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[Archived] - Chapter 1 - Cardassian Duty

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Eaglesg, Tue 13 Mar, 2018 6:59 PM
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     –  Last edited by Asteropax; Sun 15 Jul, 2018 12:01 AM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 1 - Conference Room

    ~"Meetings, meetings, and more meetings,"~ Teriir complained to himself as he stepped into the Conference Room located behind the bridge. He was the first one there to the staff meeting which had been called only a few minutes ago. He was on his way over to view a tactical drill in Holodeck 1 when he got the call.

    The room was fairly ornate, with several potted plants setup in the corners and a patterned carpet which made the room feel smaller and cozier than it first appeared. Moving over to the room's wall mounted console, he pulled up the star chart for the local sector, complete with the local starship listings and positions. The USS Venture was on patrol with a supporting task force in an area which had become a pirate hot-zone. The starships Victoria and Moscow were performing a joint study of a Hierarchical solar system which contained four stars within it. It took him a moment but he managed to locate the USS Hippocrates only a few light years away.

    ~"At least she's close by. There may be enough time for a rendezvous to save the Captain's life."~

    His fingers flexed away from the controls for a moment before he began looking more closely at the Hippocrates' location. Hospital ships always flew with an escort in hostile or hazardous locations. At this point in time, there were only a collection of fighters on guard instead of a ship. Because the peregrine fighters deployed couldn't fit effectively within the Olypmic Class starship's shuttlebay, nor capable of higher warp speeds, they had to have been deployed by someone else. Where was that ship?

    ~"I see, the escort was pulled away to fill in on protecting a relief convoy until the actual escorts could arrive. The fighters are covering the Hippocrates until they get back. Once the the USS Vigilant takes over the escort of that convoy, the USS . . ."~

    Teriir blinked as a surge of emotions flooded over him. Closing the console, he stepped away and went over to the rear facing observation window. He didn't look at the stars drifting by, instead staring at his reflection on the transparent window. It morphed in front of him. Instead of the well groomed Lieutenant Commander, he saw the youthful Lieutenant Junior Grade. The youth's uniform was torn all over, small bits of debris coating it. The cuts and bruises on his younger self's face were plainly visible. His eyes were scared but he was somehow able to keep himself together, as though he had accepted his fate but would face it head on. He managed to tear himself away from the reflection and stare out at at the void, his thoughts back on the USS Keres.

    "I wish I'd be able to see you again, old friend," he murmured softly, the sense of longing chocking him up, "It's good to know you're doing well."

    He heard the doors open behind him so he swiftly hid his emotions. Teriir nodded in greeting towards the other officers streaming into the conference room and took a seat at the table.

    ((TAG: Just about everyone))
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Mon 16 Jul, 2018 2:21 AM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 1 - Conference Room

    R'Turan made his way into the conference room after he left the ready-room, mostly having composed a speech to the senior staff present; he carried said speech in a PADD, which he held in his right hand. Locking his gaze onto Teriir, he would offer a nod, sitting down at the head of the table, straightening his uniform and placing the PADD he was carrying on the conference table. Following, he would wait for the other officers to sit down as he activated the PADD, reviewing the speech he had composed and made a few, final adjustments.
    When they did sit down, he would begin to speak, his deep, growl-like voice would easily carry through the room; everyone present should be able to hear it.

    "Senior staff," He began, yellow gaze drifting from Teriir to each and every one of the senior staff. "The captain has only four days to live." He wasn't beating around the bush, nor was he ever.
    "Thus, we are to rendezvous with the U.S.S. Hippocrates, a hospital ship in the area," R'Turan growled, standing up and heading to the wall-mounted console, activating it. There, his eyes flashed with surprise as he saw that the map was already open. He did not show much, though.
    "After we have delivered the captain to the Hippocrates, for far better care than we can provide, we will be heading to the Dorvan-system, a binary star-system, where we will have our first stop at Dorvan V, a former Federation Colony, who renounced their Federation citizenship in 2370,"

    R'Turan would take a deep breath and continue: "The colonists, descendants from North Americans from Earth, are being raided and attacked by Nausicaans, who are primarily targeting the food sources of the colonists. Since the attacks, crops have not grown to their full potential, due to radiation exposure. Colonists suffer from malnutrition, growing the minimum amount of crops necessary to their survival, and, as I said, Nausicaans raid remaining crops and torment the colonists for sport.

    "Our mission is, thus, to relieve the colonists of their tormentors, and drop off supplies at this colony before we head out again, continuing on to the next colony, and eventually to our primary mission: the Semper Exploro Project. I do hope that I needn't remind you that we, as Starfleet Officers, are representatives of the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet and that we are obligated to help these people. To do so, we are to earn their 'hearts and minds', if I am using the saying correctly, by meeting with the colonists and their leaders, and aiding these people in any way we can. We are, thus, going to be taking 2 weeks per colony - Dorvan V is the first, to give Federation aid and hospitality, helping the injured, and creating new homes and infrastructures, in addition to any general relief efforts. Our mission is to drop off supplies, including portable matter replicators and one industrial replicator for each colony we visit. Our secondary mission, thus, is to temporarily help with making these colonies self-sufficient as part of the Cardassia Union's Reconstruction.

