. For these reasons, JCarrill0 is being awarded the Medal of Excellence, congratulations!

    Received a Medal

    • Fleet Loyalty Commendation

    One of the biggest, and most positive voices for the UFP Armada, jdcollins takes on his duties with great pride, and positivity. He has also demonstrated a willingness to take on new responsibilities, so for these reasons, jdcollins is being awarded with the Fleet Loyalty Commendation, congrats!

    Jonathan F-G
    Received a Medal

    • Medal of Excellence

    Always dedicated in his duties within the UFP, to make sure that our policies are all together, and finances are in order, Jonathan F-G is a hard working member of the UFP, as well as a valued asset to the FEO team. For all his hard work and dedication to the community, Jonathan F-G is being awarded with the Medal of Excellence, congrats!

    Received a Medal

    • Personal Achievement Award

    Having created the Ships of the Fleet Sunday articles, Kirk142 has created himself quite a following within FNS, and attracting an audience to his articles. While he has had some problems recently with producing them, he keeps in touch to say what is going on, and has regular communication. For these reasons, he is being awarded with the Personal Achievement Award, congrats!

    Received 2 Medals

    • Meritorious Service Medal
    • Fleet Loyalty Commendation

    Since taking on the role as CO of Starfleet Operations, Mack has been phenomenal to the role, continually excelling, and improving the division under his bright leadership. For these reasons, and his dedication, Mack is being awarded with the Meritorious Service Medal and the Fleet Loyalty Commendation, congrats!

    Received a Medal

    • Distinguished Service Cross

    Having a great passion for STA 3, and working hard in the Tactical division, Marcus has shown a willingness to help out where needed, and explore other ideas if necessary. His commitment to the role is hard to beat, as such, Marcus is being awarded with the Distinguished Service Cross, congrats!

    Received a Medal

    • Fleet Loyalty Commendation

    Showing a high level of commitment towards the Starfleet Operations division, and it’s ingame activities, Morris has shown a great deal of dedication to the community as a whole, for these reasons, he is being awarded with the Fleet Loyalty Commendation, congrats!

    Received 2 Medals

    • Federation Star
    • Golden Starburst

    Assisting in the running of the Areas Roleplay Project, Nesta stepped up to offer assistance without being prompted. On top of taking on extra duties, he is polite and respectful to everyone around him, for these reasons, Nesta is being awarded with the Golden Starburst and the Federation Star, congrats!

    Received 2 Medals

    • Starfleet Medal
    • Personal Achievement Award

    While the WoW guild is currently on a break from raiding, Nic has been a valuable raider, instrumental in completing much of the current raids, even still finding the time to connect with us with his new job. For these reasons, Nic is being awarded with the Starfleet Medal and the Personal Achievement Award, congrats!

    Paul Edwards
    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Personal Achievement Award
    • Lieutenant Commander

    Showing a high level of commitment to the Star Trek Online divisions, Paul Edwards has helped to manage the fleet roster, and has been a huge contributor to the officer team for SFO. He maintains a high level of communication, and keeps the command team informed of any issues that may arise. For these reasons, Paul Edwards is being awarded with the Personal Achievement Award, congrats!

    Received 2 Medals

    • Federation Order of Distinction
    • Legion of Merit

    Demonstrating a great devotion to his department, Starfleet Academy, Petrarch was worked hard to make sure that everything continues to run as smoothly as possible. The work his does is nothing short of exceptional, and he keeps up these duties despite recently becoming a father. For all of his hard work, he is being awarded with the Federation Order of Distinction and the Legion of Merit, congrats!

    Raz Beraht
    Received a Medal

    • Conduct Medal

    Having been with the community since 2011, although his activity ebbs and flows, Raz Beraht always returns to the community and makes regular posts on the forums, consistently adding to the conversation. For his friendly demeanor, Raz Beraht is being awarded the Conduct Medal

    Received 3 Medals

    • Meritorious Service Medal
    • Personal Achievement Award
    • Fleet Loyalty Commendation

    Often one of the first to welcome members into the community, Saelanna is exceptionally dedicated to the community as a whole. Working hard to ensure that everyone feels welcome, and performing her duties outstandingly, she is being awarded with the Fleet Loyalty Commendation, Meritorious Service Medal and the Personal Achievement Award, congrats!

