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[Archived] - Chapter 2 - Dorvan V

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Asteropax, Fri 10 Aug, 2018 10:54 AM
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     –  Last edited by Asteropax; Sat 10 Nov, 2018 5:04 AM.
    USS Ares
    Security Office - Briefing Room

    Captain Teriir felt as though he were a third wheel in the conversation he was having with the present Tactical and Security officers. Lt. Commander Tarquin and Lieutenant Locke were on a viewscreen across from him, listening in on the back and forth as well. Lieutenants Chase and Frost, the two officers arguing, were on opposite sides of him around the table projecting maps of both Nausicaan bases. They’d gained a lot of information from both the debris and his interrogation of the Nausicaan prisoner they had. On the decision of what to do with it, there was a difference of opinion which drowned out everyone else.

    He would turn his gaze one way and then the other. Frost was aggressive and eager to hit the Nausicaan bases with everything they had. He wanted to use lightning fast attacks to wear them down, using the confusion to save the captives and capture their leaders. Chase was calling for caution, wanting them to take their time and learn about all of the possible variables before striking at the Mountain base. He wanted them to focus solely on the captives and force the leaders to stand down once their only trump cards were absent. Teriir had problems with both their plans, as one risked heavy casualties and the other relied solely on timetables, subterfuge, and a lengthy campaign.

    “Look, we hit them hard and fast,” Frost commented, pointing at the mountain base, “An attack from the south will divert their forces away from their encampment and a shuttle can pick up the captives.”

    “There’s no way to guarantee all of these captives will be at the base when the shuttle lands,” Chase pointed out, “Besides, there are too many for one shuttle to get out at once. Pulling them away from the base and then beaming them out a group at a time will be more efficient and safer.”

    “You going to let him take that?” Lieutenant Kurts, who stood at Teriir’s shoulder remarked quietly. As the argument had gone on, he’d subtly encouraged the two to keep going, clearly amused by everything. The Captain sighed and observed as he continued typing in a message on the terminal he was standing next to.

    “You’re seriously suggesting using the transporters when there are numerous Kelbonite formations in the area?” Frost shot back, “That mineral is a natural transport inhibitor! The Nausicaan base is setup right where there is a gap in it so your beaming people out will alert them straight away. They’ll start killing people; are you trying to save them or unwittingly cause a massacre?”

    “Oh, and your plan to deploy all of our shuttles, packed with 1/2 of the available Security officers, and charge their leader’s compound on the Island base is better?” Chase snapped, “We’ll lose a third of the shuttles just trying to get there! How are you going to take it and the Mountain base simultaneously?”

    “ENOUGH!” Teriir had enough and slammed his fist against the table. He felt his hand cry out in pain as the holographic projections blurred for a second from the shock of the impact. Seeing he had their attention, he continued more softly, “There are more options than what the two of you are offering.”

    “Spoilsport,” Kurts complained mischeviously. Teriir blinked for a second as the officer stepped away from the table, “Now that you’ve had your fun, I have to see about a shuttle.”

    “Wait, what?” Frost glanced around in surprise, “We aren’t done planning everything out yet!”

    Chase muttered something about their argument being planning but Teriir’s attention was on Kurts. The officer tossed over his shoulder as he walked out of the room, “Oh, I know; I’ve got other stuff to take care of.”

    As the others looked at each other, Teriir wished Lieutenant Kenny had been able to join them. He was aware she was good at helping plan operations like this, having participated in six rescue operations over the last 2 years. However, he was allowing her to attend to some personal business with a call to her husband who lived on Caldik Prime. With her announcement this morning, she brought the number of expectant mothers aboard the Ares to 10. This was a much larger count than he would’ve initially thought but on reflection it was actually quite accurate. Many of the crew on the ship were younger, there were a lot of families aboard the ship, and it was an understatement to say some of them had very tender goodbyes to loved ones.

    I’ll have to tell Engineering to expand the play area and nursery soon,” he thought to himself, Thankfully, the adjacent rooms are unoccupied so that won’t be too big of an issue. We have plenty of quarters available for later as we’re expecting a few more officers to join us from the Lakota and then at Deep Space 3.”

    He managed to push the thoughts aside and checked the messages Kurts had sent. He smiled before clearing the terminal and looked up at the officers in attendance, “The Mountain base needs to be our priority as that is where the captives are. Although we know where they are being kept, in this alcove above a cave system, we need to know more about the terrain. I want you to talk to Wakoro to see if he has any information on paths and ‘backdoors’ the Nausicaans may not know about.”

    “We can take care of the Island base later,” Teriir raised his hand to prevent Chase and Frost from starting to speak again, “Right now, our scans verify everything that was gained in the earlier interrogation; the shield prevents us from beaming in and they have defences which makes it almost impossible to send shuttles in without casualties.”

    (( TAG: Tarquin ))

    “An orbital strike is out of the question in this case,” he shook his head as he responded, “The planet has seen enough punishment from that as it is. We don’t want to make it worse.”

    (( TAG: Tarquin ))

    “Good idea,” Teriir approved the suggestion, “The scouts in the mountains may also learn about potential patterns in the Nausicaan’s security we can exploit.”

    He shot the officers one last look and then stepped back, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll leave you to the planning here. I would like to see what you find over the next few days.”

    As he headed out the door, Teriir thought through his knowledge of Lieutenant Kurts’ role aboard the ship. With the Ares heading into unknown territory, Starfleet Command had given the ship a team of officers from a unit that was made during the height of the Dominion War. Its role was essentially the same as the old United Earth’s Military Assault Command Operations, or MACO, in providing extra muscle in possible ground engagements. Unlike the old unit, these officers participated as Tactical or Security officers on a regular basis and their role in the team was not to be broadcast among the crew; only the Captain, First Officer, and Chief Tactical Officer were to know who’d been assigned to Phoenix Team. Kurts was the team leader. He knew he would have to fill Lt. Commander Tarquin in on this later.

    The messages the team leader left on his terminal was a plan to take out the Nausicaan’s Island base. Using the ship’s Argo, the Phobos, they would enter orbit above the base and space jump past the shield. Once they landed, they would disable or destroy the shield and weapon emplacements. They would then proceed to beam out after marking the Nausicaan leaders at the base with Isoliniar Tags so the Ares could beam them directly to the brig. It was a good plan but Teriir wanted to see them off first, both to make sure they had everything they needed and to clear them for departure.

    “Before I do that, I better get to the medical bay and get my hand seen to,” He murmured to himself, cradling his left hand in the process. He’d struck the table a lot harder than he intended and must’ve broken a finger.
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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Sat 10 Nov, 2018 8:18 AM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 16 – Main Engineering

    Attachment 9636
    Hood loved Engineering. The heart and soul of the ship. Though the ship's many science labs felt like second homes, Engineering was the life of the ship.

    If this planet was to be saved, Engineering was the last step in the planet's salvation. Anything that was to be made practical in the science labs had to be processed and implemented through Engineering.

    There was a slight clash between the mindsets of his science team and the engineering teams. Hood's science teams were more open to suggestions, open to experimentation; not limiting themselves to what was written in stone. Whereas, the engineers, with a few scientists in heart, generally speaking, seemed to favor more practical applications. They did not seem to have their "heads in a cloud" as the science team. The engineers seemed to be more practical, looking at what can be done and what could not be done. They focused more on the how’s and not so much on the why’s.

    The Ops personnel seemed to be running as ambassadors between the engineers and visiting science teams. They ran the science errands that the engineers would not touch and vice versa. They worked as the common middle ground between the two divisions. They were often found between an engineering officer and a science officer, talking to both.

    Hood leaned heavily on the master systems display, otherwise known as “the pool table.” He was admitting more and more how much he disliked dealing with radiation, despite his J. Bruce Award in Radiobiology. Nowadays, Temporal, Quantum and Relativistic Mechanics, Warp Field Theory, and Exoarchaeology have not been in demand, as they once were.