    "Again, I do hope I needn't remind you that we are representatives of Starfleet Command and that we are obligated to give Federation aid and hospitality, helping the injured, and creating new homes and infrastructure, in addition to any general relief efforts. The U.S.S. Ares, being a Starfleet Vessel, is expected to take all lawful steps necessary to safeguard the colonists through both negotiation and/or defence. Any questions?"

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    USS Ares
    Deck 1 - Conference Room

    Teriir waited until R'Turan finished speaking to express his concerns, "Naucicaans are known to perform their acts of piracy in one of two ways. They either work in small bands, each one independent of each other, or as one large crew. There's no way to be sure with the large crew if they are merely allies or actually united under one leader. The small bands will be easier to capture but harder to find while it'll be the opposite when confronting a large group."

    "Two weeks is not a lot of time to find and locate all of the Naucicaan facilities on the planet and they may be receiving support from ships in the area. If we're unable to clear them out before departing, those who remain will continue raiding the colonists. Even if we succeed, there's no guarantee the pirates we don't capture return to their bases or have someone else move in. Are there any plans in place for their long term security?"

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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Tue 24 Jul, 2018 9:29 PM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 1 – Conference Room

    As the crew began trickling into the conference room, Hood stood and greeted everyone as they entered. It was reassuring seeing everyone after the attack. Resuming his seat, he hoped Captain Wilson would walk through the doors, but, he never came.

    He had the tendency to give the impression that he was really punctual, when the opposite was the case. Hood knew his tendency to be tardy surfaced throughout his life, so he had to make an extra effort to arrive on time.

    Hood brought up the science duty roster on the conference table’s internal display for his chosen seat. He was careful to sit in the middle of the table, facing the entry ways. After double checking the bridge and lab rotations, he went through rescheduling requests to help kill time.

    He brought up Ares' three-dimensional flight trajectory to Dorvan V on the conference table’s holographic projector. Nothing of interest on the way, just the Valo system, an inhabited planetary system on the outskirts of Cardassian territory.

    Valo was a simple G-class star, similar to the Sun back home. The system had three M-class planets, Valo I, Valo II, and Valo III, all containing Bajoran settlements. Valo I also featured a Bajoran settlement on the third moon. Hood remembered that many Bajoran refugees fled to this system during the Occupation. While at the Academy, Hood learned that the Bajorans were struggling to survive. He had not heard much of the refugees since the war.

    R'Turan made his way into the conference room after he left the ready-room, mostly having composed a speech to the senior staff present; he carried said speech in a PADD, which he held in his right hand. Locking his gaze onto Teriir, he would offer a nod, sitting down at the head of the table, straightening his uniform and placing the PADD he was carrying on the conference table. Following, he would wait for the other officers to sit down as he activated the PADD, reviewing the speech he had composed and made a few, final adjustments.
    When they did sit down, he would begin to speak, his deep, growl-like voice would easily carry through the room; everyone present should be able to hear it…
    Since the attacks, crops have not grown to their full potential, due to radiation exposure…
    Hood flashbacked to when he learned he was assigned to the Ares.

    “It’s official,” Hood exclaimed, dodging the hanging dried kava and moba fruit, along with, Terran squash and corn, from their tabernacle's ceiling, “we’re transferring to the USS Ares, thank Elohim!”

    Sami-Jo laughed at the revealed excitement, hugged and kissed him back amidst the sound of Bajor’s green-tinted waves crashing in the distance.

    “Finally, we’re getting away from Cardassia,” Hood pointed out, pouring himself a cup of sweetened Jumja tea, “I’ll get to do some real science, in the final frontier. No more scanning and cleansing antimatter radiation, no more hazardous conditions, and no more dodging degenerative health problems!”

    Since December of 2375, after the Battle of Cardassia, Hood had been assigned to Cardassia Prime for humanitarian aid after planet’s massive devastation of infrastructure, death of eight hundred million civilians, and over seven million troops. His temporary duty assignment was to help cleanse excess antimatter radiation from the planet’s surface and the atmosphere, being extremely hazardous to humanoid life.

    From Cardassia to the radiation leak in the City of Caloosahatchee's water supply left over from the Xindi attack on Florida in March 2153, there was no escaping it; it seemed that Hood was forever tied to cleansing radiation.

    Hood snapped back to the present.

    “The crops and vegetation grown on the polluted surface have had plenty of time to absorb the pollutants and pass them on to their livestock and the colonists,” Hood began with some disappointment in his voice, “heavy metals from the Dominion’s attack will be made more potent through the biomagnification process.

