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[Archived] - Chapter 1 - Cardassian Duty

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Eaglesg, Tue 13 Mar, 2018 6:59 PM
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    USS Ares
    Deck 3 - Aft Saucer Torpedo Magazine

    Teriir gave a satisfied nod to Lieutenant Delvok as the last of the torpedoes was placed into their storage unit within the torpedo magazine. He'd fired off a few torpedoes during the engagement with the Orions and a combined engineering and tactical officer team built new torpedoes to replenish their complement. It didn't take long to reproduce the weapons but with several engineering teams being used elsewhere and casualties, the torpedoes were unable to be built straight away. Now that they were up to full fighting strength, he was confident they wouldn't be attacked again for a good while.

    His combadge gave a small beep.
    “Dyrell we have pieced the ship back together. The only thing left is a fresh coat of paint and I have a spare brush if you would like to take a stroll on the bulkhead with me before the captain wakes up. “

    Rosek closes the channel and wishes he could see the LT.CDR’s face at that moment.
    Teriir blinked in surprise. It took him a moment to recognize the engineer who contacted him was joking. He guessed it was their Chief Engineer, Rovek, an El-Aurian. His race was very rare to encounter because of the destruction of their homeworld by the Borg a long time ago. Thinking through his comments, he guessed Rovek wanted to have a pleasant conversation with him soon.

    He glanced over at Delvok and noticed the Vulcan equivalent of confusion on his brow. He spoke up to the officer, "Is something on your mind?"

    "I do not understand what painting a bulkhead has to do with taking a walk," the Vulcan stated, giving him a raised eyebrow in emphasis.

    "That was a joke," Teriir explained with his best reassuring tone as he turned to leave, "Finish up here and then prepare for a drill to be held at 15:00 hours."

    In the last three days, he had been going through the ship wherever and whenever he could to lend assistance. His services as the Tactical officer were minimal right now since he had been assigning several people to support various duties around the Ares. He had Ensigns Celria and Hunt assisting with the reviews of the Data Storage Center to pin down where the message they recorded during the fight was sent. Lieutenant Locke already held a round of training exercises today and they were going to meet up with him later to review the scores. It was both a relief and a shame that the transporter records came up empty, a relief because they knew nobody escaped or slipped onto the Ares and a shame because their spy was still onboard.

    The turbolift doors parted and he stepped inside, deciding to head to the ship's lounge for an hour or two. Teriir was feeling a little tired for some reason today so he rubbed his eyes and forced himself to think. The combat drills were all on schedule but there was one more he wanted to setup just to see if there was anyone either interested enough or crazy enough to take it. The Kobayashi Maru was an excellent challenge for anyone to take but finding a volunteer was the hardest part.

    ((Tag: Relvok, Cushing))
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    U.S.S. ARES
    Deck 8 – Enlisted Quarters

    Jei walked into her quarters and immediately began looking for Mochi and called out the puppy’s name. Going into her tiny bedroom, she saw that Mochi’s bed was empty. Before Jei was able to form another thought and panic, her door chimed. Looking around and continuing to call Mochi’s name, Jei moved to the door and hit the open key.

    There stood Master Chief Samson, her supervisor, and Eddie Nakamura, her neighbor. Eddie was holding Mochi who seemed to be happy and playful.

    “Mochi!” exclaimed Jei as she reached out and took possession of Mochi and embracing the puppy. Jei was so happy that her anxiety from worry immediately evaporated. Her eyes were tearing up but she was giggling at Mochi’s lively mood as the puppy licked her face, the little tail wagging at warp speed.

    Both men looked at one another, not really prepared for the usually stoic engineering technician’s strong emotional reaction. “You’re looking better than yesterday, Petty Officer Han,” commented Master Chief Samson, suddenly feeling a bit awkward. “You had us worried there for a bit.”

    Now that the awkward ice was broken, Eddie jumped in. “When I heard that you were injured, I took the initiative to look after your puppy until you recovered, I hope you didn’t mind,” explained Eddie.

