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[Archived] - Chapter 2 - Dorvan V

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    Dorvan V
    Cardassian Embassy


    Biiqs was gratified that the Elders of Dorvan V received his plan well, and approved it. He was surprised at how the Cardassians approved it so willingly.

    Within the space of a moment, surprise turned into suspicion, then suspicion turned into shame.

    What did he expect? The war was long over. The Cardassians needed help. There was no complex plot or conspiracy behind a simple acceptance of aid. Biiqs was doing the same unnecessary mental maneuvering that he was accusing the Cardassians of doing. It was then that he saw the importance of this mission: butting old ghosts to rest before venturing out into new frontiers.

    As he walked toward the elevator, he heard a stirring of old war ghosts at the table. The brief words between Teriir and Enok seemed to evoke a host of disturbing memories between the two, and it told in Teriir's countenance and gait as he slowly moved toward the elevator. "Are you okay, sir?" Biiqs spoke quietly and casually, not trying to draw attention from others.

    "I'm alright, Commander," Teriir replied, "I've just had to keep a lot of hard memories bottled up from the War."
    "I can certainly understand that," Biiqs remarked, nodding. He listened to Locke's response, and the subsequent conversation about Aureum. Although devastation was wrought throughout the Federation during the Dominion War, Auereum was a particular sore spot. Such senseless destruction and loss of life. All to secure a tactical advantage in a war they ultimately lost.
    His silent ruminations were interrupted by the elevator opening, and officers approaching the Captain. As Hood gave his report, Biiqs' eyes lingered on Teriir for a moment, noting his body language and drifting attention. He would have liked for the Captain to be able to take some time and speak with A'Mand, but that wouldn't be feasible in the middle of his issuing much needed orders for the operation. But shortly thereafter, Ogbah stepped in.

    "Before we go, could you fill me in on what we were talking about on the elevator? I think we all still want to know how Gul Enok knows you."
    Oh, Ogbah, Biiqs thought, Don't you see that now might not be a good time? Ogbah seemed to have not noticed the way the meeting appeared to drain the Captain, fulfilling the stereotype that engineers werent as good at reading people as they were schematics.

    But Teriir didn't seem to mind, as he began his story. And what a story. Biiqs sighed heavily at the mention of torture, turning his eyes downward and shaking his head. His right hand instinctively went to his own throat, fingering the ridge there in a Bolian gesture that signified acknowledgement of mortality and pain. He had served with a few officers who had experienced similar things at the hands of Cardassians. All of the officers appeared to be stunned by Teriir's story, and moreso by the aplomb he handled it with. The Captain seemed a lot better now than he had been prior to the conversation.

    "What happened in the war; it's all over for me," He answered, surprised by how steady and strong his voice stayed, "I've moved on. All the same, it’s unsettling being close to a reminder of the darker times of the War. To quote Klingon Chancellor Gorkon; If there is to be a brave new world, our generation will have the hardest time living in it."
    "Wise words," Biiqs said quietly, almost to himself. As the Captain headed toward the beam out point, Biiqs turned to Locke. "Mr. Locke, it occurs to me that perhaps you and I should go back up to that second level, and get the coordination center running. We can call that equipment down, organize the personnel, and get a pot of raktajino going."

    "Yes sir," Locke replied with a smile. Both men took the elevator upward and we're surprised to find some very workable spaces. There was a good sized area that appeared to be normally used as a reception area, with couches and seats for guests. A conference room, several offices, and a special security office was also located on the floor. Within a relatively brief amount of time, Biiqs and Locke were able to draft a list of equipment, and a compliment of officers and enlisted for shore duty.

    "Do you have all that, Lt. Vars?"

    On the Cardassian commlink screen in the conference room, the wide eyes Vars looked like she definitely did not "have all that," but she repeated the list, with every last detail. "...but about those type 3b phaser rifles..."

    "Chief Nakamura just inspected a batch," interjected Locke, "It's probably best to use those."

    "Yes, sir," replied Vars. "Uhm, I mean sirs. Yes, sirs." There was a moment of awkward silence before she cut the link.

    "She's very good," explained Locke, prompting an understanding nod from Biiqs.
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    USS Ares
    CDO's office

    [[AS SAM]]
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    After Sam received his instructions, he sat down at his desk with a coffee & three barbequed cheese hoagies, then said,
    - Computer, uplink to Starfleet intelligence databanks. Authorization code, URQUHART 441-EPSILON.

    The computer Beeped softly, saying, UPLINK ESTABLISHED.

    Sam took a bite of one of his hoagies and said,
    - Bring up Enterprise mission logs during Dorvan V incident.

    The computer took about a minute to pull the information up. The information read as..
    OOC: Information in spoiler pulled from Memory Alpha.
    The planet Dorvan V was host to a Federation colony hosting a distinct Human culture during the mid- to late 24th century. It contained at least one continent, as well as mountains and rivers. Facilities included a Habak.

    Around 2350, a group of North American Indians settled the planet, building a village in a small valley on the southern continent. This settlement occurred despite being warned that it was hotly disputed by the Cardassians. The group had left Earth 200 years before, in order to preserve their cultural identities, and had been searching for a new world ever since. They settled on Dorvan because the planet did not only have the right environmental conditions, but also was perceived as being welcoming in a spiritual way.

    In 2370, after a long three years of drawn out negotiations, the Federation-Cardassian Treaty defined the final status of the border between the Federation and the Cardassian Union. The new border placed several Federation colonies in Cardassian space and vice versa. One of these Federation colonies, which the Starfleet planned to evacuate, was Dorvan V. This occurred despite an Indian representative being included in the deliberations of the Federation Council, and objecting. It was felt that the Dorvan settlers were a Nomadic group that should never have settled on a disputed planet in the first place.

    Shortly thereafter, Starfleet sent the USS Enterprise-D to relocate the settlers. Anticipating the possibility that they would refuse removal, its orders were to be to remove them by whatever means are necessary. The settlers indeed elected to stay, explaining that the place had a deep spiritual significance for them. A resolution to the conflict was reached when the colonists renounced Federation citizenship and agreed to be governed by the Cardassian government.

    Sam grimace a bit at this info. The Federation forcibly removing a peoples from a planet? He thought it was a bit...well...He had to keep his personal opinions to himself. He took another bite and said,
    - Give me some intelligence on the Cardassian administrator.

    It took Two minutes for the computer to find something on this Administrator. He finished the first hoagie in this time period. Sam took a sip of his coffee as the computer started to display the requested info.

    Below is provided by Asteropax.

    Starfleet Intelligence Report
    Poval Enok

    Age: 55

    Military Rank: Gul

    Known Command Positions:
    CO of at least 2 Galor Class Warships: Ebokk and Klaminn, CO of Cardassian 14th Order during Dominion War, CO of advanced Cardassian Battlecruiser late in Dominion War, currently advisor to Non-Cardassian planets near border with Federation.