    “Like the radiation attack on Cardassia, it left toxic chemicals that travelled the food web of the planet, soaking into the soil and water systems. This means that their aquatic animals and vegetation are all exposed and consumed by other animals. In time, these polluted substances increase in concentration in the organisms as they move through the food web.

    “Radiation is the gift that keeps on giving, travelling from phytoplankton to zooplankton, on up to the colonists and back. It’s not enough to cure the colonists; the entire planet needs cleansed.

    “We’ll start a planet-wide decontamination process, eliminating all nuclear particles, preventing the spread of these particles, and lowering internal contamination. I’ll need access to our deflector dish, with your permission, Commander.

    “After years of cleansing radiation on Cardassia, my team applied phytoremediation, using hyperaccumulators to clean up any residual contamination…plants that have the ability to take up high concentrations of toxic materials in their tissues.

    “Since the colonists have been exposed to soil pollutants for a long period of time,” Hood said looking toward the doctors present, “there’s going to be some genetic mutations in the colonists and vegetation, including hereditary defects and long-term health problems.”

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    USS Ares
    Deck 11 - Crew Quarters

    Christopher sat at the desk in his quarters and looked at the PADD in front of him. He'd spent the last hour researching past Kobayashi Maru simulation results. Not for a way to beat the scenario, nobody did that. Well, except for that one time. No, Christopher was more interested in unorthodox methods that might buy him a little time. Engineering manuals had yielded very little to offer a glimmer of hope. Likewise Tactical and Scientific manuals had been very sparse in helpful information.

    Sitting back in his chair, Christopher mused, 'As a ship's captain, what would I fear the most? What would be the sneakiest way to disable an enemy ship?'

    Scanning Engineering journals, Christopher concentrated on one name as it scrolled by. Then it hit him. He asked the computer to display all field experiments by one man. Oh, this would be fun.
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     –  Last edited by Scarlett; Wed 18 Jul, 2018 2:59 AM.
    USS Ares
    Engineering – Deck 17

    Laxeth casually glanced up from the console and noticed someone walking toward him. Because his mind was taking a momentary break from his duty he looked back down to refocus, already blocking out whom he looked at. The approaching officer stopped near Laxeth’s console and waited.

    After tapping a few more keys, Laxeth realized a presence nearby and looked up. “Oh, pardon me Counselor, I didn’t mean to ignore you like that! I was just completing a Level Five diagnostic on section seventeen within the primary hull shield capacitor. A coupling showed a thirty-percent fluctuation within its structural integrity matrix which is outside of acceptable parameters.”

    A’Mand raised a hand to visually assure the Talaxian he was not being rude. “Indeed. No doubt your expertise is handling the concern.”

    Laxeth smiled wide. “Most certainly, Counselor. The diagnostic does recommend a replacement and I was about to send the report to a Technician.” He glanced at the console and continued, “I believe … Petty Officer Han is scheduled near the location.”

    “Shouldn’t the repair be approved first? Maybe Lieutenant Donaldson could be contacted.” A’Mand made the suggestion based on typical protocols, yet also knowing that some adjustments to regulations are possible depending on the Chief Engineer’s personality.

    “In fact, I sent a report to Mr Donaldson previously.” Laxeth pumped a fist to his chest to display his assurance. “I’m sure my findings will be approved.”

    A’Mand raised an eyebrow from the gesture. “It’s good to see such confidence.” She looked over a shoulder to gauge their relative privacy. Seeing a few other officers were engrossed in their duties, she returned her focus to Laxeth. “I came to apologize for not being in the office as scheduled. It was an oversight that will not happen again.”

    The Ensign waved a hand. “Think nothing of it Counselor. With everything that’s happened lately, everyone been a little off-schedule, so to speak.”

    “Thank you for your patience. I don’t usually pull rank, but I’m confident Chief Engineer Usam can spare your talents for a few moments as we talk, if you don’t mind?”

    Laxeth looked surprised. “Now? “

    A’Mand waved a hand to the main entrance doors. “Nothing formal.”

    Looking around, Laxeth closed a few programs of his work and followed the Vulcan out of the room.

    Once in the hallway, A’Mand forced a very casual pace to try relaxing Laxeth from his duties and he matched her pace. She decided an ice-breaker was not needed at this point. Looking around, they were alone. “Are you finding Ares accommodating to your needs?”

    “Oh yes. The scientific suites are very advanced. Are you aware of my personal research in shield technology?”

    A’Mand looked to the Ensign and nodded. “Only so far as your file reveals; is there a specific focus you enjoy?”

    Laxeth’s eyes glimmered. “Chronitons. I believe they are the key to a next generation of shield defense and … if I may be so bold … offense.”

    “Shields as a weapon. Humans have an adage, ‘the best defense is a good offense’.”

