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[Archived] - Chapter 1 - Cardassian Duty

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Eaglesg, Tue 13 Mar, 2018 6:59 PM
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     –  Last edited by Asteropax; Sun 05 Aug, 2018 9:06 PM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 1 – Bridge

    Dyrell Teriir hesitated upon leaving the conference room. The bridge felt different after the conference meeting. Not long ago, he was the ship's Chief Tactical Officer and now he was their Captain. The other senior officers were either already on the bridge or heading off to the turbolifts. It was clear a few of them had already started sharing the news, as he'd instructed, but it was obvious they were more interested in the new Captain than their upcoming duties.

    He decided it would be best to make an announcement before rumors could start flying and headed over to the Captain's Chair. He'd sat in it before but not as a Captain. Upon sitting, he tapped onto one of the controls on one of the arm rests and a whistle signaling for attention rang throughout the ship.

    "Attention crew of the Ares, this is Dyrell Teriir. As you are well aware, Captain Wilson is in a coma in our sickbay. Starfleet Command has contacted us and have promoted me to Ship's Captain. After delivering Captain Wilson to a hospital ship in this sector, we're going to be continuing our mission to the Dorvan System. I know the change is unexpected but once we're in unexplored space, the only thing we can expect is the unknown . . . and that we can count on each other. Teriir out."

    Taking a subtle gulp to hide his nervousness, he rose to his feet. On his previous posts, he always had a superior officer to look to for guidance. Even when he was commanding the Keres, he was part of a larger attack group. Now he was alone and would have to find his own path and look to the officers, his officers now, for advice.

    Giving a little smile, he headed over to the turbolift. He needed to make some adjustments to his uniform before he could really make himself present as the Ares continued on its present course.

    USS Ares
    Deck 6

    A lot can change when one takes a brief walk. Simply walking to his quarters was all he needed to clear his mind and get himself psyched up for his new role as Captain. More confident than ever, Teriir felt he was ready for anything.

    "DYRELL IKKARO TERIIR!!!" the furious yell made him freeze. He slowly turned to see the only person who ever called him by his full name coming towards him.

    Mell Sims White only called him that when she was angry enough at him to give him a solid slap across the face.

    "Do you know what I've been through for the past several years?" she asked as he rubbed his cheek where she'd hit him.

    "I've felt the same thing," Teriir instantly told her. They got engaged near the end of the Dominion War and were separated after a battle. Due to the mistakes of several others, he completely lost contact with her and she clearly believed him dead. Until now. He blinked at her, managing to keep himself from tearing up, "There's a lot I need to - "

    She gave him a quick slap to silence him again. He couldn't help but feel relieved that they were the only two people in the hallway at this time or else she'd be in all sorts of trouble, "Shut up! You don't know what it's like to wake up from a three week coma after breaking your neck to find out a love one was dead, only for him to magically appear and say he's the captain of the ship you're on!"

    "Mell, listen -" He was ready for her this time and caught her wrist. He managed to turn her around so she was facing away from him, "Listen, I'm sorry I couldn't find you. I need to tell you what happened, I owe you at least that much before anything else happens."

    "Ugh," she responded with a tone filled with disgust before relaxing and pulling away from him, "Fine. Don't expect anything from me beyond treating you as one of my patients in the medical bay."

    "At this rate you'll be the one to put me in there," Teriir rubbed his sore face, "I see you received officer training at the Academy."

    "Yeah," she replied dryly, "I was a medical technician for awhile so I figured I'd go ahead with the officer training. I was already doing what I'm now certified for anyway."

    He realized he'd grabbed a hold of her hand as she'd been speaking. He squeezed her hand gently, "I promise I'll explain everything to you."

    "No," Mell shook his hand off and walked past him, heading for the lift, "You need to get ready for what's next. Then, you're going to make the time to tell me why you abandoned me."