    Personal Life: Married; has 5 children. Known to have 2 brothers.
    4 of the children killed on Cardassia during Dominion Firebomb Campaign. Both brothers killed during Dominion War: 1 during Operation Return, the other at Battle of Regulak.

    Military Service:

    - Federation/Cardassian War
    CO of Ebokk by 2361. Engagement with USS Anastasia alongside 2 additional Warships. His ship only survivor of his side during combat; Withdrew after arrival of USS Vigilance; USS Anastasia damaged but returned safely to Starbase 47.

    - Dominion War (2373-2375)
    CO of Cardassian 14th Order; Klaminn served as flagship. Cardassian 14th Order served as scouts and raiders for Dominion Fleet. Fought in 24 named battles; Commanded 10 Combat Operations directly; coordinated at least 38 others. Notable engagements involved in include Battle of Tyra, Battle of Aureum, Battle of Regulak. 40 Combat Operations declared Dominion Victories; All 8 Engagements involving Federation 6th Fleet resulted in Defeats; Neither side declared victory at Aureum. Served alongside Dominion until he, alongside the rest of the Cardassian military, turned against allies.

    - Post-War Service
    Resigned Command of 14th Order; now works alongside various Diplomatic Corps in reconstruction of Cardassian Controlled Planets. Focuses efforts on worlds not aligned with Cardassian Union but within Territory. Highly successful. Currently serving as diplomatic adviser on Dorvan V.

    Items of Interest
    Captain of USS Anastasia since promoted to Rear Admiral and commanded Federation 6th Fleet during Dominion War. Possible rivalry between the two. Dyrell Teriir, Captain of USS Ares, interrogated by Gul Enok at Battle of Aureum as Ensign; escaped to Command USS Keres at Regulak; killed Gul Enok's youngest sibling at said battle; USS Ares arrived at Dorvan V as of current stardate.

    Sam finished off the first hoagie and asked the computer,
    - Does the ship have any Cannar on board?

    The computer bleeped & blurped, then said,
    - A case of Cannar, vintage 2306, is in storage on deck 17, special food stores.

    Sam smiled a bit and said,
    - Great!

    He continued to compile the info, using the comms array to talk to various people about Poval. Sam was quite skilled in plying information out of people. After about an hour, in which he finished his lunch. Sam then made a concise report that could be digested easily while getting all the points across. Loading the report onto a PADD. he set it down and leaned back. Work well done. He got up, took the PADD and headed to the bridge to deliver the report

    ((TAG Terrir Whenever you want the report))
    JoshBroughm Medals
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    USS Ares
    Transporter Room

    As Teriir stepped off the Transporter Pad, he dipped his head in greeting to the transporter chief, “You’re going to be pretty busy here soon.”

    “Sounds good!” the chief responded as he began resetting the controls to the transporter.
    - Want to grab lunch, sir? I'm a bit hungry.
    “Not quite yet,” Teriir answered, “There’s a certain Starfleet Admiral we need to respond to first.”
    - Oh, damn! I forgot about Gramps!
    “Come on,” he motioned the Conn Officer to follow him, “We’ll talk to him first and then see about that lunch once I’ve had a chance to check in on the bridge.”

    He led the two of them over to a nearby office he knew was left open for personnel to use when on duty. Sitting down at the desk, he powered up the communications and began connecting to Earth. A subtle skid made him glance over to a coffee mug placed next to him. After finishing the first sip, a communications officer appeared on the screen.

    “Earth communications hub,” the officer provided a pretty universal greeting, “How may I direct this transmission?”

    “This is Captain Dyrell Teriir of the USS Ares,” Teriir replied, “I need to contact Admiral Mark Storm at the Fleet Coordination Office.”

    “One moment.” The Comms officer said plainly as she checked her status board. She spoke up again a second later, “I can put you through immediately. Stand by.”

    The screen went black as the transmission went through. Before the screen came back on, a gruff voice came across the audio, saying, “Max should've told you that I found waiting to be annoying.”

    Teriir couldn’t help but smirk at the complaint. The tone was the same as that of one of the people who mentored him during the Dominion War. He hid the smile before the viewscreen changed to show the Admiral’s face. Mark Storm began speaking at pretty much the instant his image appeared, “Apologies aren't necessary, Captain. I understand i caught you at a rather inopportune time at first?”

    “Yes sir,” he began explaining, “We were occupied consulting with the Tribal Council on Dorvan V and the Cardassian Advisor assisting them, Gul Enok. The meeting was successful and we are beginning to implement our plans for assisting the local populace.”

    “Very good,” The Admiral sounded almost dismissive in his reply. Teriir guessed from what he knew from the prior discussion that Mark Storm was rather hard to please. Either that or he was more interested in speaking with his grandson right now, “I wish to speak with Lieutenant Max Storm in private; is he available?”

    “He’s here with me,” He nodded back. Glancing over to Lieutenant Storm, he stood up and motioned for him to take the seat, “I’ll be on the bridge.”

    (( TAG: Storm ))

    As curious as he was about the request for a Flag Officer to speak to someone who wasn’t a CO in private, he knew not to push it. After all, he had no business in someone’s personal life especially when he was already aware of the relationship between the two. He moved out into the corridor and began making his way towards a turbolift so he could get to the bridge and check in there. A voice interrupted him before he’d even gone 2 steps.

    “Captain!” Lieutenant Vars had darted over to stand beside him, holding onto a large PADD containing what he knew were a wide variety of information updates for each department, “Glad you’re back.”

    “Thank you,” he responded as they started walking over to the lift, “I see you’ve been very busy.”

    “Yeah, we’ve had all sorts of things going on since you beamed down,” she began reading off items on her PADD as they walked, “Science and Security Officers from the Lakota have joined us. The Security Officers will be cooperating with ours on the surface. I have my fellow Outfitters gathering up Commander Biiqs’ and Locke’s wishlist of supplies which will be sent to the Coordination Center.”

    “Not wasting any time are they?” He complimented them before continuing, “Have the Lakota officers been informed of the cleanup plan?”

    “The came on asking about it and, since our Science Officers have already received a briefing, they have been informing them of what needs to be done. There’s a survey team standing by to beam down shortly to assist on the ground. An earlier check in by Lieutenant Hood suggests there may be undetonated Jem’Hadar torpedoes down there.”

    “I was afraid some of those would be found. Inform the Armory about that development so they can disarm any torpedoes that get unearthed. We better let engineering know as well so they can assist in their disposal,” Teriir replied, feeling good knowing that this was something they could easily solve. At least, as long as all the torpedoes get located and everyone remembers which diode to remove, “Engineering should also begin working on the modifications to the deflector array but it wouldn’t surprise me if they were already on it. We’re going to have to send some engineers over to the Lakota to assist in the fabrication of the orbital defense platforms, along with some of the industrial replicators.”

    “About those replicators,” Vars cut in, “One of our technicians, Jei Han, spotted a defect on one of them. The control box was faulty. A quick inspection found three others with the same problem.”

