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Sept. 2018 Holodeck Survey Results

Started By:
Noram, Tue 25 Sep, 2018 12:05 PM
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      Unlocked Fri 05 Oct, 2018 12:11 AM

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    • Three of Seven
    • Mack
    • Bedders
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    These aren't the droids you are looking for.

    Also seeng more activity!
    Bedders: Thanks! Look for even more events in the coming weeks Smile

    Greatest team around

    I have absolutely no problems with how things are run thus far, regardless of the field. You have provided me with all the information and assistance that I could possibly ask for. I am not yet experienced enough in the community to make a thorough assessment, however.

    Bedders: Glad to hear you're settling in, if you have any questions feel free to ask Smile

    See a lot of varied events, which is nice, but sadly it is 100% NA unfriendly. Weekends are the only days that can truly accommodate a wide range of geo-locations, but these are typically filled with static activities (raids) that tend to exclude more than it includes. Good that the community does come together, yet still seems that the peak will be in the past. The NA side will continue to be isolated pockets and drift away. Just seems that is the fate and way things naturally will play out.
    Sammygm: If you only see WoW events, then be the change you want to see. Seriously no one is stopping you. The chances of people wanting to do both events are very slim. About the NA part, this has been answered time and time again. If you want NA friendly events, then you or other NA members that want to see NA events need to do them. Half of the UFP membership are from America, so it's hardly an isolated pocket. It's just up to half our community to cater to your timezone, it's unrealistic to expect European members to host all events 24/7.

    Bedders: Not a lot to add to what Sammy said, but you've highlighted the main point in your comment; "Weekends are the only days". This is because our existing volunteers are only able to stay up late enough in their own timezones to host NA-friendly events on weekends. Please help us out here by volunteering and hosting an event when you want to see it - we've got several hundred NA community members, and if you're available to attend an event you're available to host it.

    Events are hosted in EU time because that seems to be when officers are available. It would be nice to see a greater variety of timezones offered, but if people aren't around to host them at those times it's understandable that nothing is available. Invites are generally handled regularly but there's a few outstanding at the moment I notice.
    Noram: Asked and answered. Events in other timezones require event officers active in those timezones. In addition, some games like SWTOR require the player to be online to be invited.

    Bedders: See the above responses. Also, invites are partly my fault as I haven't been active as much recently. If you have an outstanding invite to a SFHolo game please reply to the thread with your availablility to bump it and we'll get you invited ASAP.

    I just joined and have no experience in how things function here.
    Bedders: I hope that you're finding your feet here comfortably. If you have any questions feel free to ask Smile

    "There's a point where we needed to stop and we have clearly passed it. But let's keep going and see what happens..."
    • Commendation
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      Unlocked Fri 05 Oct, 2018 12:14 AM

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    • The Fool
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    • Bedders
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     –  Last edited by Silynn; Tue 25 Sep, 2018 10:18 PM.
    I see myself sitting out in the right field bleachers (stands) as I really only play one game right now. But I think I see both perspectives, a bit differently.

    I totally see where Sammygm, Noram, Bedders, and the rest of the Holodeck staff are coming from. The a large proportion of this community is from NA yet that is not reflected in our event staff. In other words, roll-up your sleeves and be apart of the solution. A sentiment that I agree with and believe in... especially in this digital medium. Silence, inaction, indifference, etc is condoning of the status quo.

    On the other side, I can see somewhat... well, possibly, what some of the sentiment is from. STO on weekends brought *a lot* of the community together. It didn't matter what side of the pond you were on, as there was stuff to do with the community most of the time. Yes, NA members can organize events for NA members and EU members can organize stuff for EU members. But where do both sides meet? We don't. Not really. We somewhat become a split community... gaming-wise. We still maintain our community through our love of Star Trek (and other sci-fi).

    I don't really have an answer, as I myself spend my gaming time away from the community. I still come here and browse/comment/enjoy the forums greatly. But gaming, I am off on my own in FFXIV. Wow is long behind me, SWTOR is as well. I played those long ago and have left those behind. Perhaps someday there will be a world or game like "Ready Player One" when we can perhaps be a community again? Smile

    I just felt I needed to comment as I am seeing (or at least perceiving) different thoughts that doesn't seem to bring us closer to any real resolution. Same comments/feedback, same replies quarter after quarter.