    Hopefully, Ares will see the end of that, Hood often thought to himself.
    An indicator light flashed on his status board. Max brought up the information and saw that a sensor palate had just went offline.
    - Mr. Hood, I'm reading that we have a sensor palate offline. Can you confirm?
    “Standby,” Hood said, snapping back to reality. He checked and rechecked the master system display. “Everything’s checking out on my end down here. We’ll check for anything out of the ordinary with some sensor diagnostics, as we progress. I’ll keep you posted.”
    Max grimaced.
    - That's strange. Must've been a false indicator.
    He then went over his entire console. No other alarms or indicators were going off, so he thought it was just a one-off thing.
    Dorvan V
    Main Settlement

    The woman back peddled inside, leading Hood through the meter high opening, almost crawling. Inside, their home was decorated with colorful rugs, baskets, and wall hangings. A fire burned in the center. Blowguns, bows and arrows, animal traps, nets to catch fish, and spears leaned on the walls around the interior.
    Hood joined the elderly Dorvanian around the fire in the center of the home. There did not seem to be any electrical power being used. He wrestled with the temptation to activate his tricorder to verify, but, did not want to risk insulting the family after being invited in their home.

    As they sat around the fire, the matriarch offered Hood their food. Hood inadvertently hesitated as he sampled the wild Dorvanian meat, Terran and Dorvanian corn and bean bread, Terran pumpkins and sweet potato and dried Dorvanian fruit, knowing how contaminated it was with radiation, both visually and from previous sensor scans outside the residence.

    Hood noticed sacks of food stored in a loft above their heads.

    “Our fruit is dried by the sun,” the elderly woman said. “All of our fruit is peeled and cut in small pieces, then hung to dry outside on the pole scaffold, before storing it.”

    “We belong to the Ani-Yunwiya, the ‘principal people,’ the old man said, suddenly sitting down next to his wife, to Hood’s surprise. “We belong to the Wild Potato Clan. We lived around the American Great Lakes and first encountered European invaders in the southeast, almost eight hundred years ago. By then, we lived mostly in the Great Appalachian Valley. Diseases brought by the Spaniards, and their animals, decimated our people.

    “Six forts were built by the invaders, near Nikwasi, Estatoe, Tugaloo, Conasauga, and Kituwa…our homes. We struck back at the invaders in Florida. Governor James Moore of South Carolina had a goal to “set upon, assault, kill, destroy, and take captive as many” of my people as possible.

    “In spite of all of this, the Ani-Yunwiya were the most populous and powerful,” the elder continued with sadness and pride. “We fought with the Chickasaw and British against the Shawnee and the French. We fought alongside the Yamasee, Catawba, and British against the Tuscarora in the Second Tuscarora War, beginning our migration to the north. We were allies with the English through most of the 18th century.

    “Again, the invaders brought their diseases,” the lady elder added. “Smallpox epidemics broke out, killing nearly half of our people. Hundreds of my people committed suicide due to the disease’s disfigurement of those the invaders infected.

    Hood was captivated by his surroundings, the food, and their voices. There was desperate need for understanding, a respect that seemed long forgotten or underappreciated. Was the elderly couple blaming Hood or his ancestors? Or, was the couple simply telling their family's history? Or, both?
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Sun 11 Nov, 2018 3:08 AM.
    Dorvan V
    Grid 15


    After taking a breath, Teriir began giving out instructions, “We’ll have the two in the brig in just a minute. Have your people check out the surrounding area for anything which may explain their ambush. Be careful in case they left some surprises and traps behind. Whatever caused the sensors to fail must be solved now; we have intel here which suggests that gap was there for an hour.”
    "Aye, sir." As the communication channel terminated, Biiqs cast a scowl toward the woods, pondering the Captain's words.

    "Tarquin to Thames, report to Grid 15. We need a prisoner extraction. Land outside of the wall and stand by for further orders." Biiqs then activated Security Channel Alpha, which was open to all ground parties. "Tarquin to Movement teams Alpha and Gamma, report to Grid 15 immediately."

    After the officers arrived, he briefed them quickly, along with Bravo and Delta. A force was sent out to sweep the woods carefully, being mindful of Naausican traps. Biiqs knew that they frequently employed explosive devices and other nasty things to cover their retreats. A second, smaller force was sent to recover the Nausicaans that were near the wall and inside of the transporter inhibitor network, and load them aboard the Thames for transport. At this point, the brig on the Ares was better than any holding he arranged planetside, especially due to the direness of the current situation.

    The operations concluded successfully, with the search parties finding and successfully disarming a few Naausican explosives that were hastily deployed. It seemed like the raid was at least pre-planned, but carried out rapidly. Biiqs assisted in the capture and transfer of the Nausicaans near the wall himself, who would probably wake up with severe headaches. A low yield photon grenade was a nasty thing to encounter. A chief with combat medic experience evaluated them as stable - he wouldn't involve medical personnel in such a dangerous situation, even under guard. After the Thames lifted off and transported the prisoners safely to the brig, Biiqs held a quick meeting with Locke in his makeshift office at the Embassy.


    "Sabotage?" Locke had a deep frown etched into his face.

    "My leading theory, right now," replied Biiqs. "There's simply no discernable, plausible reason that sensors on both the Thames and the Ares would go dark at the same time, other than sabotage. If the Naausicans got their hands on some Dominion cloaking tech, it would have been possible, but they wouldn't have turned it off as soon as they got to the tree line, and six separate devices wouldn't have failed simultaneously. And I don't think the Naausicans somehow got their hands on some sort of advanced technology that could induce a sensor blind strong enough to confuse military grade sensors, yet also not register as a jam. Ensign Malin's initial report matches what the Captain told me. Sensors down for an hour. The only way you can do that is by hacking into the systems on both starships from the outside, which is next to impossible, or a an agent on the inside. It's unconscionable that a Starfleet Officer would commit such an act, but I'm not seeing many other options."

    "I...I think there's something you should know, sir." Locke took a deep breath and continued, "We've had something similar happen before. Shortly before arriving at Dorvan V, we repelled an attack by a pair of Orion interceptors. It just...the timing of it seemed odd. And we later detected evidence of an unauthorized message being transmitted. We weren't able to track down exactly where it came from, or what the message said due to battle damage. It was a chaotic time. The Captain died, and we're onto our next mission here."

    "I see..." Biiqs took a moment to digest this information. "I think we need to prepare ourselves for the possibility that the saboteur is in the Security Division. Either that, or Engineering or possibly Operations. The latter two would have the expertise to pull off such a thing, and of course, Security personnel would have the access and the best chance of covering something like this up."

    "But who? Do you think Watson..."

    Biiqs shook his head to dismiss the idea. "No...when I boarded the Thames, Watson was so upset, he looked like he had accidentally killed my dog and slapped my mother. Either he was genuinely disturbed, or he's a better actor than Anton Karidian. Besides, Lieutenant, we can't start looking at each other that way. That's a sure way to pollute an investigation." Biiqs rubbed the ridge on his forehead in thought. "It's possible that we can devise a way to flush out the culprit. Disseminate some false information to different parties, and see what gets back to the Nausicaans. At the end of the day, Nausicaans want profit, and if we dangle a sufficiently attractive parsnip in front of them, they might bite."

    Locke's brow furrowed in confusion "You mean carrot, sir?"

    Biiqs shook his head. "Our horses liked parsnips more than carrots. But if the parsnip doesn't work, there's always the stick."


    Later, Biiqs and Locke sat in the temporary office at the Embassy, patched in on a secure channel to the Ares. Biiqs watched the interchange between Frost and Chase with great interest...and silence. It was an invaluable opportunity to get to know two of the more senior officers in the department thought and behaved. He didn't miss Kurts' obvious delight, even if he couldn't make out his words to the captain. For a moment, his eyes narrowed in suspicion, but he recalled the advice that he gave Locke about leaping to conclusions about officers.

    “We can take care of the Island base later,” Teriir raised his hand to prevent Chase and Frost from starting to speak again, “Right now, our scans verify everything that was gained in the earlier interrogation; the shield prevents us from beaming in and they have defences which makes it almost impossible to send shuttles in without casualties.”
    "Well,'s awfully tempting to just smash through the shields of that base from orbit. If this was the Dominion War, there wouldn't be any issue. But the energy wash in the area...."

    “An orbital strike is out of the question in this case,” he shook his head as he responded, “The planet has seen enough punishment from that as it is. We don’t want to make it worse.”
    Biiqs nodded in acknowledgement. "I thought about that concerning Grid 15. I have never hated a collection of trees more in my life, and wanted to have the Thames raze the area, but of course...that's not exactly permissable, considering the spiritual beliefs of the population."

