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[In Progress] - Star Trek Adventures Contest & Roleplay Event- A Star Beyond The Stars

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aceman67, Thu 12 Jul, 2018 1:09 PM
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     –  Last edited by aceman67; Sun 22 Jul, 2018 5:08 AM.
    Sign up is Closed

    SFT 240

    Star Trek Adventures Contest & Roleplay Event

    A Star Beyond The Stars

    We are in the remote Elicona sector, investigating the disappearance of the U.S.S.
    Alcubierre. After three days in this unpopulated region of space, we found a promising lead. Hours ago, long-range sensors detected a vessel and the presence of subspace interference. The ship is several parsecs outside Federation territory. The Alcubierre was on special assignment, testing new engine systems designed to exceed warp 5 without damaging subspace. I can only surmise that something went terribly wrong with the experiments.
    ~ Captain Marion Andrews, CO USS

    Hi, and thank you for showing interest in this Star Trek Adventures event! We will be running a campaign of three missions to uncover the mystery of the disappearance of a Starfleet Science Vessel, as well as giving anyone who is interested a chance to try Star Trek Adventures out for themselves and possibly win a prize for their effort!

    Up for grabs for the winner is their choice of PDF copies the Star Trek Adventures Core Rule Book, Star Trek Adventures Beta Quadrant Source Book, or the Star Trek Adventures Command Division Supplimental Rule Book (Along with either the TOS or TNG Pre-Generated Characters sheets).

    This adventure is meant for new and experienced players, anyone is welcome to join, so if you're at all interested in playing Star Trek Adventures, but haven't made the decision to buy the game, this is your chance to try the game out, and who knows, you might win a copy of the game!

    As this will be a structured campaign, up to 7 pre-generated characters will be provided (which will be detailed below) on a first-come-first-served basis, with the idea that you will role-play the character chosen, as this will be key to winning.


    How to Play & Win
    The winner will be chosen based on a point system:
    • 1pt - Attendance
    • 1pt - Active Participation
    • 1-3pt - Roleplay of Character (Determined by GM)
    • 1pt - MVP of the Session (As voted by players each session, you cannot vote for yourself)

    Most points at the end of the event will be declared the winner.
    All standard rules and guidelines as set forth by the UFPlanets Code of Conduct apply.
    Cost of Prizes will be furnished by Aceman67
    Sign up will close on Saturday, July 21st 2018
    Because of my work schedule, the first game will be held on 12:00 PM MST, Saturday, July 28th 2018, and every other Saturday as needed until the Campaign is complete.

    Up to 7 participants can enter, but a minimum of 3 is required for this event to take place.

    Please make sure you read through the How To Play guide, located here:
    (Guide) Star Trek Adventures - How To Play


    Starship & Characters
    Links to Character Sheets Included

    USS Magellanic - NCC-70648 - Galaxy-Class

    Captain Marion Andrews - Commanding Officer
    Played By: LynndisLostris
    Peace is a Fragile Thing
    If it has Engines, I can Fly It!
    A Crew is a Family and It's Ship a Home
    Violence is a last resort, but that doesn't mean I'm toothless

    Marion is an experienced officer, having spent the majority of her career on the front lines of the Cardassian/Federation Border Conflict. For many years she's seen her fair share of violence, and has developed an aversion to it and will take steps to avoid it whenever possible, but like any commanding officer, she will protect her crew when the need arises. The Magellanic is her first command. Due to an injury, she received during her service on the front lines, Marion is blind and has received standard ocular implants. (OOC Note: These are standard implants and have no special attributes other than restored 20/20 vision)

    Commander Meto Lonn - Executive Officer
    Played By: Angelgiga
    The Occupation Did Not Break Me
    Do not mistake my compassion for weakness
    You'll have to come through me first!
    Hesitation leads to Disaster
    I will give my life for my comrades

    Born on Bajor during the last years of the Occupation working in the fields of the Slave Farms, Lonn is no stranger to hardship. With no family at the end of the Occupation, Lonn wandered Bajor for several months before finding himself on DS9. Walking down the Promenade, he walked past the Temple. A Vedek approached him, took hold of his ear, and said: "Come with me,". He took Lonn to the rear of the Temple and gestured to the altar where the Orb of Prophecy and Change sat. "When you are read, open it." The Vedek said, then left the room. In the vision, he saw himself, weapon in hand, fighting a dauntless foe, while his fellows withdrew, and that was where the vision ended. When he stepped away from the Orb, the Vedek told him that that was between him and the prophets, and what he saw will help him follow his path. Leaving the Temple, Lonn saw a group of Starfleet Security officers conducting a training breach and enter drill on a closed shop, and instantly knew what that path would be.