    If this is a dead horse with no solution, let's call it that and move forward. If the members of this community want to bring back a strong community wide gaming community, then people need to step up and put in the effort to make it happen. And people means everyone of the varying color tags here. Smile
    Silynn Medals
  1. Fleet Admiral

    • Commendation
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      Unlocked Sat 29 Jun, 2019 9:56 PM

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      Unlocked Sun 27 Mar, 2016 2:00 PM

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    • Bedders
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    A lot of the community happens on the forums, and meetups at UFPACs, but if people want to see events hosted, they do need to make an effort and help out, it's all well and good shouting from the sidelines, but if you want something to happen, you have to do it! It's what I did, when I wanted to see things, I asked if I could help and do them.

    Same goes for event attendance, some people who complain about events hardly ever turn up to events themselves, so it's kind of a silly argument.
  2. Deputy Head of Gaming

    • Admiral on Deck
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      Unlocked 4 Weeks Ago

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    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

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      Unlocked Sat 22 Dec, 2018 10:28 PM

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      Unlocked Fri 05 Oct, 2018 12:12 AM

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    • The Fool
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    • Sul-Matuul
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     –  Last edited by Mack; Wed 26 Sep, 2018 12:36 PM.
    I've been quiet on this matter and wanted to voice this out later once the STO Feedback thread received a little more input, but coming across this topic, I'll voice the practical side of things. Let's think this through, what do you exactly do in events that is different from gaming in general? That's right, the answer is nothing - apart from talking with each other which makes it more interesting as human kind is a social breed.

    I won't pretend to know the in-game atmosphere in other UFP supported titles, so my input is based solely based off STO. I see the feedback and people have some rock solid points, but no one wants to even talk to each other on UFPlanets chat. People want to be left alone maybe because work has been hectic and they just want lone time.

    So I started assuming, perhaps with the hectic life style, it really is hard to co-ordinate with all RL responsibilities and then an in-game community event - which is reasonable. But then, I've also witnessed members like Sul-Mutuul take initative and ask everyday "Guys, do you want to group up?". He's often met with ignorance and silence by the ten other members online. He's an example of the fact you really don't need to be in staff team to host events. Even from staff side, I've personally asked people if they would like to run episodes or stuff to run marks - I'm also met with silence.

    Staff team members are regular people with lives too. But if the community is not interested in events anymore, but more importantly talking with each other on the chat channel or grouping up with each other, there's not much any staff team can do anything about it.

    There's also another aspect to this. Over the years, Star Trek Online's content (on behalf of Game Devs) has been made very solo-able. This wasn't the case earlier. You can have horrible builds and still easily achieve your marks and what not. It is very rare for anyone to fail a queue. There's no penalty by the game for being a weak link in the team nor challenge. Due to this, players really can ignore talk about builds as well as perceive anyone talking about dps numbers to be concerned with stats. What's more worrysome is players can actually avoid interaction and pug it all easily. In essence, there's really no incentive for players to group other than "I really need to interact with someone today, so lets fly together" (Rarely happens, perhaps weekends) which is often negated by "Let me get this grind done, and I'm off to bed / <play another game I enjoy> / <insert XYZ reason>"(commonly happens).

    I play this other game, it's something everyone has heard but isn't really popular in the community here, Warframe. The game has such a cash shop that whatever is on the cash shop can be grinded in-game. Now, clans can unlock some of the other stuff in their cash shop - and so people genuinely contribute to their clans on their own accord and drive the clan forward so they can get all the cash shop stuff for in-game materials. So essentially you don't have to buy anything from the cash shop other than aesthetics and skins. The clan of warframe I'm part of makes it very active due to this very nature in terms of consistent grouping of members, chat and the fact everyone talks to one another. The game requires grouped content, of owning crafting mats, of farming those materials together, the possibility of failing missions because you didn't group for certain missions, for relics (Essentially keys) to group with other players and play the game.

    In conclusion, I'm no saint by the way, but I also ensure to equalize my involvement - and no one needs to be member of staff team for that basic community ettiquette! I'd reitrate ThreeofSeven's post. I encourage anyone interested for events to turn up, if you can't - at least message the host and build that communication. At the very least the host knows, someone was at the very least interested but couldn't make it because real lfie happend. Best yet, message the Division Command and become an events officer to help your timezone out.

    Live long and Prosper.
    Mack Medals