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Fleet Loyalty Commendation
    • Lieutenant Commander

    Always welcoming to new members of the community, and helping out others within the community, Scarlett helps out greatly. For helping to build upon, and express this communities welcoming attitude, Scarlett is being awarded with the Fleet Loyalty Commendation and a promotion to Lieutenant Commander, congrats!

    Received a Medal

    • Combat Readiness Medal

    Taking part in multiple events, either planned or impromptu, Scorch offers a friendly approach to others when on TeamSpeak, as well as having a high level of knowledge in a variety of games. For his participation in community events, Scorch is being awarded with the Combat Readiness Medal, congrats!

    Received a Promotion

    • Vice Admiral

    Probably the most recognisable member of the community graphics team, Silynn is often working hard to ensure that members who request a signature, get one, and if they need help with anything, he is willing to offer advice on how to improve images they submit, or offer alternatives. For his hard work, and dedication to the role over many years, Silynn is being promoted to Vice Admiral, congrats!

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Personal Achievement Award
    • Lieutenant

    Having a trigger finger for fleet invites, Sythe ensures that they are processed on a fairly timely basis, one of the hardest working officers within our Star Trek Online divisions. He demonstrates a high level of motivation for the role, and a great deal of dedication, for these reasons, Sythe is being awarded the Personal Achievement Award and a promotion to Lieutenant, congrats!

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Federation Order of Merit
    • Vice Admiral

    Before stepping down from the role of Academy CO due to life commitments, T’Tan always maintained communication with his team, and made sure to raise any issues which he would like resolved. His level of devotion to the role was quite apparent, and he has left a lasting legacy with the department, for these reasons, T’Tan is being awarded with the Federation Order of Merit and a promotion to Vice Admiral, congrats!

    Received 2 Medals

    • Meritorious Service Medal
    • Distinguished Service Cross

    Having a keen interest in your duties often helps, and it definitely helps Tain, who displays this in all of the roles he has undertaken within the UFP. For his dedication, and commitment to the community, Tain is being awarded with the Meritorious Service Medal and the Distinguished Service Cross, congrats!

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Conduct Medal
    • Chief Petty Officer

    A regular attendee to many various Holodeck events, Tatchi is a positive presence to have around, and a very welcome addition to any team. For his friendly attitude, and all round welcoming approach to others in the community, Tatchi is being awarded with the Conduct Medal and a promotion to Chief Petty Officer, congrats!

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Starfleet Medal
    • Petty Officer 2nd Class

    While relatively new to the community, WelshAvenger has demonstrated a high level of activity, posting in various areas of the forums, in a positive and polite manners. Having definitely made a lasting first impression, and is -.a welcome addition to the community, WelshAvenger is being awarded the Starfleet Medal and a promotion to Petty Officer 2nd Class, congrats!

    Received a Medal

    • Combat Readiness Medal

    The Holodecks WoW raid team would not be complete without any of it’s DPS, but one member of the team, who has come lightyears since the start of the Legion expansion, always looking at how to improve, and being able to demonstrate it. For these reasons, zoidberg is being awarded with the Combat Readiness Medal, congrats!
    • To Boldly Go On and On
      Rare (50 Points)

      Reach one-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked Sat 09 Feb, 2019 4:04 PM

      0.69% have received this achievement

    • Illustrator
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Be the Roleplay Division Executive Officer

      Unlocked 4 Weeks Ago

      0.05% have received this achievement

    • Paragon of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Sign three roll calls in a row

      Unlocked Sat 09 Feb, 2019 4:04 PM

      9.60% have received this achievement

    • Eternal Servitude!
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Be a registered user for five years

      Unlocked Wed 06 Jan, 2021 11:03 AM

      80.40% have received this achievement

    • Tour of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      RSVP to ten events via the Events System

      Unlocked Sat 09 Feb, 2019 4:04 PM

      1.27% have received this achievement

    • Well Respected
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Reach reputation tier 6

      Unlocked Sat 09 Feb, 2019 4:04 PM

      0.70% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Jan 07 2016
    Florida, United States
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    Reply With QuoteQuote
    Thank you very much; I really appreciate the medal.
    AllanHood Medals
  2. Recruit Support Officer