    “Ugh, I thought Command recalled all of the industrial replicators made at Vega last year due to that very defect,” He shook his head and put a hand on his head. He looked over to her, “Can they be fixed?”

    “Master Chief Samson says they’ve already fixed 2 of them,” she responded instantly, “They’re working on the others now, sir. He said they’re going to check on the Cardassian Replicators which the Bajorans wish to return.”

    “We definitely don’t want those to have defects,” he agreed, knowing that the Cardassians would be insulted to have faulty equipment given to them, “Are the medical teams standing by?”

    “Already deploying,” she corrected him, “A team was sent down with full triage gear to assist at the local hospital. I know one of the doctors mentioned that they may need to head to outlying settlements in case there are people that can’t reach the hospital.”

    “I’ll check with Captain Terry on that as we can’t risk spreading ourselves out too thinly. We still don’t know much about the Nausicaan bases below outside of their location,” Teriir remarked. This reminded him about the scans they’d been taking, “Any new information on the bases?”

    “Conn reports they’ve finished the scans and have sent everything over to Security. They will likely have everything ready for a full report either by the end of the day or early tomorrow.”

    “Excellent!” He summarized as he reached the lift. Vars offered him the PADD and he signed off on everything, “Carry on.”

    (( TAG: Storm ))

    OOC: Teriir will recieve that intelligence report on Dorvan V and Gul Enok on the bridge, specifically when Josh and I talk in the Captain’s ready room.
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    USS Ares
    Deck X Office

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    Max sat behind the desk and said,
    - Sorry i couldn't get back to you sooner.

    Marcus smiled warmly and said,
    - You don't have to apologise. I understand the constraints of the job.

    Max gave a bit of a quizzical look.
    - Why are you at Fleet Co-ord? I thought you were kicking it in Munich?

    Marcus said, rather grumpily,
    - Brand new ship tracking system had a major glitch pop up. Their switching to the old system while the techs iron out the problem & I'm well versed in the old tracker. Damn, I thought I got away from all this!!

    Max let out a small giggle.
    - At least it wasn't about a lost ship!

    Marcus let out a slight sigh, saying,
    - I don't miss this job, that's for sure!! How's the Ares treating you?

    Max answered,
    - Better than I thought. Lots of fascination at this thing.*POINTS TO ARM* Dorvan V is caked in radiation. We are about to start cleaning protocols.

    Marcus nodded.
    - I read the file on it. Damned Jem'Hadar don't know how to leave people alone.

    A thought crossed into Max's mind.
    - You haven't heard from dad lately, did you?

    Marcus tilted his slightly.
    - Not since he left Valera IX & his ship isn't showing up on the trackers. I'm about to send a ship out to investigate.

    Max's demeanor shifted a bit. He was worried now.
    - I hope he's alright.

    They continued talking for a bit & when the time came, they both bid adieu. Max went out of the office and headed for the holodeck, where he found solice in the forge.

    (( TAG ))
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    USS Ares

    “Welcome back, Captain,” Ensign Aerign was the first to greet Teriir as he stepped on the bridge.

    “Yes,” Commander R’Turan replied more slowly as he stood up from the chair to meet him as well, “It’s good to have you back.”

    Teriir nodded to the two of them before moving over to take his seat. He spoke while he walked over, “Lieutenant Vars has updated me on the crew’s activity. What’s the report from up here?”

    “A Nausicaan ship entered the system while you were planetside,” the First Officer stated, flicking his tail in the process, “We identified it as the same one which fled earlier but it stayed near the combat site, leading us to believe it was checking for any escape pods. It left before you returned.”

    “Did they pick anyone up?” He asked, feeling hopeful that someone was pulled out from the three ships that were destroyed in the fighting.

    “We can’t be certain,” was the response, “We picked up a few life signs in the debris and also transporter signals, but they coincided.”

    “Salvage operation,” Teriir answered, “I have a feeling they came back to collect anything potentially valuable left behind, most likely weapons.”

    “Won’t do them any good as we control the planet’s orbit,”R’Turan pointed out, gesturing to the viewscreen as he did so. Dorvan V loomed before them, a solid reminder of their current progress in helping the local population. The Lakota was slightly ahead of them as well, in a formation suggesting it was escorting the larger Ares as the two orbited the planet.

    “I agree with you on that, but I would like the resourcing teams to check the debris out,” he commented quietly, lowering his eyes as he thought his suggestion through, “I would like to at least know if there’s any traces of what they were retrieving. Logs, manifests, perhaps a trace or two of something from the planet.
    Nausicaans usually don’t take civilian prisoners without a good reason, so there may be a connection.”

    “I see, sir,” the First Officer nodded in understanding, his ears perking up in the process, “It could also provide useful intel on the strength of the hostile forces on the ground.”

    That made Teriir look up sharply, “Seeing that Security is in the process of checking the scan data we have as we speak, we could certainly use that kind of information. Take the Flyer out with Spear Wing Bravo for escort. I don’t want to take any chances in case they come back again.”
    OOC: Reemergence of our fighters here; called Spear Squadron. It’s divided into Alpha Wing and Bravo Wing. Been awhile since we’ve called them out specifically so I’m leaving this as a reminder on who they are.
    “Understood. I’ll grab a few engineers and check it out,” R’Turan responded as he turned and headed over to the turbolift. Teriir observed as the Commander paused to allow the ship’s Diplomatic Officer time to step off onto the bridge. He smiled in greeting as he approached but was stopped from speaking by a ping coming from the Communication Officer’s station.

    “Sir,” the officer stated, “We have just received an update from Starfleet Command on starship movements in this sector. Beyond a command change within the Federation 6th Fleet, there’s nothing of note to report.”

    “I’ll take a look at the report in my office here,” He replied, motioning for Sam to follow him. Reminding himself that his first officer was off the bridge, he looked around to see who held seniority by rank next. His eyes first settled on the current Conn Officer, “Lieutenant Nagi, you have the bridge.”

    “Aye, Captain!” The Saurian answered as the Captain headed over to the office with the Diplomatic Officer.

    As Teriir settled himself down in his chair, he realized he left his coffee back with Storm. He leaned over to the replicator and ordered another one, then looked up at Sam, “Would you like something?”

    (( TAG: Urquhart ))

    After passing him his beverage, he got down to business, “Were you able to learn anything about Dorvan V’s people or Gul Enok?”

    (( TAG: Urquhart ))

    The Captain listened to the report intently, taking a few sips of the coffee every now and then. When he started going into the Gul’s military service, he raised his hand as he quickly swallowed a bit of his drink that was still in his mouth, “Hmph, I’m well aware of his military service so you can skip that.”

    (( TAG: Urquhart ))

    “I killed his brother at Regulak? And he lost 4 children on Cardassia?” His eyes widened at that, his mind quickly shifting through the experiences he had at that battle. He stayed silent for a while, aware he was looking stupidly at the Diplomatic Officer in the process, digesting this new information. He finally spoke again solemnly, “I see. He must’ve felt the same way meeting me as I did back when I met the person who killed my mother the Border Wars. I . . . understand the pain he feels having that happen.”