    "It seems to me the most prudent and necessary course of action is to get those townspeople out of Nausicaan hands. And the best way to do that is to get more information as to the disposition of the hostages. I'm not sure if you ever used crawlers during the War, sir? Small probes, rigged to look like local insects or animals, with a very low energy profile. They can go into places and scout, mapping the area and gathering intel on the individuals within, then return to their handlers for download, instead of sending a transmission. Or feed live data back on low frequencies. Nausicaan "security" focuses more on repelling attacks than detecting low level transmissions - there'd be no reason to them to scan for that in this situation. Engineering could probably knock some up for us quickly. We can send in a small squad of officers with scouting experience to deploy them, combined with a local guide.

    “Good idea,” Teriir approved the suggestion, “The scouts in the mountains may also learn about potential patterns in the Nausicaan’s security we can exploit.”
    Biiqs nodded in response. "That will go a long way toward ensuring the safety of the hostages."

    After the call concluded, Biiqs turned to Locke. "I'm going to need you on the Ares. There is a lot going on, and we can't afford to have any internal issues interfering with these delicate operations. You're the best man to keep an eye on things from the ship."

    "I understand, sir. I'll let you know if I find out anything further concerning the saboteur."

    Biiqs had no doubt that he would. In the short time he'd known him, Locke demonstrated that he had good instincts, and the dogged determination that made a good security chief. They'd need all of those talents and more to prevent their mystery spy from causing mayhem at the wrong time.

    (( TAG: Teriir ))
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    USS Ares
    Medical Bay

    “Ow!” Teriir yanked his hand back from Doctor Riley as he ran an osteogenic stimulator over the fractured pinky finger and pisiform on his left hand, “Careful, Doc! I need this hand!”

    “Hold still and you’ll keep it,” the Doctor replied as he reached out to take his hand again.

    As Riley started working again, a soft cough made Teriir look away. Mell was standing next to him, gazing at him with an amused look on her face. She lifted a PADD in her hand up and began speaking to him, “Dyrell Teriir. Born aboard the starship Anastasia on Stardate: 33653.0. Known to have Tomophobia.”

    “Nurse, I do not have a fear of surgical procedures,” he replied indignantly. The nurse raised an eyebrow at him, making him slump a little, “Okay, yeah I do.”

    Mell nodded matter of factly after rolling her eyes. He knew she already knew this as she was very keen on remembering details of the various patients she’d treated. Teriir guessed she’d been reviewing his medical records to see what he’d been up to since they got separated. He couldn’t help but notice her hands were shaking slightly, likely from her holding back from speaking to him openly. She continued after scrolling down further, “Judging from all of the medical reports on combat wounds, you've lived a very tough life. Two cases listed here are very significant; the first being a shoulder wound which hasn’t fully healed since it was received at the First Battle of Chin'Toka. The other is the surgical reattachment of both your legs at the knees following an ablation at Lazon II.”

    Teriir sighed and explained, “The shoulder wound was caused by a console explosion. It's healed internally but there is a fair amount of scarring left behind on the skin. As for the other, I broke cover while a ground team was under fire from a Breen shuttle. I was trying to reach some others who were trapped in a building that collapsed on them. A shot landed near enough to take both my legs out. I woke up a week later aboard the USS Taussig and required over a month of treatments to be cleared for duty again.”

    “You didn’t finish the recovery, did you?” her tone was filled with warning, “I imagine you still have all sorts of scars down there from that.”

    “Actually, I don’t,” he calmly answered her, “The doctors saved my legs and I've fully recuperated. Before you ask; they were more interested in my legs than my shoulder, which is why it wasn’t fully healed there when they were treating me.”

    “I see,” Riley commented next to him. Teriir shot a nervous glance at his hand but didn’t see the medical tool near it. The Doctor gave a shrug as he examined his hand furthur, “So, uh, would I be right to say you two know each other?”

    “Once upon a time,” Mell answered for the two of them. Teriir looked to her but remained silent so she could explain, “I took classes at the Academy before the War to help speed up the process of becoming a Medical Technician. We met there. When the war started, we got assigned to the same ship, the Icarus, and started becoming close. I haven’t seen him since getting separated following a battle during which I we got boarded by the Jem'Hadar. There were a lot of casualties. I took a bad hit from a Jem'Hadar weapon and was lucky to survive. As a matter of fact; I had to be put into stasis to give me a chance at survival. I went back to the Academy in the years following the War to receive formal training for becoming a certified Nurse.”

    “So you’ve reunited here,” The Doctor kept his head down on Teriir’s hand as he spoke, “It must be really nice to see an old friend. If you don't mind my asking, how close is close?”

    “Doctor,” Teriir interrupted him, “How’s my hand?”

    “You’re all healed. Those other injuries Nurse White has brought up has me concerned though so you better come back here as soon as you’re off duty today. You are going to undergo the first of the many regeneration therapy sessions for those old wounds,” Riley spoke sternly to his patient, “I’m also going to have to remind you that Doctors supersede even your authority on medical matters, Captain Teriir.”

    “Alright,” he replied, “I’ll be here.”

    After the Doctor walked away, Teriir rubbed his hand. No matter how many injuries he received, he was always amazed by how easy it was for the Doctors to patch him back up. He could never piece together why he was paranoid about these procedures. He glanced up when he realized Mell was still standing there, her stance making it clear she was wanting to talk furthur. He gave a deep breath and thought through on where to begin,”No time like the present to talk about everything. One of the reasons why I honestly didn't look for you as hard as I should've is . . . um . . . How can I explain? . . . Dianne was one of the people trapped within that collapsing building on Lazon.”

    “I see,” Mell replied, eerily calm as she nodded her response, “The two of you were always very close. It would be an understatement to say you spent your whole lives together had it not been for your father taking you to be raised on Trill after your mother died.”

    “All along, I thought of her as a sister,” he looked away as he opened up to her, “Yet there were signs all along that said we were more than that.”

    “I wasn’t worried about you at Aureum,” she admitted, “At least, not like I should’ve. Although we were close, I didn’t force someone to beam me to another ship to check on you. Meanwhile, you disobeyed orders when you took a shuttle from the main hangar to perform one last search for survivors from the Qatar. People forgave you when you found five escape pods from the ship; including Dianne’s.”

    “I know I deeply care for you, but,” Teriir struggled to find the right words, “Not in the way I do for her.”

    Mell was clearly digesting this information and he waiting a long while for her to answer. The silence went on long enough for him to start to get up from the medical bed. She lifted up an arm in front of him to prevent him from leaving just yet, “His name’s Clark. I met him when I got back to the Academy. He’s a biologist and graduated a year ahead of me. It’s been going nicely between us and I’m lucky he got assigned to the mission here too, although he’ll be joining us sometime later.”

    “Starfleet Command has redirected a couple of additional officers, crew, and civilians to Deep Space 3,” he confirmed this, “They were unable to reach Deep Space 9, the starship Lakota, or rendezvous with us while we are performing the relief efforts here. We'll meet up with them eventually but that's going to be several months from now since we're going to be relatively far away.”

    “Is Dianne amongst those who are going to meet up with us later?” she sounded more curious than jealous. It seemed as though her earlier anger was more from him not finding a means to speak with her than from worry about their relationship. He began taking solace from the knowledge that she’d moved on and that he shouldn’t worry about his relationship with Dianne causing problems.

    “Yes. She’ll be helping out in Engineering as a Lieutenant Jg. once she’s aboard,” he answered, thinking about her profession as he did so. He put his hands together and placed them under his chin, “Just so you know, I never once gave up on trying to locate you, at least to tell you what we've just shared, but I kept running into dead ends everywhere I went for some reason. It was as though you vanished from the face of the galaxy.”

    “And the engagement?” Mell asked, starting to sound excited, as if she was realizing the same thing he had; they didn't have any more reason to carry regrets.

    Teriir found himself smiling, “I believe we can agree that it’s called off. We have found someone else who’s made us happy.”

    She returned the smile, “Think we can part as friends?”