    • Dedicated
      Rare (50 Points)

      Volunteer for 1+ year

      Unlocked Fri 05 Oct, 2018 12:19 AM

      0.54% have received this achievement

    • Academy Dean
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be Head of Starfleet Academy

      Unlocked Sun 24 Feb, 2019 12:03 AM

      0.08% have received this achievement

    • Vice Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Vice Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 19 Dec, 2020 9:44 PM

      0.29% have received this achievement

    • To Boldly Go On and On
      Rare (50 Points)

      Reach one-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked Tue 24 Sep, 2019 1:06 PM

      0.69% have received this achievement

    • Eternal Servitude!
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Be a registered user for five years

      Unlocked Fri 28 Aug, 2020 9:05 AM

      80.40% have received this achievement

    • Dean’s List
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Pass all three Academy exams

      Unlocked Sat 29 Aug, 2015 8:01 AM

      3.88% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Aug 29 2015
    Stuttgart, Germany
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    • None
    Reply With QuoteQuote
    Congratulations everyone!
    Enlistednut09 Medals
    • The Fool
      Rare (50 Points)

      Got pranked on April 1st

      Unlocked Thu 01 Apr, 2021 7:46 PM

      0.45% have received this achievement

    • Captain
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Ascend the ranks to reach the Captains chair

      Unlocked Sat 28 Sep, 2019 9:12 PM

      0.67% have received this achievement

    • Paragon of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Sign three roll calls in a row

      Unlocked Thu 01 Mar, 2018 2:01 AM

      9.60% have received this achievement

    • Tour of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      RSVP to ten events via the Events System

      Unlocked Thu 11 Jan, 2018 8:03 PM

      1.27% have received this achievement

    • Dean’s List
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Pass all three Academy exams

      Unlocked Tue 10 Oct, 2017 8:02 PM

      3.88% have received this achievement

    • Firestarter
      Common (10 Points)

      Start a new forum topic


      40.15% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Sep 15 2017
    Agrama Sector
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    • The Ghost Writer [Legacy]
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be the Commanding Officer of the Ares Division

      Unlocked Sat 29 Sep, 2018 1:05 PM

      0.04% have received this achievement

    • Rear Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Rear Admiral

      Unlocked Sun 22 Jul, 2018 12:39 PM

      0.48% have received this achievement

    • Paragon of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Sign three roll calls in a row

      Unlocked Fri 01 Jun, 2018 9:00 PM

      9.60% have received this achievement

    • Well Respected
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Reach reputation tier 6

      Unlocked Sat 11 Aug, 2018 12:03 AM

      0.70% have received this achievement

    • Dean’s List
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Pass all three Academy exams

      Unlocked Sun 10 Dec, 2017 7:06 AM

      3.88% have received this achievement

    • Stepping Forward
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Going from Clearance Level 3 to Clearance Level 4

      Unlocked Sat 29 Sep, 2018 1:28 PM

      1.86% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Nov 29 2017
    Ohio, United States
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    Reply With QuoteQuote
    Congratulations everyone!
  3. Quartermaster

    • Bringing Home the Hardware
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Win a Khitomer Games

      Unlocked Tue 10 Jan, 2017 5:04 PM

      0.05% have received this achievement

    • Academy Dean
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be Head of Starfleet Academy

      Unlocked Thu 10 Aug, 2017 2:01 PM

      0.08% have received this achievement

    • Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 27 Jun, 2020 9:06 PM

      0.22% have received this achievement

    • Starfleet's Finest [Legacy]
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of Starfleet Operations

      Unlocked Sat 05 Nov, 2016 5:07 PM

      27.38% have received this achievement

    • tlhIngan SuvwI' [Legacy]
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of the House of Kular

      Unlocked Sat 05 Nov, 2016 5:07 PM

      12.74% have received this achievement

    • Live Long and Prosper
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a registered user for one year

      Unlocked Sun 05 Nov, 2017 11:01 PM

      95.50% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Nov 05 2016
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    A great honour, thank you! Congratulations everyone! Live Long and Prosper
    TTan Medals
    • To Boldly Go On and On
      Rare (50 Points)