    OOC: So the conversation doesn't seem to come from nowhere, I had a post in the Prelude Chapter highlighting what happened and a post earlier this chapter during which my sub character, Ian Locke, goes into some detail on Teriir and White's relationship. I know Mell Sims White is one of Kirk's supporting characters; we worked on this development since the early days of the roleplay but pushed back releasing posts with them interacting as we were focusing on other things.
    Link to Prelude Post
    Link to Locke Post
    My next post will be the start of the next chapter!
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     –  Last edited by Arlu3n; Tue 07 Aug, 2018 10:30 PM.
    Ensign Vance Hayden, Sciene Officer
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    USS Ares
    Deck 7 - Corridor

    =^= No interruption at all, Ensign Hayden, =^= Hood replied, stopping himself from closing down his charting project, =^= I’m just leaving for the conference meeting and wouldn’t mind you finishing the gravimetric distortion prediction program I've been running. =^=

    =^= Just maintain the same algorithm and apply it to the first sector we’re coming across. I’m simply using the computer to make predictions on possible interstellar phenomena based on the gravimetric distortions rippling into charted space. Keep an eye for any spatial anomalies that might creep up, highlighting anything of significance. The deeper the readings are into uncharted space, the more unreliable they become, so just monitor the ones along the border and I’ll be back in after the meeting. Don’t forget you have bridge duty this afternoon on Science II. =^=
    =^= Understood! Hayden out. =^= replied Vance to Lieutenant Hood while clicking on his combadge again to close the channel to Stellar Cartography.

    " Ok, so..... which way was the elevator again? Ah, this way! " Someone was looking at Ensign Hayden while he was saying this, because the person thought that he should know where the way to the elevator was. He has been on the ship for quite some time now and he has been using the elevator every day, but at the same time it wasn't surprising him as Vance had been like this a few times now.

    FAB spacer small

    USS Ares
    Deck 11 - Stellar Cartography

    Ensign Hayden entered Stellar Cartography and straight up walked to the console, while still drinking his coffee.

    ~" Okay, just as Lieutenant Hood said. Finish the gravimetric distortion prediction program, maintain the same algorithm and apply it to the first sector we’re coming across. That should be easy. "~

    As thought, so done. Vance used the same algorithm Lieutenant Hood was using and applied it to the first uncharted sector the USS Ares will encounter. He also extented it onto the first uncharted space. While keeping an eye on, that everything runs fine and the same algorithm was maintaining over the course of the program, Vance highlighted 3 gravimetric distortions with significance.


    Vance copied the results of the program over onto his PADD to show it to Lieutenant Hood. While doing so, he noticed that an announcent was held by the new captain.

    =^= Attention crew of the Ares, this is Dyrell Teriir. As you are well aware, Captain Wilson is in a coma in our sickbay. Starfleet Command has contacted us and have promoted me to Ship's Captain. After delivering Captain Wilson to a hospital ship in this sector, we're going to be continuing our mission to the Dorvan System. I know the change is unexpected but once we're in unexplored space, the only thing we can expect is the unknown . . . and that we can count on each other. Teriir out. =^=
    ~" Well, this reminds me that I still need my mandatory physical check."~

    Vance clicked on his combadge and said " Open a channel to sickbay. "
    =^= Sickbay, Ensign Hayden here. When do you have time to do the mandatory physical check? I need mine to be done. =^=

    FAB spacer small

    ((TAG Sickbay, Allan Hood))
    OOC: I've made it so that my work in Stellar Cartography takes as long as the conference so that my posts will be in-time with all new posts. Anyone in Sickbay is allowed to reply. Allan, it's up to you if you want to come to me or if I should come to you so that I can show you the results I have.
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Wed 08 Aug, 2018 1:24 AM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 11 - Stellar Cartography
    As thought, so done. Vance was using the same algorithm Lieutenant Hood was using and applied it to the first uncharted sector the USS Ares will encounter, extending it into uncharted space. While keeping an eye on everything, maintaining the same algorithm over the course of the program, Vance highlighted three gravimetric distortions with significance.