    “Thank you, Eddie,” offered Jei as she unexpectedly used his given name for the first time. “Thank you Master Chief, I’m sorry I let you and the team down.”

    That threw Eddie off-guard. His ears began to feel warm as a wave of elation flushed his cheeks. He felt he finally connected with the real Jei underneath her layers of armor and usual stand-off persona. “Don’t mention it,” replied Eddie.

    The Master Chief shook his head. “You didn’t, Jei. I’m damn proud to have you on my team… but we’ll talk shop later. I read the report and Medical says that you are to rest for a couple of days. In case you feel you can ignore the doctor’s orders, I’m doubling down on that… and raising it. You. Will. Rest. Two days. Understood, Petty Officer Han?”

    Jei knew that old salty Chief’s tone and it was one she knew better than to push or violate. “Aye, aye, Master Chief. I’ll be good and rest up until I’m cleared by Doctor Cushing.”

    The Master Chief nodded in approval. “Rest up, Jei… as I assure you will have things to do when you can return to duty. I need my best.” Samson looked at Chief Petty Officer Nakamura. “Eddie, keep an eye on her for me. If she goes anywhere near her tool belt or an access panel… notify me.”

    “Aye, Aye, Master Chief,” grinned the security officer.
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Thu 05 Jul, 2018 11:26 PM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 11 – Stellar Cartography

    Hood walked the plank to the main control terminal. He had been reviewing the Ares projected course to unknown space in his quarters, but only with a limited view. From Stellar Cartography, Hood had the ability to immerse himself in a holographic representation of charted space, and loved to do so. He felt as if he was standing on the edge of history.

    At warp seven, it would take just over 11 days to cross a sector of twenty lightyears. He followed the ship’s projected trajectory between the Badlands and the Tzenkethi Coalition, past the Rolor Nebula, to about a sector away from the Ferengi Alliance, sixty lightyears from Earth, flying deeper into the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco.

    How fitting to be heading into the Draco constellation. Early cartographers wrote HC SVNT DRACONES, “Here be Dragons,” on edges of maps to highlight dangerous or unexplored territories, a medieval practice of drawing dragons, sea-monsters and other mythological creatures on uncharted areas of maps.

    “How fitting, indeed,” Hood unknowingly said aloud to himself.

    Almost four sectors away from the Badlands, along the edge of explored space, on the farside of the Black Cluster, sat Deep Space 3. Every year, Vice Admiral Marcus Holt hosted a palio, an athletic contest, for neighboring species and cultures to compete against each other. During the Middle Ages on Earth, palios often involved horse racing, archery, swordfighting, jousting, and other medieval sports.

    I wonder if I’d be allowed to enter with my longsword…

    Hood recalled that the USS Hera, under Captain Silva La Forge, was lost after losing communication with Deep Space 3 in 2370. The starship had a crew of over three hundred, mostly Vulcans. Starfleet suspects the ship was lost due to their chief engineer experimenting with the trionic initiators. It was last detected around Marijne VII, three hundred lightyears away.

    The Ares was expected to pass Gemulon, a trinary system consisting of a G-class star, a K-class star, and an M-class star. The fifth planet was intended to be the home of a Federation colony in the late 2350s, but the colonists never reached their destination; the ship was sabotaged by Alixus, a prolific philosopher and author who spent her life studying the Human condition. Alixus and her son, Vinod, were taken into custody as they had to answer for willingly letting people die for her theories and intentionally stranding a colony on another planet.

    The first sector adjacent to Gemulon, two sectors from Breen space, was completely unexplored by the Federation.

    That is where Starfleet drew its dragons.

    “Computer, mark HC SVNT DRACONES on the sector currently displayed,” Hood ordered. “Upload and display ‘Gracie’s Dragon’ over the sector.”

    OOC: My daughter happened to draw the dragon from the new film "Pete's Dragon" tonight, which inspired "Gracie's Dragon." We really will be on the edge of the constellation Draco, just thought that was really cool.
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    U.S.S. ARES
    Outside Counselor's Office

    Laxeth was beginning to become impatient. He hailed the Counselor for the fifth time. There was still no reply after several minutes.

