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Help me, I'm drowning

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ODST Parker, Tue 16 Oct, 2018 5:41 PM
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    After years of playing STO with mediocre "builds" and whatever I happened to like (or just whatever I had) at the time, I'm finally starting to make sense of good builds in this game. Or, should I say, I was. Then some big updates came out, and now I'm lost again. I honestly can't keep track of what's good now, what's still good, what's been nerfed into the ground (looking at you, Plasmonic Leech), etc. etc. etc.

    So, I'm trying to build three ships. A fleet Arbiter battlecruiser, making her a good old stealth ship. A fleet Alita, just your average cannon DPS boat with fighters. Finally, a fleet Jupiter carrier, which I'd love to make more of a ship that can take a hit as much as give it. I'd like them to be phaser builds with a torpedo on all but the Jupiter, but I'd also like to try antiproton at some point too, get some use out of the Crystalline event rewards.

    Trouble is, I'm completely lost at this point. I have a pretty good build on the Arbiter, the ship I use the most. Tac Team with relevent doff buff, 2 AP Beta with doff buff, EPtW with 3 doffs buffing its cooldown, kemocite, torp spread, scatter volley, all the survivability stuff, the whole nine yards. Good weapons, better ones waiting for an upgrade weekend, Iconian main set, Quantum Phase weapon set, all the good stuff. Aside from that stuff, which I'm not even sure of at this point, I have no idea what's best. Bridge officers, traits, optimal weapon modifications, etc.

    So, if anyone has any advice on any of those three ships, or just phaser builds in general, or just build basics in general, I would appreciate it very much!
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    I think some questions are in order to give people here a better chance to give you constructive feedback.

    Which of your 3 mentioned ships should be taken care of first? Would you be willing to give a complete build on ?

    What kind of career are you playing: Tactical, Engineering, Science?

    How would you describe your piloting in fights? You stand just still and fire or do you like to keep your ship moving?

    What are you struggling with in fights? Survivability, damage output?

    What are you willing to invest to one of your ship builds? Only mission reward items, c-store items or lobi store items?
    • Paragon of Duty
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    I think some questions are in order to give people here a better chance to give you constructive feedback.

    Which of your 3 mentioned ships should be taken care of first? Would you be willing to give a complete build on ?

    What kind of career are you playing: Tactical, Engineering, Science?

    How would you describe your piloting in fights? You stand just still and fire or do you like to keep your ship moving?

    What are you struggling with in fights? Survivability, damage output?

    What are you willing to invest to one of your ship builds? Only mission reward items, c-store items or lobi store items?
    I've never used the skill planner for any of my own builds, but I'll give it a try.

    Otherwise, my main captain is Tactical, and the ship I use most often is the T6 Fleet Arbiter battlecruiser, so I would start with that I suppose. I have good damage output for normal activities, normal queues, and missions, and okay survivability (for a mostly tactical ship), using the Arbiter console and other cooldowns when I really need them, along with standard eng/sci teams, hazard emitters, and aux to structure whenever I need quick heals.

    I tend to keep myself moving more often than not, unless I think I can take out a whole group with one volley. The Arbiter doesn't have the turn rate of smaller ships though, so I tend to try to stay in the firing arc of my dual heavies as often as I can, on the aft section of the enemy if possible. Since I use the cloaking device, it's easy to slip in behind a group and keep on their aft side. I wish I could upgrade to the battle cloak with the Valiant's console, but alas, it doesn't work on battlecruisers.

    I've put quite a bit into this build, including my most recent weapon crafting. Got two [Pen] mod phaser dual heavy cannons up front, plus the Quantum Phase dual heavies and torpedo, and the quad phaser cannons, then two [Pen] mod phaser turrets in the back plus my trilithium phaser turret. I'm using the Iconian set for now, the cloaking device, both battlecruiser consoles, tactical locaters, and the best universals I have. Unfortunately, I'll likely never get much from lockboxes (I hate that system and how much money or time you'd have to pour into it), and I'm still waiting for monthly zen to buy the Valiant class and Endeavour class for their amazing traits. Energy credits, I can grind, fleet credits, dilithium, missions rewards, none of that is a problem. I just don't plan on spending much zen or lobi anytime soon.
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    On the Arbiter, there are A LOT of builds out there to look at. Like this one:

    The link is shared for this topic not to suggest you should copy it. I mean, that build uses Lock Box weapons, so use your Phaser stock instead. But really, it's about the comments; there are a lot of good talk to make THAT Arbiter work, yet could easily be considered for your own knowledge base Smile

    Having said that, in my opinion, the three ships you want to use are three different card decks while the Valiant and Arbiter relatively close enough to each other. Yet you have decent gear that each of them could use interchangeably. What would change is the playstyle needed for each ship; the Jupiter's fat butt is simply differnet than a Valiant (which goes without sayin' ...). It's a little old, yet I found this Jupiter build:

    I fully appreciate "drowning" because I am constantly looking at my FAHCR build to seeing what other ships I could port over my BOffs so that I could fly other ships like my main ... and it gets frustrating fast.
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    The meta these days appears to be BOFF/Captain cooldown reduction instead of power boosting/management.