    Vance copies the results of the program over onto his PADD to show it to Lieutenant Hood. While doing so, he notices the announcement made by the new captain.
    Hood tried not to run through the corridors to Stellar Cartography; he could not wait to see the results from his program, if any. These were going to be the first readings, indirect readings, from uncharted space since the beginning of the Dominion War. Additionally, there was a new energy within the ship; with some mixed emotions, everyone was talking about having a new captain.

    As Ensign Vance Hayden stepped out of Stellar Cartography, Hood caught his attention.

    "I guess we officially have a new captain?" Hood asked. "How'd the distortion prediction scans turn out?"

    ((TAG Hayden))

    Walking with Hayden to sickbay, Hood looked-over the three-dimensional information with the PADD's two-dimensional display: three predicted gravimetric distortions near the border of uncharted space.

    “Good work, Hayden,” Hood said, “nicely done.”

    Suddenly, his feelings fluttered between excitement and dread with the new gravimetric distortions on the horizon.

    This must have been how my ancestors felt when a hurricane was heading toward their homes in Florida.

    “I hope everything turns out well in sickbay, Ensign,” Hood joked, “I’m going to have the team meet back at the main science lab in thirty-minutes; we’ll be discussing our end of the mission to Dorvan V.”

    As Hood double-backed and entered a nearby turbolift, he tried using the computer to make accurate gravimetric shear predictions, which could pose a danger to the ship. Instead, the computer repeated that there was insufficient data to make any substantial conclusions; they were still too far out.

    “Deck 7.”
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    USS Ares
    Main Sickbay

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    =^= Sickbay, Ensign Hayden here. When do you have time to do the mandatory physical check? I need mine to be done. =^=
    Christopher tapped a key on his desk, "This is Doctor Cushing, you can come in right away, Ensign." Moving to the outer office, he called out, "Hey Jenny, can you make sure that biobed 3 remains clear and prep a physical kit?"

    After shutting down the research on his desk computer, Christopher ran through his plan for the Kobayashi Maru while he waited for the Ensign to arrive.

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    OOC: Totally stealing that LCARS bar!
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    U.S.S. ARES
    Deck 1-Conference Room

    ~”One of the rarest things that can happen to an El-Aurian is to be surprised, and wile very little ever does surprise me Starfleet seems to always do their best. “Captain Teriir” as I live and breathe as if the ship was not shaken up enough. Is very capable but to oust the first officer so soon after the loss of the captain, I just don’t understand the logic. ”~

    Rosek sits in the furthest corner of the desk observing the reactions of the crew as if they were all gauges on a control station waiting to speak only if necessary. His role was clear in this mission, keep the ship afloat by any means necessary.

    As the officer filed out of the conference room Rosek remained to ponder a thought that had been on his mind for quite some time.

    “Captain Teriir, I wonder if I might have a word with you” Rosek calmly called from his place that suddenly seemed to be the centre of the room.

    ((TAG: Asteropax))
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    OOC: Lets assume this conversation takes place just after the conference meeting ends and before my character steps onto the bridge to make it official to the crew. Hope we can wrap up quickly since the next chapter is in a few days.
    USS Ares
    Deck 1 – Conference Room

    As the officer filed out of the conference room Rosek remained to ponder a thought that had been on his mind for quite some time.

    “Captain Teriir, I wonder if I might have a word with you” Rosek calmly called from his place that suddenly seemed to be the centre of the room.
    Captain Teriir turned somewhat hesitantly to face the Chief Engineer, "Of course, Chief."

    As he sat back down he had a suspicion that the El-Aurian was going to as about the sudden promotion. He didn't blame him as promotions like this rarely occurred. He might be wanting to talk about something else though so he tried his best to clear his mind before speaking, "What is it, Lieutenant?"

    (( TAG: Rosek ))
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    USS Ares
    Quarters – Deck 4

    Having left the conference room, A’Mand decided to stop at her quarters. Once inside she closed her eyes and held her breath. The low growl of the engines was muffled within crew quarters, yet she focused on her heartbeat. Standing just inside the doorway, she clenched her fists with each beat. In her mind’s eye she walked through various hallways within Ares and matched names to faces she recognized. The pulse in her chest slowed.