    "Computer. Locate Counselor A'Mand."

    "Counselor A'Mand is currently on the Bridge."

    Well, the Talaxian thought to himself. She must be busy with more important things. With a satisfying huff, he turned around and headed down the hallway to the turbolift.

    U.S.S. ARES

    Laxeth reported to his station twenty minutes early. His meeting with A'Mand was intended to be an informal "check-in" - a way for her to cess out and determine if anyone in the crew had aided the Orion Syndicate. Technically, Laxeth had. He just hadn't meant to. He wondered what would happen if the Captain or the other senior officers found out. It was hard for him to focus on his work. He was fidgety. Nervous. He took a deep breath. He was on the verge of a breakthrough in his calculations to enhance his shield technology. Once he finished the last set of algorithms, no one would be able to touch him - literally. He just needed two more days, three max.

    ...but would he be found out before then?
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     –  Last edited by Scarlett; Thu 05 Jul, 2018 5:10 PM.
    USS Ares
    Hallway – Deck 4

    A’Mand left the Bridge several minutes ago and headed to her office. The attack from the Orions still captured the crew’s peripheral attention, likely due to its suddenness and quick resolution with long-lasting affects. Paramount was the continuing mission and to the next stop on the voyage. She made sure to be present on the Bridge as the “brain” of the ship needed to recuperate the quickest from the stress of the event and present normality with respect to duty. To her satisfaction, the Bridge crew, for all shifts, recovered with textbook efficiency. It was a good sign to the leadership of Ares and she made sure to log her observations as quickly as possible.

    Yet, it was obvious the “why” of the attack lingered and some people dedicated time to find the truth. For A’Mand, hard data can only go so far; it was the unwritten code that could tell the whole story.

    For example, it is known that a transmission was sent to the Orion’s prior to the attack. The content of the signal cannot be revealed and that was illogical, to a degree. But maybe it wasn’t a message, per se? Maybe it was simply a marker or a sign? The Orion Syndicate is well-known to have many layers to their deals and subterfuge is a constant. Regardless of their intentions, someone communicated to the Orions and that is what will lead to the truth.

    A’Mand stopped at the doors to her office and realized she had focused a lot of her own attention to the mystery. Realigning her thoughts to the present, she reminded herself to speak to Ensign Carter about scheduling appointments. Instead of entering, she decided to find the crewman she was supposed to meet with; Acting Ensign Laxeth was the only Talaxian aboard Ares and one of a handful in Starfleet. A meeting with him was sure to be highly informational for obviously professional reasons.

    With a raised eyebrow, she contemplated the personality matrix and descriptions in his file could only go so far, it was the unwritten nuances and quirks that could tell his own story.

    The Chief Counselor entered the turbolift and spoke to no one, “Engineering”.
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    USS Ares
    Main Sickbay

    Christopher ambled through the remainder of his shift, dealing with the aftermath of the attack and those injuries that normally occur on board a starship. His one remaining duty before he left was a particularly lamentable one. With great sadness, Christopher checked on the Captain. Looking at the equipment patiently working away to keep the Captain's body functioning, Christopher could only feel a sense of helplessness.

    "Computer," he began, "compare current reading from those taken two hours ago."

    Looking at the two readings made Christopher shudder. There was a 4% decrease in blood oxygen levels. Despite the biobed's best efforts, the man was dying. Everything the medical staff of the Ares did was just to try and prolong the inevitable. Christopher grabbed a hypo and administered a TriOx compound to temporarily bring the Captain's O2 levels into the normal range. "Hang in there, Captain, we'll get you somewhere safe real soon." Christopher knew that the man couldn't respond, or even hear him, but it certainly made Christopher feel better.

    Christopher left instructions with the nursing staff to be notified if there was any change to the Captain's condition and walked out into the corridor. He paused for a moment to reorient himself. He left behind Doctor Cushing's stoicism and slipped into simply being Christopher for a while. His posture relaxed and he headed for the lounge for a some food and drinks in more lively surroundings.