    “Certainly! My research is in a beta-phase and still proprietary, but I hope my time on the Ares will help mature the idea.”

    A’Mand pushed hair to uncover the ear toward Laxeth. “’Proprietary’ is an interesting word.”

    The Talaxian’s foot caught on the carpet and he quickly recovered. “Yes well, yes I suppose it is. As far as I’m aware no one is looking into Chronitons as a structural particle network, instead only as an energy source.”

    The Vulcan nodded. “The ship has some very bright officers aboard, have you considered sharing some ideas to assist with your research?”

    Laxeth was quick to respond. “No. The last time I made my work accessible –“, remembering how he came to be with the Federation and the dangerous string of events from Prema II. A few quiet seconds passed and he brought himself back to the present. “Ah, no. No. Besides, although Ares is well-equipped, I am finding access to the computer core a little frustrating. My calculations are quite complex and sometimes I wish I had another way to get faster computational speeds.”

    A’Mand could easily detect his frustration and quizzed, “we are still in known space. Do you think you can find alternatives out here?”

    Laxeth looked to the Counselor with some surprise. She is a high-ranking officer (actual rank aside) and is also privy to many upper-level decisions and discoveries. A’Mand had also been on the bridge quite often after the Syndicate attack. Could this meet-and-greet be more than benign? He couldn’t help get defensive. “What do you mean Counselor?”

    For her part, A’Mand decided to use a human expression to efficiently display her intent, she shrugged. “Do you feel there are other ways to achieve your personal and professional goals?”

    The Ensign stopped, forcing the Vulcan to turn with a raised eyebrow. Laxeth looked both ways of the hallway and whispered, “Are you suggesting some illegal way to complete my research?”

    A’Mand looked into Laxeth’s green eyes. She noticed his pupils dilated slightly and perceived fear from a question, either hers or his. “Are there other ways to do so, Laxeth?” She used his name to both sooth his emotion while also bringing gravitas to the topic. Before he could respond, she continued, “Allow me to clarify: have you learned how to advance the research in which assistance from the Federation is not an option?”

    Laxeth looked down for a second before extending a hand back toward the Engineering room. “Forgive me Counselor, but I believe I should be heading back to my station.” He started walking.

    A’Mand stepped with Laxeth. Her question seemed intuitive to ask based on the flow of the conversation, yet his response was unexpected and obviously changed the dynamics of the discussion. She had to secure a positive outcome. “I understand. My apologies for keeping you and I hope not to cause offense.”

    “No, not at all.” He shook his head. “I’m just … my research is very important to me and I’ve worked very hard for my people. They need help and I’m their best chance with my shield work.”

    They quickly arrived at the doors to Engineering and A’Mand tried another tactic: change the topic for another time. “If possible, I’d like to learn more about Talaxians from you soon.” She stopped at the threshold.

    Laxeth continued into the room and spoke over his shoulder. “Yes, that would be fine. Thank you for your time, Counselor.”

    ((TAG: Laxeth))
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    USS Ares
    Deck 10 – Ship’s Lounge

    The stars going by the observation window somehow made Ian’s after lunch relaxation time with his wife in the lounge romantic. The sofa seemed to curl around them, shielding their cuddling from prying eyes. He'd completed running several security drills earlier that morning and now Lieutenant Kenny was running tactical exercises while the ship's senior staff was in a meeting of sorts. Carol had already dozed off in his arms but Ian found he wasn’t able to. He was reminiscing about how much of his life he’d spent aboard starships and starbases. He was 16 years old when he set foot on the planet Trill, the first time he ever experienced natural gravity . . .

    2372 - Trill

    Ian managed to block another punch from the Trill he was fighting and retaliated with an uppercut which staggered his opponent back. He had originally been attempting to flirt with one of the local girls there, hoping his persistence would earn him a date before the USS Anastasia departed for Earth tomorrow. The teenager he was up against took offense to this, words were exchanged, and now they were in an all out fist fight. His opponent rushed forward suddenly and landed a surprisingly powerful kick to his gut, making him stumble backwards and fall over a park bench. Getting back up, he waited for the Trill to charge him again. He wasn't disappointed as the his opponent charged forward again but this time Ian was ready for him.

    He felt a surge of triumph as he grabbed a hold of the Trill's neck and proceeded to drive him into the ground with a choke slam. Moving by what was almost instinct, he jump on top of his opponent and began giving him an educational beatdown. He was a few swings in when an extremely loud whistle made him look up. The crowd of other teenagers and young adults watching the fight had been joined by a Starfleet Commander and an Admiral. He instantly let go of the Trill and stood up in an attention position, his brand new cadet uniform thoroughly ruffled. Between the Commander who also happened to be his father, James Locke, and the Admiral, Beatrice Ivanov, the commanding officer of the Anastasia, he didn't know who he was in more trouble with.

