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Community Meeting - December 2018

Started By:
Petrarch, Mon 03 Dec, 2018 10:19 PM
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    Saturday, December 15th 2018
    21:00 UFPTIME (22:00 CET | 16:00 EST)

    Link To Event

    It's UFPAC time again, with this month marking the 50th Ceremony, so that means it's also time for our Community Meeting! The meeting will take place on December 15th, please come along and attend if you are able. If you have any questions or comments, then this is a great chance to bring them forward, or just listen in on what all of the divisions and departments have been doing recently! If you cannot attend but have a question you want to ask, you can send me a PM with the title "Community Meeting Question" and I'll make sure it’s asked during the Open Floor discussions. You will also be able to PM during the event if you have any last minute questions or points.

    The community meeting is an excellent opportunity for all members to witness the inner workings and discussions and is also a great chance for you to get YOUR voice heard. Each community meeting that has taken place in the past has been a huge success and we look forward to a great turnout. Even if you don't have a microphone, your questions and feedback will still be read and addressed, what you have to say is important to us.

    Myself, SFC and FEO very much look forward to your attendance, but if you can't make it, don't worry, minutes will be available afterwards.
    Petrarch Medals
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     –  Last edited by Bedders; Sun 16 Dec, 2018 4:12 PM.
    Community Meeting: December 2018

    SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15th 2018 at 21:00 UFP (16:00 EST)

    ATTENDEES: Three of Seven, Sammygm, Lazereth, Petrarch, Astropax, Saelanna ,Bridger, Bedders, Noram, JCarrill0

    MEMBERSHIP ATTENDEES: Arlu3n, Brask, Novalance, Chugster, JDfosterrocks, JesterSmith, EndersValentine

    NOTE: All text in yellow represent meeting action points.

    Meeting was opened by Petrarch.

    • Jordan (given by Laz)
    • Bill
    • Mack
    • Allan Hood

    • Petrarch welcomed to FEO in a meeting, who has also been announced on the main forum too.
    • Santa giveaway still going quite well.
    • End of year raffle will be in planning soon, look out for that!

    Divisional Updates

    Federation Executive Officers
    • Community Administration: Saelanna is the new Deputy Head of Administration. Arlu3n has joined FAB as a new member of the Community Graphics Team, the advert is still open and we’re looking to recruit one more. We have a couple of ideas for events in 2019, they’re still very much in the planning stage so “watch this space”.
    • Community Development: KerryMalone has stepped down from FEO, we’d like to thank him again for his time, service and commitment to UFP over the years. In his place is Petrarch, who is getting up to speed and has a to-do list to work on in the near future. Screenshot contest winners will be formally notified this week. In interests of clarity, the votes of one account where disqualified, making a total of 34 valid accounts.
    • Community Gaming: We’re preparing for the 50th UFPAC Events. We have quite a few events in store compared to last UFPACs, the separate gaming divisions can announce those. A Pre-UFPAC Events thread will go up sometime tomorrow after the recommendations closes. If you haven’t already, recommend members now, ‘cause you got till midnight! Has stopped playing WoW for five minutes. The stockholm syndrome will continue in a month after the subscription is resumed. Oh, shiny transmog!
    • Community Technical Services & Security: Christmas theme looks pretty, and Jordan has been focusing on fixing bugs, as well as making a number of back end changes to help things run smoothly. Laz has been focused on improving our anti-spam methods in the backend, in order to stop the latest wave of spam bots from being able to register advertising accounts on the forums. Apart from that, due to work constraints for both people, it has been a fairly quiet month.

    • Star Trek Online: We are currently redesigning the STO Banks, and preparing to focus on the KDF Side in 2018.
      • Starfleet Operations:
        • STO Division 50th UFPAC Events!
        • Due to the current situation with the in-game fleet banks, the Staff team is discussing a possible new and efficient management guideline as well as re-visit what should remain deposited within our banks, along with withdrawal limits, fleet shops, etc.
        • The STO Staff in this quarter has been very efficient, this includes the recruits from the recent wave. The team work is great and everyone is involved with staff responsibilities and the community members. It's great to see such commitment towards the community!
        • Two members from the STO Staff team have escalated to positions in the community; Saelanna is now Deputy Head of Administration with FAB and Petrarch is now member of Federation Executive Office. On behalf of STO Command we wish them the best!
      • House of Kular:
        • Nothing provided.
    • Starfleet Holodeck:
      • Holodeck staff has increased with the addition of Heyallo as an Event Officer and Brask as an EVE Officer. Welcome guys and thank you for volunteering, we're looking forward to great things from you!
      • Our range of games we're hosting events in has also increased, at the moment it's:
        • Magicka
        • Stellaris
        • Destiny 2
        • Star Wars The Old Republic
        • Elder Scrolls Online
        • Lord of the Rings Online
      • World of Warcraft has imploded, mainly due to the poor state of the game. Our raid, which previously met Saturday and Sunday afternoons/evenings, has been cancelled for the foreseeable future.
      • And for Playstation 4 - Diablo 3 and Overwatch are regularly happening so watch out for those.
      • It's been noted a couple of times previously that you would like more North American timed events, and we've had a few recently with no members attending - since this is likely an awareness issue, we're going to start advertising these more on Discord and maybe on the UFP social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook etc.) so that everyone has the chance to attend events each week.
      • Finally it's always worth mentioning that we're always looking for more people to help out in Holodeck with running events. There aren't any minimum requirements so if you want to play whatever game you want with other people, sign up today by PMing Noram.
      • Noram's cat Name:  FNbF0Do.jpg
Views: 343
Size:  481.4 KB
    • Starfleet Tactical:
      • Nothing much to report for Classic Gaming, however several mobile games are active. We are still inviting members for both Timelines and Adversaries. I am looking to get some staff for the classic games, but those interested in Bridge Crew, Mark is still hosting those. If your interested in STA3 (Armada 3) Marcus still does his monthly events. Sorry for the mic not working