    Give this reddit post a quick read for a quick summary of how some things may have changed.
    RazBeraht Medals
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    On the Arbiter, there are A LOT of builds out there to look at. Like this one:

    The link is shared for this topic not to suggest you should copy it. I mean, that build uses Lock Box weapons, so use your Phaser stock instead. But really, it's about the comments; there are a lot of good talk to make THAT Arbiter work, yet could easily be considered for your own knowledge base Smile

    Having said that, in my opinion, the three ships you want to use are three different card decks while the Valiant and Arbiter relatively close enough to each other. Yet you have decent gear that each of them could use interchangeably. What would change is the playstyle needed for each ship; the Jupiter's fat butt is simply differnet than a Valiant (which goes without sayin' ...). It's a little old, yet I found this Jupiter build:

    I fully appreciate "drowning" because I am constantly looking at my FAHCR build to seeing what other ships I could port over my BOffs so that I could fly other ships like my main ... and it gets frustrating fast.
    I've seen that Jupiter build before, but not the Arbiter one. I can definitely take a couple pointers from that.

    I'm well aware of what I'm getting into, trying to fly three different ships with very different play styles. It's actually what I set out to do, since I hate to simply run DPS escort all the time. Got tired of that a long time ago. I'm keeping my Akira for that, and because it's one of my favorite ships in Star Trek.

    With the Arbiter, I wanted to create a stealth ship. It can fit a cloak, I initially thought I would be able to use the Valiant's console to make it a battle cloak (no such luck, unfortunately), and it even has a beautiful black hull pattern option thanks to the Avenger class. It works well enough in that role, and it's become my new favorite ship to fly.

    The Jupiter, though... I was always trying to make a tank of a ship that could still do decent damage, and I could never figure out how to optimize that. Gave up on it back when the Plas Leech was still the meta. I love carriers, especially big, full carriers like the Jupiter, so I'm finally taking another look at it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The meta these days appears to be BOFF/Captain cooldown reduction instead of power boosting/management.

    Give this reddit post a quick read for a quick summary of how some things may have changed.
    Oh, that has some really good information in it. Thank you! Some of it, I've figured out myself, like cannons and scatter volley, but I've never been good with sorting out traits, weapon mods, damage types, etc.
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    For those interested, I copied my Arbiter build to skill planner. Here's the link:

    Have at it, just don't be too harsh on her.
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    You have the Prolonged Engagement console, do you have access to the Cannons? If not, they might be an item to target next time the K-M event rolls around.
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    I'm one of those people who thinks the Arbiter is to "aesthetically challenged" to actually fly, but the trait and console look freaking amazing to me.

    Since the console can only be equipped on "battlecruisers" I wonder if that includes the T6 Connie and the Europa?

    Kudos on getting the stealth-Arbiter to take form!
    RazBeraht Medals
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    The Avenger (T5) version has grown on me over the years, and I'm of the opinion that the ship's Space Barbie kit-bashes really well, but yeah, I would never leave it as a stock Arbiter.
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    I'm one of those people who thinks the Arbiter is to "aesthetically challenged" to actually fly, but the trait and console look freaking amazing to me.

    Since the console can only be equipped on "battlecruisers" I wonder if that includes the T6 Connie and the Europa?

    Kudos on getting the stealth-Arbiter to take form!
    Aesthetically challenged?! Clearly, you haven't seen my baby. Avenger saucer and nacelles, Arbiter hull and pylons, and the Avenger's black hull material with fleet windows. She is an absolute beauty! I'll see if I can get a good screenshot of her.

    - - - Updated - - -

    You have the Prolonged Engagement console, do you have access to the Cannons? If not, they might be an item to target next time the K-M event rolls around.
    Prolonged engagement console? I'm not sure what you're talking about. I've got both battlecruiser unique consoles, the cloaking device, the reinforced armaments console for the trilithium turret 2-piece, quantum phaser console, D.O.M.I.N.O., a crafted conductive RCS that I'll probably replace, and my vulnerability locators.

    - - - Updated - - -

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    My bad, I was just eyeballing stuff in the planner and I misidentified a console. Disregard! Smile
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    My bad, I was just eyeballing stuff in the planner and I misidentified a console. Disregard! Smile
    I looked it up. Domino, dynamo, same damn thing. No problem. I probably should look into that console and cannon though, could be worth getting when that event comes around.
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    I'm pretty sure the phaser weapon is regarded as one of the better phaser weapons, and the 2-pc give you some recharge reduction, so it's at least worth having the option to consider, IMO.
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    The Prolonged Engagement weapon from an event (reclaimable if unlocked, maybe Phoenix pack if not) was the most powerful individual Phaser weapon available. With the advent of T6 reps and (iirc) the Terran Task Force Phaser weapon, that may no longer be true.

    Regardless of which is #1 and which is #2, they're still the top two Phasers in the game and should be a part of any Phaser loadout. I believe both come in DHC and Array variants.

    The Trilithium set is easily one of the must-haves for Phasers as well. Phasers are doing really well in the meta with regards to gear, maybe only edged out because Spiral Wave Disruptors are the most powerful weapons in the game by fractions of a percent. Given the ease of access to this set, it's a special kind of lazy to run a Phaser ship without it.

    The most expensive awesome set for Phasers, Disruptors, and Plasma are obviously 2 pieces from the Synergistic Retrofitting Set, which gives a 2-piece bonus of +33% to all three of those energy types. It's expensive because the two best pieces is the Secondary Shield Projector and the Dynamic Power Redistributor Module, one of which will be a "cheap" console while the other is going to be on an expensive lockbox ship. The DPRM itself has a passive 17.8% damage buff with an amazing clicky that gives +40%, while the former is an awesome emergency button.