    “Yes we can,” he got up as he spoke. She turned away happily and headed off to get to work with other assignments. He looked away and headed out the door. Things were different, clearer, as if talking to her removed any lingering doubts he possessed and could finally move on in his life. He hadn’t felt like this in ages and he found himself taking his time and enjoying the walk to reach the turbolift to Shuttlebay 1.
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    Shuttlebay 1

    Teriir propped himself up against a container in the shuttlebay to listen in on the conversation between Lieutenant Kurts and Chief Technician Alvaro. The later was responsible for the upkeep of all their auxiliary craft. The two of them were bantering about the ship’s Argo and the wish-list of modifications Kurts was asking for. He guessed the Lieutenant made a stop to review some details on his plan before dropping into the shuttlebay. The Captain hadn’t been noticed by any of the people in the shuttlebay yet as they were all busy with their own tasks, leaving him to enjoy the banter.

    “So in summary,” Alvaro commented as she began looking over a set of plans she had drawn up on her workbench, “You want my people to extend the range at which the Phobos can be controlled remotely, take out the buggy, and install the underbelly cargo doors.”

    “That’s right,” Kurts replied as he began toying with a hyperspanner from the workbench, “I just need to borrow it for a few days so it needs some TLC before heading out.”

    “You know this is our ship’s Argo, right?”

    “Really?” he played innocently as he looked over at it, “A beautiful piece of engineering isn’t she? Larger, roomier, perfect for carrying a lot of stuff. Hmm!”

    “Trying to be cute, eh?” she shrugged her shoulders at him before looking more seriously at him, “I’m going to have to give clearance for letting her spread her wings. Why are you taking her?”

    “I have to make a special cargo run to the command post,” Kurts answered her with a wink. Alvaro didn’t answer but instead gave him a near perfect ‘oh really?’ expression to tell him she could tell he was lying.

    Teriir chose this moment to join the conversation, succeeding in surprising them both, “How about, a special reconnaissance mission to review the Nausicaan facilities on the ground?”

    The Chief glanced at Kurts with a little bit of frustration in her eyes as she took her hyperspanner back, “If you’d told me the Captain requested this, I would’ve just gotten going on it.”

    “Where’s the fun in that?” the Lieutenant smirked before nodding to his Captain to acknowledge his presence. He leaned towards Alvaro, “So, when she’ll be ready?”

    “I need at least a day,” she answered while gesturing with her head for him to leave, annoyed with his flirtations. After Kurts left, she looked over to Teriir, “Special reconnaissance mission. I’ll make sure we have the changes made for it.”

    “Very good, Chief,” Teriir replied while shooting a look at the direction the other officer went, “Would you like me to have a word with Lieutenant Kurts on his demeanor? It looked like he was making you uncomfortable.”

    “Annoyed, not uncomfortable,” Alvaro shrugged, “It’s nothing I can’t handle; just ask that Ensign Barron over there.”

    “Oh?” he turned his attention over to where the Ensign was sitting amongst a few boxes on the other side of the shuttlebay, “Can you tell me what happened?”

    “Nothing special; We both boarded the Ares when people were first boarding her in the Sol as a skeleton crew to reach Deep Space 9. He tried to check me out and gave up after I gave him the cold shoulder for about a week,” She chuckled as she began looking through the plans and technical manual for the underbelly doors, “Still, I thought he was a Security officer. Shouldn’t he be on duty somewhere?”

    “Yes, he should,” Teriir responded, lowering the tone of his voice to tell her the Ensign was in trouble. It didn’t take him long to cross the shuttlebay and a moment later he was standing next to the Ensign’s makeshift seat, “Ensign Barron!”

    “Oh, crap!” the Ensign knocked over a box as he scrambled to his feet, “Um, Captain! Sorry sir, I -”

    “Was shirking my duties in watching over the dozens of mission supplies we have within Cargo Bay 2?” The Captain answered for him with narrowed eyes.

    “N-No, sir! Never!” Ensign Barron stammered as he straightened his uniform while moving to attention, “I’ve been heading up the security there as I was ordered to! I worked a double shift earlier and it just ended! I came down here so I could wind down a little before getting some rest!”

    “Why not wind down either in your quarters or one of the ship’s recreational facilities?”

    “I like being around some hustle and bustle! There’s a lot of it around here so I come down here regularly!”

    “So I’ve heard,” Teriir looked back in the direction of the Argo. Chief Alvaro was busying herself with a few of the other Technicians there, informing them of their new project.

    “It’s not what it seems! I’ve been trying to make some friends outside of my own division and it is way harder than I thought it would be,” Barron explained, scuffing his feet while doing so, “Besides, this is right next to Cargo Bay 2 so it’s adjacent to where my duties lay.”

    “Alright,” the Captain relaxed. Deciding to help the Ensign out, he offered up some information, “People tend to do better with making friends when they aren’t on duty. If you go to one of the recreational facilities when you’re off duty, you will find yourself able to make friends much more easily.”

    “Thank you for the suggestion, sir,” the Ensign sighed, relieved to have that straightened out. He didn’t look completely settled for some reason, as if he was not wishing to discuss something else.

    “Is there something I should know about?” Teriir pressed him.

    “My father was Captain Frederick Barron. He commanded the starship Lakota at the Battle of Tyra during the Dominion War,” Barron admitted as he bowed his head, “He was killed during the fighting and his Executive Officer, Karin Terry, assumed command during the retreat.”

    “I see,” he responded, a new level of understanding entering his tone, “It must be hard having your father’s ship and the Cardassian’s leader of that battle here at the same time. If you’d like, I’ll see about having Captain Terry speak with you; I know she would appreciate speaking to you about her mentor and friend.”

    “With all due respect, I would rather do that myself,” the Ensign declined and began walking off. Teriir let him go. He knew exactly how he felt and began thinking about the Battle of Tyra.

    The Federation 7th Fleet engaged a task force of Jem’Hadar and Cardassian warships of equal number to their own. The battle was going extremely well for the fleet early on and they pushed the Dominion’s center line back. They called in their rear guard to finish breaking the Dominion line and walked right into Gul Enok’s trap; The center line was pulling back so their left and right flanks were perfectly positioned for a pincer maneuver. A pair of smaller enemy battle groups, hidden behind two of the system’s planets, attacked the 7th Fleet’s rear and blocked their escape. They were suddenly outgunned, surrounded, and outnumbered 2 to 1. They were only saved when the fleet’s flagship, the Galaxy class North Star, performed a saucer separation to ram a pair of Jem’Hadar Battlecruisers, creating a hole in the Dominion lines. Only 18 of the 112 ships made it out and 4 of these ships were too badly damaged to run away, leaving just 14 to return home.

    He took a breath and bent down to return the box that was knocked over back to its rightful place. Teriir decided it would be best to have some of the other officers and crew on board help keep an eye on Ensign Barron. He knew how hard it was to lose a parent and knew he wasn’t the only one aboard who felt the same pain. If anything, he would at least make sure the young man realize he wasn’t alone.
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    Dorvan V
    Main Settlement – Embassy Auxiliary Building

    Jei and Dawson turned down the alleyway behind the Embassy. They were heading to the Auxiliary building which housed the environmental controls, sewage system, and secondary power for the Embassy proper. She was tasked to check on the environmental system but more importantly, the sewage pipes were backed up and needed to be purged. It was a simple job, but it didn’t matter to Jei. Dawson on the other hand, felt a bit slighted.

    “Why do we always get the crap jobs, Jei? I’m an engineering technician, not a damn plumber. I bet some cardassian just dropped a big one and is now laughing at us. Think of it… Starfleet cleaning up his shi…”

    “Ernie, stop acting like an officer. We’re enlisted. We’re the ones who roll-up our sleeves and get the job done, understood?” interjected Jei. She saw Dawson’s shoulders slump a bit, so she added. “And *if* we do find out that a cardassian dropped the big one to just mess with us… well, we will have to teach him a lesson. You ever rig a toilet to blow-upwards instead of being sucked downwards? You see, it’s just pressure and from down here we can rig their toilets to blow-up in a wonderful geyser in their face the next time they hit the flush button,” grinned Jei.

    “Oh… that’s… nasty…” retorted Dawson as he cringed and made a face imagining it happening to him.

    “If… we find out that this was purposeful sabotage… then heaven help the poor cardassian who relieves himself next time. Yes, we’d get yelled at by the Master Chief and perhaps even a few officers. But we’d only be doing what they wish they could have done. Besides… I’m willing to wager that the sewage system is a bit old and prone to strange malfunctions…” explained Jei.