      Reach one-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked Wed 10 Oct, 2018 3:02 PM

      0.69% have received this achievement

    • Commander
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Commander

      Unlocked Sat 21 Dec, 2019 9:39 PM

      0.63% have received this achievement

    • Paragon of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Sign three roll calls in a row

      Unlocked Wed 01 Jun, 2016 4:17 AM

      9.60% have received this achievement

    • Eternal Servitude!
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Be a registered user for five years

      Unlocked Fri 27 Nov, 2020 12:02 PM

      80.40% have received this achievement

    • Well Respected
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Reach reputation tier 6

      Unlocked Sun 29 Jul, 2018 12:01 PM

      0.70% have received this achievement

    • Stepping Forward
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Going from Clearance Level 3 to Clearance Level 4

      Unlocked Sat 29 Sep, 2018 1:28 PM

      1.86% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Nov 28 2015
    Coalhurst, Alberta
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    Awesome work everyone.
    | Nemo Me Impune Lacessit | Art |Fan-Fics |
    Aceman67 Medals
  4. UFPAC Writer

    • Dedicated
      Rare (50 Points)

      Volunteer for 1+ year

      Unlocked Fri 05 Oct, 2018 12:21 AM

      0.54% have received this achievement

    • Commodore
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Commodore

      Unlocked Sat 30 Mar, 2024 9:54 PM

      0.50% have received this achievement

    • Illustrator
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Be the Roleplay Division Executive Officer

      Unlocked 4 Weeks Ago

      0.05% have received this achievement

    • Captain
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Ascend the ranks to reach the Captains chair

      Unlocked Sat 20 May, 2023 6:03 PM

      0.67% have received this achievement

    • Author
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of the Roleplay Division

      Unlocked 4 Weeks Ago

      0.09% have received this achievement

    • Lights, Camera, Action
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of the UPT department

      Unlocked 4 Weeks Ago

      0.01% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Aug 16 2017
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    • None
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    Congratulations everyone!
    Nesta Medals
    Pax Vobiscum
    • Dedicated
      Rare (50 Points)

      Volunteer for 1+ year

      Unlocked Fri 21 Dec, 2018 6:45 PM

      0.54% have received this achievement

    • Commander
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Commander

      Unlocked Sun 24 Jun, 2018 8:43 AM

      0.63% have received this achievement

    • Paragon of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Sign three roll calls in a row

      Unlocked Sun 15 Jul, 2018 9:22 PM

      9.60% have received this achievement

    • Dean’s List
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Pass all three Academy exams

      Unlocked Wed 27 Sep, 2017 12:01 AM

      3.88% have received this achievement

    • Poster Child
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Reach 500 posts on the forums

      Unlocked Sat 05 Jan, 2019 7:04 AM

      1.07% have received this achievement

    • Academic Inclination
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of Starfleet Academy

      Unlocked Sun 05 Nov, 2017 11:01 AM

      0.48% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Sep 26 2017
    California, USA
    • Users who disliked
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    • None
    Reply With QuoteQuote
    Congrats to everyone!!!
    IanE Medals
    "What does God need with a starship?" - Kirk
    • Dedicated
      Rare (50 Points)

      Volunteer for 1+ year

      Unlocked Sun 15 Dec, 2019 4:49 PM

      0.54% have received this achievement

    • Correspondent
      Rare (50 Points)

      Submit a Federation News Service article

      Unlocked Thu 17 Jan, 2019 6:01 PM

      0.42% have received this achievement

    • The Fool
      Rare (50 Points)

      Got pranked on April 1st

      Unlocked Fri 01 Apr, 2022 6:26 PM

      0.45% have received this achievement

    • To Boldly Go On and On
      Rare (50 Points)

      Reach one-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked Wed 06 Mar, 2019 10:04 PM

      0.69% have received this achievement

    • Stepping Forward
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Going from Clearance Level 3 to Clearance Level 4

      Unlocked Sat 29 Sep, 2018 1:28 PM

      1.86% have received this achievement

    • FAB-ulous
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of the Federation Administrative Bureau