    "Everyone out!" the Admiral's tone was filled with authority as she spoke, her eyes adding emphasis, "Right now!"

    As everyone scattered, Ian was pulled aside by his father, who was also Admiral Ivanov's attache, and the two of them started walking away. His father's fury and disappointment was palpable. Ian swallowed up what was left of his pride and glanced back at the Admiral and the teenage Trill he'd been fighting. The Admiral was standing over him, looking unusually calm as she spoke to him.

    Next Morning

    Ian glanced out the window of the atmospheric craft his father put him on. Instead of traveling with the rest of his family to Earth and Starfleet Academy, he was being put with all of the other soon to be cadets. Oh, and starting off his career as a cadet with a Demerit. If he received three Demerits he would be kicked out of the Academy and never be allowed to hold any position within Starfleet. He was extremely lucky not be have been dismissed immediately for the fight. He couldn't help but see the girl he was trying to flirt with yesterday saying a very tearful goodbye to someone who would be boarding shortly, likely to round up their craft's seats. There was only one seat left and it was next to him.

    Thinking for a moment about his own actions and how disappointed his family was about his own actions, he let out a hollow sigh. His attempt to flirt with someone by showing off his uniform wasn't worth the price he was paying. His face had a few solid marks on it from where he got hit yesterday. He knew he would have to find some way to overcome this but where to begin? He was starting off in one of the worst ways imaginable. A few footsteps from someone approaching the empty seat made him look up.

    He and the teenage Trill he fought yesterday glared at each other for a good solid second, their hostility renewed.

    The Trill sat down and fastened the belt which would ensure his own safety during the early flight to the Anastasia. His face showed multiple scars and his left eye was darkened from a bruise. He spoke up to Ian first, his voice a low growl, "I hope you're happy you tried hitting on my sister."

    "You want a reminder on how much I hate you? Besides, she never gave me her name!" Ian shot back as he forcefully shifted his attention back out the window. It was going to be a twenty minute flight, plus however long it would take them to land, and he was stuck with this guy, "Ugh, fine. I'll give you mine. Ian Locke."

    "I'll take a note of it," the Trill grumbled, his voice tense as he added, "Mine's Dyrell Teriir. Don't forget it."

    "I won't. . . . Can you tell me your sister's name?"


    Present Day

    Ian let out a chuckle as he finished recalling how he met the person who eventually became his best friend. It took another fight at the Academy when the two of them joined up to protect another cadet who was getting hazed by a group of senior cadets to make them finally put aside their differences almost a year after they first met. They remained competitive but as friends rather than enemies who happened to be roommates. How in the universe they managed to become friends was just another sign to him of how so much change can be possible. Whatever was going to get thrown their way, they'd be ready for it.

    Carol woke up and wriggled out of his grip after giving him a passionate kiss, "Come on, dear. We can't dream the day away forever!"

    "Oh, I think we can," he smiled as he rose from the sofa, "See you tonight."
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    USS Ares
    CDO's office

    Sam was looking over some correspondents when he heard the call over the comms.


    He replicated two cups of coffee, stuffed a padd in his pocket, then headed out.

    Deck 1 - Conference room

    When he got there, Sam took a seat next to Allan & handed him a coffee.

    - You look like you've been run off your feet.
    OOC: No response necessary.
    After a few moments of chatting, R'Tutan entered and delivered his briefing.

    USS Ares
    Deck 1 - Conference Room

    R'Turan made his way into the conference room after he left the ready-room, mostly having composed a speech to the senior staff present; he carried said speech in a PADD, which he held in his right hand. Locking his gaze onto Teriir, he would offer a nod, sitting down at the head of the table, straightening his uniform and placing the PADD he was carrying on the conference table. Following, he would wait for the other officers to sit down as he activated the PADD, reviewing the speech he had composed and made a few, final adjustments.
    When they did sit down, he would begin to speak, his deep, growl-like voice would easily carry through the room; everyone present should be able to hear it.

    "Senior staff," He began, yellow gaze drifting from Teriir to each and every one of the senior staff. "The captain has only four days to live." He wasn't beating around the bush, nor was he ever.
    "Thus, we are to rendezvous with the U.S.S. Hippocrates, a hospital ship in the area," R'Turan growled, standing up and heading to the wall-mounted console, activating it. There, his eyes flashed with surprise as he saw that the map was already open. He did not show much, though.
    "After we have delivered the captain to the Hippocrates, for far better care than we can provide, we will be heading to the Dorvan-system, a binary star-system, where we will have our first stop at Dorvan V, a former Federation Colony, who renounced their Federation citizenship in 2370,"

    R'Turan would take a deep breath and continue: "The colonists, descendants from North Americans from Earth, are being raided and attacked by Nausicaans, who are primarily targeting the food sources of the colonists. Since the attacks, crops have not grown to their full potential, due to radiation exposure. Colonists suffer from malnutrition, growing the minimum amount of crops necessary to their survival, and, as I said, Nausicaans raid remaining crops and torment the colonists for sport.

