USS Ares
Deck 1 - Conference Room
R'Turan made his way into the conference room after he left the ready-room, mostly having composed a speech to the senior staff present; he carried said speech in a PADD, which he held in his right hand. Locking his gaze onto Teriir, he would offer a nod, sitting down at the head of the table, straightening his uniform and placing the PADD he was carrying on the conference table. Following, he would wait for the other officers to sit down as he activated the PADD, reviewing the speech he had composed and made a few, final adjustments.
When they did sit down, he would begin to speak, his deep, growl-like voice would easily carry through the room; everyone present should be able to hear it.
"Senior staff," He began, yellow gaze drifting from Teriir to each and every one of the senior staff. "The captain has only four days to live." He wasn't beating around the bush, nor was he ever.
"Thus, we are to rendezvous with the U.S.S. Hippocrates, a hospital ship in the area," R'Turan growled, standing up and heading to the wall-mounted console, activating it. There, his eyes flashed with surprise as he saw that the map was already open. He did not show much, though.
"After we have delivered the captain to the Hippocrates, for far better care than we can provide, we will be heading to the Dorvan-system, a binary star-system, where we will have our first stop at Dorvan V, a former Federation Colony, who renounced their Federation citizenship in 2370,"
R'Turan would take a deep breath and continue: "The colonists, descendants from North Americans from Earth, are being raided and attacked by Nausicaans, who are primarily targeting the food sources of the colonists. Since the attacks, crops have not grown to their full potential, due to radiation exposure. Colonists suffer from malnutrition, growing the minimum amount of crops necessary to their survival, and, as I said, Nausicaans raid remaining crops and torment the colonists for sport.
"Our mission is, thus, to relieve the colonists of their tormentors, and drop off supplies at this colony before we head out again, continuing on to the next colony, and eventually to our primary mission: the Semper Exploro Project. I do hope that I needn't remind you that we, as Starfleet Officers, are representatives of the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet and that we are obligated to help these people. To do so, we are to earn their 'hearts and minds', if I am using the saying correctly, by meeting with the colonists and their leaders, and aiding these people in any way we can. We are, thus, going to be taking 2 weeks per colony - Dorvan V is the first, to give Federation aid and hospitality, helping the injured, and creating new homes and infrastructures, in addition to any general relief efforts. Our mission is to drop off supplies, including portable matter replicators and one industrial replicator for each colony we visit. Our secondary mission, thus, is to temporarily help with making these colonies self-sufficient as part of the Cardassia Union's Reconstruction.
"Again, I do hope I needn't remind you that we are representatives of Starfleet Command and that we are obligated to give Federation aid and hospitality, helping the injured, and creating new homes and infrastructure, in addition to any general relief efforts. The U.S.S. Ares, being a Starfleet Vessel, is expected to take all lawful steps necessary to safeguard the colonists through both negotiation and/or defence. Any questions?"