      Unlocked Sun 02 Dec, 2018 6:03 PM

      0.34% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Jun 17 2018
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    • None
    Reply With QuoteQuote
    Congratulations everyone! Smile Live Long and Prosper
    Arlu3n Medals
    • Paragon of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Sign three roll calls in a row

      Unlocked Wed 01 Jun, 2016 10:06 AM

      9.60% have received this achievement

    • Tour of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      RSVP to ten events via the Events System

      Unlocked Wed 30 Dec, 2015 3:03 PM

      1.27% have received this achievement

    • Hearthstone Tournament Participant
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Participate in the annual Hearthstone Tournament

      Unlocked Mon 04 Jul, 2016 6:09 PM

      0.03% have received this achievement

    • Bronze Contributor
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Subscribe to a monthly Bronze Subscription

      Unlocked Thu 05 Apr, 2018 8:01 AM

      0.59% have received this achievement

    • Part of the Furniture
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a registered user for two years

      Unlocked Wed 06 Dec, 2017 9:03 AM

      92.87% have received this achievement

    • The Needs of the Many
      Common (10 Points)

      Donate any amount under £25 to the UFP

      Unlocked Thu 24 Dec, 2015 9:01 PM

      1.80% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Dec 06 2015
    • Users who disliked
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    Reply With QuoteQuote
    Congratulations everyone!
    • Pillar of the Community
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Be a registered user for 10 years

      Unlocked Wed 18 Oct, 2023 8:04 AM

      36.01% have received this achievement

    • Paragon of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Sign three roll calls in a row

      Unlocked Mon 03 Dec, 2018 7:05 AM

      9.60% have received this achievement

    • Eternal Servitude!
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Be a registered user for five years

      Unlocked Thu 18 Oct, 2018 2:04 AM

      80.40% have received this achievement

    • Tour of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      RSVP to ten events via the Events System


      1.27% have received this achievement

    • Dean’s List
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Pass all three Academy exams


      3.88% have received this achievement

    • Stepping Forward
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Going from Clearance Level 3 to Clearance Level 4

      Unlocked Sat 29 Sep, 2018 1:28 PM

      1.86% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Oct 17 2013
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    Reply With QuoteQuote
    I am so sorry that I missed it. Congratulations to everyone and have a joyful summer!Live Long and Prosper
    Niikama Quote
    Niikama Medals
    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 24 Sep, 2022 9:24 PM

      0.24% have received this achievement

    • ...and On and On
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Reach five-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked Tue 14 Jun, 2022 8:00 PM

      0.08% have received this achievement

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 21 Dec, 2019 10:00 PM

      0.18% have received this achievement

    • Admiral Council
      Rare (50 Points)

      Join the Federation Executive Office

      Unlocked Sun 02 Dec, 2018 3:00 PM

      0.06% have received this achievement

    • Academy Dean
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be Head of Starfleet Academy

      Unlocked Fri 18 May, 2018 6:03 PM

      0.08% have received this achievement

    • Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 28 Sep, 2019 9:08 PM

      0.22% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    May 25 2017
    United Kingdom
    • Users who disliked
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    Reply With QuoteQuote
    Congratulations everyone!
    Petrarch Medals
  5. Gold Contributor

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 25 Sep, 2021 9:24 PM

      0.24% have received this achievement

    • Gold Contributor
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Subscribe to a monthly Gold Subscription

      Unlocked Fri 10 Apr, 2020 8:02 AM

      0.35% have received this achievement

    • Pillar of the Community
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Be a registered user for 10 years

      Unlocked Sat 23 Apr, 2022 9:05 PM

      36.01% have received this achievement

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 26 Jun, 2021 9:01 PM

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      Unlocked Sat 24 Dec, 2022 9:52 PM

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    Congratulations everyone!
    Morris Medals
  6. Personnel Officer

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 29 Jun, 2024 9:38 PM

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    • Pillar of the Community
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      Be a registered user for 10 years

      Unlocked Fri 12 Aug, 2022 7:02 PM

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    • Dedicated
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    • To Boldly Go On and On
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    • Commodore
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      Unlocked Sat 29 Jun, 2024 9:38 PM

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    • Stepping Forward
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Going from Clearance Level 3 to Clearance Level 4

      Unlocked Sat 29 Sep, 2018 1:28 PM

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    Congratulations everyone!