    (( TAG: Urquhart ))

    “Huh?” Teriir had almost forgotten the Diplomatic Officer was there, “Oh, while I was a POW during the Dominion War, a Gul revealed that he’d memorized the faces of the Federation casualties he caused during the Border War. He recognized me as I look similar to my mother, who died in a fight he described perfectly from the other perspective. With how much Gul Enok has lost, it’s no surprise he was so uneasy meeting me; you don't get over pain like that.”

    (( TAG: Urquhart ))
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     –  Last edited by Scarlett; Thu 01 Nov, 2018 7:21 PM.
    Dorvan V
    Village area

    Attachment 8042

    Max took the bucket of water and dumped back into the well, then turned to A'Mand and asked,
    - In your professional opinion, how would you evaluate the Dorvanians state of mind?
    A’Mand looked at Max and spoke with some inflection. “From the limited exposure, my initial perception is, as a collective, they are highly likely to be weary and under duress to seek comfort as often as possible. Individually, they may be more resilient to the events around them. Shokaso is an example where the stress of the Nausicaan attacks seemed to fade when presented with a chance to be himself, so to speak, through his willingness to share his commodities with us. Without more direct experience, I cannot accurately assess the culture.

    Well, at least it’s something.
    Shokaso smiled when Max received the offering. The group held light conversation about the local area before Max suggested the officers depart due to orders. Shokaso thanked them for visiting and for the Federation’s assistance against the Nausicaans.

    Once the villager returned to his dwelling, Max turned to Allan and asked about the radiation cleansing.

    "It'll help knowing the altered molecular structure of any items so we can set a more accurate calibration for the isolytic chain reaction," Hood replied. "The radiation will be eliminated from the planet in a few days with the deflector dish, then, the soil and oceans will be decontaminated. Any physical cleanings, water purifying, disinfection, antisepsis and sterilization will be taken care of through this planet-wide process. The villagers will need treated on an individual basis."
    Max smiled widely and said,
    - Proceed with your scans. A'Mand, with me, if you please.
    A’Mand nodded dutifully and quietly followed Max to the administration center. Keeping her hands behind her back to maintain neutral posturing, the pair eventually stood before Captain Teriir.

    "That's good to hear. How are the people holding up?"
    - Physically, to me, sir, it seems the villagers are pretty damned hardy.
    When Max finished his cursory report, A’Mand added, “I want to agree from what I’ve seen. Emotionally, I have gathered the community is both highly concerned, yet focused on maintaining a sense of normalcy given the extreme and random dangers around them. They do not seem to be aware of the radiation levels poisoning the area. To be sure, the longer the Nausicaans remain an active threat the stronger they will be haunted by fear of future attacks by any other outside entity. It may seem obvious: the sooner we leave, with security measures in place, the less likely the Dorvans will have long-lasting affects.”

    - I believe we should start the cleansing process as soon as humanly possible.
    "Right," Teriir grunted, "Let’s just make sure we give him and the other science teams the time they need to study the radiation. We don't want to risk making things worse."
    A’Mand nodded solemnly and then followed everyone to the beam out point. As the group walked, Captain Teriir shared his war experience. Mental notes were made for posterity and she would check his psychological records when a free moment presented itself. A’Mand looked to the Captain just before the blue shower of transporter dematerialization started and observed a sense of subtle relief.

    Transporter Room

    Once aboard the Ares, the various officers traveled to their destinations, buzzing with continued work. For A’Mand, the Bridge would be her destination. She walked into the supply closet and downloaded information into the ship’s datacore, logging a copy for her own encrypted records. She then casually walked down a corridor while exchanging professional contact with various crewpersons when the opportunity presented itself.

    She waited at the turbolift to the bridge a little longer than expected, yet once available, the ride was short. Stepping down the ramp to the trio of command chairs, A’Mand noticed Lieutenant Nagi in the command chair. Raising an eyebrow as she sat, A’Mand asked about R’Turan’s location. Nagi caught the Counselor up to speed. Her thoughts went to the extensive conversation she and Lieutenant Cole had before the Ares departed DS9. She would make sure to check in on him soon.

    FAB spacer small

    ((TAG: Anyone as needed, Nagi (Asteropax) maybe))
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    USS Ares
    Bridge - Captain's ready room

    As Teriir settled himself down in his chair, he realized he left his coffee back with Storm. He leaned over to the replicator and ordered another one, then looked up at Sam, “Would you like something?”
    Sam thought for a moment & said,
    - Coffee's good.

    After passing him his beverage, he got down to business, “Were you able to learn anything about Dorvan V’s people or Gul Enok?”
    Sam said simply,
    - I found out that Enok has an extensive military record.

    The Captain listened to the report intently, taking a few sips of the coffee every now and then. When he started going into the Gul’s military service, he raised his hand as he quickly swallowed a bit of his drink that was still in his mouth, “Hmph, I’m well aware of his military service so you can skip that.”
    Sam perked an eyebrow & said,
    - Okay...He had five kids((?)), four of them were killed when the founder changeling ordered all caradissans eradicated. Also, something in the file about you killing his brother at Regulak. that could make things a little complicated.
    “I killed his brother at Regulak? And he lost 4 children on Cardassia?” His eyes widened at that, his mind quickly shifting through the experiences he had at that battle. He stayed silent for a while, aware he was looking stupidly at the Diplomatic Officer in the process, digesting this new information. He finally spoke again solemnly, “I see. He must’ve felt the same way meeting me as I did back when I met the person who killed my mother the Border Wars. I . . . understand the pain he feels having that happen.”
    Sam leaned forward, took a sip of his coffee & said,
    - If I may ask, what happened?

    “Huh?” Teriir had almost forgotten the Diplomatic Officer was there, “Oh, while I was a POW during the Dominion War, a Gul revealed that he’d memorized the faces of the Federation casualties he caused during the Border War. He recognized me as I look similar to my mother, who died in a fight he described perfectly from the other perspective. With how much Gul Enok has lost, it’s no surprise he was so uneasy meeting me; you don't get over pain like that.”
    Sam nodded solemnly, saying,
    - I wouldn't doubt that. Captain, when you have your next meeting with Enok, I want to be there.
    ((Tag Terrir))
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Fri 09 Nov, 2018 1:18 AM.
    Dorvan V
    Main Settlement

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    Chief Science Officer Allan Hood walked through the village in the late afternoon, taking in biological, environmental and radiation scans, as the rest of his team did under his direction. While walking in the fall-like temperatures on Earth, he understood why the Native Americans bonded with this planet; the environment seemed similar to North America’s prior to the nineteenth century.

    The village contained a plaza, a town square, and a council house large enough to hold all the villagers during a village meeting. A wall of tall poles tied together surrounded the perimeter made from the planet's trees. The buildings were constructed of native rivercane and plaster, with thatched roofs of straw, water reeds, and something similar to palm fronds. There was a larger seven-sided building, probably for ceremonial purposes, and a once open field with benches for competitions, now covered with overgrowth.