    Exhaling and inhaling slowly, she held her breath again and mentally found her way back to her quarters. Forcing her thoughts into a white space void of detail or dimension, A’Mand started a quick meditation. The white faded to black and here is where she would describe the experience as nothing.

    She exhaled and opened her mouth wide to stretch muscles. In her mind, her quarters faded in to replace the nothing and then she opened her eyes, coming back to the present.

    Her combadge chirped. The sultry voice of her assistant rose from the device.

    =^=Counselor A’Mand, it is time to review the rotation schedule, if you are available.=^=

    “Thank you Ensign Carter. Shall we meet in the Lounge within ten minutes?”

    =^=Certainly, Lieutenant.=^=

    A’Mand smiled softly thinking about Monica Carter. They only had a few meetings since boarding the ship, yet A’Mand grew to appreciate the Ensign’s professionalism. She looked forward to the meeting and sought to freshen up a little before leaving her quarters.

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     –  Last edited by Josh Broughm; Thu 09 Aug, 2018 11:32 AM.
    Diplomatic complex - Sam's office

    "Well, that was a whirlwind!" Sam said out loud. First officer skipped over & the previous captain on his way to get some major treatment. He got himself a coffee and grabbed a manga book, then settled in to read it. This was his way to destress after a hard day. As he read, Sam's mind went back to when he started as a junior in the Federation Diplomatic Corps.

    Federation Diplomatic Corps HQ - New York City

    About 20 years ago

    - Mr. Urquhart?

    A younger Sam looked up from his manga and said,

    - Yes, Mr Tomley?
    - Can you run this to Paris for me?
    (Tomley hands the pad to Sam)
    - Problem with sending it over the network?
    - It has encryption coding on it & the Government network isn't secure enough for this type of thing.
    - No problem.
    - When you finish delivering it, you're done for the day.

    Sam nodded, got up and headed out of the office. It only took him a few minutes to get to a transporter complex. He entered the building & found the transporter operator with his feet up on the console, flipping through an old fashioned newspaper. Sam smiled and said,

    - You look busy.

    The operator grinned and said, readjusting his position,

    - Where to, sir?
    - Paris, just outside the government complex.
    - Need a beta-4 clearance to get that close.

    Sam pulled a chip from his pocket and said,

    - Alpha-7, from FDC.
    - Purpose of visit?
    - Document delivery.

    Sam held the padd up for the operator to look at.

    - Step up on the pad, please.

    Sam nodded, pocketed the chip and the PADD, then stepped up onto the transporter. In a few seconds, he found himself in front of the Federation's government complex. He walked in and said to the security officer,

    - I have a delivery for the Secretary of state.

    The officer looked up from his console and said,

    - Security clearance chip?

    Sam handed him the chip. The officer took it and inserted it into the console. A second later, he pulled it out and said,

    - Secretary of state is in a meeting with the President. I can get this to him when he's finished.

    Sam nodded & handed the PADD to the officer, then departed. He beat around the city for a bit, seeing all the sites he could. Sam decided to hit up a little bistro to get a bite of dinner. When he ordered, Sam sat at one of the tables outside. After a few minutes, a human man approached his table and said,

    - Being a runner looks like a pretty dead end job, eh?

    Sam looked up and saw, to his surprise, The Secretary of State, Dan Fulton.

    - May I?

    Sam nodded nervously & Fulton sat. Sam was trying to keep it cool, but inside, he was screaming. Fulton ordered a glass of wine and said,

    - So, FDC seems to be doing well, don't you agree?
    - To me, it seems like it, sir. I'm not involved with anything...well...big.
    - Were you a runner since you started?
    - Yes sir, started two years ago.

    Fulton nodded thoughtfully. Their respective orders came. Sam had a butter fried Haddock with crisp garden veggies. Dan took a sip of his wine and said,

    - Well, we need to change your situation some.