    "Our mission is, thus, to relieve the colonists of their tormentors, and drop off supplies at this colony before we head out again, continuing on to the next colony, and eventually to our primary mission: the Semper Exploro Project. I do hope that I needn't remind you that we, as Starfleet Officers, are representatives of the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet and that we are obligated to help these people. To do so, we are to earn their 'hearts and minds', if I am using the saying correctly, by meeting with the colonists and their leaders, and aiding these people in any way we can. We are, thus, going to be taking 2 weeks per colony - Dorvan V is the first, to give Federation aid and hospitality, helping the injured, and creating new homes and infrastructures, in addition to any general relief efforts. Our mission is to drop off supplies, including portable matter replicators and one industrial replicator for each colony we visit. Our secondary mission, thus, is to temporarily help with making these colonies self-sufficient as part of the Cardassia Union's Reconstruction.

    "Again, I do hope I needn't remind you that we are representatives of Starfleet Command and that we are obligated to give Federation aid and hospitality, helping the injured, and creating new homes and infrastructure, in addition to any general relief efforts. The U.S.S. Ares, being a Starfleet Vessel, is expected to take all lawful steps necessary to safeguard the colonists through both negotiation and/or defence. Any questions?"

    Sam coughed and said,
    - Have we been in contact with the colony yet?

    ((TAG R'Truan))
    [[OOC: Forgot how to spell your name. LOL Also, sorry for my absence. brain drawing blanks & turning into soft serve in this HEEEEAAAATTT!!!]]
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Tue 24 Jul, 2018 2:18 AM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 1 – Conference Room

    As the crew began trickling into the conference room, Hood stood and greeted everyone as they entered. It was reassuring seeing everyone after the attack. Resuming his seat, he hoped Captain Wilson would walk through the doors, but, he never came.
    When he got there, Sam took a seat next to Allan & handed him a coffee.
    "You look like you've been run off your feet."
    “Thank you very much,” Hood let out, happy to take the coffee off his hands. “After dealing with two daughters, up all night with Donna fighting a cold, chasing Gracie out of holodecks, and spending extra hours in Steller Cartography, this coffee is very much appreciated.

    “I’ve been mapping out potential gravimetric distortions, trying to predict possible interstellar phenomena before they sneak up on us,” Hood began, “I’m on the search for any unknown spatial anomalies with high levels of gravimetric shear that could pose a danger to the ship.”

    Hood was cheerful to see Urquhart considering their last visitation was in sickbay, almost a week ago, standing over Gracie while she struggled with burns and difficult breathing.

    “Gracie loves your toy, by the way; she sleeps with it every night.”

    TAG Urquhart or anyone else that feels like chatting

    OOC: Urquhart, no response necessary here, either haha but feel free if you're curious about anything. I can't pass up a good tag, though.
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    USS Ares
    Deck 1 – Conference Room

    Sam quietly nodded and asked,
    - How she faring?

    ((TAG HOOD))
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Mon 30 Jul, 2018 7:17 AM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 1 – Conference Room

    Sam quietly nodded and asked,
    - How she faring?
    "She's doing well, thank you," Hood responded, breathing out slowly, taking another sip of his coffee. "She's breathing normally and she isn't feeling pain anymore. She's playing as a regular six-year-old, again. The hardest part for her are the nightmares. She talks in her sleep, so when she's having a nightmare, I whisper to her that I'm right here and we will make it through this safely. She doesn't remember the nightmare the next morning, but, it calms her down so she can sleep through the night. It's amazing; as parent, we want to be with our children through their suffering, even if they don't remember. I never experienced this type of devotion before having them."

    Hood stared into his coffee, thinking of his wife and daughters.

    TAG Urquhart or anyone else that feels like chatting

    OOC: Urquhart, no response necessary here, either haha
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    USS Ares
    Deck 1 – Conference Room

    Lt. Commander Dyrell Teriir smiled after R'Turan explained that they would make use of the industrial replicators they had on board to construct orbital defense platforms over Dorvan V. They would be dispatching crewmembers on shuttles to harvest raw materials from the system's local asteroid field to perform the platforms' construction. A team would arrive before the ship departed to take command of them. They now had a plan moving forward.

    A chime came over the intercom and he reflexively looked up at the ceiling. A strange habit of his but it helped him visualize a person talking to him instead of a chain of computers systems picking up someone's voice.

    =^= Bridge to Conference Room; Admiral Ross is contacting us from Deep Space Nine. =^=

    Teriir gave a small grunt, surprised the distinguished Admiral was contacting them, "Patch him through."