    Lieutenant Commander Ran Ch'Tanneq - Chief Engineer
    Played By: OPEN
    If it ain't broke, tinker with it.
    Just like a lady, treat your ship right, and she'll bring you home.
    If you want my respect, respect my ship.
    If the right way doesn't get it done, do it the wrong way.

    Ran is a very self-assured engineer, and his record only serves to fuel his ego. He fancies himself (or at least likes to think he is) a ladies man, but his one true love is the Magellanic, having been present as an engineer shortly after her keel was laid after being reassigned when the starship he was on previously was destroyed in a severe ion storm. He worked on the Magellanic all the way until she was dedicated, then rose through the ranks to become her Chief Engineer. He doesn't know what to think of her new Captain, though.

    Commander Moga Payne M.D. - Chief Medical Officer
    Played By: Tatchi
    If I had a credit for every time...
    I Swore An Oath.
    Shut up, I'm rescuing you!
    My alignment is Lawful Grumpy.

    Doctor Moga Payne is a long-serving veteran of Starfleet, having been in the service for over seventy years, and has heard every joke about his name, and over the years he's developed a very cynical attitude because of it. He is one of those doctor's who will very bluntly tell you "Well, stop doing that," when told "Doc, It hurts when I do this,". Moga is also a good friend of Captain Andrews and is the only one she trusts to maintain her ocular implants.

    Lieutenant Commander T'Parra - Chief Science Officer
    Played By: OPEN
    Logic is the foundation of critical thinking
    The logic of words should yield to the logic of realities
    Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again.
    Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.

    T'Para is the daughter of two accomplished engineers on Vulcan, and through being exposed to their field of work, gaining an appreciation to the precise nature of their work, but quickly found that her talents lay in sciences rather than engineering. After graduating from the Vulcan Science Academy, T'Para entered Starfleet Academy and then moved on to serve on research and exploration vessels. After assisting in a nearly disastrous First Contact, she came to the logical conclusion that a fit intellect should be complemented by a fit body in order to defend one's self, and underwent additional martial arts training, including Suus Mahna, as well as the use of small-arms weaponry. T'Para's personality is cold and analytical, valuing logic above instinct, but is always open to other points of view, if presented in a logical fashion.

    Lieutenant Junior Grade Jasmine Bhatia - Chief Security Officer
    Played By: OPEN
    Space is Dangerous; Always be Prepared
    You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.
    Everything by the book.
    Without its crew, a Ship is nothing. Without the ship, the crew is nothing.

    Jasmine is your typical young officer: Enthusiastic and Eager to please, and very serious about her duties. Originally obtaining the rank of Lieutenant very quickly out of the academy, she was reduced in rank by her superior for insubordination when she called them out for making a bad tactical decision on an away mission and didn't immediately follow orders, which lead to the death of another security officer and friend. Soured by this experience, Jasmine has developed a very strict and by the book attitude when it comes to protocol and procedure.

    Senior Chief Petty Officer Aoi "Casper" Hasegawa - Conn Non-Commissioned Officer
    Played By: SammyGM
    Keep pushing foward, always.
    If it doesn't fit in a duffle bag, it doesn't matter.
    Just because I make it look easy doesn't mean it is.
    Every ship has its quirks, just like people.