    OOC: Asteropax, if you can send me a DM we can JP the ideas for the Kobayashi Maru.
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     –  Last edited by Asteropax; Sun 08 Jul, 2018 8:15 PM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 10 - Ship's Lounge

    Teriir's weariness left him the instant he stepped into the ship's primary lounge. Although every ship had a mess or replimat which provided some luxuries, those aboard the Ares rivaled those of most starbases he visited. There were two distinctive setups all within one large room; the first one being a bar and small restaurant. The bar was towards the back of the room, placed in between the twin entrances. The restaurant took up the middle of the room, providing a wide variety of places for people to sit, including circular booths on the walls and regular seating towards the center. He could smell some cooking going on behind the bar. The lounge area interested him the most right now and it was at the front of the room, right in front of a large observation window. The place was busy already but there was plenty of space for him and all of the other officers and crew who would be steadily streaming in throughout the day.

    He plopped down into one of the larger chairs and let out a sigh, feeling as though the chair had swallowed him up. His feet seemed to breath the instant he took his weight off of them. The crew would have to come up with some sort of a nickname for this area. Some crews named their lounges by the deck and section number, like "Ten Forward", while others named them by whatever seemed to stick. He heard of other lounges ranging from "Team Room" to "Stellar Views". His previous shipmates drew ideas from stars when naming theirs; "The Flare". They would think of a good one eventually. He was interrupted in his thoughts by some movement to his right.

    A Risian waitress was standing next to him with a PADD, "Hello, Commander! I'm Zarina! What can I get for you?"

    "Ikara!" Teriir greeted her, barely remembering how to say 'hello' in her people's language.

    "Whoa!" she commented in surprise before he could place his order, "I haven't heard an outsider speak my people's language before!"

    "To be fair," he found himself blushing slightly, "I only managed to pick up on a few words during my shore leave on Risa a few weeks ago. First time I was ever there!"

    Zarina gave him a pleased grin and shifted the PADD in her hands, "I hope you plan on going back soon! So, what would you like?"

    He immediately decided on a favorite of his, "I'd like an iced tea, unsweetened, please."

    "Okay!" she responded with a playful expression, "A little too early in the day for you to be drinking?"

    "Something like that," he smiled back. He turned his attention to the stars streaking past the observation window after she left. His answer to the waitress was truthful in the fact he wasn't a drinker, but inaccurate because he didn't drink at all. After his mother passed away, his father began enjoying alcohol a little too much. A glass here and there rapidly turned into a bottle of whiskey per day. He didn't want to go down that road so avoided it all together, not even drinking Synthale. He shook his head to clear the memories of his father.

    Teriir noticed an officer in a blue uniform nearby, trying to decide on a place to sit. He pointed out a seat next to him, "Over here!"

    As the officer joined him, he decided to be casual in his demeanor, "I'm Dyrell. Pleased to meet you."

    ((Tag: Cushing))
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Fri 06 Jul, 2018 3:51 PM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 16 - Sickbay

    Angus and Christopher had discussed the situation with the captain at great length. Both were tip-toeing around the inevitable but now they had to admit it. It hadn't even been a week and the captain... was dying.

    "Okay... we have been talking for over an hour on what our next move is, no matter what we try our facilities aboard the Ares just can't cut it... I'll contact the acting captain and try to arrange a senior staff meeting tomorrow to discuss the issue with everyone. In the meantime, there's nothing else we can do..." Angus got up out of his chair and his subordinate followed suit. He was about to say something when he saw Joel, the hypochondriac he dealt with last night blunder his way into the Sickbay in a panic.

    "Oh for crying out loud, sorry I've got to deal with this... your dismissed." Angus concluded as he walked out of his office, he smiled briefly at the thought that he just got out of a long conversation only to walk into what was probably an even longer one. Trying to convince Joel that he hasn't got some rare and extremely deadly disease is like trying to talk a Klingon into being a pacifist!