    Everyone in the room turned in their seats to face the wall mounted console. A split second later, the recently promoted Full Admiral appeared on the screen. He looked calm as he glanced around the room, looking at the faces of the assembled officers before speaking, "I see you are already assembled. I heard from a recent report that you have seen some combat with the Orion Syndicate."

    "We engaged and destroyed 2 Orion Interceptors at the border," Teriir wasn't sure whether or not he should be talking but jumped right in. He'd never met Admiral Ross before as he was assigned to a different fleet during the Dominion War but knew he was very direct and took hesitation as a sign of problems. He continued his debrief, "The damage was minimal and we took several casualties; no fatalities. The ship has been repaired and most of the casualties have been cleared. Captain Wilson is currently in a coma though and we are en-route for a rendezvous with the starship Hippocrates to provide him with additional care."

    "Sounds like you have everything well in hand," the Admiral remarked. He gave a barely audible sigh as he continued, "After you drop your Captain off at the hospital ship, continue on to the Dorvan System."

    "Sir," he felt taken aback by the order, "I was under the impression we would be staying until our Captain recovered from his injuries."

    "Time is one thing always in short supply," Admiral Ross was firm in his reply, "We received a message from Dorvan V saying the main settlement was attacked by Nausicaans and several people were taken captive. Several Nausicaan ships have also formed a blockade over the planet. We cannot delay the relief efforts.”

    Admiral Ross raised his hand, gesturing that he had more to say, before anyone else could speak up, “The mission is important and you’ll have to do with what you have. I am hereby giving a field promotion to your new Captain.”

    Teriir looked over to R’Turan to give him his silent approval, only to freeze and whirl back to the Admiral, wondering if his ears deceived him, “Me?”

    “Yes, you,” Admiral Ross looked bemused by the surprised gasps and looks other officers were giving each other.

    “But, sir. What about Commander R’Turan?” Teriir nodded over to the Caitian, too nervous at the news to grasp his reaction.

    “Commander R’Turan is a good officer but of the two of you, you are the more experienced in command,” the Admiral began explaining his decision, “You assumed command of the starship Keres towards the end of the Dominion War. Admiral Ivanov also informed me while we were planning the Semper Exploro Project that you were the starship Icarus’ Tactical Officer and First Officer following your promotion to Lieutenant Commander. We brought you in as the Ares’ Tactical Officer because of your tactical prowess but also wanted to be sure a seasoned officer would be present to assist as situations developed.”

    "Who is going to replace me as the ship's Tactical Officer?" Teriir couldn't help but ask uneasily. There was a lot happening all at once.

    Admiral Ross gave him a stern look, "You weren't the only officer who applied for the Chief Tactical Officer post aboard the Ares. Another will arrive soon. In the meantime, the rest of your staff is up to the task. Aren't they?"

    "Yes, sir," he replied, "I guess I was getting used to my new post."

    The Admiral gave him a subtle nod, “Understood. I wish the circumstances for this would be better. The Ares and her exploration mission are yours now. Good luck, Captain.”

    With that, Admiral Ross’ face disappeared from the wall console as the transmission ended. For one heartbeat, Teriir felt a wave of panic as the new responsibilities he now held began tearing his mind apart. A heartbeat later, he felt the calming reassurance of a quote he read while at Starfleet Academy from someone he had taken to viewing as a role model;

    You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, an irrational fear of the unknown. But there's no such thing as the unknown-- only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood.

    The third heartbeat reminded him of all the previous missions he'd taken part in. He could do this. Feeling much more confident, he turned back to the Senior Officers, “Lay in a course for the Hippocrates. I want everyone to begin making the final preparations so we may begin assisting the colonists as soon as we arrive. I have a shipwide announcement to make and a redshirt to put on. Dismissed.

    (( TAG: Senior Staff ))
    OOC: We will begin Chapter 2: Dorvan V in about 2 weeks, so I will encourage everyone to respond soon. Don't worry about rushing to finish your current stories as we can continue/finish them during the next chapter Smile
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    USS Ares
    Conference Room – Deck 1

    Counselor A’Mand entered the conference room as it buzzed with small talk. Not wanting to interfere further, she politely took an empty seat close to the door and nodded to Commander R’Turan. The Caitian’s whickers swayed as a greeting; his affect otherwise non-emotional.

    For her own part A’Mand would save conversation for the actual meeting. Although it was rare for Vulcans to start conversation for the sake of breaking the silent space between people, it was her place, and duty, to make others feel comfortable around her. The senior staff were getting along well from her observations.

    R’Turan stood, signaling the beginning of the meeting –

    "Senior staff," He began, yellow gaze drifting from Teriir to each and every one of the senior staff. "The captain has only four days to live" …
    As the acting Captain spoke, A’Mand started considering her role in the upcoming operations. It was clear the Ares would be involved in another conflict. The main difference this time is the crew would be ready. Several persons already had battle experience from the Dominion War, but not everyone. The recent skirmish with the Orions gave everyone a taste for battle as a team. It was strange comfort that the ship would soon see combat. Yet, the Nausicaans are fierce warriors and there was likely to be more severe casualties.