    As the Ares gathered most of the data from orbit, the science team spread out, gathering additional minute data that the ship’s sensors would have difficulty detecting. The more accurate their scans, the more likely they would calibrate the catalytic agent correctly. If the catalytic agent is not calibrated correctly, then the reaction would not be isolytic and would fail to cascade properly, wasting everyone’s time.

    “Lieutenant Hood to Ensign Hayden,” Hood said after tapping his combadge, “how is your team doing?”

    ((TAG Hayden))

    Hood’s tricorder, and his nose, detected someone cooking in the distance, in the direction he was walking. While following a deer path, he came across a round home made of wood and covered with mud and a roof of bark, which featured smoke holes to let smoke out through the top.

    As he approached the household, he noticed fields of sickly corn, squash and beans, along with pumpkin, melons, sunflowers, and tobacco. Most of the fields were dead, the rest of the harvest had growths on the surface.

    An elderly bald man worked outside, wearing a single lock of hair on the crown of his head tied in a topknot. He was building what seemed to be some animal trap with sticks and string. He wore something similar to deerskin loincloths, with leggings, and a robe. Moccasins covered his feet. Hood could not tell if his face was either tattooed or painted.

    The elderly man ignored Hood’s proximity and continued working, not looking up. A dugout canoe laid near the home while a canal led from their home to the river, just barely out of sight.

    An elderly woman came through the home’s opening, she waved toward Hood, inviting him inside, her face emotionless. She wore a wraparound skirt and a poncho-style blouse made out of woven fibers and something similar to deerskin, leggings and moccasins. She adorned herself with jewelry made from shells, silver, and painted clay beads.

    Hood holstered his tricorder and approached the couple with his hands raised.

    The woman back peddled inside, leading Hood through the meter high opening, almost crawling. Inside, their home was decorated with colorful rugs, baskets, and wall hangings. A fire burned in the center. Blowguns, bows and arrows, animal traps, nets to catch fish, and spears leaned on the walls around the interior.
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Sat 03 Nov, 2018 10:07 PM.
    Dorvan V
    Main Settlement


    "Well, that looks like that should do it." Biiqs adjusted the "neck" on the last transport inhibitor, which started humming and pulsing its purplish lights as it should. He immediately looked at his tricorder, turning his body in a wide arc back toward the center of the village. Tapping his communicator, he said "Open Security Channel Alpha, all parties. Tarquin to Locke....looks like I've got full coverage here, extending to about 10 meters outside of the walls. What's it look like on your end."

    "Full coverage, sir," replied Locke, from his position opposite Biiqs at the rear of the village, "Same extension outside of the walls, give or take a meter."

    "Good, good....Ensign Malin?"

    Ensign Brag Malin answered from the temporary headquarters at the Cardassian Embassy. He frowned slightly as he examined the inhibitor network readouts. "Everything seems to be functioning at optimal parameters, sir. Though it does look like Inhibitor 1 Alpha 12 could use a bit of a tweak. We're getting a very good output out of that unit, but there's a .02 deviation in relation to the other units. It is negligible, and shouldn't be a problem, but I much prefer that all the units work in perfect synergy. I'll get Petty Officer Keita on that immediately."

    "Understood," responded Biiqs. "Make sure to inform me of any significant changes. Thames?"

    Far above the complex, the runabout USS Thames circled the settlement. Lt. Kodin Watson responded, "Watson here, sir. Coverage checks out as total. No hostiles inbound, by the way. Request permission to land."

    "Granted." The USS Thames would serve multiple purposes. The primary mission was to serve as a sensor station to gather information on ground threats to the settlement, sending telemetry to the Coordination Center at the Cardassian Embassy. It would also be in a position to respond to threats to the ground as a mobile, shielded fortress, augmenting the security officers with air support if needed. The Thames was also designated as a Secure Transport Platform, able to lift above the coverage of the transport inhibitors and beam aboard personnel, bringing them back down to the ground within the craft. Finally, the runabout served as an auxillary barracks of sorts, with bunks for off duty personnel and showers, heads, and other amenities standard on a runabout, even though they didn't accommodate many personnel. It was just enough to prevent Biiqs from asking for more space and infringing on the Dorvans, though.

    "Good job everyone, stay vigilant. Tarquin out." Biiqs closed the channel and began walking back through the settlement toward the Coordination Center, carefully observing the posted security officers as he did so. Most were situated high along the settlement walls, guarding the approaches to the colony. He wanted as few personnel walking through the village toting phaser rifles as possible, but those that had to do so were instructed to be cordial and appear as non-threatening as possible. He watched as Ensign Ren Kiku stopped to explain the workings of a transport inhibitor to an elderly Dorvanite who seemingly had a frown etched permanently on his face. But after a few moments, the man nodded and seemed to look a bit less severe as he continued on his way.

    "Good job," said Biiqs as he approached the ensign. "Good job with what, sir," replied Ren, "He just asked about the inhibitor and I explained it to him."

    "But you did so in a calm, patient, engaging manner that appeared to reassure him. I know that there didn't seem to be much of a change in his expression, but trust me, you got through." Biiqs shook his head as a memory was stirred. "That man reminds me so much of John Standing Bear, from back home. When I was 12, I had such a crush on his daughter, Jenny. She was two years older, and lived down the road from me. She was barely aware of my existence, but I'd find every opportunity to pass the Standing Bear Ranch just on the chance I'd see her lovely ebon locks blowing in the wind..."

    Ensign Kiku uncomfortably shifted his weight from foot to foot while Biiqs continued, oblivious to his discomfort at listening to a personal story from a Department Head. "See, this is back in Wyoming, on Earth. North America. You're from where again? Mars, right?" Ensign Kiku opened his mouth to speak, but Biiqs continued. "Jenny's father, you see, was probably the most intimidating man in Sheridan County, a big strong brute of a man. He set records in Parrises Squares at the local high school that no one will come close to breaking in the next few decades, I'd imagine. A wrestler too. But he had this...this withering gaze. The man could make a bison fall over dead if he ever looked upon it in anger. Years later, after the crush faded, I got over my fear and warmed up to him. He actually was a very nice guy, kind of soft-spoken." Biiqs sighed and clapped Kiku unexpectedly on the back, making him take a slight step forward. "That's all old times, though. Anyway, you did well, you got through to him. Keep it up."