    "Whats wrong now?" Angus asked as he approached the man tightly holding his arm.

    The man spits out string words too quick and closes together to understand. He is obviously panicking.

    "Okay, it's alright, sit on that bed over there and I'll run a few scans, okay?"

    As the distraught crewman edges himself onto the bed, Angus pretends to click a few buttons on a control panel. He picks up a medical tricorder and walks over to the bed, tapping his com-badge as he waves the device up and down.

    =^= Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt but I have some bad news... as you know my team has been doing our absolute best to keep the captain stable these past few days and well... even though we have some of the finest medical instruments it seems that it simply isn't cutting it. I'm giving the captain three or four days tops. With your permission, I would like to schedule a briefing with all the other senior staff as to what our next course of action is?"

    (Tag: R’Turan, Christopher)
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     –  Last edited by Nesta; Sun 08 Jul, 2018 6:25 PM.
    =^= Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt but I have some bad news... as you know my team has been doing our absolute best to keep the captain stable these past few days and well... even though we have some of the finest medical instruments it seems that it simply isn't cutting it. I'm giving the captain three or four days tops. With your permission, I would like to schedule a briefing with all the other senior staff as to what our next course of action is?"
    USS Ares
    Deck 1 - Bridge

    As the internal comm was activated, R'Turan, who was still located at the security terminal, walked to the captain's chair and sat down, accepting the call.
    "=^= That would be a wise course of action, commander. You can arrange a meeting whenever you have time, I shall certainly be there. In the meantime, try to keep the captain stable. R'Turan out."

    As the comm-channel was closed, R'Turan closed his yellow eyes as the Caitian's tail flicked to left and right under the chair. After around two minutes, he would stand up and enter the ready room, sitting down in the chair behind the desk. Following, he would order: "Computer, predict how long it would take for us to travel from our current position back to Deep Space Nine." As the computer began its calculations, the acting captain would issue another order to the mechanical mind that ran the Ares. "Computer, locate Lieutenant Hood."

    "Lieutenant Allan Hood is on deck 11, Stellar Cartography." rang the serene voice of the computer.

    "Thank you," R'Turan said, clicking his combadge, opening a channel directly to astrometrics.

    "=^= Lieutenant, the captain is in critical condition, Commander Hems is doing all he can to keep him stable. How long would it take for the Ares to head back to Deep Space Nine?"

    ((Tag Angus Hems, Allan Hood.))
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Mon 09 Jul, 2018 4:01 PM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 11 – Stellar Cartography

    Hood worked on exploring the edges of explored space, trying to guess what might be just around the edges. He measured the gravimetric distortions in spacetime, using the computer to make predictions on possible interstellar phenomena. Wondering about the possible spatial anomalies led him to worry about distortion increases near an unknown source that could pose a danger to the Ares by potentially trapping them and exposing them to high levels of gravimetric shear.

    There were countless stories of ships being trapped in severe gravimetric distortions while in proximity to massive or unknown objects, eventually tearing them apart by the stress. Though the Ares has an extremely high tolerance compared to civilian craft, Hood rather be safe then sorry, making as many predictions as possible...
    "=^= Lieutenant, the captain is in critical condition. Commander Hems is doing all he can to keep him stable. How long would it take for the Ares to head back to Deep Space Nine?"=^=
    "About four days at warp 9, sir," Hood called out into the air, snapping back to the here and now, "that's if Engineering has caught up on all their repairs."

    ((Tag R'Turan))
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     –  Last edited by Asteropax; Sun 08 Jul, 2018 8:15 PM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 11 - Holosuite 1

    Ian Locke fired off his phaser one last time and his target down range let off a ping as it was struck. That was the 20th and final target to hit and he finished the speed and accuracy trial in just under 30 seconds. He hit every target without missing and avoided hitting the five decoy targets which were marked as friendlies. Setting the phaser down, he turned around so he could see the faces of the other officers and crew present. The two dozen others, most of them security but there were some from the other departments as well, were impressed by his performance since he had done the best of all of them. He went last since he had been managing the drill.