    Sam tilted his head confusedly, then said,

    - What do you mean?
    - What I mean is that you'll be put into the embassy staffing pool. Various Embassies across Earth pull staff from the pool to fill the requirements they need at the time. When a staffer is selected, their placed on staff for that particular Ambassador for about two years. Should they request that person again after that term, they become a permanent part of their staff. It leads to a great varied opportunities.
    - You mean moving up the poll to maybe, Ambassador at large?

    Dan nodded and said,

    - Maybe even Secretary of State.

    Sam looked down the narrow street & said,

    - This maybe the thing I need to do some good.

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    Deck 1-Conference Room

    The hesitation was hard to miss as the captain sat down at the conference table. Rosek took a deep breath and looked at him with his full attention.

    “Sir I was planning on speaking with you earlier as this may be a matter of ship security. However, with the recent development I think it may be important to bring this to your attention now. I have noticed some odd behaviors from a member of my staff since the attack.”

    Rosek paused to let the captain process before continuing.

    “ I admit your promotion was unexpected but not surprising. I know this is an important mission to the fleet and requires cool heads, something that our ambitious friend still needs to work on, no disrespect intended. However, with your promotion I feel a crucial staff position has been vacated that will be necessary if we are to complete this mission. You may remember I applied for the tactical position. I would like to offer my services should they be needed. I would also like to be considered for a bridge officer position as you currently are short handed.”

    A final pause to let the captain digest his request before Rosek finished.

    “I know this is a lot to take in and I don’t expect an immediate answer. And congratulations and a very well deserved promotion.”

    TAG: ((Asteropax))
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    U.S.S. Ares
    Deck 1 - Conference Room

    The hesitation was hard to miss as the captain sat down at the conference table. Rosek took a deep breath and looked at him with his full attention.

    “Sir I was planning on speaking with you earlier as this may be a matter of ship security. However, with the recent development I think it may be important to bring this to your attention now. I have noticed some odd behaviors from a member of my staff since the attack.”

    Rosek paused to let the captain process before continuing.

    “ I admit your promotion was unexpected but not surprising. I know this is an important mission to the fleet and requires cool heads, something that our ambitious friend still needs to work on, no disrespect intended. However, with your promotion I feel a crucial staff position has been vacated that will be necessary if we are to complete this mission. You may remember I applied for the tactical position. I would like to offer my services should they be needed. I would also like to be considered for a bridge officer position as you currently are short handed.”

    A final pause to let the captain digest his request before Rosek finished.

    “I know this is a lot to take in and I don’t expect an immediate answer. And congratulations and a very well deserved promotion.”

    TAG: ((Asteropax))
    The new Captain took a deep breath before answering, "Thank you for informing me of everything. I'll have someone look into your junior officer's odd behavior. On the subject of transferring you from engineering to tactical; I need my Chief Engineer where he is. I don't want to lose someone from one department just to replace the position of another. Security Chief Locke and Tactical Officer Kenny will share the position of Chief Tactical Officer in their respective specializations until more candidates present themselves. As one of the Senior Officers, you are automatically considered a member of the bridge crew. Dismissed."

    Teriir took another second in his seat before adding, "And Lieutenant; Thanks. These next few days are going to be very . . . interesting for everyone."

    TAG: ((Asteropax))
    Asteropax Medals
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    U.S.S. ARES
    Deck 1-Conference Room

    As the word “dismissed” left the captains lips Rosek knew he had pushed too far. He had gotten the information he was seeking but it may have strained the already stressed captain.

    “Thank you sir I understand the position you are in and meant only to offer my help in any way I can. Be assured that I’m very happy with my position in engineering. I hope the remainder of this mission goes smother than it has thus far. “

    Rosek stood and took his leave of the captain exiting the conference room and making his way to main engineering.

    ~” I know now that the captain has had time to consider what to do about the vacant tactical position. As expected this was no split second decision. He also does not seem as concerned about the suspicious activity as I would have expected. This means he already has suspicions and possibly has someone watching my people. That will keep them in line for now at least.”~

    TAG: ((Asteropax))