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[Discussion] - What got you into Star Trek

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huuchuan1113, Wed 24 Oct, 2018 2:02 AM
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    My father grew up watching Star Trek, and it was one of his favorite things in the world. He always said that if he hadn't married my mother, he would have been going from convention to convention dressed in that gold uniform. He got me into it as soon as he could, watching the series with me, helping me understand the complexities, and getting me all of the games I could ever want. I grew up playing Starfleet Command 3, and by the time Star Trek Online was announced, I was already in love with the franchise. When I was a teenager, I watched Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise from beginning to end, and DS9 became my favorite Star Trek series and one of my favorite sci-fi series of all time.

    My father passed away early this year, so I'll never be able to watch our favorite shows with him again, but if I ever had any kids of my own (knock on wood), you can be damn sure I'll carry on spreading the love of this amazing franchise, just like he did for me.
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     –  Last edited by Mack; Sat 27 Oct, 2018 6:23 PM.
    As a kid, mom used to watch Star Trek TOS on TV. I used to love the ship scenes like any other kid, but my mom definitely loved William Shatner at that point of time lol.

    During my time in boarding school, TNG would be featured every weekend from 8-10. Weekends were also the only time TV would be activated in our dorms. Really liked the idea of United Earth and humanity exploring space together. Seemed like a very hopeful and noble goal for humanity to achieve. I still remember in those times communities would still distinguish people by color, class or some other criteria - and to every boarding student Star Trek definitely was something educational. We all learnt to move with a mindset of not caring about skin color and to treat people how you'd love to be treated.

    I guess that in essence is why I prefer Star Trek's lore over Star Wars or BSG, since you would always have something to think about from the episodes and at the same time it also gave some hope to me.
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    Neither of my folks was into SF, I started by watching Star Wars when I was five years old. That was my gateway SF. After that came Space 1999, Blake’s 7, Thunderbirds, Doctor Who, Terrahawks and the original BSG. Basically anything we could get in the UK during the late seventies and early eighties.

    Saturday morning kids shows had awesome SF cartoons and one even had a anime style show called StarFleet (nothing to do with Trek).

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    No one in my family was a fan of ST, at all haha.

    I was really into astronomy, science and the idea of exploring the unknown in first grade. I had this awesome space coloring book that I could make all kinds of different planets and spaceships. I'd look up the planets and most interesting stars and find them in the sky. I was always trying to build robots out of cereal boxes and tin foil. I read one of those 100 explanations on how things worked and pretended to ask my computer how something worked and have it answer back with the explanation, in my "robot voice."

    When I first saw TNG, it felt tailored to everything I enjoyed. I accidentally came across the reruns of the earlier seasons and fell in love. Picard's morals/ethics/speeches, Riker's "friendliness," Troy's understanding (I was having huge anxiety attacks at the time), Data's efficiency, La Forge's dedication, Worf's self-discipline and culture-clashes. Of course, I identified with Wesley later haha

    First thing I tried to learn and understand was the transporter, trying to memorize the techno-babble, then the warp engines and warp field. I studied the cards and encyclopedias like I was going to be tested on it.

    No one I knew, the whole time I was growing up, was into ST, except my friend's dad. In middle school, I kept to myself and didn't talk about ST with anyone. When I'd ask people what their favorite TV shows were, they'd say everything else but ST. My friend asked me to trade baseball cards, I told him I only had ST cards and he laughed so hard haha Other people started making fun of me for it and he turned around and stood up for me. A couple days later, he whispered, "my dad's really into ST and has a lot of cards. He wants to trade with you."

    In high school, I found two other people into ST, they were running their own RP haha they made me take this long test to join. Not only did I pass, but I jumped up the ranks by creating my own test for them based on ST's science.

    I didn't appreciate DS9 when I was in middle school, but couldn't wait to watch VOY.

    Back then, VOY was on UPN, a channel we didn't have at our house, so I had to watch it at my cousin's. When I was 14, I watched the first three episodes and was thrilled it was more like TNG than DS9. After that, my uncle said I couldn't come over and watch it any more; they only had one TV (and we didn't get along). I didn't get to watch VOY again until my junior year in college...
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    The ships. I'm big into hardware. TOS, TNG, US Navy, NASA. I'm a sucker for a big honkin' engine and some nicely shaped steel.
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    Dumb Luck

    I know that's an odd way of starting this story, but it's true, my love for Star Trek was borne of sheer dumb luck.

    It was 1991 and I was in the first grade. My parents had just finished watching the 9 o'clock news and were flipping through the channels. They happened to land on Fox and that was when I saw the Enterprise for the first time. I can't remember which episode it was. I just remember seeing the aft view of the Galaxy Class Starship and finishing the episode.

    After that it became my Mom and I's nightly show. Granted being 5 years old it was kind of odd to stay up so late. But I watched the crew of the Enterprise explore the stars. While getting some valuable time with Mom. For two years on Halloween I was a Starfleet Officer. Sometimes I'd even wear the uniform to school. Having a vivid imagination I always looked at school as Starfleet Academy. Big Grin I also attempted to give myself a "Captain Picard" haircut in the 2nd Grade. My mother wasn't thrilled and oddly enough at 32. It's happening naturally!

    My love for the franchise endures now because of the hope it inspires. That someday we will rise above our differences and eliminate war, disease, prejudice, and poverty.

    Also to boldly go where no one has gone before. Smile
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    We had one, yes one, TV. Of course it was the 60s so having only one TV in the house was kind of the norm. We also had a whopping three channels to choose from. I don't remember the exact details as I was only five at the time but it was basically that no one wanted to watch what was on the other two channels so checking out this brand new show was the decision.

    That was it, days changed, air times changed but after that day if Star Trek was on, that's what channel the TV was on. I was a die hard fan, to the point that when TNG came out, I didn't watch it because it wasn't "Star Trek", until one day when my wife was watching it, I actually paid attention to it and like the special effects and the fact that there was actually some "action". I don't remember what episode it was but the Enterprise was fighting some Romulans. Started actually watching it after that and decided I actually liked it, although it still wasn't "Star Trek".

    I tried and never really could get into any of the other spin offs but it never changed the fact that I have been in love with Star Trek for 50+ years.
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    I grew up watching TOS reruns, captivated by the crew of the Enterprise exploring the depths of space and visiting alien races. From then on I watched every series, transfixed to BBC 2 when TNG first aired.
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    I watched TOS on TV when I was 8 years old but then it was taken away from the channel. 5 years ago I went with my grandparents to a movie music festival and when I heard the sound of ST Into Darkness soundtrack, I actually fell in love again...
    I absolutley love the ST reboot music.. Got all the Deluxe Editions of 'em.
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