    Continuing on to the Coordination Center, he paused to contact the captain. "Tarquin to Captain Teriir. The transport inhibitor network has been activated and is functioning within parameters. We've established three secured transport platforms. Platform Alpha is a designated area 15 meters from the front entrance to the settlement, under guard by sharpshooters on the walls. This is the recommended area for all personnel to beam in. In case of danger, such as an active firefight, the USS Thames has been designated Platform Beta, and can lift beyond the inhbibitor network to ferry in personnel. Platform Gamma is an emergency area set about 10 meters from the Coordination Center. In cases of extreme emergency, such as a medical emergency, we can lower the inhibitor network in that area and allow personnel to beam out directly. I'll have a few officers guarding that area from behind natural barriers with phaser rifles on wide dispersal if we ever need to use that platform. Also, the combined security force from the Ares and Lakota have been briefed with their assignments and deployed. Ensign Malin will transmit you the rotation schedule and details on the transport platforms very shortly."

    (( TAG Teriir))

    OOC: The Secure Transport "Platforms" are not all physical platforms, such as a transporter platform. It's just designating the area where people can beam in and out. The preferred "platform" for beaming in is just an area of land outside of the front gates to the settlement, watched by security personnel with phaser rifles. Same for the emergency beamout area near the Embassy. Hope I was clear.
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    Deck X - Holodeck 3 - Sim of Storm Family Forge

    The next day.

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    Max started to design an old style US marine's sword, inlaid with precious gems. He worked on this design for the better part of the day, then stowed the design in a file folder he kept on the desk close to the drafting table. He then headed out to his duty shift after getting a shower.


    When Max stepped onto the bridge, he saw R'tuan sitting in the centre chair. Max cleared his throat & said,
    - Lt. Storm reporting for shift duty.

    The Catian looked up at him and purred softly,
    - You really don't have to announce your presence, unless necessary. Take you station, Mr. Storm.
    Max nodded, then headed to the ops station. He settled in for a long shift. Max took a bit of time to examine the status board. Everything looked okay to him, so he leaned back a bit & tried to relax some. This was his first full shift on the bridge, as his first on duty time was spent planetside. An indicator light flashed on his status board. Max brought up the information and saw that a sensor palate had just went offline.
    - Mr. Hood, I'm reading that we have a sensor palate offline. Can you confirm?

    ((TAG Hood))

    Max grimaced.
    - That's strange. Must've been a false indicator.
    He then went over his entire console. No other alarms or indicators were going off, so he thought it was just a one-off thing. An hour passed and the captain stepped off the turbolift & assumed the centre chair.

    ((TAG Terrir))
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     –  Last edited by Asteropax; Mon 05 Nov, 2018 5:18 AM.
    USS Ares
    Captain’s Office

    Sam stepped out of the office after Teriir approved of the idea of having him join in on the next discussion with Gul Enok. He briefly thought about the Battle of Regulak but pushed the memories away. Everyone lost people in war and there were more pressing matters at hand, such as the report on fleet movements. Powering up the terminal at his desk, he began looking through the report, scrolling to try to find the more interesting ones.

    The starship Venture and its battle group captured a Lethean base in the Almatha System. Prisoners have already pointed to a Ferengi profiteer as being their employer.

    The USS Destiny is analyzing a micro nebula in Sector 21505. It will be joined by the Phobos tomorrow.

    A Cardassian Patrol reports spotting a group of Borg starships in Sector 21501. Said force consists of a ‘trapezoid shaped vessel’, 2 Spheres, and a Probe. 6 battle groups composed of ships from the 9th and 7th Fleets are enroute to said sector.

    That last one made him cringe. The Borg may have been severely weakened roughly half a decade ago but there was no telling what they were capable of nowadays. This new Borg starship, a ‘Trapezoid’ as it would likely be called, would make the encounter interesting. The only thing known for certain with the current status of the Borg, was that their overall combat effectiveness had nearly vanished; only a few ships were required to take a Cube down thanks to the Borg Tactics Admiral Janeway had given them to use. They were still a force to be reckoned with so it was more than appropriate for a massive deployment of ships to counter the sighting of even one Borg Starship, let alone a small taskforce.

    Looking further down the list, he found the section which he was personally interested in. The 6th Fleet had been his fleet in the Dominion War and until his application to join the Ares crew just a few weeks ago. He was going to have to send his congratulations and well wishes at the first opportunity he had, hopefully with the holographic transmitter so he could do it ‘in person’.

    Admiral Beatrice Ivanov has been promoted to Vice Admiral and has taken responsibility for the new development projects in the Federation’s north-western frontier. Her Flagship, the Ambassador class USS Anastasia, heading to new command facility at Deep Space 3 over the Federation Colony of Semper. Semper Exploro Project to map uncharted sectors around said frontier. Rear Admiral James Locke, Admiral Ivanov’s former attache, has been given command of 6th Fleet aboard the Defiant class USS Leonidas. Invitations sent for reception on Stardate: 58851.

    Teriir smiled at this and accepted the invite. He lifted himself out of his chair and moved over to the window so he could peer out of it while thinking about this change. Admiral James Locke was Lieutenant Ian Locke’s father, with a long and very successful military record; the best choice for command of the 6th fleet. Admiral Ivanov herself was a very well respected leader from both her time in the Dominion War and in her various development projects around the 6th Fleet’s current headquarters. She had been searching for a position where she could utilize more of her engineering talents ever since the war ended. This position in a region which was rather underdeveloped was perfect.

    A few thoughts crossed his mind which made him think about the various relationships he had with these Admirals, specifically Ivanov. She practically mothered him following his entry into Starfleet Academy, providing him with countless opportunities over the years. The main reason for her interest in him was his mother, as she was Ivanov’s longtime friend and CSO until her death 20 years ago. There was another Ivanov he was close to; Dianne.

    That thought made him frown. Teriir had yet to talk with Mell about their own relationship yet, and it was going to be a tough one. Plus he hadn’t been completely honest with Ian when he asked him about things back in the cargo hold awhile ago. See, as much as he cared for Mell, he and Dianne used to see each other as an unofficial sibling. That is, until they both thought the other was killed during a skirmish against a Breen raiding party on Lazon 2 years ago. The only thing which held him back from asking her the question was the fact he never had a chance to actually end his own engagement to Mell. His own loyalty to the person he used to believe was the love of his life was holding him back from accepting the one he’d known all along. Yet with her onboard, he didn’t have the heart to say it.

    What do I really want? he thought. He didn’t know the answer. A communications ping forced him back to the present.
    Continuing on to the Coordination Center, he paused to contact the captain. "Tarquin to Captain Teriir. The transport inhibitor network has been activated and is functioning within parameters. We've established three secured transport platforms. Platform Alpha is a designated area 15 meters from the front entrance to the settlement, under guard by sharpshooters on the walls. This is the recommended area for all personnel to beam in. In case of danger, such as an active firefight, the USS Thames has been designated Platform Beta, and can lift beyond the inhbibitor network to ferry in personnel. Platform Gamma is an emergency area set about 10 meters from the Coordination Center. In cases of extreme emergency, such as a medical emergency, we can lower the inhibitor network in that area and allow personnel to beam out directly. I'll have a few officers guarding that area from behind natural barriers with phaser rifles on wide dispersal if we ever need to use that platform. Also, the combined security force from the Ares and Lakota have been briefed with their assignments and deployed. Ensign Malin will transmit you the rotation schedule and details on the transport platforms very shortly."
    "Very good, Commander," Teriir replied, returning to his seat while answering. There was still a lot to do and never enough time in a day to do it.