    "Nice shooting, sir," Ensign Perseck remarked with a respectful nod.

    "Thank you, Ensign," Locke acknowledged the compliment before focusing on the others, "All of you did very well. The best thing about this drill is that it ensures rapid response times as well as target recognition. Everyone knows where you need to improve and all of you will as you continue practicing."

    There were a few embarrassed shifts as he mentioned the need to improve; 2 people hit friendly targets, 1 person went over 2 minutes during the test, and multiple people used up all 20 of their shots before all of the targets appeared. A number of the officers and crewmen began giving murmurs of reassurance and he could hear a few people teasing others about their mistakes. It was friendly though so he let it slide. Shifting his position to a more attentive posture, which silenced them within moments, he continued, "There will be more drills scheduled over the next several days. If you feel inclined to perform additional practice; go ahead and do so. Dismissed."

    A few officers approached the range for additional practice but the majority turned around and headed out of the holosuite. Locke grinned at this because he'd been running them hard for the past few hours and could tell most of them wanted to go relax now. It was well earned. Save one person whom he called over to him, "Ensign Barron; Your attitude today was horrendous."

    "We're shooting dumb disks and not actual targets. I won't shoot a phaser unless I've got a real in front of me to shoot," Ensign Wallace Barron complained. The youngster hadn't even bothered hiding his contempt, "I'm here in security to fight Enemies of the Federation; not drones."

    "Those drones are there to make certain that when the time comes for you to engage the 'Enemies of the Federation', as you put it, you are ready," Locke replied, letting his tone indicate his temper. It was burning because the Ensign hadn't even bothered using his phaser on anything until they activated a few holograms of Naussican Pirates for him to target. He did well with the drill but only when they did things his way. He continued his lecture, "Your behavior, which sounds to me as ' do what I want or I leave', will get you nowhere on this ship. Keep this up and you're going to become more of a problem than a solution. Clear?"

    "Yes, sir" Barron definately didn't but Locke decided it was better to let it slide for now. He watched as the Ensign whirled around to march out the holosuite's exit.

    Right after he left, a Trill Lt. Jr. Grade stepped in. Locke recognized her immediatley as he served with her before, "Lieutenant Vars, how may I assist you?"

    "I'm here to collect the results of the drills you've held so far," she gave him a smile while speaking to him. She glanced over her shoulder in the direction Barron took off in, "What was that about?"

    "Oh, just some disciplining," He rubbed his eyebrows to emphasize his frustration. Of all the insubordinate officers he'd met, Barron was among the worst. This was not going to be an easy fix. Focusing on her again, he took the PADD she brought in with her and downloaded everyone's scores onto it, "That's all of them."

    "Alright," she replied and scrolled through them. She looked up again after her quick check, "From the looks of these scores, everyone did pretty well. Dyrell will be pleased to hear this. Want me to tell him about that Ensign or will you?"

    "I'll tell him," Locke straightened himself out, "But knowing Teriir, he probably already guessed he'll make life interesting."

    Jenha Vars gave him a grunt in agreement and headed off to whatever she'd be doing next. Taking a deep breath to force the resurfacing memories of the two's first meeting out of his mind, he turned his attention back to the phaser range and began observing the officers there.
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    Teriir noticed an officer in a blue uniform nearby, trying to decide on a place to sit. He pointed out a seat next to him, "Over here!"

    As the officer joined him, he decided to be casual in his demeanor, "I'm Dyrell. Pleased to meet you."
    USS Ares
    Deck 10 - Ship's Lounge

    Sinking down into the offered seat, the young Doctor held out a hand, "Hi, I'm Christopher, one second if you don't mind." Christopher gestured to catch the waitress' attention. "Hi Zarina, can I get a large Gin and Tonic please, with a twist of lime?"

    Zarina nodded, "Sure thing Doc, coming right up."