    The pair of Starfleet technicians reached the building and Jei was about to punch in the access code when she noticed the keypad was not flush on the wall. It was slightly ajar, as a wire was caught on the frame of the pad. She punched the code and the doors opened.

    “What’s the matter?” curiously asked Dawson.

    “Nothing, just sloppy workmanship. Can’t expect Starfleet standards everywhere,” explained Jei.

    The technicians went inside and began their work on the Sewage system.

    A few hours later…

    “That is NASTY! With a Capital N!!!!” exclaimed Dawson as he held a dead rodent the size of a cat by the tail.

    Jei was getting out of her hazmat suit and tossing it into the waste matter disposal. The suit, gloves, and boots covered in filth disappeared in a swirl of energy. “And how do you think it got in there?”

    “A cardassian flushed it down the toilet…” replied Dawson.

    “Yep. Let’s see…” Jei said thinking aloud as she walked to the plumbing schematic. “That came out of pipe 45-E, right? Which leads… to the refresher in the Cardassian Security offices.”

    Jei walked over to the sewage controls and began to tap a few commands into the system. “There we go. Next cardassian security officer who uses the toilet will not be a happy one.”

    Dawson began to laugh and studied the console to see how Jei programmed the back blow, for future reference.

    Jei grinned, actually genuinely in a good mood after such a dirty job, as she put away her tools into her kit. Something caught her eye. Something hidden underneath the environmental control console. Jei moved toward it and peaked under the console to get a better look. The moment she saw it, she knew something wasn’t right. Her fight or flight instinct kicked in.

    “Dawson, grab yourself and get out of this room now,” ordered Jei as she stood up and began walking back to the door herself.

    “What’s…” began Ernie.

    “Now, Ernie… move it,” implored Jei as she hit her comm-badge. “Engineering to Control, it was a dead rodent clogging the sewage system, but we found a larger rodent and will likely need the assistance of security. Perhaps Mr. Tarquin or Mr. Locke would like to come by to see this beauty.”

    Jei and Dawson exited the auxiliary room and were now in the alleyway.

    “What’s going on Jei?” worriedly asked Dawson.

    “Don’t know… but… that keypad was tampered with recently which may explain how that Romulan device got attached to the environmental console,” explained Jei.

    “Is it a bomb?” asked Dawson.

    “Yes and no. It is not the primary function… but it is likely booby-trapped. And I didn’t look, but I suspect the back-up generator in there likely has one,” answered Jei. Then Jei started giggling to herself.

    "Jei! What's so funny! This is serious, isn't?" stated a confused Dawson.

    Taking a breathe, Jei nodded, giving herself time to vocalize. "Yes... you're right..." replied Jei between giggles, "I just was laughing at the irony that the nausicaans will take the blame... and credit for the toilet explosion. Their raid was a diversion to sabotage the toilets of the cardassian security directorate here..."

    Jei erupted in laughter again, and being infectious, Dawson joined in on the wonderful joke.

    (TAG Tarquin/Locke)
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    USS Ares
    Dorvan V– Hospital

    Attachment 9637

    Attachment 9638

    Christopher looked up as the doors opened to reveal a security crewman being helped into the makeshift hospital. "Bring him here." Christopher said pointing to a cot. The man winced and hissed in pain as he lay down. Christopher ran his tricorder over the wound, frowning slightly. Disruptor injuries were far more difficult to deal with than Phaser burns as the cell structure of the wound was, well, disrupted. Taking out a hypospray for the pain, Christopher pressed it against the man's neck. "What's your first name Whittaker?"

    The man visibly relaxed as the painkiller rushed through his system, "Colin, sir."

    "OK Colin, first things first, you don't have to call me sir, Doc or Christopher is fine, got it?" Christopher said gently.

    "I got it Doc. What's the damage?" Colin asked nervously.

    Christopher smiled, "You're going to be good as soon as we get you up to Doc Hems on the Ares. For now, I'm going to immobilise your arm and start your treatment with a cellular regenerator. A bit like a dermal regenerator but it starts to reverse the disruptor damage. Ares will get you into surgery as soon as you're aboard but I think you're looking at a few days of treatments followed by some physio."

    Colin nodded, "So no more getting shot at by Nausicans?"

    "Not until that shoulder heals." Christopher explained. "I see you on this planet again, I'll shoot you myself."

    The security guard laughed while Christopher worked on his shoulder.

    Tapping his comm badge, Christopher began his next two tasks. "Cushing to Biiqs, as soon as you're able we have a casevac to get back to the Ares. I'd prefer to beam him directly to sickbay rather than put him on the Thames. Please let me know when it's safe for us to transport."

    ((TAG: Biiqs))

    Clearing the channel, Christopher moved on to his next priority, "Cushing to Han, Jei how would you like a trip to the mountains?"

    ((TAG: Jei))

    Attachment 9638
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    Dorvan V
    Main Settlement – Starfleet camp

    Letting security and the Team leaders handle the discovery in the Auxiliary Room, Jei and Dawson were relieved and returned to the Starfleet camp. It was nothing more than small walled compound home that once housed a couple extended families. Yet it was a place where the Away Team members could resupply, get some rest, or hold impromptu meetings. It was usually full of off-duty security officers, but the recent raid had the security teams pulling extra duty to ensure there were no other surprises from the nausicaan raiders.

    Dawson and Jei went straight to their little corner. Several crates with parts were stacked around a cot and two make-shift chairs. Dawson immediately fell onto the cot and stretched out like a cat.

    “Whew… I’m beat. I never thought I’d say it, but I miss my bunk on the ARES,” noted Dawson.

    Jei laid her tool kit on the crate turned makeshift work bench and started to meticulously checking her kit. Replacing parts she had used and making sure it was ready for her next task. That’s when her comm-badge came to life with a familiar voice.

    =^=Cushing to Han, Jei how would you like a trip to the mountains?=^=
    Jei tapped her badge to respond. “Mountains? There something up and out there that needs to be fixed, Doc?”

    ((TAG: Cushing))

    “I see. Is there anything special I need to pack or bring other than standard parts and my tool kit, Doc?”

    ((TAG: Cushing))

    “Acknowledged. I’ll get Dawson sorted out with the remaining tasks on our prior list and meet you at the shuttle.”

    ((TAG: Cushing))
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    Jei tapped her badge to respond. “Mountains? There something up and out there that needs to be fixed, Doc?”
    Smiling at the crewman's confusion, Christopher replied, "Hearts and minds, Jei, hearts and minds. Plus a few dozen sick colonists and their rag tag equipment."

    “I see. Is there anything special I need to pack or bring other than standard parts and my tool kit, Doc?”
    "I highly doubt it, it's not like they're hiding the Daystrom institute out there."

    “Acknowledged. I’ll get Dawson sorted out with the remaining tasks on our prior list and meet you at the shuttle.”
    "Thanks Jei, I'll brief the powers that be and get us a pilot too." Christopher set about packing his equipment to help the colonists in the mountainous regions away from the known Nausican emcampments.

    Name:  FAB-spacer-small.png
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    Dorvan V
    Main Settlement
    The Chief Science Officer watched the smoke escape through the top opening in the roof above the fire as the elderly couple of the Wild Potato Clan, of the Ani-Yunwiya people continued their history.

    “Again, we fought with the British against the French, then the British fought against us,” the old man described. “We joined with the Shawnee, Delaware, and Mingo tribes against the invaders. We later joined Hokoleskwa to defend our people from sickness and the destruction of our way of life. Yet, the invaders destroyed fifty of our towns, leading us to sign fragile treaties.

    “Again, we fought against the invaders. This time against the Americans, in back-and-forth raids, campaigns, ambushes, skirmishes, and several full-scale frontier battles with the invaders. We finally decided to move away from the invaders’ settlements to live in peace. Instead, the invaders not only interfered with our moving away, but, then step in to ‘relocate’ us, again.

    “We were displaced from our ancestral lands as the invaders’ population grew, chasing after their wealth,” the old woman said.

    “Instead of fighting with our lives, we decided to fight the invaders with their own laws, within their own courts. The invaders even ruled in our favor, that we are entitled to federal protection from the actions of state governments.