    • ARES Roleplay:
      • The roleplay is continuing to advance the story and we are looking to wrap up our current chapter and begin a new one soon. We’ve had to remove a few people due to inactivity and are always looking for new people to join us. Things have slowed down a little bit, most likely due to the holidays, and we’ll be getting back in once they’re over.

    • Federation News Service:
      • There is an advert up for writers, if anyone wants to take part (, we have removed a lot of the previous writers due to a lack of activity from them. Hopefully going to get some articles coming back in more of a flow when the holidays have died down.

    • Starfleet Academy:
      • Both Saelanna and Petrarch have been selected to take on different roles; Petrarch has joined FEO as the Head of Community Development and Saelanna is the new Deputy Head of Administration. The advert is for the XO job has recently closed. SFA now has its own social area of the forums where the fortnightly newsletter is currently being published. An issue where a few recruits had not been contacted have been resolved. Things are business as usual otherwise.

    • External Operations:
      • Bill was excused from the meeting this month.

    • Jordan to look at adding video inline for events page. Carried over to December. - COMPLETED
    • Jordan to add a "Cancelled" event button where it shows cancelled events but does not hide them so members are aware its been cancelled. Carried over to December. - COMPLETED
    • SFA have had the PM all recruits system modified for better functionality and a new public forum for the department has been set up following discussion with Laz and Jordan at the previous meeting. Still a work in progress going forward, but the foundations have now been laid. - COMPLETED


    NOTE: Those who raise the agenda item are expected to help write the minutes for their item.
    • Nothing submitted.

    • Three of Seven asked Laz to make announcement thread on the Event Page changes.

    • Arlu3n - “Is it possible to implement to edit previous events? I like to copy the template out of them. The Edit Button only takes you to the events page if it has been previous.” - Lazereth has said this could be looked into, but past events shouldn’t really be edited and the template is a generic setup.
    • Bedders - “Will you guys be up here for Christmas?” - Petrarch assuming this was a Northern England thing, replied he would not.

    • Quiz Night after UFPAC -
    • Subnautica can be claimed for free on the Epic Games Store. In 2 weeks time, Super Meat Boy can be claimed for free from the same place.
    • Lazereth has noted that the UFP already has a Launcher, but launching it will make the user run into the firewall and auto-ban the user.
    • JDFosterrocks queried the Duty Officers for UFP 4th Fleet. Bridger noted that the issue is known, however it’s difficult to get hold of the duty officers in the quantity needed and will take time.
    • Lazereth will be undertaking forum maintenance for approx. 30 minutes on Christmas Day if the traffic isn’t busy, as he’s at home this year.
    • Reminder that the 50th UFPAC is on December 22nd!

    • Laz to make a Powerpoint presentation with at least 11 bullet points in a fully downloadable format. Carried over to January.
    Bedders Medals
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    • Bar'ol
    Well, drat! I never saw the announcement.

    I would like to mention that if anyone has comments on what they would like to see jettisoned or retained in the Fleet Bank System, slide into my DMs. We're trying to make them logical, useful, and meaningful for all Captains of all ranks in all Fleets.

    Congrats to Petrarch, Arlu3n, Heyallo, Brask, and Saelanna.

    Thank you, KerryMalone.

    Thank you Laz and Jordan, unsung heroes both.

    The Christmas theme is very festive, indeed. Cool

    Finally, the link to Noram's cat is bad.
    "Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator" -- Attachment ID 9799
    "And when I saw the breadth of my domain, I wept, for there were no more worlds left to conquer."
    • The Fool
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    Yeah, I missed the announcement too.
    Barol Medals