    Looking back at the commander, Christopher smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry about that Dyrell, it's been one of those days, well, one of those weeks really and it doesn't look like it'll get much better anytime soon. Between explosions, triage and dying captains.." Christopher slammed his mouth shut in realisation of what he'd just spoken aloud. "Dammit, sorry. I shouldn't have said anything about the captain's condition." Zarina arrived with Christopher's drink which he proceeded to gulp down.

    TAG Dyrell
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    USS Ares
    Deck 10 - Ship's Lounge

    Looking back at the commander, Christopher smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry about that Dyrell, it's been one of those days, well, one of those weeks really and it doesn't look like it'll get much better anytime soon. Between explosions, triage and dying captains.." Christopher slammed his mouth shut in realisation of what he'd just spoken aloud. "Dammit, sorry. I shouldn't have said anything about the captain's condition." Zarina arrived with Christopher's drink which he proceeded to gulp down.
    "It's quite alright. We've all had a very busy week," Dyrell took a quick sip of the iced tea the waitress brought him. He needed the moment to consider his next words carefully "I know you've done everything in your power to help him."

    He took a moment to ponder his own words, feeling somewhat helpless. Tactical Officers were trained to deal with combat but this was one battle the Captain would have to face on his own. A little light bulb went off in his head as he thought about the list of ships within this sector he had been given a few days ago.

    ~"Note to self; talk to Commander R'Turan about getting a message out to the USS Hippocrates as soon as possible. It's a hospital ship so it should have more than enough medical tools to save the Captain's life."~

    Keeping that thought pinned on his mind, he gave Christopher a reassuring look, "Thanks for telling me about the Captain. We'll find a way to help him pull through."

    Dyrell didn't know if it was a good time to switch subjects or not, but he wanted to fill him in on what he'd been working on, "With the fighting that went on, R'Turan had me get going on setting up some combat drills. He wants to ensure everyone is still up for the missions ahead. There are a few going on now and . . . well, I've been considering letting one or two of the junior officers have a shot at the Kobayashi Maru."

    ((Tag: Christopher, R'Turan))
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    well, I've been considering letting one or two of the junior officers have a shot at the Kobayashi Maru."
    USS Ares
    Deck 10 - Ship's Lounge

    Christopher almost choked on his drink. His mind was racing a hundred miles a minute, while bouncing up and down, yelling ~Are you serious! Do it! Do it! Do it! Woohooooooo!~ Instead, Christopher calmly put down his glass and said, "I think that sounds rather exciting. Would you mind if I tried? I've never taken the scenario before but it's still legendary at the Academy."

    He barely heard Deryll's reply as he was running through what little he knew of Engineering, Tactical and Helm functions. Shaking his head to bring himself out of his reverie, Christopher said, "I beg your pardon, what was that last bit?"

    Tag: Dyrell
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     –  Last edited by Asteropax; Wed 11 Jul, 2018 1:20 AM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 10 - Ship's Lounge

    Christopher almost choked on his drink. His mind was racing a hundred miles a minute, while bouncing up and down, yelling ~Are you serious! Do it! Do it! Do it! Woohooooooo!~ Instead, Christopher calmly put down his glass and said, "I think that sounds rather exciting. Would you mind if I tried? I've never taken the scenario before but it's still legendary at the Academy."
    "You. A doctor. Want to try the Kobayashi Maru Command Test?" Dyrell asked slowly as he recovered from his surprise. He never heard of a medical officer taking the test before, let alone met one interested in taking it. He couldn't help but stare somewhat dumbfounded by the request. His mind was already clicking away, reminding him that there were new scenarios entered into the pool of possible tests every year. A new one, which he only knew took place during the Dominion War, had been released for the Class of 2382 to start taking a few days before they departed Deep Space 9. Why not let someone unexpected take it? That was all part of the test; you never knew how someone would do.
    He barely heard Deryll's reply as he was running through what little he knew of Engineering, Tactical and Helm functions. Shaking his head to bring himself out of his reverie, Christopher said, "I beg your pardon, what was that last bit?"
    Deciding to hide his previous surprise, he replied, "Of course you may! I'll make sure everything is ready for you."

    ((Tag: Christopher))