    Next Day

    The Captain stepped onto the bridge and gave everyone a smile. Things had gone smoothly last night thus he was feeling more and more confident with their mission. Moving over to his chair, Commander R’Turan gave him an update, “There are a few things to report, Captain. We checked the debris from the Nausicaan ships and found some remnants of raw duranium. It may be possible there is a small vein of the resource on Dorvan V and the colonists were getting rounded up to mine it for the Nausicaans.”

    “Hmm,” Teriir responded while he began thinking things through, “We’re going to have to use that knowledge carefully. As much as every local power and faction would love to have it, we also must respect the wishes of the Dorvan people. Anything else?”

    “One of their computers survived the damage and went unsalvaged. Engineering is currently working on getting it up and running so we can compare its data to what we possess.”

    “Good,” he nodded in return. He looked over to Lieutenant Storm and saw he had a somewhat concerned expression on his face, “Is something wrong?”

    (( TAG: Storm ))

    The Captain got out of his seat and moved over to him, “A sensor palate went offline for a moment roughly an hour ago? Run a full scan of the colony.”

    Watching the sensor sweep, he saw something which alarmed him. Teriir instantly punched down on the console’s communication system, “Ares to Command Center, come in!”

    (( TAG: Biiqs ))

    “You have a group of 6 Nausicaans in Grid 15!”
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    USS Lakota
    Dorvan V– Main Settlement


    Watching the sensor sweep, he saw something which alarmed him. Teriir instantly punched down on the console’s communication system, “Ares to Command Center, come in!”
    "Copy, Ares, this is Tarquin, go ahead Captain." Biiqs looked up from his terrain maps and tonic water in alarm at the Captain's tone.

    “You have a group of 6 Nausicaans in Grid 15!”
    "Grid 15?" Biiqs turned to the master display in the common working area of their temporary headquarters, which had a map of the village. There was no threat indication, although it was fed sensor information directly from the USS Thames. He was about to contact the officers for a visual confirmation, when he heard the call come in.

    "Sullivan to Command Center! We are under fire in Grid 15, at least 5 armed, we make six, I repeat six Nausicaan hostiles, request backup."

    Biiqs was already opening a channel to patrols in the area. "Movement Teams Bravo and Delta, report to Grid 15 ASAP, Nausicaans attack in progress, repeat, Nausicaan attack in progress." To Lt. Sullivan, he replied, "Backup is on the way, Lieutenant. Hold the area."

    "Lieutenant Locke, make sure that our sentries on all posts are watching for subsequent attacks. This could be a feint. Ensign Malin, find out WHY we didn't see these Nausicaans coming." The last was said tersely, but evenly, with Biiqs attempting to keep the venom out of his tone. He was furious, not at Malin, but the failure of the system. He then grabbed a phaser rifle and took off toward the elevator.

    Once downstairs, he ran off toward the wall adjacent to Grid 15. He could hear the phaser fire, which seemed to be lessening.
    When he arrived at the wall, Lt. Sullivan was peering out from behind a merlon, phaser rifle trained on a copse of trees maybe 15 meters away. Other members of the security detachment were doing the same, including Petty Officer D'Sora, who had a nasty disruptor burn on his shoulder. It seemed as if the fire had ceased, but Biiqs made sure he was well covered all the same. Taking peeks at the outside, he noticed that between the trees and the wall were the bodies of four Nausicaans, with two of them disturbingly close to the wall.

    "D'Sora, get back to the hospital, on the double. Taggart, you go with him."

    (( TAG Cushing))

    Turning back to Sullivan, he said simply, "Report."

    "Sir, we were on post, doing our rounds along the wall when we saw a couple Nausicaans dart out of the trees, running straight for the wall. As soon as we got our rifles up, disruptor fire came from the tree line, and we had to take cover. This allowed the first two to get close to the wall, and the second two started to advance as well. We took care of the closest with low yield photon grenades, and the rest with heavy stun. They are all probably still alive. We think the last two retreated back to wherever they came from."

    "Good job, Lieutenant, thank you." replied Biiqs. Striking his communicator, he said, "Tarquin to Captain Teriir, the Nausicaans have been successfully repelled, we have four hostiles down, believed to be stunned. One casualty on our end, a Petty Officer with a disruptor burn on his shoulder, but moving under his own power. I believe you'll be able to locate two Nausicaan lifesigns about 13 meters south of me that you can beam directly to the brig. I can send a team out to recover the others who are inside of the inhibitor network, get them secured, and beam them out on the Thames." His mood soured at the mention of the craft, which was supposed to have had the surrounding area under continuous sensor coverage. "Sir, I am not sure why our local sensors failed, but I have Outfitting looking into it now, and I will review it personally as soon as this situation is secure."

    (( TAG Teriir))
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    USS Ares

    The Captain found himself pacing across the bridge, waiting impatiently for an update. The grid he’d pointed out was on the main viewscreen for everyone to see but it didn’t settle him down at all. Not very long ago, he would’ve been leading the fight in person on the ground rather than on the bridge. He felt helpless simply watching. Teriir looked at the viewscreen once more and paused in his movement. The Nausicaan lifesigns they were detecting form orbit were scattering; two moving back into the woods while the other four stayed put. A hail came in almost a minute later.
    "Tarquin to Captain Teriir, the Nausicaans have been successfully repelled, we have four hostiles down, believed to be stunned. One casualty on our end, a Petty Officer with a disruptor burn on his shoulder, but moving under his own power. I believe you'll be able to locate two Nausicaan lifesigns about 13 meters south of me that you can beam directly to the brig. I can send a team out to recover the others who are inside of the inhibitor network, get them secured, and beam them out on the Thames." His mood soured at the mention of the craft, which was supposed to have had the surrounding area under continuous sensor coverage. "Sir, I am not sure why our local sensors failed, but I have Outfitting looking into it now, and I will review it personally as soon as this situation is secure."
    After taking a breath, Teriir began giving out instructions, “We’ll have the two in the brig in just a minute. Have your people check out the surrounding area for anything which may explain their ambush. Be careful in case they left some surprises and traps behind. Whatever caused the sensors to fail must be solved now; we have intel here which suggests that gap was there for an hour.”

    (( TAG: Tarquin ))

    Turning to Lieutenant Storm and Commander R’Turan, he gave them a concerned look, “There’s no telling what those Nausicaans were doing down there. Assist the ground team with sensor scans from here. I’m heading down to the brig so I can talk to one of the Nausicaans when they wake up.

    (( TAG: Storm ))

    “Sir, a moment,” R’Turan growled as he stepped over to the Captain’s side, his tail giving a slight flick in anger, “The Nausicaans aren’t known for subterfuge like this. Someone must’ve let them in.”