    “In spite of the invaders ruling in our favor, we were forcibly relocated westward along the Nvna Daula Tsvyi,” he stated. “Some of us fought to live where we wanted. Six hundred became citizens of the invaders while around four hundred hid among the Snowbird Mountains. Another four hundred stayed in their ancestor’s homes, refusing to leave.

    “We fought again in the invaders’ civil war, at our expense, devastating our people, only for the invaders to turn around and sell us our own land back, on a limited reserve.

    “Finally, we decided to move away, again, away from, not only our ancestral lands, but, our ancestral planet as well,” the matriarch concluded. “And again, invaders not only come here, but, they follow us from our ancestral planet, deciding and planning for us, again, expecting us to be ‘relocated,’ again, even if by force, even though our representatives objected.

    “We reject the invaders’ demands, again, and turn to a species, a people we don’t know for sanctuary, for protection of our new home from our old invaders,” the old man added. “We have lived in peace with this new people, until they brought your war to our soil."

    "The Cardassians joined the Dominion only to later..." Hood began to interject.

    “You say it was another people and not you, specifically, but, it was your people who went to war with them, in general, bringing their war, their retaliation to our planet, specifically,” he accused as his wife offered Hood more food at the same time.

    “This time, new invaders, a new species of invaders come and take our people as slaves to work their mines and we are expected to turn to our old invaders for help?” the old man asked. “Again, invaders bring their diseases, their wars, and their destruction to my people, destroying our environment and crops, in addition to making our people sick with radiation. But, I am to trust you?

    With that, the old man stood up and left the meal. Hood could not but understand the centuries-old anger and mistrust, built up in him, as part of their cultural outlook of outsiders. How could he blame them when all his people want is to live in peace?

    Hood stood up, and quietly thanked the old woman. He offered for her and her husband to visit his family on the Ares, which she declined. He understood.

    “One to beam up,” Hood said after tapping his combadge. He reflected on everything the elderly Dorvanian couple told him, trying to figure out his place within this centuries-old story. He knew he would be reflecting on their talk for the rest of his life and would pass on their philosophy to his children and grandchildren.


    USS Ares
    Deck 16 – Main Engineering

    Hood's science team leaders checked in with him, giving their final status report. Alpha Team successfully balanced the catalytic agent. Hood triple-checked that the chain reaction was isolytic and cascaded as expected. The team even took Cardassia's higher heat and humidity into account. Beta Team and an engineering team reported that the deflector dish, shields, were re-calibrated and re-enforced with a boost to structural integrity. Gamma and Delta teams presented their findings, verifying Alpha’s and Beta’s work. Finally, Epsilon showed evidence that they were prepared for the radiation feedback pulse to the deflector. They showed simulation results that their troposphere strategy for counteracting the feedback pulse. Their results showed they knew the precise parameters to ride the levels within, adjusting the harmonics for compensating the pulse’s energy inconsistencies.

    Hood congratulated his teams' efforts on a job well done and offered to "buy" drinks for everyone in the mess.

    "Hood to Teriir, we're ready down here when you are, sir."

    ((TAG Teriir))
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    Dorvan V
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    Captain Teriir was waiting in their Command Center alongside Urquhart and Gul Enok. They were waiting patiently for Hood’s final countdown on the deflector pulse which would cleanse the planet’s radiation. Enok requested that he be on the ground alongside him to watch as the procedure take place and he accepted on the idea of it being an act of goodwill. They hadn’t talked much over their wait but he’d made sure to inform the Cardassian of the possibility of a traiter aboard the Ares. The news went over better than he was expecting. There was something really wrong here and they needed to work together to solve this mystery.

    The find of what appeared to be a Romulan device attached to the auxiliary room just a short while ago added to everything. It had been beamed to the Ares a short while ago and Locke had already determined that it was a fake; the exterior looked Romulan but the insides were of Federation origin. The device was apparently supposed to kill all the generators within the Embassy upon receiving a remote signal from their ship. Who and why one of their own would plant it was uncertain but he had a grave suspicion this was all about revenge. A ping on his communicator interrupted his thoughts.
    "Hood to Teriir, we're ready down here when you are, sir."
    “Acknowledged, Mr. Hood. Begin the isolynic chain reaction.”

    (( TAG: Hood ))

    Teriir leaned closer to the window and looked up to the sky. It was a clear day with blue skies and almost no clouds. He knew that would change in a matter of moments as the isolynic chain reaction began its work. Hearing a few footsteps, he glanced over to Gul Enok as he moved to join him at the window.

    “I hope this works, Captain,” the Gul commented as he looked outside.

    “As do I,” Teriir answered, shooting a glance at the sky again, “Although Mr. Hood was on the team which performed the radiation cleanup on Cardassia, I’m keeping my fingers crossed.”

    “A sign of good luck,” Enok responded, “I understand the sentiment.”

    The sky turned into a blue-green as a series of energy waves rippled through the atmosphere. It started slowly but began growing steadily faster. Teriir tapped his combadge, “How’s it going?

    (( TAG: Hood & Rosek ))

    “Increase power to the plasma coils and start venting the excess radiation out through the warp nacelles,” he ordered, not taking his eyes off the sky.

    “Father? What’s happening to the sky?”

    Spinning around, he observed as a Cardassian woman approached Gul Enok. She looked concerned, more for the child in her arms than about the lightshow. Teriir’s shoulders relaxed as he remembered what Urquhart told him about Gul Enok’s family and that this must be his surviving child. He didn’t know he had a grandchild. The Gul stepped over to her and guided her closer to the window so she could see, “The starfleet ship is firing off a catalyst into the planet’s atmosphere to remove the toxic radiation.”

    “Is it dangerous?”

    “No. And if it were, they would’ve evacuated the planet,” Enok gave his daughter reassurances before looking up at Teriir, “Wouldn’t you?”

    “Yes, we would’ve gotten everyone off planet if it were dangerous,” he gave her a smile, “My people are extremely experienced in radiation cleanup; the team’s leader was entrusted with doing this on your homeworld.”

    “Really?” she blinked at him in relief the instant before her child started crying. She gave it a gentle shoosh before walking away.

    “My pride and joy,” Enok murmured from beside him, “My daughter and her month old son. If anyone ever asks why I left my military career behind; I wanted to see her grow. I lost so much during the War that . . . I honestly can’t stand the thought of losing anything else.”

    “We all suffered during the War. I didn’t lose any family but of 16 cadets or trainee technicians to join my wartime ship’s crew, only 3 of them survived. With how close Starfleet is it really felt like losing family every time.” Teriir shoot a quick look at Urquhart as he answered. Although he pointed out his sympathy to Enok, it didn’t feel quite right.

    (( TAG: Urquhart ))

    He took a deep breath, “I’m sorry for what happened at Regulak.”

    “We had it coming,” Enok waved him off, “Although I managed to get my Order out of the fighting over Aureum, we still participated in a massacre of civilians. Fighting soldier to soldier is what we do, not ending the lives of children . . . “

    He gave the Gul a nod but left his mouth hanging for a second, “I was thinking about Regulak with your brother.”

    “There’s nothing else to say,” he answered hollowly, “I killed thousands of your people, you killed thousands of mine . . . it’s how war works.”

    “Perhaps instead of ending lives, we can start new ones,” Teriir looked back in the direction Gul Enok’s daughter went, “She looks very happy.”

    “If Ishe is happy, I’m happy,” Enok closed his eyes as he answered. Teriir caught himself about to place his hand on his shoulder as a sign of comfort and pulled back, unsure what the Cardassian would think of the gesture. A new communications ping made him turn back to the window. The skies were now cloudy and dark, a sign rain was soon to arrive.

    (( TAG: Hood & Rosek ))

    “Well done!” Teriir smiled as he, Urquhart and Enok hurried over to the elevator. Moments later they were down on the ground level as a slow rain started to fall. He stepped outside and stuck his hand out slightly to catch a few drops, “When was the last time it rained here?”

    “8 months ago,” Enok commented excitedly in response. Teriir sighed as the now nice and steady rain fell over him. It was reminding him of the spray of a small waterfall on Risa he’d managed to visit while on vacation with Dianne. Glancing around, he noticed a few of the local children had run outside and were playing in a number of puddles forming on the ground. As he watched, a man uncovered a couple of barrels outside his home so they could catch the water.