    Aoi, or Casper, as she prefers to be addressed by her CallSign, grew up in Uruma, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. The oldest of four children, she was expected to follow her parents into politics, as a member of their family had had a seat in the local government for almost a century. To spite this, Aoi did what she could to avoid that, taking up computer sciences in school and getting her pilots certification at the earliest possibility, which was a dream of hers from growing up near the Federation Naval Patrol station in Kenbu Bay and watching aircraft they used. Shortly before her 18th Birthday, Her father brought her to a ceremony on Mars proclaiming a settlement's new city-status and as a sister city to Uruma. He hoped this would convince her to enter public service. Instead, she blew the ceremony off and took a tour of Utopia Planitia and witnessed the launch of a new Galaxy-Class starship. When her father caught up to her at the Shipyard, he realized by the look in her eyes that there was no stopping her and asked if she wanted to join Starfleet, and she told him yes. He smiled at the thought of his daughter being an officer.

    Naturally, Aoi took the enlisted track.

    Lieutenant Commander Aceman67
    Starfleet Tactical Operations Officer
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     –  Last edited by aceman67; Thu 12 Jul, 2018 3:56 PM.
    This entire thing should only take 3-4 sessions, 5 at the most (Jul 28, Aug 11 & 25, Sept 8 & maybe Sept 22, and should only take about 2-3 hours at most, with the first session taking the longest to get everyone situated.

    With BFA coming out on Aug 14th and going by Legion's raid release schedule as a possibility, raids won't open till Sept 11 at the earliest or the 18th at the latest.

    Things should be good for ya Sammy, but we should know more closer to the lauch of BfA

    If only one or two sessions are left when raids launch, I can move it to sunday, same time.
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     –  Last edited by aceman67; Fri 13 Jul, 2018 3:10 PM.
    Contest Update:

    First Adventure is fully added and set up on Roll20.

    Added All characters to Roll20, added character tokens to the character descriptions above!

    An Internet cookie to whoever can guess who all the characters are (they're all celebs)

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    Okay, I'll join in! I'll go with the Conn Officer, Casper.
    You would pick the anti-conformist Tongue Out LOL

    (Check the community events and be sure to RSVP)
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    I had to double-check the time to be sure, but I think I'll sign up for this one too. I've been wanting to learn how to play STA, so this should be a fun intro game. I'm leaning towards either the Chief Science Officer or the Commanding Officer.
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    Oh sure, everyone picks the hot chicks or glamorous positions, heedlessly running off into danger and then just assuming somebody will patch them up. Figures. Chief Medical Officer for me then. Someone has to save these fools.
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     –  Last edited by aceman67; Sat 14 Jul, 2018 1:25 PM.
    I had to double-check the time to be sure, but I think I'll sign up for this one too. I've been wanting to learn how to play STA, so this should be a fun intro game. I'm leaning towards either the Chief Science Officer or the Commanding Officer.
    Awesome, looking forward to killing you mercilesslyintroducing you to the game!

    But please pick one character Wink

    Oh sure, everyone picks the hot chicks or glamorous positions, heedlessly running off into danger and then just assuming somebody will patch them up. Figures. Chief Medical Officer for me then. Someone has to save these fools.
    I don't know why, but a Cantankerous personality suits you Wink Tongue Out
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    Awesome, looking forward to killing you mercilessly introducing you to the game!

    But please pick one character Wink
    Ummm... Yay? Shocked

    After the initial read-through I really couldn't decide between the two, and I wanted to give someone else an opportunity to pick one if there was a position they really really wanted to play. I do the Vulcan Chief Science Officer a ton in real life (a friend of mine calls me a green-blooded hobgoblin rather frequently Redface), so I think I may try the CO and expand my horizons a bit. Hopefully my time as a Fencing Club President will be helpful in not blowing up the ship. lol
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    Awesome, CO assigned.
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    Hi i'd love to join!

    Would I be able to play Commander Meto Lonn - Executive Officer?

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     –  Last edited by aceman67; Mon 16 Jul, 2018 8:01 AM.
    Hi i'd love to join!

    Would I be able to play Commander Meto Lonn - Executive Officer?

    First come first serve! XO Assigned!

    Remember to RSVP on the Event page!
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     –  Last edited by Mark Okuda; Sat 21 Jul, 2018 5:59 PM.
    Sorry didn't realize the time. Can't do it.
    MarkOkuda Medals

    "This is the way"