    “Are you suggesting one of your fellow Starfleet Officers is assisting the Nausicaans?” Teriir responded firmly.

    “Right now, I don’t know what to believe,” the First Officer answered without breaking eye contact, “Our ship has already been attacked once with at least one known transmission being sent out to the Orions. We know they have a spy on board but don’t know who it may be. The sensor network we deployed on Dorvan V was set up and activated yesterday. It couldn’t have been penetrated that quickly and look like a glitch in the system without help.”

    Teriir frowned and began processing this information. He could tell the other bridge officers were shifting uncomfortably at the thought that one of their own could be aiding the pirates they’d encountered. He hated to admit it but R’Turan was right, but how to address this without causing more problems? Looking around, he had an idea, “Have the people on the ground parter up. They’ve been the only ones to interact with the sensors so it would most likely be one of them. Having each of them stay close to someone else would ensure they would be able to keep an eye on each other. At the same time, I don’t want to hear about any rumors about this as they. Do. Not. Fix. Anything.”

    He felt his words harden with emphasis on his last words. He heard about a few incidents over the years in which someone’s entire life’s work was destroyed by rumors which were found to not be true. In fact, there was one of these witch hunts on the Enterprise D several years ago which cost a technician his career in Starfleet and exposed a once respected Admiral as xenophobic and antagonistic. They couldn’t risk having one here when they had to trust each other. Teriir didn’t move until he was certain everyone understood how serious he was. He needed answers and headed over to the turbolift to get some.

    USS Ares

    Teriir stood with his arms crossed, looking up at the towering Nausicaan in the cell in front of him. The Nausicaan stared right back. The only thing separating them was a forcefield. They’d been sizing each other up for awhile now and he wasn’t going to be the first one to blink. Finally, the Nausicaan sat down but didn’t look away.”

    “Federation weakling,” the Nausicaan grunted as he rolled his massive shoulders around in an effort to loosen them up, “Try fighting like a real warrior for once.”

    “With my hands?” Teriir let his tone darken, “Or shall I hide in some trees and shoot someone?”

    “Ha! You have spirit, little spots! If you were a little bigger, maybe I’d face you for your female!” the Nausicaan shot the racial jab at him and then tossed a comment towards Lieutenant Jg. Caroline Locke, Ian Locke’s wife. Teriir didn’t respond to either verbal comments but placed himself between her and the Nausicaan’s view. He made a mental note to have one of the other officers in the room take her station in watching the brig cells; There was no way he could leave a mother-to-be near these hostile captives, even if the work was light and she was reasonably safe with the other security officers around. The Nausicaan continued his jeering, “Awe, that’s right! Hide away like cowards!”

    Thinking quickly, Teriir realized he had to be tactful. As much as he would like to ask the Nausicaan about the chance of one of their own helping, he couldn’t guarantee he knew anything about it. He would likely having more luck trying to get information on their bases. He shrugged as though dismissing the Nausicaan’s jeers, “At least we care for our own. Why isn’t your boss running over here to find you? Having to much fun hiding out in the mountains like a rat?”

    “Leader Naechk is no coward!” the captive spat, banging his fist against the forcefield, “He’s planning your downfall from his secure base on an island. It is impenetrable! A shield to prevent you from transporting, a few close range weapon emplacements to prevent you from sending in shuttles, and 4 dozen troops protecting him at all times!”

    “I imagine he stays there because he can’t trust his own men to keep an eye on the local’s you’ve taken from their homes!” he shot back, keeping his smile internal. The more they talked, the more information he could pry out without the Nausicaan realizing it. The other 3 Nausicaans’ cells were muted so none of them could talk to each other but hear everything going on outside. They were going crazy at the realization he’d tricked this one.

    The clueless Nausicaan continued, his pride overwhelming he caution, “PHA!! Our troops are all loyal to him! The workers we have in the mountains are mining the planet’s rich resources in a series of caves near the barracks!”

    “And you let them sleep in your barrack? Ha! I guess you really enjoy sleeping outside,” Teriir goaded him on.

    “Those weak Humans? Never! They get to rest above the mine in an alcove we permitted them to have when we got tired of their complaining!”

    “Fine, if you need anything, just tell the guards. I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to get you a magazine,” he shrugged and turned away. The Nausicaan had just handed him everything he needed about their own bases without getting tipped off. He gave his fingers a snap and pointed for one of the Ensigns to take over for Caroline Locke at the brig monitoring station. He quietly led the two of them outside the brig before speaking to her “Are you okay?”

    “I will admit, I got a little concerned for the two of us when he talked about fighting over me,” she replied as she brushed her hand against her belly. From what he knew of her pregnancy from her husband, there were a few more months to go before she’d deliver a girl. She blinked up at him a moment later with a smile “But I’m fine. Thanks for getting me out of there though; I haven’t had to keep watch over a cell while caring for someone else before.”

    Teriir nodded in return as the two of them headed over to the Security Office. He had an update to provide and a “special” team to prepare and brief.
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    USS Ares

    Turning to Lieutenant Storm and Commander R’Turan, he gave them a concerned look, “There’s no telling what those Nausicaans were doing down there. Assist the ground team with sensor scans from here. I’m heading down to the brig so I can talk to one of the Nausicaans when they wake up.
    Maxwell turned to Allan and said,
    - Send some of your sensor readouts to me, Al. This isn't good at all.

    ((TAG Allan))

    He then turned to the captain and said,
    - Forgive my boldness, captain, but I would advise caution dealing with the Naussiccan. They'd rather rip your tongue out & use it as a jump rope than talk.

    ((Tag Terrir))

    [[OOC: Forgive my tardiness on this.]]
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    USS Ares
    Dorvan V– Hospital

    "D'Sora, get back to the hospital, on the double. Taggart, you go with him."
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    Christopher had just finished the first round of treatment for the villagers that had been able to come to the hospital and he was working on a plan to reach the remaining colonists. There was a group far to the North who wouldn't make it to the hospital for treatment. With the mineral deposits in that area, transporters would be a no go, the only realistic option was a spare shuttle. He figured that he could take one of the supply shuttles that was already on the way and treat the remote colonists in situ. If he took Jei along, they could install any equipment that the colonists needed before the radiation cleanup took effect. Hearing a commotion he looked up and saw the two officers take up positions inside the doors, eyes alert and phaser rifles scanning the horizon. "What's going on?" He enquired.

    "Group of Nausicans breached the perimeter, we're securing this hospital in case of attack." came D'Sora's reply.

    With a sigh, Christopher fastened his phaser to his hip and started to fish out his trauma kit, "Any casualties so far?"

    This time it was Taggart that spoke, "PO Whittaker took a disruptor to the shoulder, he should be in any moment."

    Christopher halted in his tracks, replaced the items he had just withdrawn and grabbed a whole other set of hypospray canisters and equipment. "As soon as he gets here, tell him to come lie on the cot over here. Once he's stabilised, we'll get him back to the Ares."

    "Aye, sir." D'Sora and Taggart chimed together.

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