    (( TAG: Urquhart ))

    “I’m fine,” Teriir laughed as he closed his eyes and turned his face into the rainy sky, “It’s only water.”

    “Come on inside anyway,” Enok told him, somewhat like a teacher scolding a student, “The last thing we all want is for you to catch a cold when there’s still a lot to do.”

    “Yes sir,” he smiled as he returned to the Embassy, “Is there anything else we can go over here right now?”

    “Only if the shower gave you an idea on how to clean up a traitor,” the Gul replied sternly.

    “I’m afraid not,” Teriir admitted as he brushed his hair a bit to get some of the rainwater out of it, “I’ll see about returning to my ship to do more investigating; whoever has been responsible for these actions will be found. Would it be alright if my Diplomacy Officer stayed with you for awhile?

    “Of course,” Enok nodded his acceptance, “Please keep me informed of your investigation.”

    “I will,” the Captain promised.

    (( TAG: Urquhart ))
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    U.S.S. ARES
    Deck 1-Bridge

    Rosek increased power to the plasma coils and started the venting as ordered.

    “DONE SIR everything is going as planned no problems this far”

    Rosek continued to monitor the reaction until completion.

    “Teriir you can expect rain on your end”

    TAG: ((Teriir ))
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    USS Ares
    Deck 4 - Captain’s Quarters

    Captain Teriir put away his wet things and put on a civilian wrap-around shirt and put on some slacks. He was pleased that the isolynic reaction was a success and the planet was now clear of the radiation. He couldn’t be prouder of the engineering and science officers who made it possible. There was something that was bothering him; his own absence from the Ares as this was being done. True, he’d been invited to observe everything from the ground but as the ship’s Captain, shouldn’t he have been on the bridge overseeing everything getting done? Diplomacy aside, he may belong on the ship but at the same time he trusted his crew to get everything done. He had some other questions but he couldn’t quite answer them.

    Looking out the window at the stars twinkling beyond, he had an idea, “What I need is a conversation outside of my own head.”

    USS Ares
    Deck 16 - Counselor’s Office

    Upon reaching the Counselor’s Office, Teriir pressed the chime to announce his presence. He was still in his civvies which he decided would be much better suited for speaking with them; no need for reminders of rank, just a few people sharing a conversation. After hearing a voice from inside welcome him in, he stepped through the door.

    Counselor A’Mand and her assistant, a young Human woman, were inside, seated on a set of cushioned chairs near the center of the room. A’Mand stood up to greet him.

    (( TAG: A’Mand ))

    “This is both a business and social call,” he answered as he took a seat on a couch across from the two counselors. As the Assistant Counselor poured each of them a glass of Bolian Tonic Water, he explained what he meant, “I would like to know how everything is going down here and I have a few things I would like to talk about. I have some concerns which I would like an extra opinion on.”

    (( TAG: A’Mand ))

    “Me? Have a conversation with the Captain? But I’ve never held a counseling session with someone of his rank before,” Monica Carter replied in surprise, shooting a glance from her supervisor to him and back. She closed her eyes and took a breath before sitting down, “Okay, I’ll think of this as a test.”

    As the Counselors rearranged themselves, Teriir took a sip from his glass. He remembered the first time he spoke to a Commanding Officer and how nervous it made him. He did much better afterwards as he now had the experience under his belt and imagined this was why A’Mand was letting her assistant speak to him. He put his glass down as he felt Monica’s gaze pierce into him, as though she were trying to figure him out with a curious look. She spoke up with a sultry but very professional voice, “So, Captain, do you have a preference on how I’m to address you?”

    “I’ve always let Counselors call me by my first name, Dyrell,” he replied with an encouraging smile.

    “Okay, Dyrell,” she nodded in response, as though she were saving the knowledge for later. Monica tilted her head to one side, asking quietly, “So, what’s troubling you.”

    “I find myself needing to take a step back. I’ve been an Acting Captain and a long time Senior Officer before but my position was aboard a combat ship,” Dyrell explained, “We didn’t have anywhere near the number of non-combat oriented officers on my other ships and there were never civilians, let alone children, around. Now that I’m commanding an exploration ship, I want to know what I can do differently to be a better leader for everyone here.”

    “From what I’ve seen and heard from your crew members, they feel you’re doing great,” she informed him with a sultry tone, “Because you’ve already been in a leadership role before, you know what to expect and have an idea on what you need to do. Trust your own judgement in crisis, listen to your Senior Officers, and remember that you are alone in the chair.”

    “Alone in the chair?” he asked for clarification.

    “As a Captain, you are above the daily goings on of your crew. It’s up to your staff to judge who’s better suited where and you are needed to ensure the smooth interactions between everyone. When forming relationships, you can’t go much beyond friends with your crew,” Monica commented, “When trouble arises, your concern should be for your ship and crew as a whole. Having friends or loved ones around may compromise your judgement as you’ll be more worried for them than everyone else. To me; a captain’s home is their chair and the crew is off limits.”

    (( TAG: A’Mand ))

    “You aren’t the first counselors to tell me this,” he acknowledged her comment. Dyrell frowned slightly as he thought about it further, “The counselor I had aboard the Icarus talked to me about this a few times. She told me that relationships with your crew will happen, it’s only natural for you to have someone you instinctively trust among your officers. When troubles arise, treat these friends no differently than you would anyone else. Close yourself off not from your friends but from your emotions.”

    “That’s fair, I just feel you need to remember the risks. You are the crew’s leader which means you have to be careful with the relationships you have here,” she gave him an understanding smile at first but then cringed, “I’m sorry if it sounded like I was contradicting you or telling you not to have friends at your rank. I just . . .”

    “Want me to be careful,” Dyrell finished her thought, “To be safe so I can make decisions which will affect the lives of everyone on this ship clearly and without doubt. I’m glad you’re voicing your thoughts; it tells me that you care. Agreeing with everything I say won’t help me make the best, the right, decisions when we have situations.”

    “With well over a thousand souls aboard this ship, crew and civilian, you have a lot to consider without worrying about a loved one as well,” she nodded enthusiastically, pleased he was taking her words to heart. She looked at him a bit more seriously, “Before I continue, I remember hearing a small rumor from the medical bay suggesting you were once romantically involved with someone on the ship and now have a girlfriend serving on a different ship. Is that true?”

    “Both parts of that are correct; I had a relationship with Mell White once and nowadays have a romantic relationship with Dianne Ivanov. I know love isn’t really something Trills accept in their lives, considering it a childhood weakness but I can’t deny my own feelings. There’s a reception coming up soon which I’m going to be attending through the ship’s holomatrix, both to participate as a guest and also because I was summoned. It seems like there are some updates on our mission they want to provide me with while attending. While we’re both there, I’m planning on proposing to Dianne.”

    “Well, congratulations and I hope she accepts!” Monica commented with a small smile before returning to her more serious expression, “Something for you to remember about your relationship is that no matter how much she tries, she won’t understand your responsibilities as a Captain. Even in a crisis, you can’t afford to be concerned solely for her as there are so many others and their loved ones counting on you to bring everyone home.”

    He sighed and was about to tell her that Dianne was the daughter of an Admiral but stopped. She may have seen everything her mother had to do growing up but wouldn’t know what it actually felt like unless she becomes a Captain someday. He nodded his ascent to her words, knowing Monica was right. She let it sink in for a few seconds before speaking on a softer tone, “How did your previous Captain treat his or her crew?”

    “Captain Vel’Tor always made sure to treat his people with honesty and respect,” Dyrell replied. He realized she was asking him to think about other commanding officers he’d met for examples on practices he should consider for his own crew, “He was always social with the various crew members he consistently had contact with and befriended his Senior Officers. He married back when he was a Lieutenant and has three children. His wife and kids live on another ship but he makes certain to keep in contact with them. The entire time I worked under him, he never played favorites and let everyone play to their strengths.”

    (( TAG: A’Mand ))

    “Use the wisdom you gained from him and others you’ve met, they will greatly help you moving forward,” Monica half murmured to herself, appearing to daydream for a split second. She started to swiftly wave her arms, looking flustered, “Not that I’m thinking about what I’d be doing if I were a captain already!”

    “Haha!” Dyrell laughed and leaned forward in his seat, “You never know. There is a long road ahead of you and I know the Captain of the Solstice, my girlfriend’s ship, used to be a Counselor just like you.”