    Teriir waited until R'Turan finished speaking to express his concerns …
    The Chief Tactical Officer’s query intrigued A’Mand. Even with a short window, exposure to the colonist is sure to develop relationships. Under such duress, the more empathetic-sensitive of the crew may need additional support. She would need to catalogue those with high probability to form attachments and watch their part of the relief efforts. Nothing may develop, but A’Mand wanted to be prepared.

    Chief of Science Allen Hood added,

    The crops and vegetation grown on the polluted surface have had plenty of time to absorb the pollutants and pass them on to their livestock and the colonists …
    This news, coupled with Teriir’s question of duration on-site complicated the dynamics the crew would certainly face. A’Mand would be leaning on her team a little bit more as she absorbed Hood’s analysis.

    She thought to ask a rather obvious question and turned to R’Turan to speak when another voice intercepted his attention,

    Have we been in contact with the colony yet?
    A’Mand looked to the diplomat and nodded slightly to show she appreciated his addition to the meeting. Joshua looked to her and acknowledged with a smirk.

    The discussions continued until a chime came over the intercom. A’Mand noticed Teriir look to the ceiling. She had seen this action with other crew members and found the quirk intriguing. She decided to mimic Teriir to entertain the idea that someone was talking ‘down’ to the group, like a deity demanding attention as they imparted deep knowledge or revealed a dark secret. To her surprise, Admiral Ross was making contact with Ares.

    … with that, Admiral Ross’ face disappeared from the wall console as the transmission ended.
    A’Mand looked to the assembled officers for initial reactions. Like her, they were washed between surprise and stoic acceptance. At the same time there was also a sense of peace with the announcement; Captain Wilson was truly no longer a part of the mission. The finality brought a renewed sense of purpose and dedication to each other, the ship and the mission.

    ((TAG: As needed))
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     –  Last edited by Arlu3n; Wed 01 Aug, 2018 10:37 PM.
    Ensign Vance Hayden, Sciene Officer
    FAB spacer small

    USS Ares
    Deck 7 - Hayden's Quarters


    Vance is sleeping tight on his bed, as tight as usual. But suddenly he hears the doors of his quarters opening and closing, with a person going out of the rooms, and wakes up. He thinks nothing about it and tries to get up and sit on the edge of his bed.

    ~" Oh man.... what happened last night? I remember nothing at all! But I'm sure that there was something going on last night. "~

    After finishing thinking about it, Vance looked around his room and found something on his bed. Looking more closely, he saw that a coin was lying on his bed. Vance had no clue where the coin comes from and what origin it has.

    ~" I'll have a look at it later, I need to get myself done now. "~

    Vance tried to be as fast as he could be. Right after he put on his uniform, he heard that all Senior Staff should report to the Main Bridge Conference Room. Just after getting out of his quarters and locking them, he remembers that he wanted to replicate a cup of coffee. He goes back in and replicates himself a cup of coffee.

    " Computer, where is Lieutenant Hood? "

    *" Lieutenant Allan Hood is on deck 11, Stellar Cartography! "* replied the computer.

    " Thanks. "

    Vance went out of his quarters, clicking his combadge. " Open a channel to Stellar Cartography! "

    =^= Sir? Sorry if I interrupted you, but, is there anything I can do for you? =^=

    FAB spacer small

    ((TAG Allan Hood))
    OOC: I went with this taking place before the conference, so that there is still enough time with Allan telling me what I should do. I had some fun writing the first part of this post as I wanted to do something more special which I could maybe develope later on.
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Wed 01 Aug, 2018 7:09 PM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 11 – Stellar Cartography

    =^=Sir? Sorry if I interrupted you, but, is there anything I can do for you?=^=
    “No interruption at all, Ensign Hayden,” Hood replied, stopping himself from closing down his charting project, “I’m just leaving for the conference meeting and wouldn’t mind you finishing the gravimetric distortion prediction program I've been running.

    “Just maintain the same algorithm and apply it to the first sector we’re coming across. I’m simply using the computer to make predictions on possible interstellar phenomena based on the gravimetric distortions rippling into charted space. Keep an eye for any spatial anomalies that might creep up, highlighting anything of significance. The deeper the readings are into uncharted space, the more unreliable they become, so just monitor the ones along the border and I’ll be back in after the meeting. Don’t forget you have bridge duty this afternoon on Science II.”

    TAG Hayden

    OOC: Before conference. Arlu3n, feel free to respond with Stellar Cartography for a bit and then move onto whatever you want after the scan. You can start/end with lab duty, bridge duty, interacting with others, whatever you feel most comfortable with writing. The floor is yours. Let me know when you finish your bio.
    AllanHood Medals