    “Really?” she stopped and looked at him, pleasantly surprised by this. She wiggled in her seat to get her mind back on track, “What were the questions you came in with?”

    The smile vanished from his face as he frowned, “We’ve gone over what you feel I should do as a Captain but how has the crew been holding up with everything? There’s been a lot going on over the past few weeks.”

    (( TAG: A’Mand ))

    OOC: Part 1 of 2 of what I jotted down as an outline for this. I left a bunch of Tags in there for you, Scarlett, and did my best with Monica. I wanted her to live up the story you’d made for her earlier while considering she’s a young Ensign as of the roleplay. Please let me know if there are any changes you’d like me to do to polish things up and I'll make sure to respond to anything A'Mand has to say before going into the 2nd part.
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    Dorvan V
    Cardassian Embassy - Environmental Control/Repair Area


    "Barbaric. Absolutely atrocious."

    Ensign Malin regarded the sewage pipes with an intense frown. The young Bolian was troubled almost to the point of outrage.

    "Sir, I understand this is a frontier world, and the Cardassians have had their issues over the centuries, but what sort of warp-capable culture...."

    Biiqs reached out to pat the ensign on his shoulder, with an understanding expression upon his face. "Now Brag, don't be too alarmed. You have to understand that the plumbing setup here is normal for many humanoids. I know it's not up to Bolian standards, but that's not what we're down here for."

    "A giant rodent got caught in it, sir. That's not plumbing. That's a bad afternoon on Dimorus!" He gestured wildly at the plumbing works. "Where are the harmonic dissipators? The base baths? The leachate purifiers? I mean, I knew it was bad when the bathrooms didn't have any si'ischells, but this-"

    "Jeihee Han, as I live and breathe!"

    The two had finally arrived at the area where Jei and Dawson were located. "I am very glad to see you! It seems like it's been ages since the Tian An Men. How has Starfleet been treating you?

    (( TAG Jei))

    "Sir, I think you'd better take a look at this." Malin's words drew him away from the greetings, and he came closer to the disloged panel. "Looks Romulan..."

    "Definitely," replied Malin, scanning it with his tricorder. "Although the power signatures are a little....wait, there's an explosive attached to it as well." After studying it for a while, he remarked, "I think I can disarm that part of it. Wait, there's something deeper here. There's another device in the generator. Give me a moment."

    "Of course." Biiqs rubbed his forehead ridge in thought. "Now this is strange indeed. First the Nausicaans breeze in right under our sensor network, and now a Romulan device planted in a Cardassian Embassy. Can't be the work of Nausicaans, although it would seem such. It's not unlike them to get a hold of foreign technology. But they certainly didn't plant it recently, our inhibitor network has been up. And it doesn't make sense for them have planted it when they first attacked the village, that's way too subtle. These thugs usually just take what they want. Jei, do you have any idea what the function of this device is? Or better yet, what all does this environmental console connect to?"

    (( TAG Jei))

    "Hmm, thank you. That is very interesting, indeed. Good work, though, Han. And...."

    "Dawson, sir."

    "Yes, Dawson, thank you...I--"

    “Good idea,” "Cushing to Biiqs, as soon as you're able we have a casevac to get back to the Ares. I'd prefer to beam him directly to sickbay rather than put him on the Thames. Please let me know when it's safe for us to transport."
    "Understood. Doctor is there any way to take your patient outside of the embassy to the designated transport area? It's only ten meters from the front door, there. That way, I wouldn't have to drop the transport inhibitors for the entire Embassy. We can transport him directly to sickbay from there."

    (( TAG Cushing))

    "Very well." Tapping his communicator, he said, "Tarquin to Ensign Kiku, prepare to lower the grid on Doctor Cushing's order. All security personnel at high alert. Sharpshooters to the transport area."

    Turning back to Ensign Malin, he said, "Brag, as soon as you have that out, take it to the Thames I want a full forensic analysis, and that is best accomplished by transporting it to the Ares. We'll have Locke take a look at it."

    "Aye, sir. Almost done here. I'll say this...whoever planted this device here seems like they were in a bit of a hurry. There are certainly better ways to seal this in and booby trap it."

    "And whoever planted it didn't want anyone to go in there. I'll get a team together and inspect this personally."

    He didn't want to mention it, but everything seemed to be pointing to an internal spy. It would be interesting if a giant dead rodent ultimately helped them find a rat.
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    USS Ares
    Transporter room

    Before beaming down

    Sam stepped into the transporter room with an old dusty bottle tucked underneath his arm.
    ((TAG Terrir - Feel Free to edit this post))
    - Ah, this is a bottle of Cannaar. A sweet liquor that I procured from our fine bartender earlier. I did some asking around to some of his friends on Caradissia to see what he likes to drink & so I pulled this fine drink out. Its vintage 2291, a very fine year.
    ((TAG Terrir))
    Sam motioned to the the pad and they both beamed down to the surface.

    Dorvan V
    Cardassian Embassy

    “We all suffered during the War. I didn’t lose any family but of 16 cadets or trainee technicians to join my wartime ship’s crew, only 3 of them survived. With how close Starfleet is it really felt like losing family every time.” Teriir shoot a quick look at Urquhart as he answered. Although he pointed out his sympathy to Enok, it didn’t feel quite right.
    Sam said quietly,
    - I never lost any family during the war, but I did lose one friend.
    ((TAG Enok))

    He took a deep breath, “I’m sorry for what happened at Regulak.”

    “We had it coming,” Enok waved him off, “Although I managed to get my Order out of the fighting over Aureum, we still participated in a massacre of civilians. Fighting soldier to soldier is what we do, not ending the lives of children . . . “

    He gave the Gul a nod but left his mouth hanging for a second, “I was thinking about Regulak with your brother.”

    “There’s nothing else to say,” he answered hollowly, “I killed thousands of your people, you killed thousands of mine . . . it’s how war works.”

    “Perhaps instead of ending lives, we can start new ones,” Teriir looked back in the direction Gul Enok’s daughter went, “She looks very happy.”

    “If Ishe is happy, I’m happy,” Enok closed his eyes as he answered. Teriir caught himself about to place his hand on his shoulder as a sign of comfort and pulled back, unsure what the Cardassian would think of the gesture. A new communications ping made him turn back to the window. The skies were now cloudy and dark, a sign rain was soon to arrive.

    (( TAG: Hood & Rosek ))

    “Well done!” Teriir smiled as he, Urquhart and Enok hurried over to the elevator. Moments later they were down on the ground level as a slow rain started to fall. He stepped outside and stuck his hand out slightly to catch a few drops, “When was the last time it rained here?”

    “8 months ago,” Enok commented excitedly in response. Teriir sighed as the now nice and steady rain fell over him. It was reminding him of the spray of a small waterfall on Risa he’d managed to visit while on vacation with Dianne. Glancing around, he noticed a few of the local children had run outside and were playing in a number of puddles forming on the ground. As he watched, a man uncovered a couple of barrels outside his home so they could catch the water.
    Sam noticed a smile creep across the captain's face.
    - You alright, sir?

    “I’m fine,” Teriir laughed as he closed his eyes and turned his face into the rainy sky, “It’s only water.”

    “Come on inside anyway,” Enok told him, somewhat like a teacher scolding a student, “The last thing we all want is for you to catch a cold when there’s still a lot to do.”

    “Yes sir,” he smiled as he returned to the Embassy, “Is there anything else we can go over here right now?”

    “Only if the shower gave you an idea on how to clean up a traitor,” the Gul replied sternly.

    “I’m afraid not,” Teriir admitted as he brushed his hair a bit to get some of the rainwater out of it, “I’ll see about returning to my ship to do more investigating; whoever has been responsible for these actions will be found. Would it be alright if my Diplomacy Officer stayed with you for awhile?

    “Of course,” Enok nodded his acceptance, “Please keep me informed of your investigation.”

    “I will,” the Captain promised.
    Sam grabbed the bottle of Cannaar, poured them both a drink and said,
    - Let's talk about starting up a regular supply drop for your colony in the future, right?

    ((TAG Enok))

    [spoilers]OOC: I JUST SAW THIS. A little out of it the last few days . lol[/spoilers]
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